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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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:: becomes rocket scientist ::

:: is hired by nasa ::

:: realizes that rocket scientists actually DO explain simple concepts to eachother that they already know using props as if they are mutually r worded ::

:: resigns ::


:: becomes rocket scientist ::

:: is hired by nasa ::

:: realizes that rocket scientists actually DO explain simple concepts to eachother that they already know using props as if they are mutually r worded ::

:: resigns ::

My was a rocket scientist for nasa. He kept a model rocket in his office to use to describe basic physics to his coworkers


My was a rocket scientist for nasa. He kept a model rocket in his office to use to describe basic physics to his coworkers

we all work at nasa

none of us know what a gravity sling is

please explain it to us as if we're fucking idiots

interstellar did the same thing, too (not with a gravity sling but with ideas around space time - fucking brightest minds on earth explaining shit to eachother that was settled by einstein many many years ago)

these movies have me believe that nasa goes to family gatherings for recruiting purposes and talks to everyone's aunts and grandmothers


we all work at nasa

none of us know what a gravity sling is

please explain it to us as if we're fucking idiots

interstellar did the same thing, too (not with a gravity sling but with ideas around space time - fucking brightest minds on earth explaining shit to eachother that was settled by einstein many many years ago)

these movies have me believe that nasa goes to family gatherings for recruiting purposes and talks to everyone's aunts and grandmothers
I meant to say uncle but they definitely do somewhat do that. Though its more about the application of the theories rather than the theories themselves
NASA funding is so much less now than it used to be. Of course most of the people who worked there are from previous generations.

Its been increased recently though so its not nearly as bad as the last 10 years

Also my aunt still works for them as an environmental engineer :)


we all work at nasa

none of us know what a gravity sling is

please explain it to us as if we're fucking idiots

interstellar did the same thing, too (not with a gravity sling but with ideas around space time - fucking brightest minds on earth explaining shit to eachother that was settled by einstein many many years ago)

Some people that I speak to about programming don't seem to understand outside of official terminology. I'm not sure if I'm an idiot or if they hit the same knowledge wall that I hit where I can do Calculus but I'm losing the ability to do basic arithmetic.

"I want this program to print out an array of integers determined by the user."

"So...you just want a list of numbers?"

*Gives me odd look* "...in a way. Here, I'll explain again.."


NASA funding is so much less now than it used to be. Of course most of the people who worked there are from previous generations.

if the The Martian people made a movie about, like, Naughty Dog, the engineers there would spend the movie explaining to eachother what a USB port is using bananas and toy cars
if the The Martian people made a movie about, like, Naughty Dog, the engineers there would spend the movie explaining to eachother what a USB port is using bananas and toy cars

You have to increase your suspension of disbelief.

It's all done for dramatization not accuracy because an accurate portrayal would be immensely boring.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
It's freaking beautiful out. Halo Wars just released on backwards compatibility, and I picked it up along with Halo Reach. My new client is killer awesome. Today is just great.



Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I know when I got here Vazra really helped me out with getting acquainted. He's very hands on with his explanations.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
You make my boobs firm up, Sol.
⃛♡ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )


Hi guys :D

So this thread is just a chilled thread where you can talk about anything?
It started as Realpic January and evolved into whatever it is now. Someone else could explain the history better than I can.


60% the thread is gay

we talk about 20% video games, 30% sex, 48% random nonsense, 2% coming up with percentages to things
:: becomes rocket scientist ::

:: is hired by nasa ::

:: realizes that rocket scientists actually DO explain simple concepts to eachother that they already know using props as if they are mutually r worded ::

:: resigns ::

...you know the problem is more the meaning and not specifically the word right >_>

I like the fact they're taking a Telegraph article seriously.

The Telegraph is literal garbage. Like 90% of newspapers.


What cruel God would allow me to rest for 4 days and then force me to return to work.

Wait a minute....

Also, Jobb's make-up:




I was excited for the game because they seem to have strong well designed female characters. Hopefully that's it or at least they learn from it and improve whatever else
seriously, I've seen worse walking across campus in the middle of winter.
Not equivalent. Its definitely mild compared to most things in gaming but it doesn't fit tracer's personality and since the characters don't have their own initiative, they can be put in poses and costumes in whatever way the designer decides. Fanservice suit samus for example is way out of character and is disappointing to people who want to see Nintendo take good care of her.
This is more a symptom than anything so no reason to get upset or w/e but its the kind of thing that makes me less interested in games
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