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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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If I could, begin to be
Half of what you think of me
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love

When I see, the way you act
Wondering when I'm coming back
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love
Like you

I always thought I might be bad
Now I'm sure that it's true, 'cause
I think you're so good
And I'm nothing like you.
The ideal woman doesn't sweat nor poop and all that's inside of her are servos and wires and pneumatic actuators and a power source and a positronic brain
c'mon man!
Ok, well, maybe not like a normal human person but you don't immediately start panicking at the mere notion that you might have to have a conversation with someone you don't really know that well >_>
I'm actually kind of a socially anxious person from time to time. it always varies and depends on my mood but the moment you just choose to overcome it is key. I'm still shy in certain situations but yeah, I can defintely strike up a conversation without noticeably panicking. but that takes practice. you can't learn it without doing it.
Morning breath is still a problem though.

yeah, people need to brush their teeth. at least two times a day.


Find a game night, go, and be open to talking to new people. It's really similar to say GAF and going into new community threads.

It can be scary, but that's not inherently bad. The amount of times it has paid off talking to someone because you want to makes it worth it. And even if it doesn't lead anywhere, you're building that experience of being more open so it really is a positive no matter what.
Morning fakers!
I stayed up til 3am playing video games... :|
Same here. I think I'm pretty much done with The Division unless my friend wants to play now. I think I finished the final story mission? I didn't get credits or anything but the map doesn't show any more.

Man the item sorting and lack of preview is so garbage in that game. The vague item titles for cosmetics too.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Ok well I'm drunk again. (Sorry Trab)

I still can't get over how my co-worker treated me at my job... she had no patience for mistakes and had an archaic idea of professionalism. She didn't like how I invited students into my room during lunch for lunch group to do work and just hang out. She didn't like how I told them I was upset that I couldn't bake brownies for them. She didn't like how I talked to them in general. My philosophy was to be an authority figure while treating the kids as human beings, without that artificial divide that so many teachers put up that turns so many kids off from learning. She was 100% behind keeping up this divide. She came into my room and told me I was unprofessional and told me that "I understand we have a difference of opinion, but they're children" in the most "you are such a bad person" voice ever. All I did when I was there was try to be a good person and a good teacher. I went and told her at one point that I was sorry for my mistakes and that I was trying my best and she basically brushed me off and told me it wasn't ok. Yes I made mistakes, but it was my first job!! By the end of my time there she was looking for things to find wrong with my teaching and complaining to all of the other teachers about me. Everyone else had no problem with me and all of my students liked me. Bleh. I asked if I could come back and visit about three weeks into my time there, and she said "of course, that would be wonderful." I asked the same question while I was leaving and she said "That's up to the various administrators." Bitch. I wrote her a really nice goodbye letter telling her she helped me learn, which is true. Trying to be the better person, and all. By the way, my "mistakes" amounted to a few homeworks I forgot to grade and a delay in grading some quizzes (which came after a conversation we had about how she takes no grading home and takes forever to return anything... I mentioned this already)

Sorry for the rant.

I should try that Emerald Dragon game I was ranting about a few pages back.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Wake up -> clean your face and mouth -> go back to bed -> plunge face into partner's nether regions


Wake up -> clean your face and mouth -> go back to bed -> plunge face into partner's nether regions

This is my methodology as well.

Some one put Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds on Steam and NOW I'M MAD about it.

Fuck everything about that game.

Thanks GabeN, for dredging up that turd of a game.

Thanks for nothing, Ensemble Studios.

My nuts ache from the irrational anger.
Ok well I'm drunk again. (Sorry Trab)

I still can't get over how my co-worker treated me at my job... she had no patience for mistakes and had an archaic idea of professionalism. She didn't like how I invited students into my room during lunch for lunch group to do work and just hang out. She didn't like how I told them I was upset that I couldn't bake brownies for them. She didn't like how I talked to them in general. My philosophy was to be an authority figure while treating the kids as human beings, without that artificial divide that so many teachers put up that turns so many kids off from learning. She was 100% behind keeping up this divide. She came into my room and told me I was unprofessional and told me that "I understand we have a difference of opinion, but they're children" in the most "you are such a bad person" voice ever. All I did when I was there was try to be a good person and a good teacher. Yes I made mistakes, but it was my first job!! By the end of my time there she was looking for things to find wrong with my teaching and complaining to all of the other teachers about me. Everyone else had no problem with me and all of my students liked me. Bleh. I asked if I could come back and visit about three weeks into my time there, and she said "of course, that would be wonderful." I asked the same question while I was leaving and she said "That's up to the various administrators." Bitch. I wrote her a really nice goodbye letter telling her she helped me learn, which is true. Trying to be the better person, and all.

