I'm sticking to PC this gen.
Dear Mr. White
I got the opportunity the other day to play the beta for your game Ghost Song, and I just wanted to say that, in a time where consoles sell based off of advertisements and not off of the quality of their games, you are doing a great thing. Your game feels inspired, yet distinct. Familiar, yet unique. Please keep up the good work, I look forward to the finished game and your future projects.
-A Very Impressed Fan
I feel like YKN is expanding to fill a negativity void I left by being positive for the last day
I'm sticking to PC this gen.
Constant frame rate is the only thing that matters. I'm not a spec fetishist.
You are crazy!!!This may sound blasphemous to some, but I find the low resolution of Wii U games sort of charming
low res generally doesn't bother me, all that I care about is framerate
I may be crazy though
Always nice to get emails like this out of the blue
Guys I'm making so much money today.
well not really
but the indie sale is going well
You are crazy!!!
Dark Souls 2 was a great co-op game. It sucked balls to solo
I rarely did coop in the game except to help people in the game. Shrine of Amana solo before the patch was something...
Based on the rumors, I was expecting to HATE Shrine of Amana but as long as you have a bow, it's not so bad. I liked DS2. I think it gets a bad rap, even if it's a step down from the original in a lot of ways.
if you like bow combat, dark souls 3 has fleshed it out more and made it more interesting/strong
Based on the rumors, I was expecting to HATE Shrine of Amana but as long as you have a bow, it's not so bad. I liked DS2. I think it gets a bad rap, even if it's a step down from the original in a lot of ways.
Fuck today. I'm gonna end up working a 12, I feel it.
Google speech to text is so priggish.
I think at the same time Dark Souls 2 had more consistency than Dark Souls 1. The last half of Dark Souls 1 is terrible for most of the part and no boss is as annoying as Bed of Chaos in Dark Souls 2. (The DLC helped a bit the last half of DS1 but lets be real) I personally had no issues with the fast travel options like many did since I didn't use them unless I felt the need for it which rarely was the case. I think also the DLC made DS2 even things out in the end with Dark Souls 1. They are both great in different ways.
I thought the DS2 DLC were so inflated in difficulty over the main game that they just weren't fun to go through. The bosses in particular were bullshit.
(DS1's DLC was also very challenging but it also felt fair. A lot of DS2 didn't play fair. That said, I played through Scholar which is reportedly harder than the base game.)
I thought the DS2 DLC were so inflated in difficulty over the main game that they just weren't fun to go through. The bosses in particular were bullshit.
(DS1's DLC was also very challenging but it also felt fair. A lot of DS2 didn't play fair. That said, I played through Scholar which is reportedly harder than the base game.)
I had a hilarious exchange in one of my hangouts where it kept refusing to let me say "cunt", instead writing "count"
Avatar material?
Kristen Schaal and Noel Feilding need to do a project together.Avatar material?
This version is tragic tho
I remember listening to this all the time on TRL on MTV. I still dig it.
The Boy Is Mine still wins for best late 90s pop song tho.
Kristen Schaal and Noel Feilding need to do a project together.
Avatar material?
This song and White Chicks are inextricably linked in my mind.
I unironically love this song
Vanessa Carlton still makes bangers to this day
Well, I mean... she made bangers back then.