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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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Xenogears, Metal Gear Solid 2, Xenosaga, Suikoden II, Suikoden V,...

RPGs in particular tend to tell much more intricate stories than a game like TLoU. TLoU is up there, but far from the best. I can take the same comment about other games not being in the same league and apply it to the games above, in order of best to worst.
Both those games are filled with so much nonsense.

I mean MGS2 has a cool story. But it's also stupid as hell. The thing with TLOU is that it's not cool. It's not some great thing. It's personal and that's what makes it good.


Damn, FloatOn digging deep into those Bern-Supporter archives and proving out the stereotype.

I ain't hating FloatOn, don't get me wrong, but maybe keep the proselytizing for a longshot at best to a better candor. I got the cringies.

Maybe I'm too old too.


You know what sucks FakeGAF? Helping a friend move. You know what sucks worse? Helping them move an hour away from you. I just had to help a friend move out to Wexford. Now it'll take even longer to drive out to their place. Woe is me.

I am worn tf out though, had to move them up 3 flights of stairs. Need a nice massage after this.


Does anyone else here ever get the feeling that you just don't belong? Or that you just appear to kind of, well, not be noticed? Or aren't appreciated as much as you should be?

Not sure if you mean IRL or here. Here? I don't think about it. I largely don't really care if people acknowledge me or not, I have some fun interactions but if my posts go ignored (which they do sometimes) I don't really care. There have been a few isolated incidents on Neogaf where something was said that got to me (example: that ghost song detractor), but being ignored has never bothered me.

Real life? Sure, though I think I'm getting better with age. I don't care as much what people think as I used to and I don't seek validation as much as I used to. I have my weak moments but mostly I'm good, and my problems seem to mostly consist of inner battles. I deal with people pretty well and have made a conscious effort to not give them too much power (though sometimes I can still be guilty of this).

I wonder if you would say the same thing about MLK supporters if you were from that time.

Your cynicism doesn't make you cool, it makes you cynical.

I'm just looking at the numbers, I haven't made the mistake of actually thinking I'm cool in a while.

Xenogears, Metal Gear Solid 2, Xenosaga, Suikoden II, Suikoden V,...

RPGs in particular tend to tell much more intricate stories than a game like TLoU. TLoU is up there, but far from the best. I can take the same comment about other games not being in the same league and apply it to the games above, in order of best to worst.

oh for fuck sake

the venn diagram has two circles on two different pieces of paper. we're fucked.


You know what sucks FakeGAF? Helping a friend move. You know what sucks worse? Helping them move an hour away from you. I just had to help a friend move out to Wexford. Now it'll take even longer to drive out to their place. Woe is me.

TIL you live a bit over an hour and a half from where I do.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
You know what sucks FakeGAF? Helping a friend move. You know what sucks worse? Helping them move an hour away from you. I just had to help a friend move out to Wexford. Now it'll take even longer to drive out to their place. Woe is me.
You know what sucks? TLoU supporters.

I kid, I kid. I'm pushing buttons now. It's just not my cup of tea at all, and I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as others did, even if I can see the value in the advances it made in storytelling. I do hold to my position that it (and Uncharted before it, in different ways) are overrated, however.

Also, politics? There are no good candidates. Not ones that stand a chance, anyhow.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I enjoyed TLOU but I never got why it was considered so fucking special, it seems a very by the numbers zombie story. It wears its influences pretty heavy. But I also think Bioshock Infinite is fucking retarded and I haaaaaate Nathan Drake. Meanwhile, I absolutely love the FFXIII trilogy and have multiple Lightning figs, so yeah.


I retaliated because you attacked me. You called me gross and inconsiderate which couldn't be further from the truth. I have the right to defend myself and you shouldn't belittle that.

Look, I know Bernie supporters mean well, I just happen to disagree on whether his policies would lead to a better world overall. I think this is a hot-button issue and everybody has a different opinion because they have a different perspective. But please understand that just because I advocate a different path towards alleviating sickness and poverty doesn't mean I am okay with people suffering.

A simple illustration: medical care costs more than people can afford, so Bernie wants to spend more taxes to subsidize the cost of the care. I would vastly prefer medical care just didn't cost as much to begin with. There are so many ways that could be done: reduce regulations, increase the reach of medical education via internet programs, limit how much medicine can cost, et cetera.

I think things might have escalated because I generally consider you to be intelligent and well-spoken but your off the cuff demeanor in which you tried to diminish my excitement for the Sanders campaign lacked tacked and when you brought up your class it became offensive.

Even if you don't agree with specifics of how he wants to get things done I think it would be extremely difficult to find a candidate that is this ethical.

Damn, FloatOn digging deep into those Bern-Supporter archives and proving out the stereotype.

