Awesome trait! I bet you picked up some awesome tricks and combinations that are rarely used as a result. What's the best one you don't see anywhere she has in her locker?
PS move in with me I definitely won't make you cook every night.
Honestly? Nothing super revolutionary.
The only phrase I have in my head until the end of time is "Try everything. Test often".
In the preparation process, I'll put aside a portion to cook separately to try out a combination or idea so that, because it's separate, if things go catastrophically flavour-wise I can abandon the idea and split the portion down again to try something else.
And if everything goes well, I'll try and replicate the idea with the whole meal.
As long as you start off a dish with a foundation or idea of "what you want to make", then you're golden.
It's been done before, but I wanted chicken karaage the other night but we ran out of chicken and mayonnaise but a crap ton of eggs and some swordfish left over, so I made my own jap mayo and swordfish karaage. <waits for someone to correct me that karaage can only be cooked with chicken>
Sidenote, our house would be nothing but shenanigans 24/7. Best case scenario.
And just anything aniseed-y
If there is one day I wish never happened
It's the fucking half a bottle of absinthe day
Oh god even just thinking about it is making me queasy
I can't deal with Absinthe, oh god. Nothing but trash
Anis is super delicious though and you can make amazing cookies/pastries out of it.