Sorry for the rant.

I should try that Emerald Dragon game I was ranting about a few pages back.
stop caring about that person. she seems like a bitch, just like you said. my friend who is also learning to be a teacher had similar douchebag experiences at the schools she visited. I think it - unfortunately - is quite common since a lot of people just get into teaching to be able to get high on excersising mindless authority. most of us will remember this from the time they were in highschool. there are always asshole teachers that won't have anything they say questioned because it's they're only chance to feel great in life. plus they'd never think they could be wrong anyway.
it's behind you now. a reason to be glad. hopefully there will be cooler peepz at your next job :)


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
stop caring about that person. she seems like a bitch, just like you said. my friend who is also learning to be a teacher had similar douchebag experiences at the schools she visited. I think it - unfortunately - is quite common since a lot of people just get into teaching to be able to get high on excersising mindless authority. most of us will remember this from the time they were in highschool. there are always asshole teachers that won't have anything they say questioned because it's they're only chance to feel great in life. plus they'd never think they could be wrong anyway.
it's behind you now. a reason to be glad. hopefully there will be cooler peepz at your next job :)
Thanks. Your words of encouragement mean a lot.

And yes, I do remember it from my time in high school... which is why I went and tried to be the opposite!
Thanks. Your words of encouragement mean a lot.

And yes, I do remember it from my time in high school... which is why I went and tried to be the opposite!

and that's why you should not let people get you down. you sound like a great teacher that connects with the kids. they really need teachers like that to look up to :)

At Jeff Rosenstock, trying not to panic about talking to people and also trying not to get wasted

AW YISS! you go man! I missed him when he came in my area :((( you'll have to party for the both of us again


Thanks. Your words of encouragement mean a lot.

And yes, I do remember it from my time in high school... which is why I went and tried to be the opposite!
You sound like you were exactly the kind of teacher kids need. Teachers should take more psych classes cause a lot use borderline abusive techniques


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
You sound like you were exactly the kind of teacher kids need. Teachers should take more psych classes cause a lot use borderline abusive techniques

I also want to say thanks to FakeGAF for making me feel like a part of a community. I haven't felt like I've had real friends in YEARS, and you guys bring that back into my life. I'm sure most people in this thread feel the same way. It's an amazingly genuine refreshment from the cold, distant adult world that I (and likely most others in here) have become or are becoming accustomed to.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
KOTOR and LEGO Star Wars are most definitely not trash.


Sol, keep doing what you are doing. The only people that will try and take you down for being a kind and respectful teacher are the ones that secretly hate themselves.
Also, you should be paid more. I hate that teachers (in the US at least) get paid so little.


KOTOR and LEGO Star Wars are most definitely not trash.


Sol, keep doing what you are doing. The only people that will try and take you down for being a kind and respectful teacher are the ones that secretly hate themselves.
TIE fighter, dark forces, rogue squadron. Tons of good ones
TIE fighter, dark forces, rogue squadron. Tons of good ones

The more you list the easier it is for people to find fault with one or more and not give you credit for any in the list. You have to play favorites, pick your champion, stand by it in solidarity!

(I agree with Seth, generally am very dour on SW games even though I want to love them)


The more you list the easier it is for people to find fault with one or more and not give you credit for any in the list. You have to play favorites, pick your champion, stand by it in solidarity!

(I agree with Seth, generally am very dour on SW games even though I want to love them)
All of those games are perfect so there's no cause for concern


I cordially invite you to reconsider whether Lego Star Wars belongs on your list or is not in fact, a second exception.

I haven't played that one so I can't properly judge it. I did try Lego lord of the rings and avengers. If Lego Star Wars is anything like those I couldn't stand to play it for more than an hour. Gameplay is too simple/repetitive and the gimmick of seeing scenes recreated in Lego is very one note.
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