I ain't hating FloatOn, don't get me wrong, but maybe keep the proselytizing for a longshot at best to a better candor. I got the cringies.

Maybe I'm too old too.

I initially just came in here to expres excitement and I was quickly shot down.

This is the furthest thing from spreading that Bernard gospel I would think.

How would you feel if I said your defense of Nintendo was cringeworthy? I want to believe this is a safe and productive place for conversation
Xenogears, Metal Gear Solid 2, Xenosaga, Suikoden II, Suikoden V,...

RPGs in particular tend to tell much more intricate stories than a game like TLoU. TLoU is up there, but far from the best. I can take the same comment about other games not being in the same league and apply it to the games above, in order of best to worst.

Solid picks right there man.

I agree with Jobbs but what seems to never be talked about is that TLoU is the best at what it does.

Last of Us is good not because it has a large sprawling story but because it tells a very condensed and personal story very well.
So when people say it's the best videogame story of all time, that seems to nullify all the types/categories of different stories available.
(I actually edited a lot out because it went against completely what I said and it became a debate about TLoU hahah WOOPS)

Also I'm so down with Xenogears' story, it's absolutely tremendous but that last disc. HOO BOY

Anyway, personally I tend to like odd/abstract stories or more personal stories.
Things like Earthbound/Mother 3, Final Fantasy VI (Fun Fact : The best story in that game is not the main arc. It's the character arc), I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Silent Hill 2 etc etc

Some of the quality of writing of those games can be up or down (even reaching odd pacing within their own game) but it tends to be what it's trying or at least ACTUALLY does in relation to concepts that completely draw me in.

Meanwhile, I absolutely love the FFXIII trilogy and have multiple Lightning figs, so yeah.

I won't rain on this parade, to each their own (opinions, tastes and all that)

We now return to your regular programming schedule of FakeGAF



Even if you don't agree with specifics of how he wants to get things done I think it would be extremely difficult to find a candidate that is this ethical.

we need a candidate who can restore all of our cyber, because things are really dire right now cyber-wise

I enjoyed TLOU but I never got why it was considered so fucking special, it seems a very by the numbers zombie story. It wears its influences pretty heavy. But I also think Bioshock Infinite is fucking retarded and I haaaaaate Nathan Drake. Meanwhile, I absolutely love the FFXIII trilogy and have multiple Lightning figs, so yeah.

I may play UC4 for the raw spectacle but there's no way on earth I could give less of a fuck about Nathan Drake or any of his exploits. Bioshock Infinite was my most hated game of the year in 2013 or whenever it came out. I hated it so much that I pushed through to the end just so I could hate it with full credibility.


I enjoyed TLOU but I never got why it was considered so fucking special, it seems a very by the numbers zombie story. It wears its influences pretty heavy. But I also think Bioshock Infinite is fucking retarded and I haaaaaate Nathan Drake. Meanwhile, I absolutely love the FFXIII trilogy and have multiple Lightning figs, so yeah.

Truer words have never been spoken. What a waste of an interesting aesthetic


Does anyone else here ever get the feeling that you just don't belong? Or that you just appear to kind of, well, not be noticed? Or aren't appreciated as much as you should be?

I've been there and sometimes still feel that way. I don't really care if I get ignored or something I post gets no responses because that's just how message boards work, conversations move fast and sometimes people don't want to respond to some things. In real life though sure there are times I feel like I'm not noticed.

Since I've switched jobs though I actually feel appreciated at work, which is a rare thing to find sometimes.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Solid picks right there man.

I agree with Jobbs but what seems to never be talked about is that TLoU is the best at what it does.

Last of Us is good not because it has a large sprawling story but because it tells a very condensed and personal story very well.
So when people say it's the best videogame story of all time, that seems to nullify all the types/categories of different stories available.
(I actually edited a lot out because it went against completely what I said and it became a debate about TLoU hahah WOOPS)

Also I'm so down with Xenogears' story, it's absolutely tremendous but that last disc. HOO BOY

Anyway, personally I tend to like odd/abstract stories or more personal stories.
Things like Earthbound/Mother 3, Final Fantasy VI (Fun Fact : The best story in that game is not the main arc. It's the character arc), I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Silent Hill 2 etc etc

Some of the quality of writing of those games can be up or down (even reaching odd pacing within their own game) but it tends to be what it's trying or at least ACTUALLY does in relation to concepts that completely draw me in.

We now return to your regular programming schedule of FakeGAF

This is a post I can agree with 100%. Well said. Takes the bitterness out of my argument, lol


TIL you live a bit over an hour and a half from where I do.

It's a nice area but so farrr awaaay.

You know what sucks? TLoU supporters.

I kid, I kid. I'm pushing buttons now. It's just not my cup of tea at all, and I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as others did, even if I can see the value in the advances it made in storytelling. I do hold to my position that it (and Uncharted before it, in different ways) are overrated, however.

