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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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Contra 4 on DS is far and away the best Contra, which isn't saying much since Contra is shit outside of nostalgia factor

you didn't like





I'll give you the ones on NES were a bit crap but once they made the leap to 16bit I think things greatly improved


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Non-binary people are allowed; I don't know if this counts but my flight is getting a transgender sergeant sometime in the near future and as far as I know she (transitioning from male to female) just follows the female dress code and will use the female bathroom.

Doesn't really bother me much, I'm totally accepting and cool with it, but it's sad because maintenance is a highly vulgar and sometimes discriminatory place, and I've heard other people talking about it with disdain.

It's about uniformity. Uniformity is very key to the military. You need to be one team one fight.

Finding the right balance between ensuring everyone is uniform and allowing enough self expression so as not to stifle an individual too much is a tough balance to straddle. Especially in a leadership position.

Unfortunately, this is one area of life where discrimination is kind of mandatory. You need to be emotionally aware and capable for the need for assimilation. Its like the physical constraints, if you aren't fit and reasonably strong you can't serve or the mental constraints-if you don't meet certain educational prereqs you can't do most jobs.

A lot of the constraints are for tactical reasons as well. You need to be able to get a good seal on a gas mask or be able to completely ensure a fire fighting ensemble is worn properly.


you didn't like

not really

the main one I like is the original one on NES, and that's due to the warm childhood feelings it stirs up.

the other one I like is the wayforward one on DS, and that's because it has nice graphics while still capturing the aforementioned childhood memories and repackages them appropriately
literally every day is a grey day in western pa. also theres tons of trees so theres even less light visible. I'll try that though :p

transgender isn't non-binary. binary = male or female, non-binary would either be a combination or neither. I guess the answer there would be to pick a gender to identify with and probably have to stick with it and no one would care that they're non-binary but I don't know if non-binary people would be comfortable with that

I don't think it would work that way. If you were medically and officially (in their eyes) transitioning, and identified with one gender or another and had the medical documentation to prove that you were in the process, they would let you abide by that gender's regulations.

But if you were non-binary, and just identified with a particular gender but it wasn't medically documented, they would make you follow the regulations of whatever gender you biologically are.


My goal is to no death various Contra games, I already did youtube playthroughs for Contra and Super C without dying and I want to do Contra 3, Hard Corps and maybe 4 as well.
literally every day is a grey day in western pa. also theres tons of trees so theres even less light visible. I'll try that though :p

Lighting is the key to a flattering photo— the whole point to a lot of Photoshop/airbrushing and makeup use is to create shadows and highlights where they wouldn't normally be given the subject's face and the light.

transgender isn't non-binary. binary = male or female, non-binary would either be a combination or neither. I guess the answer there would be to pick a gender to identify with and probably have to stick with it and no one would care that they're non-binary but I don't know if non-binary people would be comfortable with that

Is it just me or is non-binary even less accepted than being trans*? I might be projecting but I find it harder to rap my head around the concept of gender as a spectrum than the notion of someone being the wrong gender, or the sexuality spectrum, both of which were easy to accept. I certainly don't think my difficulty as any justification for shitty behaviour— someone being non-binary has absolutely no effect on my life.


I don't think it would work that way. If you were medically and officially (in their eyes) transitioning, and identified with one gender or another and had the medical documentation to prove that you were in the process, they would let you abide by that gender's regulations.

But if you were non-binary, and just identified with a particular gender but it wasn't medically documented, they would make you follow the regulations of whatever gender you biologically are.

non-binary doesn't identify with either particular gender. thats why I said I assumed they wouldn't be allowed (at least to be themselves)

also just for knowledge sake, gender refers to how your brain works rather than chromosomes/sex organs etc. usually people will say sex or assigned sex. I get what you meant though

now this is an incredibly small population thats probably not even worth having specific rules for but I wonder how they'd handle a non-binary intersex person (so biologically have the characteristics that don't fit specifically male or specifically female but doesn't identify as a man or woman). I guess since the government only recognizes two genders/sexes they'd have to have something on their birth certificate, even if its arbitrary

