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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
When you copy a GAF post on imgur and it hits the front page with 2,000 upvotes


I think we just have too many rules that favor our system to change anything unfortunately. Just changing one or two things would initially make it seem viable only for people to realize that it's still best for them to go with one of the big two. I feel like if we pulled off having a 3+ party system it would allow us to have a primarily socially liberal country even if our economics are still right of a lot of the western world.

Would be interesting to see any changes you guys would make

It will be interesting, though yeah, even with proportional,
people will still vote for the big 2 here. (Liberals Conservatives)

Though at least we'll have a few more Green Party, NDP and independents have voices.

Well, we'll see if the idea even gets off the ground.
It was one of the promises in the campaign.


It will be interesting, though yeah, even with proportional,
people will still vote for the big 2 here. (Liberals Conservatives)

Though at least we'll have a few more Green Party, NDP and independents have voices.

Well, we'll see if the idea even gets off the ground.
It was one of the promises in the campaign.
Wasn't there a point where the liberals and ndp were fighting to be the top left wing party?


Wasn't there a point where the liberals and ndp were fighting to be the top left wing party?

NDP have tradionally been more left and Liberals more centre left.
This election Liberals had a campaign that was more left and NDP more centre.
that actually sounds fun so I'd say yes without it just being polite

Howl's was good but also very frustrating to me. I couldn't stand her
being stuck as the old lady all movie

I did think it had some nice qualities too, and it grew on me a bit after thinking about it. The ending was very nice.

haha yeah I know what you mean :D still loved it tho


Oh that's what happened. NDP seems kinda in disarray recently

Yep, after their previous leader died of cancer, they haven't had a good leader.
He was awesome, actually voted for them in the previous election.

He was one of the reasons the Liberals fell to 3rd place party.
(They've always been one of the top 2)

NDP also wanted to join with the Liberal party this past election to guarantee the Conservatives not winning.
(Didn't happen, at the time I was for it, but glad the Cons are out now)

We have 3 left parties here, Liberals, NDP and Green.
1 Right, the right used to be 2 parties, but they kept losing.
They joined and were in power for a decade.

The other party is the BLOC, they're all but extinct.
They just want to separate Quebec from Canada, more for the old generation.


Completely forgot about BLOC. Barely made a dent on the election maps from what I remember. Heck the Green Party didn't have much and they still had higher support if I remember right

Oliver Darcy ‏@oliverdarcy
Full quote from Trump: "Little did she know China, Russia one of our many, many friends came in and hacked the hell out of us."
Uhhh I don't think that's normally how you should respond to that kind of thing


Girl walked by my head in what can only be described as jean underwear... I turned my hear and there was an ass in my face


Girl walked by my head in what can only be described as jean underwear... I turned my hear and there was an ass in my face


Completely forgot about BLOC. Barely made a dent on the election maps from what I remember. Heck the Green Party didn't have much and they still had higher support if I remember right

They're going more and more into irrelevance. :D

I really hope the Dems win this election, even though I don't like the P and VP choices. Better than GOP. :p
We have 3 left parties here, Liberals, NDP and Green.
1 Right, the right used to be 2 parties, but they kept losing.
They joined and were in power for a decade.

Prior to Elizabeth May (the current leader), the Green party was not a particularly left-wing party— fiscally conservative. A precursor to the shitty platform the NDP ran last summer.


Folks, may I present to you the most asinine post to have ever been spoken on GAF.

The sad thing is that the funding Trump gets from from Putin is probably still morally cleaner than the funding Clinton gets from the banks. Probably one of the major concerns for Putin internationally is avoiding scenarios that could lead to nuclear war. Not sure if the same is true for Clinton and her backers.
Not even the Time Cube thread had this level of harmful stupidity.


Prior to Elizabeth May (the current leader), the Green party was not a particularly left-wing party— fiscally conservative. A precursor to the shitty platform the NDP ran last summer.
Were they previously an environmentally conscious party or did green have another meaning?

That type of party generally requires a lot of regulations and such but I could see some issues like homeopathy fitting in on the conservative side



Had a higher rise so the waistband was near her navel but the ass part is accurate

She looked nice and certainly seemed proud of her butt

That said it's still a bit weird having someones random ass cheeks in your face

I wonder if they choose whose face thry stand their ass next to ... Like if I was chosen

I've never worn stuff like that so u have no insight into it
Folks, may I present to you the most asinine post to have ever been spoken on GAF.

Not even the Time Cube thread had this level of harmful stupidity.

Nothing surprises me with Bernie diehards anymore.

But yeah, that definitely gets my vote for the dumbest fucking post I've read on this site in 2016.


How's this for some bullshit:

My best friend and his gf live in my house. For his birthday he got a kitten. One day he decided to text me and tell me that I'm spending too much time in my room and neglecting my dog. Which of course "made the dog anxious" and also entitled my best friend to say that if he finds his cat hurt I'll find my dog in the lake out back. Since then I haven't spoken to my "best friend" and have made it a point to be in the living room with my dog more.

Flash forward to today: I come home from work to find his gf watching a movie full blast and the whole house stinks of nail polish.

Fuck this. I'm staying in my room.


How's this for some bullshit:

My best friend and his gf live in my house. For his birthday he got a kitten. One day he decided to text me and tell me that I'm spending too much time in my room and neglecting my dog. Which of course made the dog anxious and also entitled my best friend to say that if he finds his cat hurt I'll find my dog in the lake out back. Since then I haven't spoken to my "best friend" and have made it a point to be in the living room with my dog more.

Flash forward to today: I come home from work to find his gf watching a movie full blast and the whole house stinks of nail polish.

Fuck this. I'm staying in my room.

It is your house, you should create the rules. tbf I wouldn't let my best friends live in my house except they have a really shitty situation they are in


no, I'm the best. too good for this stupid country

jobbs understands <3


I realized I think penfold may actually be my favorite emo band right now.. sunny day had htat distinction sort of just reflexively for years but penfold is just so full of angst in just the right way

Xiao Hu

no, I'm the best. too good for this stupid country

Then go back to that Drecksloch you came from! Wait.....nevermind.

Coming back wasn't that hard for me actually. Beside the biological shift like sleeping rhythm and nutrition I like to see polite people again. Still, wanderlust is slowly kicking in and I will do my best to harness this urge into a motivation to get around the world as soon as possible.
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