I am waiting for my wife to get more healed up so I can take her to see it. I want to see it again. As I said I loved it and I'm all in with all of it.
I'm listening to Kevin Smith Fatman on Batman synopsis of it right now. I want it all over my body.
he better give you some good food to eat or else!
had to starve too often at my ex bf's places ò.ó guys need to learn this,
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
For that example:
Again, the more I think about it the more I don't like it.
I need to see it again so I can figure out if it was actually that bad.
I'll make you brunch cause we sleepin' in.
How is that? I've known about Kevin Smith for years but never got into his show. Could one reasonably jump in at any point, or do you need a lot of history with him?
okay that's an all-around awkward situation. I'm sure Cleveland people must have hated that the old team moved to Baltimore, and it was Cleveland fans who supported the old team. Not to mention players and coaches hop teams all the time.
But I get what you mean.
had to starve too often at my ex bf's places ò.ó guys need to learn this,
I don't listen to all of them, but I like his takes on the movies and certain episodes. He basically just goes through the movie bit by bit and gives his opinion on it.
It doesn't require any prior knowledge. Just that he's been a big batman fan and his history with comics/directing, and the fact that he's friends with Ben Affleck and stuff like that.
I'd like to hear stuff like that.
Don't worry, you'll find a brunch maker soon I'd bet.
brunch maker & non-inline skater <3
brunch maker & non-inline skater <3
There's gotta be AT LEAST 3-4 guys in Germany who fit this criteria.
Also, JUNE?! Really. Steven Universe is coming back in JUNE?!
Cartoon Network you shitfucks.
well it's my experience at least. :/
I'd like to hear stuff like that.
yeah. it's strange, isn't it?so what you're trying to say is that a guy like this totally doesn't float your boat?
There's gotta be AT LEAST 3-4 guys in Germany who fit this criteria.
I had too many Nelsons. I need a...Lenny now. <3
Hope you do find your brunch maker!
in other news the date(well month) for steven universe has been announced!
Also, you're not wrong.
I had too many Nelsons. I need a...Lenny now. <3
we're most likely going to have more consistent episodes throughout summer though which is nice. I wouldn't mind it if they actually bothered to tell us before hand. not like its rare to have breaks of almost a year in most tv shows. this show mostly makes up for it by blurring the lines between seasons and not having extra season breaks
and I'm telling you no. that's what men here are like. exactly like this.
Cartoon Network seems to be the only American channel that fucks with the schedule like this. Well, Gravity Falls had a pretty odd schedule too... maybe it's just kids shows.
TIL: I'm so much cooler than German men
NI remember Disney XD really screwing with some schedules too. And I think Nickelodeon was a bit weird with Avatar and especially Korra.
I think it happens with some live action shows too, but I don't remember examples.
Nickelodeon screwed Korra over with its schedule
Korra screwed Korra
Nickelodeon screwed Korra over with its schedule
Korra screwed Korra
I'm so much cooler than German men
Geez emails were released from the NHL because of a concussion lawsuit and most everyone involved is looking horrifically bad. the guy in charge of discipline talks about letting players he likes off easy multiple times and journalists are corresponding with the league and giving their opinion on what punishments should be. ridiculous
they can be searched here: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/spor...dst-of-an-existential-crisis/article29419071/
Putting this on my Tinder profile.
I think first they took weeks to put the episodes on the web and then the last few episodes were exclusively on the website. Something like that. So weird.
Well, maybe with a bit more confidence of Nickelodeon they could have made a bigger arc. I think it would have benefited the show.
I'd read that fanfic.
As Aang's spirit shifted and pulsed within a torrent of color until it transformed into a reflection of herself, Korra wondered if she had been right to ask for his aid in the art of lovemaking, but these thoughts were immediately overshadowed by her determination to make a good first impression on Asami. After all, Asami was from the city. She had seen it all. Korra would have to master love in a way that only the Avatar could.
I imagine it's pretty similar in other sports, but this is gross ya.
Geez emails were released from the NHL because of a concussion lawsuit and most everyone involved is looking horrifically bad. the guy in charge of discipline talks about letting players he likes off easy multiple times and journalists are corresponding with the league and giving their opinion on what punishments should be. ridiculous
they can be searched here: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/spor...dst-of-an-existential-crisis/article29419071/
I expect that the NFL is twice as bad
though they might be professional enough to keep that out of emails
They can't handle on the field rules or off the field rules. Goodell constantly comes across as a moron who just makes things up as he goes and repeatedly suspends the same people cause he doesn't like themI'd imagine they just haven't had a leak yet. The NFL is really fucked up when it comes to injuries and also any sort of activism.
Recently here in Minnesota the coaching staff caught a lot of flack for messing with Chris Kluwe because of his support for LGBT rights.
how the heck do you get the position of Director of Hockey Operation while talking like that?Colin Campbell said:I told Doug Whine Wilson that after they played them home and home game 80 and 81 or something like that "Why didn't you kill that little shit. Thorton had him all alone in a scrum and could have drilled him?"
They can't handle on the field rules or off the field rules. Goodell constantly comes across as a moron who just makes things up as he goes and repeatedly suspends the same people cause he doesn't like them
also Chris Kluwe is a pretty good guy from what I've seen
how the heck do you get the position of Director of Hockey Operation while talking like that?
Got in trouble today for letting a kid use Snoop Doge in a presentation. They labeled his face using adjectives.
"Snoop Dog is inappropriate"
It's literally a picture of his face, and not even him. What the fuck. Public schools, man.
Edit: ahhhhhhhhhh found out she shares her email with my grandfather who is an orthodox deacon and is definitely not what I would consider "reasonable" on such subjects
You won't tell him where dry land is?
I feel like this is a joke but I don't understand it
The leader of the Smokers is "the Deacon" (Dennis Hopper), who wants the map so he can be the first to claim Dryland and build a city upon it with his crew.
I can probably think of a way he can cover such an expense.
Point is I don't feel like dealing with either situation. So I'm gonna ignore it and have some rum tonight.
People say that being a adult means being responsible yadayada, but this is actually what being an adult means. Cheers.