Also, politics? There are no good candidates. Not ones that stand a chance, anyhow.

TLoU moved enough into the direction of good storytelling that I probably shit on it a bit too much for it's faults therein. I hate Zombie stories to begin with, the only good Zombie stories ever told are the original George Romero Dawn of the Dead, The Walking Dead Video Game, and Day Z.

That's it.

If you're trying to present a zombie story as high-brow fiction you've already failed, and Naughty Dog fell into the same tired tropes that stories before it had. Where it hit big was in the "lone wanderers" style of fiction. A father-daughter esque duo roaming a wasteland after the apocalypse with little hope for solace. Joel's brother bring better at literally EVERYTHING than Joel. Lots of good stuff in there.

Remove the zombies and you might have a good story. The game parts were rough at times too, environmental puzzles were all terrible.

I enjoyed TLOU but I never got why it was considered so fucking special, it seems a very by the numbers zombie story. It wears its influences pretty heavy. But I also think Bioshock Infinite is fucking retarded and I haaaaaate Nathan Drake. Meanwhile, I absolutely love the FFXIII trilogy and have multiple Lightning figs, so yeah.

You have good taste.

The setting for Infinate was absolutely wasted on the shittacular story and characters.


I forget who mentioned it earlier, but if you want awesome character interactions with a good story, play Enslaved.

Not the best game or anything, but the characters worked so well for me. It's too bad it flopped and we'll never see anything else from that world or with those characters.
I think things might have escalated because I generally consider you to be intelligent and well-spoken but your off the cuff demeanor in which you tried to diminish my excitement for the Sanders campaign lacked tacked and when you brought up your class it became offensive.

Even if you don't agree with specifics of how he wants to get things done I think it would be extremely difficult to find a candidate that is this ethical.

Okay, I can see that, but you have to bear in mind that there are really only three or four people in this thread who consistently bring up political stuff. Most of us are expressing tact by *not* talking politics here. The reason I shot you down was because I didn't want this to have to be something we discuss. There are already dozens of venues on GAF and otherwise to have that conversation. Now ironically I helped turn this spat more pronounced and heated, but that was not my intention.

I just want to talk about videogames and sex like normal :(


Okay, I can see that, but you have to bear in mind that there are really only three or four people in this thread who consistently bring up political stuff. Most of us are expressing tact by *not* talking politics here. The reason I shot you down was because I didn't want this to have to be something we discuss. There are already dozens of venues on GAF and otherwise to have that conversation. Now ironically I helped turn this spat more pronounced and heated, but that was not my intention.

I just want to talk about videogames and sex like normal :(

Handjobs suck dick


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
What would be the weirdest video game music to have sex to?

Answer: Wii shop channel


Xenogears, Metal Gear Solid 2, Xenosaga, Suikoden II, Suikoden V,...

RPGs in particular tend to tell much more intricate stories than a game like TLoU. TLoU is up there, but far from the best. I can take the same comment about other games not being in the same league and apply it to the games above, in order of best to worst.

It's really hard to compare a JRPG (even a great one) to TLoU because their storytelling approaches are so vastly different. I'm more inclined to be on the side of the latter because its big emotional scenes are executed in a very simple way and feel earned, whereas games like Xenosaga 3 (really, the entire trilogy) pile on the melodrama to the point where I just wanted half the cast to stop talking.

(Bad voice acting has a large part to play here, too which is why I found Suikoden II's big moments more poignant than V's, for the most part.)
This is a post I can agree with 100%. Well said. Takes the bitterness out of my argument, lol

Haha just to be clear, I love Last of Us with all of my heart, but I'm a real "why don't we have both?" Type of guy and there's room these days for ALL OF THE VIDEOGAME STORIES.
That's in itself is a super exciting thing.

But I also prefer Persona 3 (through all of its faults) to 4 so absolutely none of my opinions should be taken seriously under any context (according to GAF)


Video games and sex:

I tried playing the last of us on PS3 and the opening sequence was incredible. Right up there with bioshock as far as I'm concerned. But it was a technical mess and a by the numbers third person shooter. In fact, the disc refused to load after a certain point and I was unable to finish the game. I read a story synopsis and I was left feeling "that's it?"

Now sex, I haven't spoken to you guys about this but there is a married woman in one of my classes that I have semi-romantic feelings for but I obviously won't pursue this for ethical reasons but I'm wondering how fakegaf deals with feelings for people that are otherwise unavailable?


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Now sex, I haven't spoken to you guys about this but there is a married woman in one of my classes that I have semi-romantic feelings for but I obviously won't pursue this for ethical reasons but I'm wondering how fakegaf deals with feelings for people that are otherwise unavailable?
Subdue them

who wants hot dogs!


