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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Perhaps against my better judgement, I bought the Steam version of FFVI. Yeah, it looks like ass a lot of the time but man, it's still FFVI and I got sucked right in.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Bought Stardew Valley even though I have to run through Parallels to play.
Anyone that enjoys Harvest Moon needs to buy this game.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I always found harvest moon tedious even though I liked the concept. Does it fix that?

Only an hour in so I can't say for sure. It plays very similarly to Harvest Moon though. Full controller support too.


Unconfirmed Member
I played the GBA version for a while I liked clearing the rocks out of the field but I found the rest is pretty boring.

I always found harvest moon tedious even though I liked the concept. Does it fix that?

im in love with the concept, I bought harvest moon on wii u vc. I am yet to play it because i fear i will fall into how you feel about it.

I even remember reading about harvest moon in th official nintendo magazines I collected as an early teen and being in love then. Still yet to play it.


im in love with the concept, I bought harvest moon on wii u vc. I am yet to play it because i fear i will fall into how you feel about it.

I even remember reading about harvest moon in th official nintendo magazines I collected as an early teen and being in love then. Still yet to play it.

Definitely takes a bit of patience. Its basically "Chores: The Game" but its fun to watch the farm grow and I always enjoy the dating sim aspect.

Recettear and animal crossing are two games that id say overlap somewhat with the style


I had a bunch of posts quoted with amazing responses you guys, you would have loved me.

But it was on mobile and I closed that tab, fuck.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Seems like you can specialize in things other than farming in Stardew. You can be a rancher, or artisan, or jam maker, or miner. Interesting. I like that they added different paths to take.
Also I met a creepy hermit wizard that talks to the ghosts. Now I can talk to the ghosts too.
Morning F*kers. It's almost weekend!

Any big plans?

My kid brother's highschool play is this weekend, so I'm probably going try to make it to one of the showings. He recently broke his arm and he's playing one of the lead roles, so it will be interesting to see how that pans out.


Any big plans?

My kid brother's highschool play is this weekend, so I'm probably going try to make it to one of the showings. He recently broke his arm and he's playing one of the lead roles, so it will be interesting to see how that pans out.

None whatsoever haha. Well shopping for groceries and boring shit like that.


Any big plans?

My kid brother's highschool play is this weekend, so I'm probably going try to make it to one of the showings. He recently broke his arm and he's playing one of the lead roles, so it will be interesting to see how that pans out.

This is one of those extremely rare times when I actually do have plans. One of my best friends is visiting from Florida and I get to meet him for the first time! I am SUPER stoked.
I'd be making up excuses to avoid going to a high school play.

No kidding, but I'm really close with my family and they won't be very understanding if I don't show support. Last time I was on my phone literally the entire show. Otherwise I get stuck on all of the bad acting, dancing and direction and can't just appreciate it for what it is.

I spent a semester in school studying Shakespeare and as part of the class we would often go see live productions in and around Los Angeles. I think that really spoiled me and I'll never be able to remotely enjoy a HS production again.


ha ha, I wasn't making a pun there. It's actually [I]Taming of the Shrew[/I].

man, there's really nothing quite like Arrested Development. It's been a while since I've gone through the show, but I have too many other things to watch right now.

[quote="jb1234, post: 197549659"]This is one of those extremely rare times when I actually do have plans. One of my best friends is visiting from Florida and I get to meet him for the first time! I am SUPER stoked.[/QUOTE]

Whoa, that's great! I hope you both have an amazing time. :)


Unconfirmed Member
Type in "age of consent in japan" in google and then press enter
Type in "age of consent in japan" in google and then press enter

Is it safe to assume someone else passed on this phenomenon to you and it wasn't something you discovered on your own? :O

Hopefully it doesn't completely suck then.

There's really nothing to suggest as much, but I'll survive. Usually it's enough to tell my brother he was the best one on stage and then we can commiserate on his peers' performance.


White lies huh?

Something I won't be doing, off to Fremantle I go, for what promises to be yet another interesting date...
White lies huh?

Something I won't be doing, off to Fremantle I go, for what promises to be yet another interesting date...

Hey, good luck with that! Let us know how it goes ♥

And no, my brother's the most popular kid in the drama program. He's definitely one of the more charismatic performers. Though it's hard to judge actual acting quality when the direction is so bad.


Man I think I'd rather kill myself than go to a school play right about now

Type in "age of consent in japan" in google and then press enter

I did, and the answer started out scary but got slightly less scary as it went

The age of consent in Japan is 13 years old under the Japanese national criminal law code.However, all municipalities and prefectures have their own particular laws such as Tokyo's “Youth Protection Law” which prohibit adults from having sex with youths who are under 17 years old.May 7, 2013

Ultimately though if we're left with the fact that in some areas it's legal to have sex with 13 year olds I feel a bit grossed out by that
Yes, I'll become an Alpha Ghost and be able to "super haunt" you.

Sounds like an upgrade. I can totally see why you'd prefer that to going to a school play. But think about this: if you go to the school play, you get to be the phantom of the opera!

also bulimia is no joke :(
then again I guess neither is suicide


As an artist sometimes I have to put my comedy first, I hope no one takes it personally

I've also never heard the rule that going to a school play means I get to suddenly be IN the play. That might reduce the tedium!
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