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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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I just think dragonz is funny

She's hilarious.

wait are y'all serious or

The future supercouple of The 100. Em knows it's true. That's why she seethes at the mere mention.

Not even Eliza gives a shit about Bellarke



even the hot replacement commander is aussie IRL. you can't make this shit up.

are aussie people cheaper to hire or something? what is this


I'm pretty sure I read the story that they're talking about in 6th grade. With the guy freezing to death so he tries to kill his dog but he's too partially frozen and fails.


even the hot replacement commander is aussie IRL. you can't make this shit up.

are aussie people cheaper to hire or something? what is this

I think it's a case of there being a lot of good 'drama' schools over here but a limited local output.

The flipside is things like Spartacus which has a heap of Aussies and Kiwis in it as it was filmed in NZ, government grants and other incentives being the reason.

the biggest problem with australian women is
absolutely nothing

When they show up.

You can pay them in Bowie knives and vegimite.

No longer accepted as legal tender.


Is Final Fantasy Type 0 any good? It's been on my shelf forever and I've never even played it.

He's such a qt 3.14.

Insanely handsome man. that said, he lost a point after hearing him with his nasally natural voice. he must really have gone through some vocal training to get that deep voice for the show, which is impressive

You can pay them in Bowie knives and vegimite.

I think it's a case of there being a lot of good 'drama' schools over here but a limited local output.

The flipside is things like Spartacus which has a heap of Aussies and Kiwis in it as it was filmed in NZ, government grants and other incentives being the reason.

I hired 2 aussies to act in my game and I wish I'd known I could pay them in knives and disgusting spread


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Is Final Fantasy Type 0 any good? It's been on my shelf forever and I've never even played it.

I like it a lot. But it kinda falls a prt at the end. I'm a sucker for angsty j-melodrama though and Type 0 absolutely SEEPS with it.
What does "fuckboy" even mean? So far I've pretty much taken it to mean "attractive male that I don't like". Is that about the size of it or is there something more specific?

A manipulating dick who does whatever it takes to benefit him, regardless of who he screws over. They will screw over anyone and everyone as long they get what they want.

A fuckboy is the worst kind of guy, or at least one who represents the worst trends of the present moment.

from urbandictionary


irresponsible vagina leak
A "fuckboy" is a young man who sleeps with people without any intention of having a relationship with them or perhaps even walking them to the door post-sex. He’s a womanizer or dickaholic, an especially callous one, as well as kind of a loser.


other than season 1 when the writers were still figuring out what the characters were, I don't think bellamy fits that description

dragonz is just bitter bc clarkamy is going to be the thing
What does "fuckboy" even mean? So far I've pretty much taken it to mean "attractive male that I don't like". Is that about the size of it or is there something more specific?

From DJ Khaled himself:

"Just another word for hater. Mad people. BUMS. LOSERS! GARBAGE. PIECES OF SHIT."


other than season 1 when the writers were still figuring out what the characters were, I don't think bellamy fits that description

dragonz is just bitter bc clarkamy is going to be the thing

I think she's more bitter because a major character was unceremoniously killed off at the worst possible time in the most anticlimactic fashion available outside of simply vanishing from the plot like most Once Upon a Time characters do (Mulan's not coming back, is she...)

Speaking of which


This will never get old.
Goddamnit, broke my XBone's controller's RB button this evening. Grabbed the one spare we have and discovered it needed a firmware update (presumably since everyone's voice sounded like farts in my headset), and it bricked. RIP in pieces.

Managed to magically unbrick it later (by hooking it up to the other Xbox), but it was pretty unimpressive.


Goddamnit, broke my XBone's controller's RB button this evening. Grabbed the one spare we have and discovered it needed a firmware update (presumably since everyone's voice sounded like farts in my headset), and it bricked. RIP in pieces.

Managed to magically unbrick it later (by hooking it up to the other Xbox), but it was pretty unimpressive.

Are you sure the RB isn't just stuck under the controller shell? It's happened to a few of mine.
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