No more talking Politics, let's discuss how amazing this woman is.

Man that second album was a pretty big disappointment for me coming off the first. :(

Now sex, I haven't spoken to you guys about this but there is a married woman in one of my classes that I have semi-romantic feelings for but I obviously won't pursue this for ethical reasons but I'm wondering how fakegaf deals with feelings for people that are otherwise unavailable?

Jack off mostly.


Now sex, I haven't spoken to you guys about this but there is a married woman in one of my classes that I have semi-romantic feelings for but I obviously won't pursue this for ethical reasons but I'm wondering how fakegaf deals with feelings for people that are otherwise unavailable?

I don't condone cheating.. but if some married woman is DTF I'm not in principle against it. That's her responsibility, her relationship is her business. If you slept with this woman, I'd judge her for cheating, and I'd judge you as successful at landing some P. (this isn't a gendered thing either, I'd say the same to a girl considering a fling with a married guy -- get that D! rock on with ya bad self! no shame in it)

Now -- If she has kids I'd stay away, I don't want to do things that could affect innocent children, but someone else being in a relationship and DTF is fair game IMO

I'm open to debate on this, of course.. If someone has a persuasive argument on how it's actually unethical to sleep with a married person, I'm listening

How is this supposed to make me feel when I actually like sucking dick? :O

Just giving my opinion on handjobs. They suck. I can do the hand job all on my own, it's probably the thing I'm best at in the world. I don't need someone else to, and chances are they're worse at it than I am

I'm curious what's pleasurable about sucking dick? It seems gross to me, but, of course, most things seem gross to me


Now sex, I haven't spoken to you guys about this but there is a married woman in one of my classes that I have semi-romantic feelings for but I obviously won't pursue this for ethical reasons but I'm wondering how fakegaf deals with feelings for people that are otherwise unavailable?

By moving on. I have a no-tolerance policy when it comes to cheating.


No more talking Politics, let's discuss how amazing this woman is.

True story, Lauren Mayberry is exactly my type. More than just aesthetics what attracts me most is someone's intelligence and creativity. She is on another level in these regards.


Man that second album was a pretty big disappointment for me coming off the first. :(

She's all right I guess.

(I really vastly prefer their first album to their sophomore effort.)

I think we can all agree their first album was better than the 2nd, but I really enjoyed the 2nd one also.... but I mainly just wanted to talk about how great she is :p

True story, Lauren Mayberry is exactly my type. More than just aesthetics what attracts me most is someone's intelligence and creativity. She is on another level in these regards.

FloatOn knows what I'm talking about!


The most exciting sexual encounter of my life happened with R. Kelly's "The World's Greatest" playing on the radio. Associations are so real, dudes, and if this song comes on all kinds of hot details just fill my evil mind

When is someone going to make a spiritual successor to Rocket Knight Adventure, hunh?

I'd vote for that motherfucker any day.

I never got this game or why anyone likes it

Know what game is surprisingly good and fun? Adventure Time on DS/3DS -- the zelda 2 style action RPG with the sidescrolling levels and top down world map. It's so awesome!

Handjobs are bad for everyone. I'm really not a fan of oral either. I would rather just fuck, tbqh.

And Wii shop music is the greatest song of all time.

the thread's arrhythmia has passed and now we're dialed in, sex and video games on perfect beat

Handjobs require lube too and it's just really a very particular way to do this task by hand -- It's never very good if someone else is doing it. I suppose it could be, but really, this is something I'll always be better at than someone else


My copy of Chrono Trigger on the DS arrived today. I know what I'll be playing.

(Given that I played 16 hours of Salt and Sanctuary in the last two days. No joke, I JUST COULDN'T STOP.)


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Know what game is surprisingly good and fun? Adventure Time on DS/3DS -- the zelda 2 style action RPG with the sidescrolling levels and top down world map. It's so awesome!

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. I have been saying this since it came out. I also love the punky version of the theme song it has.


My copy of Chrono Trigger on the DS arrived today. I know what I'll be playing.

(Given that I played 16 hours of Salt and Sanctuary in the last two days. No joke, I JUST COULDN'T STOP.)

I'm still playing Dark Souls 3, BITCH!

I won't spoil but the big takeaway with this game is that the regular enemies have been dialed up to 11, particularly the dueling type enemies. They are smart and aggressive like never before. Various knights and other dueling type enemies are legitimately hard in this game.

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. I have been saying this since it came out. I also love the punky version of the theme song it has.

I got it for my niece and I was helping her play it (this was a while ago when she was a bit younger and the game is kinda hard) and I was shocked by how good it was. It's an actual example of the Zelda 2 formula being employed fully, which is rare, and it's actually done really well.
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