Lighting is the key to a flattering photo— the whole point to a lot of Photoshop/airbrushing and makeup use is to create shadows and highlights where they wouldn't normally be given the subject's face and the light.
and thats also the point of contouring in makeup :)
Is it just me or is non-binary even less accepted than being trans*? I might be projecting but I find it harder to rap my head around the concept of gender as a spectrum than the notion of someone being the wrong gender, or the sexuality spectrum, both of which were easy to accept. I certainly don't think my difficulty as any justification for shitty behaviour— someone being non-binary has absolutely no effect on my life.

yes definitely. I'm hoping that the movement for trans rights doesn't up and forget non-binary individuals which I could easily see happening. In transgaf even, a few people have brought up that the thread was more oriented toward binary genders

its really hard for me to wrap my head around too but understanding that theres naturally more than two sexes made it much easier for my brain to accept it (though it really shouldn't have taken that for me to get)


First cutscene from Batman/Superman, obviously has spoiler discussion in the thread. https://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1201628


It helps explain so much at the end with
Lex in jail

Yeah. Without this scene it's a bit of a jump from
Lex getting arrested to Lex knowing about the aliens.

I wish humans could hibernate.

You could but it would but you'd feel like crap when you woke up and you'd probably require some physical therapy to get your muscles back in shape.


Not gonna see the spoiler.

Now I'm wondering if I should watch the movie in theatres or watch directors cut on release.
My bro sorta wants to go see the movie.

it's worth seeing for the spectactle in much the same way the expendables movies were. how often are you going to get the chance to see batman and superman in a movie together?

just don't expect it to change your life since it is certainly isn't high art like the Nolan batverse.


Not gonna see the spoiler.

Now I'm wondering if I should watch the movie in theatres or watch directors cut on release.
My bro sorta wants to go see the movie.
I saw the movie and I think you should wait for the directors cut.


it's worth seeing for the spectactle in much the same way the expendables movies were. how often are you going to get the chance to see batman and superman in a movie together?

just don't expect it to change your life since it is certainly isn't high art like the Nolan batverse.



it's worth seeing for the spectactle in much the same way the expendables movies were. how often are you going to get the chance to see batman and superman in a movie together?

just don't expect it to change your life since it is certainly isn't high art like the Nolan batverse.

Well I will see it, it's just either Theatrical or Directors Cut... :p

I saw the movie and I think you should wait for the directors cut.

Hmmm, I think I'll ask my bro to decide. :p


Anyone have any tips on how to burn belly fat?

Anyone tried anything that works? Yes I know eat healthy and exercise but that's not working for me because genetics.



Anyone have any tips on how to burn belly fat?

Anyone tried anything that works? Yes I know eat healthy and exercise but that's not working for me because genetics.


I run under the mindset that you can't spot-train fat loss. You need to lower your bodyfat % till it comes off.

The other thing you could do I guess is build your abdominal muscles in size so that they show better when you lose the fat.


I run under the mindset that you can't spot-train fat loss. You need to lower your bodyfat % till it comes off.

The other thing you could do I guess is build your abdominal muscles in size so that they show better when you lose the fat.

Yes I know this, but I am in this really bad cycle right now. If I cut down on carbs significantly <60, I lose the very little muscle mass I have and in turn lose strength.

However even when eating a balanced diet, and trying to lift weights, I seem to get fatter. I mean it has to be because my weight goes up ridiculously fast.

Also, I need to eat a lot to keep my self full, and usually carbs are the only thing that keep me full.

If I don't have a carb heavy meal during the day I feel like I'm starving and can't sleep at night.

It's the worst.

Anyways, gonna go back to login stuff into myfitnesspal and monitor stuff.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Anyone have any tips on how to burn belly fat?

Anyone tried anything that works? Yes I know eat healthy and exercise but that's not working for me because genetics.


Lower fat / calorie intake. Belly fat is all diet.


Sup babes. I'm in a reading mood, but I'm terrible at finding new books. Since I don't really know anyone who's into reading, I'll just have to ask you freaks instead.
Any recommendations? Classics, YA trash, sci-fi, fantasy, whatever. Gogogogogo.



Sup babes. I'm in a reading mood, but I'm terrible at finding new books. Since I don't really know anyone who's into reading, I'll just have to ask you freaks instead.
Any recommendations? Classics, YA trash, sci-fi, fantasy, whatever. Gogogogogo.


American Gods

You won't be disappointed.


