Pancake Mix
Copied someone else's pancake recipe
I'm just so sad and I don't know why
If it's about that girl and uncertainty, it's time for music.
Velvet Revolver - Fall To Pieces
I'm just so sad and I don't know why
I'm just so sad and I don't know why
to not lose me, which is sweet, but it really doesn't give me any further clarification
there are several types of vanilla "zombies" in the game, after a certain point in critical path progress they gain a chance to mutate instead of die and then you have to fight the second form too
I love body horror
When Scott Weiland died I listen to this so god damn much. Man it still blows, poor guy threw his life away.
A+ work poop
I won't go anywhere but my own personal bathroom unless it's an emergency
I don't understand work poop people
at all
EatChildren is a liar. He lied by omission by not telling me how shit Suicide Squad was. And now I have opening night tickets. Great
I won't go anywhere but my own personal bathroom unless it's an emergency
I don't understand work poop people
at all
I've literally shit in plastic bags when in theater.
I've literally shit in plastic bags when in theater.
Theater of war or ???
I just learned today that at least three people downloaded a copy of Army with ALL THE DLC.
I've since made a new build but COME ON.
Well that's a new one.No, like I hate missing any part of a movie so I just shit in the theater.
No, like I hate missing any part of a movie so I just shit in the theater.
No, like I hate missing any part of a movie so I just shit in the theater.
For real, I was referring to in Iraq, when we would be out on convoy, we had to use WAG bags
#MissAmericaWe know there's a sink full of dishes and a garage full of shit bags.
No lies detectedBatman: The Brave and The Bold remains unbothered as far as Batman games come. Arkham Asylum, City, Origins and whatever tried it.
No lies detected
I love RLM if only for them roasting the ever loving shit out of the piece of shit movie known as "Boyhood" which inexplicably has a 98% rating on RT and is an utter complete piece of shit. A movie about nothing about a boy that is utterly unlikeable with bad acting and no story
I need more mushroom based recipes because i think I'm gonna be eating mostly vegan for a while
Batman: The Brave and The Bold remains unbothered as far as Batman games come. Arkham Asylum, City, Origins and whatever tried it.
U fuckin wot m8
It's raining cats and dogs outside.
Our cat came to me while I was sitting at the kitchen table, looked at me like "You gotta go out THERE?", meowed and went back to the couch and fell asleep.
Why can't my life be like this. ;(
The only decent game from the Arkham games is Asylum and the others are meh. Also those games combat as much as people praise it isnt that original and overall makes the game feel more automatic and less challenging than what it could be. Fit me m8
Sleepy Dawgs >>> Blahman SeriesThe meaningful challenge is in the challenge mode, but the campaigns are still fun, blending the traversal / metroidvania style gameplay with the satisfying combat and okish predator sections. Origins story is pretty great too.
I wish every game was as mediocre as the Arkham series.
Be able to lick your own balls?
Welp I think I've hit it off with this one the most. He's super skinny though. And has a beserk tattoo.
Downside is the anime. He's super cute though.
He's ran off to the loo so I thought I'd update while he's gone lol.
Welp I think I've hit it off with this one the most. He's super skinny though. And has a beserk tattoo.
Downside is the anime. He's super cute though.
He's ran off to the loo so I thought I'd update while he's gone lol.
Update: he says he used to call himself an otaku. I might run away.
Welp I think I've hit it off with this one the most. He's super skinny though. And has a beserk tattoo.
Downside is the anime. He's super cute though.
He's ran off to the loo so I thought I'd update while he's gone lol.
Update: he says he used to call himself an otaku. I might run away.
Welp I think I've hit it off with this one the most. He's super skinny though. And has a beserk tattoo.
Downside is the anime. He's super cute though.
He's ran off to the loo so I thought I'd update while he's gone lol.
Update: he says he used to call himself an otaku. I might run away.
Does this make you his 3D waifu?
He said yes lolDoes this make you his 3D waifu?
I should. But he's cute.
Welp I think I've hit it off with this one the most. He's super skinny though. And has a beserk tattoo.
Downside is the anime. He's super cute though.
He's ran off to the loo so I thought I'd update while he's gone lol.
Update: he says he used to call himself an otaku. I might run away.