holy crap, what a day at work, one of female coworkers had a total meltdown so the medical team had to take her to medical station for extensive checkout and now she is in observation at local asylum
hope she turns out okay
holy crap, what a day at work, one of female coworkers had a total meltdown so the medical team had to take her to medical station for extensive checkout and now she is in observation at local asylum
It's good you have places to go for mental health emergencies thereI hope so too, because she is a very nice person, but she is having difficult time at home and all stress at work took her over the line.
holy crap, what a day at work, one of female coworkers had a total meltdown so the medical team had to take her to medical station for extensive checkout and now she is in observation at local asylum
Every body part feels better shaved. Just a pain to keep it that wayso the guy shaved half of my arm because of inking, obviously, and following that, so that it didn't look completely idiotic, he shaved all of it down.
I now shaved the other arm as well, because symmetry and all that.
I might actually stay arm shaven. This feels surprisingly nice.
Every body part feels better shaved. Just a pain to keep it that way
Also feels even better epilator'd off. Perfectly smooth :O(and presumably laser is even nicer)
Looks like my avatar is going to end up in a style that's sorta between Bruce timm, Noelle Stevenson, and LoZ windwaker
Surely though there's a more precise comparison. Maybe Stacey lee and Kate Beaton?
Either way it's a loose sketchy style with dark round eyes and a shades nose.
I'm quite liking it so far for being sketches. Tbf tho sketches sometimes look more promising than the style is actually capable of
Every body part feels better shaved. Just a pain to keep it that way
Also feels even better epilator'd off. Perfectly smooth :O(and presumably laser is even nicer)
i don't think you could get a close enough shaveWhat about the top of your head
Me too. I don't have a new avatar ready yetHope the Penguins win tonight
Hair only belongs on the head.I know I'am dude and all but I've always hated my hairy legs.
I'am not a swimmer but having hairy legs sucks
Hopefully we'll have hair cloning by the end of the decadeHair only belongs on the head.
Unfortunately that is the one spot that it decides to leave as you age.
No he's parody objectivist Question.No but Rorschach is parody Batman
To be honest, i am quite shaken right nowSorry to hear that. I've never had to deal with a mental breakdown in the middle of work before.
No he's parody objectivist Question.
Batman isn't a psychopath.
To be honest, i am quite shaken right now
It was quite scary, she suddenly started yelling at the checkout, throwing stuff around, crying and then stumbled into back office.I found her crying on the floor, murmuring 'i have enough' and asking for help.
So I called medical help, which arrived in 6 minutes. My personal doctor was in the team and she managed to get her up and into ambulance. Other coworker called her husband. He later called back and said that she will be on observation for a day or two.
And some of the customers even dared to comment the whole situation. God damned imbeciles.
Wholesale store/warehouse.Where do you work, again?
Psychotic how? He's not discontected from his reality, at all.Yeah you're right
But Batman's completely psychotic.
I watched the first season and enjoyed it. So season 2 takes a nose dive? that sucks
I watched the first season and enjoyed it. So season 2 takes a nose dive? that sucks
Psychotic how? He's not discontected from his reality, at all.
Mental illness doesn't equal psychosis.
DraQue never clicked with me /shrug
But so didn't Final Fantasy so theres that. Chrono Trigger tho.
Nah, the reality is the guy juggling being a supehero, running a company, and being a dad. He recognizes that there are other options for other people. Being a superhero is what works for him and makes complete sense in a fictional world already full of them. And it ultimately comes from a place of empathy and compassion, which psychopaths don't have.There's some evidence that his parents' deaths keep him rooted in his own little world where what he does is the only option. It would explain why he broke down when he found a reason to get out of the Bat life, and by this point the Wayne life is more the secret identity and Batman is the reality.
Nah, the reality is the guy juggling being a supehero, running a company, and being a dad. He recognizes that there are other options for other people. Being a superhero is what works for him and makes complete sense in a fictional world already full of them. And it ultimately comes from a place of empathy and compassion, which psychopaths don't have.
It depends on the version of course. But the above describes the DC comics canon Batman. There's Frank Miller's boring and shitty edginess. And the movies and video games which don't tend to be the most accurate or nuanced representation. Plus the desire for escalating violence in those media.
