I see a guy with the nice round pecks and I feel self conscious

Suffer you lil' beech!
I see a guy with the nice round pecks and I feel self conscious
Suffer you lil' beech!
It's all about artistic softcore nudes.
None of that hardcore smut.
Honestly Rumpelstiltskin's actor is like way too good for this show lmao.
also the thing he does with his hands drives me nuts now.
I need to get in shape
Wassup girl. You know why they call me milk?
Cause I do a body good.
It is. Pick up lines always crack me up when I hear them; especially when someone uses one seriously.That's just terrible.
Ciri became a full-fledged witcher. Yennefer and Geralt banged into eternity and beyond. Cerys was a great queen of Skellige. Not sure what happened to Avallac'h though??
Proud of you <3 Now get your ass to the DLC andI BEAT WITCHER 3!
Ciri became a full-fledged witcher. Yennefer and Geralt banged into eternity and beyond. Cerys was a great queen of Skellige. Not sure what happened to Avallac'h though??
This is 100% the ending I got
Good taste
I still like Triss more than Yennefer. But the plot! oh, the plot!
*runs away*
Yen is infinitely hotter
Yen is infinitely hotter
I haven't even started Witcher 3. It's been sat in my library for ages.
I played a lot of The Division aka Joy Division solo this weekend.
There's some things about the experience that are a bit too deep for how shallow much of it is.
Heh, I just tend to use other names for things. I meant the game, but I love Joy Division so it was an easy name for me to refer to it.Ceremony is like my favorite song ever (even though I knew its New Order but technically it was one of the last songs performed by Ian Curtis)
Saw the album art plastered around too much of Europe while there and decided against it. Trying to think of something in the same style now.
Rosita on The Walking Dead has moved up to maybe the most attractive woman on TV in my view, certainly top 3
Yennefer wins. But I'm mainly going by book characterization here because who knows if I'll ever finish Witcher 3. It's too damn big.
Decided to listen to Logistics' new EP before bed. I'm so glad I did it's such delicious liquid d&b.
Heh, I just tend to use other names for things. I meant the game, but I love Joy Division so it was an easy name for me to refer to it.
Ceremony is great, and I believe there is a recording Joy Division did of it iirc. New Order's is emotional as hell.
I want to see the receipts
Yen is just an uglier Miranda Lawson from ME3.
Paintball has now been decided as my new hobby
Did you kick ass?
your mom, miranda.
ewI want to get a tattoo