Sweet Minecraft shirt, bro
Yes this is correctWeezer are fantastic. EWBAITE and white album are great
Sweet Minecraft shirt, bro
Yes this is correctWeezer are fantastic. EWBAITE and white album are great
i don't really think you can sit down and try to make a Pinkerton. It came at a certain point in his life where he was struggling with a lot of issues and poured his heart into itthe novelty songs on weezer's most recent output is still extremely off-putting
I get that they are trying to see how far they can push the "bad but still catchy" thing. It's like a big middle finger to all those that dissed Pinkerton all those years ago but I would love for them to make a serious attempt at music again.
I'm sure my issues don't compare but I'd love to get it all out in a weeklong flu or a surgery or something. Tired of being tired and feeling shittyIt's all relative. It's a weird thing to say but I'm honestly envious of people who get aggressive but temporary bugs. At least there's the knowledge that it'll soon end. I'm sick every day of my life and it never ends.
It's all relative. It's a weird thing to say but I'm honestly envious of people who get aggressive but temporary bugs. At least there's the knowledge that it'll soon end. I'm sick every day of my life and it never ends.
i don't really think you can sit down and try to make a Pinkerton. It came at a certain point in his life where he was struggling with a lot of issues and poured his heart into it
If things are going well then you might just get a serious pork and beans which really isn't the same
I haven't, no. It's like regardless of me having those feelings, they're not the only feelings I have, so it's easier to not rock the boat.Have you ever experimented with another woman before? If I remember correctly you've stated that you aren't into women that much. What is more important, what does Justin think about stuff up his bum?
Yeah, I liked it a whole lot. DeNiro's character was just so sweetThis movie, The Intern. I actually kinda like it. Maybe it's because I like Anne Hathaway and Robert De Niro, but yeah. This seems like one of those movies that initially dismissed but ended up liking later, like Kung Fu Panda.
That's weird! I never dream about school, nor actually anything from my childhood.I dream just as much the amount of times I seem to be back in secondary school. Hell, I just had one last night where I was trying to find books for the current school year.
I'm sure my issues don't compare but I'd love to get it all out in a weeklong flu or a surgery or something. Tired of being tired and feeling shitty
as someone that has waited over a year for a kidney transplant I can absolutely empathize with that feeling of never getting better.
it's hard but you have to make the hand you are dealt work for you. (I'm saying this for myself too)
Honestly, I've gotten to the point where I'm pretty much done. The illness has been progressing ever since it manifested itself and I just can't take a life any further where there's nothing to look forward to but more pain. I can't travel anymore, I can't work, can't sustain relationships. It's taken away everything from me that makes life worth living. I told my mom years ago that I would fight for as long as I'm able but once I say I'm done, that's it. She hates that but knows how bad things are for me and doesn't want me to suffer. I'm preparing to talk to her soon. I just want to use the next several months to blow all my remaining savings on bringing loved ones out to visit.
Also Christmas on January 7thAmerica about to be turned into a Russian vassal state.
What a time to be alive.
I hope you like your potato vodka, tovarishches.
Today's tshirt because apparently a tshirt with a load of naked old people on it isn't socially acceptable?
man... this is so hard to hear. I think you have tons to offer people and people would severely miss you if you are actually going to do what you are alluding to. I know I would.
I know that. But it's not about people, bud. I've lived the last five years of my life in service to other people. And I truly believe that's made me a better person, certainly a more loving one. But it's not enough to overcome such a low quality of life. And it's hard to explain it to someone who doesn't have the illness, the excruciating pain, the evenings spent crying in bed because my body hurts so much. When you've tried everything, been from one doctor to the next, treated like a drug addict, it just adds to the guilt and anger. I don't want to further lose my independence, which is the path I'm walking down. I don't want to be stuck with a wheelchair and having to live with my well-meaning but challenging mom. And most importantly, I don't want to lose who I am because I can feel that happening already.
