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FakeGAF 7: The Dark Thirst Rises

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right but what makes them feel good? isn't it the extra attention.

people love having their ego stroked

That is certainly the case sometimes, but not all the time.

Yours is not only a cynical point of view, but clearly wrong, not anecdotally but verifiably.

Sometimes someone does or wears or acts something/someway for internal validation or satisfaction. This is clear.


When did I say I don't care about new characters? Rey, Finn, Poe, all great.

I said I don't think it's a good idea to keep resurrecting characters from a 30 year old movie and jamming them into the plotlines of a disney cartoon and stuff. You may not understand because you didn't grow up with the films, but something in me dies when I see a cartoon darth vader having an important duel with disney cartoons and being told it's canon. They're delivering lines that sound similar to shit they said in the original movies but it's all just a poorly made schlocky fan service remix. It comes off as particularly bad fan film.

Well it happens during a time where those characters are major players in the world. This isn't baby Han Solo or Chewie showing up in Episode III. They do have a point in that show. And it's not like the show is crap. And you know that feeling isn't limited to Star Wars, right? I understand why you're feeling what you're feeling but I don't think it's entirely justified because it's not a butchering of the lore from what I've heard.
When you start having dreams about shoving stuff up your anus because your ass is still tired from the night before.


this is my preference. not everyone has to have it.

what other motivation than getting noticed could someone have for doing something outside the norm?

First of all, what's wrong with wanting to be noticed? That's most of why being pretty feels good.

Second of all, and I'm saying this in love, you pick fights with people on a level way outside the norm. ;)


When you start having dreams about shoving stuff up your anus because your ass is still tired from the night before.


Can't say I can relate.

First of all, what's wrong with wanting to be noticed? That's most of why being pretty feels good.

Second of all, and I'm saying this in love, you pick fights with people on a level way outside the norm. ;)

Ya, he certainly left an unstated premise in there (probably unintentionally) that seeking outward attention was somehow worse than the alternative.
I'm trying to endure this dialog and I can't hang.

"it was foretold you would blah blah"

It must be because I've watched ESB within the past few months.

I understand why they do it ($$$ fan service is easy) but as a lifelong fan I wish they'd just leave it alone and stop putting the characters into new films and into disney cartoons and stuff. DO SOMETHING NEW!

The idea of a baby Han Solo movie makes me wretch

Young Han Solo film is Lord & Miller though and they are yet to steer me wrong. Hell their entire thing seems to be "This shouldn't work. We'll make it rad."

right but what makes them feel good? isn't it the extra attention.

people love having their ego stroked

I have long hair, which is outside the norm for doods, because I like how it looks, it has nothing to do with wanting to be noticed.


First of all, what's wrong with wanting to be noticed? That's most of why being pretty feels good.

Second of all, and I'm saying this in love, you pick fights with people on a level way outside the norm. ;)

right but what makes them feel good? isn't it the extra attention.

people love having their ego stroked

you came to the same conclusion that I have. I never said that wanting the attention was wrong just that it motivates people on some level. ego is part of human nature after all.

You're assigning motive for someone's style choices and then using it as a reason to think negatively of them. It's really tacky

I don't think I said anything particularly negative or derrogatory here :)


I'd have purple hair rn if it didn't draw so much attention

Same reason I'm still a little cautious around pursuing some things i'd like to try, and yet if Seth saw me with colored nails or makeup he'd call me an attention starved edgelord

you came to the same conclusion that I have. I never said that wanting the attention was wrong just that it motivates people on some level. ego is part of human nature after all.

You cited attention seeking as a reason for not liking their style

I was semi-joking before about the blue hair thing. It can look good but in truth, I prefer understated aesthetics than the "wow, look at me, I can do this edgy thing"

You're like a "dumb thing saying" factory


Same reason I'm still a little cautious around pursuing some things i'd like to try, and yet if Seth saw me with colored nails or makeup he'd call me an attention starved edgelord

You and I have both talked about wanting to do or try things outside of the norm that would only lead to internal validation but specifically NOT doing it because it would bring unwanted attention.