Sup babes. I'm in a reading mood, but I'm terrible at finding new books. Since I don't really know anyone who's into reading, I'll just have to ask you freaks instead.
Any recommendations? Classics, YA trash, sci-fi, fantasy, whatever. Gogogogogo.

I just read textbooks these days. Sorry

oh I'm also reading Saga for fun but that's a graphic novel


Sup babes. I'm in a reading mood, but I'm terrible at finding new books. Since I don't really know anyone who's into reading, I'll just have to ask you freaks instead.
Any recommendations? Classics, YA trash, sci-fi, fantasy, whatever. Gogogogogo.


The Supernaturalist

both by Eoin Colfer. the first is like a scifi cyberpunk dystopian ish and the second is like renaissance fantasy like
should both be pretty short. I liked them when I was younger but don't know many people who read either


Sup babes. I'm in a reading mood, but I'm terrible at finding new books. Since I don't really know anyone who's into reading, I'll just have to ask you freaks instead.
Any recommendations? Classics, YA trash, sci-fi, fantasy, whatever. Gogogogogo.


Dracula or Frankenstein for monster books

Heir Apparent or Ready Player One for virtual reality gaming books

World War Z or Time Traveler's Guide to Time Travel if you want to jump out of reality for a while.

Also We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson if you're interested.

I should mention that I also read the novelization of God of War. That thing is weird.


Yes I know this, but I am in this really bad cycle right now. If I cut down on carbs significantly <60, I lose the very little muscle mass I have and in turn lose strength.

However even when eating a balanced diet, and trying to lift weights, I seem to get fatter. I mean it has to be because my weight goes up ridiculously fast.

Also, I need to eat a lot to keep my self full, and usually carbs are the only thing that keep me full.

If I don't have a carb heavy meal during the day I feel like I'm starving and can't sleep at night.

It's the worst.

Anyways, gonna go back to login stuff into myfitnesspal and monitor stuff.

You have to replace that carb heavy meal with some protein and vegetables. If you're trying to just lose fat I wouldn't be greatly concerned with lifting weights. You're either bulking or you're cutting.

It's not your genetics. Your metabolism isn't special. It's just finding the correct diet plan or workout goals and then sticking to them till you meet whatever that goal is.

If you want to lose belly fat, either massively increase your activity while eating the same, or eat less calories.


Redmond's Baby
I am so sleepy
Need to get my car in the morning to the shop, rust attacked and it must be removed. bye bye 200 &#8364; at least :\
Sup babes. I'm in a reading mood, but I'm terrible at finding new books. Since I don't really know anyone who's into reading, I'll just have to ask you freaks instead.
Any recommendations? Classics, YA trash, sci-fi, fantasy, whatever. Gogogogogo.

Archipelag Gulag from Solzenycin

Anyone have any tips on how to burn belly fat?

Anyone tried anything that works? Yes I know eat healthy and exercise but that's not working for me because genetics.


Cut white bread/snacks/beer from your menu. This helped me a lot (with exercise of course)
and thats also the point of contouring in makeup :)

Yeah, I did say makeup in there— forgot 'contouring' though. It's not something I do very often/ever— found makeup tutorials on YT fascinating when I was teaching myself airbrushing.

yes definitely. its really hard for me to wrap my head around too but understanding that theres naturally more than two sexes made it much easier for my brain to accept it (though it really shouldn't have taken that for me to get)

I had forgotten about intersex— I was thinking of a 100% brain/mind thing for non-binary.

Anyone have any tips on how to burn belly fat?

Pretty sure it's getting rid of body fat in general.

I got a wicked set of abs under my flab.

Have watched my (tiny) partner's weight go up and down over the years based on her diet (let's call it "intentions versus workload and stress"). I like carb-y food too much to get rid of my but of "dad bod" flab, but I'm doing alright. My dad is over 300lbs and his parents and sisters were/are big too. I'm taller and have been around 200 for ~15 years and I'm aiming to stay around here as long as I can; his weight and arthritis have been very debilitating.

I'm currently fighting a more sedentary life since my work moved out of the downtown core, but I'm playing sports more than I was. Not sure it's enough so maybe I will finally have to get off my ass and take up distance running (I'm a sprinter!) or cycling.
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