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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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I think you should delay it about 6 months and put a bunch of really convoluted hidden s*** in it.

oh, there is. there are also easter egg references to various people I know and other games and shit.

couple things are so hidden I'm not sure they'll ever be found.


I think we have a release timeline for my game :eek:


probably because you care too much! gay dudes like you because you aren't worried about trying to hook up with them or what they think or whatever

this may be true but I think I was just freaked out and intimidated by this past girl I talked at length about for various reasons. normally I'm pretty chill but lacking in the on-the-fly witty banter department (remember the squirtle incident?)

Haha. If it helps, I have the same problem. Women tend to be into me but dudes aren't (Vazra excepted). It's frustrating.

I'm pissed for you! dudes should be lining up for someone as talented as yourself. I'm ridiculously attracted to muscians or otherwise creatively inclined people.

I think this is because I have a more systematic way about going through life.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Maybe gay men that you meet tend to be more open with their attraction than females.


oh, there is. there are also easter egg references to various people I know and other games and shit.

couple things are so hidden I'm not sure they'll ever be found.

I love that kind of stuff. It's probably the only reason I've ever been interested in cod zombies.


people are at their most appealing when they aren't overly reactive to those around them. Stop giving a shit. I don't give a shit, and I'm even actively avoiding dating right now, and opportunities keep coming up. It's weird.

I love that kind of stuff. It's probably the only reason I've ever been interested in cod zombies.

some of my secrets have to do with just idling in the right spot for an inordinately long time. They're basically a way for me to show people stupid shit in the game rather than me believing they'll be found by regular people, though I'm certainly curious if they ever will be. If one person one day by chance stands in X spot for a while and has a baby drop on their head, well, that'll make their day. (that's a thing, by the way)


people are at their most appealing when they aren't overly reactive to those around them. Stop giving a shit. I don't give a shit, and I'm even actively avoiding dating right now, and opportunities keep coming up. It's weird.

I always give a shit about what happens to people. I'm just tired. Not physically tired...I can shamble on forever. Mentally tired...of everything.


people are at their most appealing when they aren't overly reactive to those around them. Stop giving a shit. I don't give a shit, and I'm even actively avoiding dating right now, and opportunities keep coming up. It's weird.

I've heard this strategy pretty frequently and I think that there is some merit in that it alludes to confidence but the danger here is that you take this too far and come off aloof and that is unappealing.


I'm pissed for you! dudes should be lining up for someone as talented as yourself. I'm ridiculously attracted to muscians or otherwise creatively inclined people.

I think this is because I have a more systematic way about going through life.

Hahaha, you're sure you're not gay? ;)

I don't know. I've been single for 35 years now, I can probably deal with it for many years to come. You don't know what you're missing if you've never had it to begin with.

(In theory.)
Congrats on the release schedule Matt! Now you just have to live up to it, which I'm sure is frightening.

I've heard this strategy pretty frequently and I think that there is some merit in that in alludes to confidence but the danger here is that you take this too far and come off aloof and that is unappealing.

Don't overthink it. It has to come naturally.


thanks =) the timeline is still a ways away but yeah it needs to happen!

I've heard this strategy pretty frequently and I think that there is some merit in that it alludes to confidence but the danger here is that you take this too far and come off aloof and that is unappealing.

I would never suggest being rude or negging or whatever. You can be nice to people and should be nice to people. Just stop caring so much and relax

Desperation and clearly visible thirst are usually not appealing traits. Fun + funny + confident are. (speaking of that, funny is really important, if you get a chick laughing you're usually almost there)


I know that feeling like "ohh she's so pretty I can't believe it she's so amazing aghhh" and you turn a girl into like, an alien. Like an exotic creature or something. She's not, I promise you. She's just a person, go say hi

Jobbs be dunkin on some nerds, real soon.

what makes you think I'm not already =)


I know that feeling like "ohh she's so pretty I can't believe it she's so amazing aghhh" and you turn a girl into like, an alien. Like an exotic creature or something. She's not, I promise you. She's just a person, go say hi

what did they call it in 40 year old virgin "putting the pussy on the pedestal"?