Reminds me of discussion in cosplay threads (or sometimes about girls showing skin in other situations).
And that's another thing that is be so much more willing to do if the attention was toned waaaaay down. And my current plan atm is to do it at home (though not anytime soon)


Reminds me of discussion in cosplay threads (or sometimes about girls showing skin in other situations).
And that's another thing that is be so much more willing to do if the attention was toned waaaaay down. And my current plan atm is to do it at home (though not anytime soon)

At a certain, much more granular level it's an interesting conversation to have... but with such a broad premise it's hard to take the conversation seriously. It's clear that not ALL outwardly abnormal alterations are motivated by external validation.


Fuck I really have to finish DOOM before I go full animu shithead with #FE

From the Polygon review:

In spite of some of its source material, Tokyo Mirage Sessions feels as much like a magical girl anime (think upbeat teens with jeweled transformation lockets and overly sincere catchphrases) as anything else



My animu fix will be waiting until February 14th, 2017 when P5 releases in English.

(I'm not buying FFXV. It looks like a tire fire.)

It's not like I even watch Anime, but sometimes for some reason a game like this catches my attention and I just have to play and beat it.

Recently it's been the Atelier games, but I also got sucked into P4DAN

Also, I'm skipping Star Ocean because that's the exact opposite of what I want, some dour self-serious hero quest *wretch*


First of all, what's wrong with wanting to be noticed? That's most of why being pretty feels good.

Second of all, and I'm saying this in love, you pick fights with people on a level way outside the norm. ;)

Sorry I ignored the second part. I'm seriously not trying to pick fights here. If I probe people for rationale or look for motivations it's because I am genuinely interested and am holding out hope that I can learn from someone


Sorry I ignored the second part. I'm seriously not trying to pick fights here. If I probe people for rationale or look for motivations it's because I am genuinely interested and am holding out hope that I can learn from someone
Id work on improving your tone then. I've never heard anyone use edgy as a positive thing.


My animu fix will be waiting until February 14th, 2017 when P5 releases in English.

(I'm not buying FFXV. It looks like a tire fire.)

It has an endless list of problems but the fatal one is that I don't want to go on a bro road trip with people who'd make me uncomfortable if I saw them somewhere on account of them not seeming like human beings in even the slightest way

In a bro roadtrip story this is a problem


Same reason I'm still a little cautious around pursuing some things i'd like to try, and yet if Seth saw me with colored nails or makeup he'd call me an attention starved edgelord

You cited attention seeking as a reason for not liking their style

You're like a "dumb thing saying" factory

Again, this is my personal preference. I don't have to be just like you Jobbs.

Celebrate diversity.

People can do what they want but I'm not obligated to like it.

I think it's cool you want to paint your nails but I wouldn't want to fuck you because of it.

And if you think you are above having preferences you are lying to yourself.



And since ya'll gonna ask, she's a Suicide Girl that goes as Suphoulla over Tumblr/Igram.
I didn't ask, but I feel blessed knowing this information. She is one fine lady. There are a ton of incredibly beautiful Suicide Girls out there. A favourite of mine - and one I used to talk with quite regularly back in my Tumblr days - is Rouge Suicide. She is absolutely freaking beautiful. And, though she isn't a Suicide Girl, I also think Ally Tindsley is gorgeous.


I don't watch anime either.

But I'm perfectly fine with animu-ish JRPGs provided they don't go overboard on the pandering nonsense.

FFX-2 is probably my favorite FF BECAUSE it goes overboard in some very self-aware ways.

I'm really hoping for #FE to be similar, I don't want it to be self-serious AT ALL.

Fucking told you

I'mma call you Mailman from now on cause you always fucking deliver..
Sorry I ignored the second part. I'm seriously not trying to pick fights here. If I probe people for rationale or look for motivations it's because I am genuinely interested and am holding out hope that I can learn from someone

That's fine. It just comes across as antagonizing sometimes.

Humans, like most sapient mammals, are social animals. We're actually the most social mammal, I'm pretty sure (it's either #1 or #2). So it's really no surprise that members of our species would seek external validation. And you're right to call that out for what it is, but where you're rubbing people the wrong way is by using that as a negative. Seeking validation is what we're biologically programmed to do.

