For starters the sorcerer must make a pact with a friend that he can skin the friend's body from the waist down after the friend dies of natural causes. Once the friend is dead, the greedy magician must then wait until the friend has been buried, dig up the body and then skin the lower half of the corpse without creating any holes or tears. Once the "necropants" have been created, the caster must don the purloined pantaloons against their bare skin. Now the ritual requires that the sorcerer steal a coin from a destitute widow and place it in the empty scrotum of the pants along with the magical Icelandic stave (symbol), Nábrókarstafur, written on a scrap of parchment. And that's it! The pants soon become indistinguishable from the wearer's body and so long as the original coin was not removed, the scrotum would continue to miraculously fill with coins for the rest of time.