I totally did that with this last crush and it was so lame

like embarrasingly so


I think a lot of people have done that I used to do that I was hung up on a girl for a year who had no interest in me. You learn and you grow as you get older though.


irresponsible vagina leak
Well, I have some body hair. I mean, I can't compare to yours. ;)

If I were closer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Guys, I can't breathe properly.

I have no idea why but I had a panic attack out of nowhere.

You were a bit stressed before when your friend was leaving and you started a new job. Maybe you are not realizing it but the changes may actually be more than you were expecting them without noticing. Also who knows what other things besides the stuff you have told us has happened that may lead to that.

This should work!

Hey YKN, if you're still here, do you see those red and green lines on a black background on the top of my avatar? Could you please put it on Tomba's hair?


irresponsible vagina leak
No, but I don't need ER. I just need to calm down. I think everything that has happened lately suddenly hit me. Couple with a slight identity crisis I'm having and yeah. I'll be fine, just...yeah.

Remember we are here if you need to vent and maybe if this happens again try seeking professional help.
But realtalk for Jobbs:

The day Ghost Song get released, I would be off the internet for the day for either getting drunk af and playing Dark Souls on the PS4 for the rest of the day or going for a drive for an entire day away from the computer.


This is what I get for taking today off work. Hopefully I can finish one last animation and then move onto something else. (the sword "lands" off the ground because this animation only gets used with halberd class weapons)


I forgot to mention this yesterday but I really like this. She looks badass.


This is what I get for taking today off work. Hopefully I can finish one last animation and then move onto something else. (the sword "lands" off the ground because this animation only gets used with halberd class weapons)

No. Mix it up.

Dope. I like this one best so far. How many animations per weapon? This is in danger of becoming actual work

I thought it was funny my mii kept "thinking" about one of my friends, steve. just sits around thinking about him in the thought bubble. each time I checked it seems like I'm thinking about him.

I clicked Lili's profile just now and she's sitting there thinking about Lili

But realtalk for Jobbs:

The day Ghost Song get released, I would be off the internet for the day for either getting drunk af and playing Dark Souls on the PS4 for the rest of the day or going for a drive for an entire day away from the computer.

why would I do this?
I genuinely wish I had a less shittier attitude towards Reddit, because in theory it sounds neato.

But they haven't cracked down on GG. I had two good internet friends that were harassed by that legion of assholes two years ago.

In that case, GET FUCKED, Reddit!

moot banned GG from 4chan, I don't see why Reddit couldn't have done the same thing at the time.
You all are too kind! ♥

Dope. I like this one best so far. How many animations per weapon? This is in danger of becoming actual work
Well I love working on it so that's alright. There's a total of nineteen different animations and each weapon class can use a subset of them, with the most being a couple classes that can do seven different animations.

I thought it was funny my mii kept "thinking" about one of my friends, steve. just sits around thinking about him in the thought bubble. each time I checked it seems like I'm thinking about him.

I clicked Lili's profile just now and she's sitting there thinking about Lili

That's funny. I wonder if it means I was in the store or closet or something.


It's what I'd do.

But if you don't drink, that's cool, as well.

Sorry if I offended you :(

it's almost impossible to offend me, I just wasn't sure why I should leave the computer the day my game comes out. That seems like a good time to be at the computer so I can get some good obsessin' done.


it's almost impossible to offend me, I just wasn't sure why I should leave the computer the day my game comes out. That seems like a good time to be at the computer so I can get some good obsessin' done.

I guess it's kinda like, if you read reviews that trash the game and stuff. Can bring a man down. You know?


I guess it's kinda like, if you read reviews that trash the game and stuff. Can bring a man down. You know?

I already have it figured out. Most people only play a game under 2 hours and then act as if they played the whole thing. All I had to do was make the first parts of it seem strong and promising, and most people will give favorable feedback.


I already have it figured out. Most people only play a game under 2 hours and then act as if they played the whole thing. All I had to do was make the first parts of it seem strong and promising, and most people will give favorable feedback.


You should live stream a launch party when the game launches. It should be only you in the room with party decorations and reading reviews of the game.


I already have it figured out. Most people only play a game under 2 hours and then act as if they played the whole thing. All I had to do was make the first parts of it seem strong and promising, and most people will give favorable feedback.

Seems challenging for your genre of game, where a lot of the cooler abilities tend to discovered later on. How do you compensate for that?
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