And sure, you need a healthy mix of both internal and external validation. Plus there's always the danger that finding your worth in the support from others will fail you one day. But that doesn't entirely remove the value.

It feels like when you're saying people only do something to get attention, that you think they wouldn't do it on their own should nobody notice it. And that's really unfair to say because you can't know that for sure. On something like hair color, it's impossible for people to not notice it, but the wearers of that color can still really enjoy the look of it for themselves.

I'm sorry I almost let this go by, but Lili what's been in your ass lately?

My boyfriend.


Again, this is my personal preference. I don't have to be just like you Jobbs.

Celebrate diversity.

Based on what you've said and how you framed your criticism of people with blue hair this is supremely warped logic or trolling not sure

I don't make character or motive assumptions, especially negative ones, based on hair color or fashion choice

My boyfriend.

Yeah, I caught onto that after posting, your initial wording confused me

Glad you enjoyed it! To me it sounds kinda shitty


Again, this is my personal preference. I don't have to be just like you Jobbs.

Celebrate diversity.

People can do what they want but I'm not obligated to like it.

I think it's cool you want to paint your nails but I wouldn't want to fuck you because of it.

And if you think you are above having preferences you are lying to yourself.

I think you're missing Jobbs' point tbh, but I'll let him...

I didn't ask, but I feel blessed knowing this information. She is one fine lady. There are a ton of incredibly beautiful Suicide Girls out there. A favourite of mine - and one I used to talk with quite regularly back in my Tumblr days - is Rouge Suicide. She is absolutely freaking beautiful. And, though she isn't a Suicide Girl, I also think Ally Tindsley is gorgeous.

I dated a girl that became a Suicide Girl a few months after we broke up. They had applications all the time in El Paso and while we were dating she joked about getting in line a few times when we passed the auditions booths. This was 12 years back so I imagine she's done now, wonder what she's up too hmm

Yeah, I caught onto that after posting, your initial wording confused me

Glad you enjoyed it! To me it sounds kinda shitty

*sad trombone from Price is Right*


Then you need to learn to clean your asshole better.
I like it when I'm unsure if my sexual partner's asshole is clean or not. Adds a whole new dimension of risk to an already-risky game. Anal sex is so underrated. I'd happily fuck an ass over a vagina any day. I remember the first time I ate ass. Good times, man. Good times...


I like it when I'm unsure if my sexual partner's asshole is clean or not. Adds a whole new dimension of risk to an already-risky game. Anal sex is so underrated. I'd happily fuck an ass over a vagina any day. I remember the first time I ate ass. Good times, man. Good times...

you all are killing me. This is amazing


That's fine. It just comes across as antagonizing sometimes.

Humans, like most sapient mammals, are social animals. We're actually the most social mammal, I'm pretty sure (it's either #1 or #2). So it's really no surprise that members of our species would seek external validation. And you're right to call that out for what it is, but where you're rubbing people the wrong way is by using that as a negative. Seeking validation is what we're biologically programmed to do.

And sure, you need a healthy mix of both internal and external validation. Plus there's always the danger that finding your worth in the support from others will fail you one day. But that doesn't entirely remove the value.

It feels like when you're saying people only do something to get attention, that you think they wouldn't do it on their own should nobody notice it. And that's really unfair to say because you can't know that for sure. On something like hair color, it's impossible for people to not notice it, but the wearers of that color can still really enjoy the look of it for themselves.

I feel like if something comes across as antagonizing it's because my meaning is lost due to text on the page.

I'm not a malicious person and if my more controversial remarks come off as I mean-spirited can I just affirm that it's nothing more than tongue-in-asscheek?

The spirit of my sentiment is basically that I prefer understated aesthetics (with edgy accents, like dark eye makeup for instance) to louder aesthetics and that people that choose louder aesthetics to some degree are motivated by external validation.

Thinking this conversation over and introspecting a bit when it comes to my style choices it's clear that yes, I like my look for myself but I also like when I get complimented and there is nothing wrong with that.

And being honest, I think some of my style choices cover up some of my insecurities. I have a beard because I don't like my jaw line for example. This is fine too.