I don't write this (any of this) to court sympathy or responses. I'm long past that point. It is what it is. I just really dislike the thought of suddenly vanishing from this thread (and the board) and people not knowing why. At least if people know my story, they can understand a little bit. Even if it's just a little bit.
I'd miss you if you were gone. We've only known each other for half a year or so, and never met in person, but you're one of the nicest people I've met. You randomly talk to me on Steam just to make conversation. Little things like that mean a lot. You have good taste in games and it's nice to have someone to share interests with.I know that. But it's not about people, bud. I've lived the last five years of my life in service to other people. And I truly believe that's made me a better person, certainly a more loving one. But it's not enough to overcome such a low quality of life. And it's hard to explain it to someone who doesn't have the illness, the excruciating pain, the evenings spent crying in bed because my body hurts so much. When you've tried everything, been from one doctor to the next, treated like a drug addict, it just adds to the guilt and anger. I don't want to further lose my independence, which is the path I'm walking down. I don't want to be stuck with a wheelchair and having to live with my well-meaning but challenging mom. And most importantly, I don't want to lose who I am because I can feel that happening already.
I don't write this (any of this) to court sympathy or responses. I'm long past that point. It is what it is. I just really dislike the thought of suddenly vanishing from this thread (and the board) and people not knowing why. At least if people know my story, they can understand a little bit. Even if it's just a little bit.
Traub, what do Germans call Once Upon A Time?
"Es war ein mal..."
But thanks for asking me too, jerk
This movie, The Intern. I actually kinda like it. Maybe it's because I like Anne Hathaway and Robert De Niro, but yeah. This seems like one of those movies that initially dismissed but ended up liking later, like Kung Fu Panda.
It's because your username's not obviously German.
Change it to Sauerkraut or something.
"Es war ein mal..."
But thanks for asking me too, jerk
"Es war ein mal..."
But thanks for asking me too, jerk
I appreciate what you guys are trying to do but let's let this thread go back to its usual levity.
America about to be turned into a Russian vassal state.
What a time to be alive.
I hope you like your potato vodka, tovarishches.
Unce Upon A Time.
I legitimately thought you were Chinese
HP, the Mandrake style Blair Witch write up was excellent.
The German in me is confused, the Russian is grinding on his teeth and the Tatar just wants to pillage your home and sell your family into slavery...
You haven't seen my ugly smug yet?
Tell that dumbass I said hi lolI love Windumb. <3
Because he's an asshole and there's a lot of clever wordplay. Not for everyone.also can someone pls give me an example of why Archer is funny? I've heard nothing but good stuff about it but never really understood why.
[5:28:16 PM] Kevin: but i havent kidnapped anyone and i have on personality
[5:28:20 PM] Kevin: one
[5:28:58 PM] Jake : Nah, you're so boring I've never noticed a personality at all. (makeup)
[5:29:11 PM] Kevin: ;________:
[5:29:13 PM] Kevin: fuk u
[5:29:22 PM] Kevin: anal gaping bitch
I love Windumb. <3
Smack him upside the headPut a ring on him.Not a cock ring you filthy slut.
Anybody here see Lights Out yet? My dad was raving about it and wants to take me to a showing tonight.
That was deadass legit weird.
For hours I thought I heard my mom and someone in the next room talking... And I was like "okay, good, my mom came over..."
And then I finally got up and I was like "hey mom" and no one was here....
dude see a doctor...
me as a girlfriend. *veggie noodles
Haven't but I want to. I didn't have much faith in it initially because the gimmick from the short film it's based on didn't feel like something that could stretch into a feature length film, but I've heard some good things about it, so it's on my list. I'll gather some friends together and go see it eventually.
Mmkay. I'll probably post impressions later (bearing fully in mind that I have shit taste in moviesI've only seen the short film that lights out was based on. Not sure how effectively they can expand that into an actual movie.
I hear the horror movie to watch this year is don't breathe.
why would you take someones beef noodles
you're a monster
me as a girlfriend. *veggie noodles