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FakeGAF 7: The Dark Thirst Rises

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I don't get it. Is that also the name of a Dishonored 2 character? Because it was also the name of the princess in the first game. She was already 'boyish' (-ly written) in the first game. That character being gay would not be unexpected at all.

Which reminds me I never actually completed the DLC chapters. I should get on that.

Yeah the Emily in D1 is the main character of D2

It's also my name so basically they're copying me


Should I bail out if someone puts their IQ on their Tinder profile?
If they don't also list the year they took the test yes. Even with the year it's mostly meaningless but without it it literally means nothing.

no. If it adds to a lot of other negatives then sure, but don't run away at the first sign. That's how you miss out on awesome people who don't advertise themselves well.
My friends say this is me but I'm not sure I believe them.


I would say 'yes' because I used to think that was important too and I was an ignorant little shit. It's basically just a form of narcissism and lack of maturity.

Also, and this important: on which scale?

(to be entirely fair, conservations with people who are just too far apart are not going to work either, but it's much more effective to list education rather than IQ. Also, since Tinder now allows listing of work, she [he?] might actually be listing an IQ in the hopes of getting a better match in terms of educated correlated average income and so on. )

She mentions IQ and height. I don't even know what my IQ is. I never took a legit IQ test. I had a college reading level in 6th grade if that's any consolation.

Yeah the Emily in D1 is the main character of D2

It's also my name so basically they're copying me

Emily is also the name of the corpse bride if I remember correctly


Emily isn't voiced by Chloe Moretz any more though. :(
The Outsider has a new voice too, it better be good.

I let Emily slide because her new voice is also pretty sweet


Emily isn't voiced by Chloe Moretz any more though. :(

Yeah. I think they were looking for more mature-sounding voice because Chloe still sounds more or less like young Emily. I think it's both weird and awesome that Corvo mentors you. It's cool when the previous protagonist returns to the game in some form, like OoT Link in Twilight Princess and Soap in MW2 (and
the chosen undead
in Dark Souls 3, technically) but it's weird when it was a silent protagonist.

The Outsider has a new voice too, it better be good.

I let Emily slide because her new voice is also pretty sweet

She's voiced by Sapphire? Now I'm double in.

I believe this is true. They owe you royalties.
If this were the case then Will Smith owes me money for MIB and Wild Wild West.
I don't watch anime, so I don't know who that girl is. She has blue hair though, so I can't hate on that.

My friends say this is me but I'm not sure I believe them.

Half of my friends are like that. It's kind of annoying when trying to help them branch out a little, but whatever.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Like I can feel my arm muscles and my shoulders are defined as fuck but I don't know how she got them to look that solid

She is toned as fuck in that movie.
My friend just sent me a picture of his progress on back muscles and delts. I'm stupidly envious.


Half of my friends are like that. It's kind of annoying when trying to help them branch out a little, but whatever.
No I meant the part about advertising poorly not missing out on people. Missing out on people due to being turned off by them is not something I'm aware of having a problem with.


Like I can feel my arm muscles and my shoulders are defined as fuck but I don't know how she got them to look that solid

We worked to make sure she had mobility in her joints, and then flexibility and base strength. Once her body was resilient and strong enough, and she had a lot of endurance, I took her out to the UCLA track to really condition her. She did tons and tons of sprints up stairs.

And then, towards the end, I started having her do all the stuff on the track with a weight vest. We worked from 10-pound weight vest to a 20-pound weight vest to a 30-pound weight vest.

Do that for 2 months straight and then you need to walk around wearing a 50 pound robot exoskeleton for several more months while Tom Cruise feeds you words of encouragement.

My goal is to learn parkour. Massive feet hamper that, somewhat.
Yeah the Emily in D1 is the main character of D2

It's also my name so basically they're copying me

Wow, so that entire thread was about a known character getting a sensible sexuality and they flipped out about THAT? Ah, fuck gamers. I'm so done with that shit.

She mentions IQ and height. I don't even know what my IQ is. I never took a legit IQ test. I had a college reading level in 6th grade if that's any consolation.

Well neither have I, but even a smaller online version will be within a 'good enough' guessing range combined with the education you're already comfortable with. Which is too say that basically anything above the average of 100 is decent (WAIS scale), above 110 gets you through college, and above 130 you're highly gifted. And below 80 you're suddenly considered mentally challenged.
As you can tell the range in numbers on this ruler isn't nearly wide enough to make any sensible judgement from IQ other than "is below average" and "is above average" and nothing else.

Let's put it this way: if you can read academic papers or books and understand what they are saying, even if you don't understand statistics at all, you're somewhere around or above 110 and beyond that nothing interesting happens. So if you can read that shit and are interested in this person, have at it.

I would still say that someone who (still) has that much too prove should be a red flag though. It's romance, not a goddamn business transaction. Oh wait, Tinder. It's a fucking - you know what, that actually really is all that is. It be a fucking.