I like it when I'm unsure if my sexual partner's asshole is clean or not. Adds a whole new dimension of risk to an already-risky game. Anal sex is so underrated. I'd happily fuck an ass over a vagina any day. I remember the first time I ate ass. Good times, man. Good times...

I love how FakeGAF naturally gravitates towards butt stuff.

I almost got away with it this time. haha

I feel like if something comes across as antagonizing it's because my meaning is lost due to text on the page.

I'm not a malicious person and if my more controversial remarks come off as I mean-spirited can I just affirm that it's nothing more than tongue-in-asscheek?

The spirit of my sentiment is basically that I prefer understated aesthetics (with edgy accents, like dark eye makeup for instance) to louder aesthetics and that people that choose louder aesthetics to some degree are motivated by external validation.

Thinking this conversation over and introspecting a bit when it comes to my style choices it's clear that yes, I like my look for myself but I also like when I get complimented and there is nothing wrong with that.

And being honest, I think some of my style choices cover up some of my insecurities. I have a beard because I don't like my jaw line for example. This is fine too.

Yeah, I understand. Thanks for explaining where you're coming from.


I go through life looking for things to like about people and their fashion choices, and if you look for them, you'll usually find them. Just as an example, I've posted the gif of the woman I jokingly said is my future wife a number of times. She has body modifications and many tattoos, including ones that reach nearly to her face.

I'm not someone predisposed to liking body modifications or inked eyeballs -- but I saw her, listened to her speak, and looked for the positive and it all made sense to me and I found her very compelling.

I don't go through life checking boxes or even worse assigning motivations for style choices and using it as a reason for not liking them.


The spirit of my sentiment is basically that I prefer understated aesthetics (with edgy accents, like dark eye makeup for instance) to louder aesthetics and that people that choose louder aesthetics to some degree are motivated by external validation.

Thinking this conversation over and introspecting a bit when it comes to my style choices it's clear that yes, I like my look for myself but I also like when I get complimented and there is nothing wrong with that.

And being honest, I think some of my style choices cover up some of my insecurities. I have a beard because I don't like my jaw line for example. This is fine too.
So you actually do use edgy as positive. Huh. My apologies then. That's not exactly common

Personally I've always hated getting compliments. Maybe because I'm used to backhanded compliments but either way it's attention that I don't want (unless I ask for it).


I go through life looking for things to like about people and their fashion choices, and if you look for them, you'll usually find them. Just as an example, I've posted the gif of the woman I jokingly said is my future wife a number of times. She has body modifications and many tattoos, including ones that reach nearly to her face.

I'm not someone predisposed to liking body modifications or inked eyeballs -- but I saw her, listened to her speak, and looked for the positive and it all made sense to me and I found her very compelling.

I don't go through life checking boxes or even worse assigning motivations for style choices and using it as a reason for not liking them.

I was glass half full at one time too.

I'm trying to get back to that.

saying I'm a "saying dumb thing" factory isn't helpful

So you actually do use edgy as positive. Huh. My apologies then. That's not exactly common

Personally I've always hated getting compliments. Maybe because I'm used to backhanded compliments but either way it's attention that I don't want (unless I ask for it).

to me you can be edgy and have it enhance your style or you can be edgy and be a total poseur about it and it is off-putting.

I'm not sure what exactly the criteria is for that but it's there


saying I'm "saying dumb thing" factory isn't helpful

But you keep doing it. You say abrasive things over and over. Usually I let it slide.

You'd be best served not going around saying what you don't like about women or their fashion or their hair or calling women "old bags" or showing off their edginess or whatever other things you may have said.

And no one gives a shit that you don't like a hair color or assume things about someone with that hair color. It's not going to endear *anyone* on the planet to you if you say you think people with blue hair are edgelords and you don't care for it because of that.

If you feel the need to make sure everyone knows what you think is hot bro (and most of us do this to some degree from time to time), then just say what you think is hot and avoid saying what you don't think is hot.

It can be fun to occasionally compare what we like, but there's no upside to criticizing a fashion choice or singling out what you don't like. You're not the center of the universe and no one cares.
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