Just to feel something?
She did say she was done.
Just to feel something?
Banged my head on the plane four times, too.
So I just cut my forehead with a screwdriver
I do not want to be the person flying that plane.
So I just peed outside in the yeard.
For really no other reason than it is a nice night out.
Watched Fury Road for the first time since the theater, still great.
Need a Coma Doof Warrior album.
Windam Teaches Boxing
coming soon on Wii U
And Windumb teaching MMA.
Chow hall about to open
God is real
It's made me go through The Downward Spiral again, just like the first time I saw it.![]()
Probably rewatched it several times now. Such a fun movie.
Salt and sanctuary is pretty dope.
Overheard at the chow hall: "Dude I just wish I had a really big strap on on right now"
How dope? Like I said, I've played almost everything Ska studious has put out and nothing ever really clicked with me.
This game fucking sucks. The hitboxes are awful. The telegraphing is incredibly inconsistent, sometimes huge wind-ups that take eternity and other times instant combos that would have been impossible to see coming. The character movement is terribly broken, like randomly not being able to roll through bosses/enemies for no god damned reason. It's way too easy to get pinned against a wall and then have an enemy infinite you to death, especially thanks to the aforementioned broken as fuck rolling. Difficulty is completely random depending on if the enemies decide to do a really easy attack or a five-string ultra combo thanks to some invisible dice roll.
But hey at least I got to put fun blue hair on my character.
Curious how far in you've played? I've killed a couple bosses and gotten to level 12 (I think?)
I haven't noticed the major hitbox problems some are reporting nor do I think based on what I've seen so far that the game is unfair.
Let's just say that the Sodden Knight has killed me so many times that the game decided if I ever beat him I won't even get my salt back. Because that makes sense.
Yeah, what I was afraid of.
Ska's art style doesn't really allow for tight mechanics in my experience, so wasn't sure how'd they'd mix what is (in my opinion) a necessary looseness with Souls type gameplay.
I almost got him on my first try then got him on my second try. He does broadcast his attacks and you can figure out what he's going to do by watching him. You're simply wrong in your criticism if it's based on that fight.
I almost got him on my first try then got him on my second try. He does broadcast his attacks and you can figure out what he's going to do by watching him. You're simply wrong in your criticism if it's based on that fight.
Consider this event. Sodden Knight is on the left side and charges up his electric attack. I run away halfway across arena and then jump over the electric surge as it passes by me. Right the same time as I jump, the Sodden Knight lunges at me with his leaping attack with the huge hitbox that extends slightly past the tip of his blade. I'm already in the air so I can't do anything about it. The attack sends me flying and because I'm a knight class with a big huge shield and heavy armor it takes forever for me to stand back up, by which time time the Sodden Knight is almost upon me again, and he's charging up a smash attack. If I try to block it I take damage. If I try to roll out of the way I can't because there's a wall behind me and he's standing too far for me to roll past him, especially if the rolling glitches out. So I get hit by him again. Then I'm at the mercy of whether he decides to attack me again right away or gives me some room to breath.
That's not some odd occurrence. That's the kind of shit that happened every other battle with him. I don't doubt you had little difficulty with the boss. You got lucky.
Do I need to start a new game to try this dude again to see what's up?
Maybe the problem is the knight class and the general idea of a "heavy tanker" character. You say she is slow to get up and roll? Take the armor off and try that way. I've really honestly had no trouble avoiding enemy attacks, and indeed little trouble avoiding Sodden Knight. I didn't get lucky. I dodged his attacks and didn't commit to things that would get me hit. I'm playing a light armor character (cleric).
Yeah but honestly what kind of game design is that? Hey, here's a default RPG character with default armor but in order to play well you're going to have to take it all off, which you would already know if you've played Dark Souls.
I just don't have the patience for the game. When beating a boss means doing chip damage and praying you don't get accidentally caught in one of its inescapable combo attacks then I'm not having fun.
Windam teaches sex ed.
I'm making a knight class character and I'm gonna try up to sodden knight and see what happens. Maybe there's more going on that I didn't notice in my first pass. I'll record the results and if they're interesting I'll upload em.
I'll be interested to see that for sure.
I mean, I beat Father Gascoigne on my first try without even much of an effort, but he's supposedly really hard. I think sometimes games just break (for better or worse), but it's really hard to shake that first impression.
Also I had a lousy day and am in no mood to have my patience tried.