My goal in life is to be as buff as Emily Blunt in Edge of Tomorrow

In which case you might actually get a kick out of the similarly atletic / buff Rebecca Ferguson in Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation. It helps that's a genuinely good movie without the 'Cruise creep' factor that tends to slip into his other solo action movies where the writer feels 'the guy needs to get the girl at the end'. That 'coffee' scene in Edge of Tomorrow where he explicitly puts on a creep face made that really obvious as something that happen waaaaay too often in his movies. Jack Reacher and MI:RN thankfully avoided it. Same writer too, and he's good. Robert Duvall certainly hasn't had that much fun in years like in Reacher. I hope he shows up in the new movie. Badass grampa back in the saddle, yeeeee-haw!

Like I can feel my arm muscles and my shoulders are defined as fuck but I don't know how she got them to look that solid

Unfortunately, bringing down that fat percentage and lots of oil to smear on them. See Rambo, Swarznegger, etc.


Well neither have I, but even a smaller online version will be within a 'good enough' guessing range combined with the education you're already comfortable with. Which is too say that basically anything above the average of 100 is decent (WAIS scale), above 110 gets you through college, and above 130 you're highly gifted. And below 80 you're suddenly considered mentally challenged.
As you can tell the range in numbers on this ruler isn't nearly wide enough to make any sensible judgement from IQ other than "is below average" and "is above average" and nothing else.
The only sensible judgement you can make from an IQ is "scored better than ___% of the most recent calibration sample"



Does anyone else think that after the whole Mighty No. 9 ordeal, game enthusiasts are gonna become more distrustful of Kickstarter projects from now on?


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Does anyone else think that after the whole Mighty No. 9 ordeal, game enthusiasts are gonna become more distrustful of Kickstarter projects from now on?
Enthusiasts, no. More casual fans, maybe.


Does anyone else think that after the whole Mighty No. 9 ordeal, game enthusiasts are gonna become more distrustful of Kickstarter projects from now on?

We should have had a certain level of trust and distrust for Kickstarters from the beginning. None of these projects are guaranteed to succeed or be good or even release.

Mighty No 9 isn't going to increase or decrease that.

Finished bring it on

This is what my life has become

You were born anew this night as a new man, take a new name


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.

one big project being mediocre won't have an impact on the entire business of crowdfunding

changes in attitudes and metrics for stuff like this are gradual
I don't know, it's getting a lot of media coverage, and people are...

Wait for it...



I mean no, it's not going to shut down Kickstarter, but it might change opinions on it a bit.
The only sensible judgement you can make from an IQ is "scored better than ___% of the most recent calibration sample"

Yes. But that was precluded in 'average'. Flynn effect be damned.

You might also enjoy Nassim Nicolas Taleb's argument on the Bell Curve in general in The Black Swan, if this bothers you that much already (and it should), and you didn't read it yet.


Well neither have I, but even a smaller online version will be within a 'good enough' guessing range combined with the education you're already comfortable with. Which is too say that basically anything above the average of 100 is decent (WAIS scale), above 110 gets you through college, and above 130 you're highly gifted. And below 80 you're suddenly considered mentally challenged.
As you can tell the range in numbers on this ruler isn't nearly wide enough to make any sensible judgement from IQ other than "is below average" and "is above average" and nothing else.

Let's put it this way: if you can read academic papers or books and understand what they are saying, even if you don't understand statistics at all, you're somewhere around or above 110 and beyond that nothing interesting happens. So if you can read that shit and are interested in this person, have at it.

I would still say that someone who (still) has that much too prove should be a red flag though. It's romance, not a goddamn business transaction. Oh wait, Tinder. It's a fucking - you know what, that actually really is all that is. It be a fucking.

In which case you might actually get a kick out of the similarly atletic / buff Rebecca Ferguson in Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation. It helps that's a genuinely good movie without the 'Cruise creep' factor that tends to slip into his other solo action movies where the writer feels 'the guy needs to get the girl at the end'. That 'coffee' scene in Edge of Tomorrow where he explicitly puts on a creep face made that really obvious as something that happen waaaaay too often in his movies. Jack Reacher and MI:RN thankfully avoided it. Same writer too, and he's good. Robert Duvall certainly hasn't had that much fun in years like in Reacher. I hope he shows up in the new movie. Badass grampa back in the saddle, yeeeee-haw!

Unfortunately, bringing down that fat percentage and lots of oil to smear on them. See Rambo, Swarznegger, etc.

I took a random one. 141. I don't trust it.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I don't know, it's getting a lot of media coverage, and people are...

Wait for it...



I mean no, it's not going to shut down Kickstarter, but it might change opinions on it a bit.
I was gonna say our favourite word is


Sleep schedule messed up again. Idk why but after 8 hours of sleep I was exhausted all day and ended up falling asleep way early tonight so I'm up now


irresponsible vagina leak
I've made a huge mistake.

Bless mom for leaving the acetone here so I can remove the shame and boredom.
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