Yo don't compare something fun and lively and full of colors and sensations and life to the dull drab heartless unrelatable alien fucking world (which is populated by human-like plastic robots) of Final Fantasy... Yuck
I loved Chrono Trigger as much as most people, unfortunately it never became a good franchise
It's been so long since I've played CT that all I really remember is the robot and the frog knight and not a lot of specifics.
no nononon no
I love that it's not. Not every game needs to be littered with sequels and in some cases that makes it better.
Same reason I'm hoping for Dark Souls to stay the fantastic trilogy it is, but I can't quite believe it yet.
I need to bang
welcome to fakegaf
no nononon no
I love that it's not. Not every game needs to be littered with sequels and in some cases that makes it better.
Same reason I'm hoping for Dark Souls to stay the fantastic trilogy it is, but I can't quite believe it yet.
I've put that entire thing on hold for the time being until I can learn to not be a shit.
I don't understand this mindset. You're basically saying "I don't want to play more games in this series, therefore no one else should be able to either"
More games coming out has no bearing on the original game and whether you liked it or not
I mash them together too but I give precedence to the comics because I think it's the most nuanced portrayal. Everything else also tends to cover a very short period of time - particularly his early years when he's I think in his worst space mentally and emotionally.I tend to mash them all together to create a general portrait of Batman. I always got the feeling that he did it because he didn't feel like he had a choice, like it had to be him. In some forms of media that's the case, but it may not be for all of them. It doesn't really seem like the Wayne life is really him anymore. it feels more like something he does to the benefit of Batman.
I mean, some girls are into that. Find your puzzle piece.
I mash them together too but I give precedence to the comics because I think it's the most nuanced portrayal. Everything else also tends to cover a very short period of time - particularly his early years when he's I think in his worst space mentally and emotionally.
I think he definitely starts off that way, thinking he doesn't have a choice or that there is no better option or life isn't worth living if he can't make Gotham better in this way. But I think he just realizes that it's the best option because it's what makes him, for all intent and purposes, "happy". If you tell him he can't do that anymore, of course he's break down the same way if you told a painter they couldn't paint. But it's not worth his life. The one time he had suicidal tendencies after becoming Batman was when his son died. What makes him not be an emotional wreck of a human being is being a father. Take that away from him and he completely spirals. BvS so far supports this.
What are you including in the Wayne life? His corporate/public identity? He doesn't like being around business people or all that jazz, and yeah, it's for financing his Batman activities. But he also uses his company to do a lot of good for Gotham that goes beyond detective work and getting criminals. That, I think, he enjoys.
And the Bruce who's doing detective work or being with Alfred and his kids, that's still totally him.
The Batman identity can be just as much of a performance. He doesn't enjoy being aggressive and being cruel to people. I think he likes the art of fighting but not the violence. He's not proud of that part. But he does see it as necessary. (Which isn't exclusive to him: all the superheroes use violence at their core.)
Ultimately, does Bruce have issues and flaws? Definitely. And they change throughout his life. But at the end of the day, Batman is about how your trauma and mental illness doesn't have to make you a bad person: you can use it to help others. That's what makes him different from his villains. I don't think that's anywhere near being psychotic of a psychopath.
Well, I put happy in quotation marks for a reason.Is he actually happy doing it, though? He never seemed so much happy as he was content that he was fulfilling a promise, not so much happy. The conversation is making me flash back to this.
You can probably make a drinking game out of how many dramatic shots of that gravestone there are in that film.
Why are all the men bald in these webcomics?Em was featured in this comic.
Well, I put happy in quotation marks for a reason.
And most of that movie is set before he becomes a dad. I don't think he really becomes happy before then. Being a dad (having a family) and being a superhero I think makes for the happiest possible Bruce. Doesn't mean he can't have his moments of sadness and exhaustion. I also think Bruce's temperament in general (even before his parents died) leans towards melancholy and subdued.
Notice that it's Andrea that leaves and breaks off the relationship, not Bruce. And when she comes back, well, he can't be with her becauseNot because he's Batman.she's a murderer.
cos shaven/bald is awesome
His motivation is that he doesn't want anyone else to have to deal with the same kind of loss he has dealt with.I'm more concerned with his motivation than his tactics.