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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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I'm pretty sure I already told you you're hot at one point tho. So like...
Middle school students are so funny and stupid sometimes. My friend (and soon to be sister-in-law) Leanne was being really slow one time a couple years ago, so I jokingly yelled "come on, leannederthal", patterned of course off of the stereotypically dim-witted neanderthal. Leanne thought it was so funny that she changed her Instagram and Snapchat usernames to that instead of the generic name it was before. Well, today we found out that the middle school kids Leanne works with have all thought her last name actually was Derthal until now, which raises a lot of questions regarding their education and critical thinking skills.

Will FakeGAF still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful? *plays tiny violin*

That's not why we love you.

Yes!And she said that if I have one soon they can play together >_<

Also, this isn't even the first time I have been accused of that in FakeGAF. I don't know how I feel about it. I literally just crosspost photos from my fb :(

lol that's so selfish. Please validate the euphoria I'm feeling right now and give my child a free playmate
Hexa Lexa, Commander of Blood, Leader of the 12 Clans, Post Apocalyptic Lesbian Queen, Soft Little Raccoon Princess, and the Mockinggay who started a worldwide LBGTQ Fans Deserve Better movement.
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