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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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3 hours of work left and I've lost all desire to anything productive.

I also don't want to go to school tonight. adulthood is a pain in the ass sometimes.

I'm really rethinking the whole taking a summer semester thing since this one has nearly killed me :/


I only played like half the game over JP. I realized my mistake.

The month is tight with some doctor stuff and traveling but I think I can play some Souls tomorrow


If zeemumu trades in Splatoon, we'll disown him, right?

I got my "unfriend" button primed for this eventuality.


Should I trade in the 3DS version of Ocarina of Time instead, then? I own the virtual console version and I already completed the game. Plus I'm nowhere near as attached to OoT as I am MM. Then again I probably won't because I really like my Legend of Zelda stuff.

It's kinda cool how the main Walking Dead series starts off like 28 Days Later while Fear the Walking Dead starts off like Shaun of the Dead, where the former skips the entirety of the initial outbreak by skipping ahead a set amount of time and the latter shows you the gradual process of things going to shit around the main characters before it actually gets to noticeable levels.
I only played like half the game over JP. I realized my mistake.

The month is tight with some doctor stuff and traveling but I think I can play some Souls tomorrow
That's what happens to me too. I say I don't have time because I pretty much don't, then I want to do it anyway (consequences be damned).

i dropped out and i want to go back. fuck real life

This is what I'm picturing right now


maybe I should be cool like you guys and drop out

One week of gaf was pretty productive since I pretty much got almost all of my assignments in. Final 2 weeks of school left!!!

2 more weeks of the semester for me.

I should finish by december of next year if I go straight through. this existential crisis is kind of fucking up that plan though


irresponsible vagina leak
PC version of Dark Souls unlocks in 5 ish or 4ish hours. My internet is being shit and the preload is struggling.

Funky Papa

Two more weeks until my favourite show about incest, rape and infanticide returns to TV.

Hopefully not with some Priapus infused zombie Mountain thrown in for shock.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
boo school. School should be over by adulthood. I'm glad I dropped out when I did.

I made the decision just this semester. My class work was stacking up and I looked at my current situation and couldn't see an advantage to continuing to finish my degree. Already getting contracts making decent money, already have a job lined up making very good money, and none of that was thanks to a piece of paper. It was only because of my portfolio and the work I've done outside of school.

The only regret I have is that I didn't focus on data structures and algorithms as much as I should have since that pretty much screwed me out a of job at Facebook. But that is one topic that I can teach myself, so the chance will come again in the future.

I'm actually way more interested in this than I was Harry Potter. I never jumped on that train. I'm in the minority of people that think the first few movies are the best ones I think.

At some point I'm like "yes we get it, just fight Voldemort already and get this slosh over with". There's no testosterone in that film and I found Harry Potter as a character completely uninteresting. I actually rooted for Twilight to win the Goblet of Fire.

This new guy may or may not be more relate able for me.

I loved Harry Potter while growing up. Moreso the books than the movies though. Seeing everything come to "life" in the movies was great, I think the imaginary world created through the books was much better.
The world and storylines outside of the main crew were great as well, so I can't wait to see how this new movie pans out.


Smells like fresh rosebuds

Should I trade in the 3DS version of Ocarina of Time instead, then? I own the virtual console version and I already completed the game. Plus I'm nowhere near as attached to OoT as I am MM. Then again I probably won't because I really like my Legend of Zelda stuff.

It's kinda cool how the main Walking Dead series starts off like 28 Days Later while Fear the Walking Dead starts off like Shaun of the Dead, where the former skips the entirety of the initial outbreak by skipping ahead a set amount of time and the latter shows you the gradual process of things going to shit around the main characters before it actually gets to noticeable levels.

You could just not trade good games for boring white guy shootbangs?


You could just not trade good games for boring white guy shootbangs?

Fine, I'll rent it from a redbox and complete it as quickly as possible to return it. Going back to the old days where I used to rent games from a video store and complete them within the given week before it was time to return them. I hope my speedrunning skills are still up to the task.

Also I like the Uncharted series for the most part. When it's done well it's extremely fun. It's not like I'd be trading something in for a Call of Duty game. That's completely worthless. Also I own the previous 3 and I'd like to complete my collection.

It's not worth burdening others with my shit.

Symphonia that's their job. To listen to your problems and help you. It's not like you're inconveniencing them or anything. It helps to talk to professionals. They give you good advice on how to combat these things yourself.


irresponsible vagina leak
You could just not trade good games for boring white guy shootbangs?
Have I told you that you're a wonderful rose in the battlefield called life? Never change and keep blooming no matter the environment <3
It's not worth burdening others with my shit.
That's what therapist are for tho. Don't let those feelings of not wanting to burden people when there are professionals out there to help with that.


I haven't dropped out yet and I'm not really planning on doing so. I'm not going to get my degree in four years like I planned but I'm still going to see this thing through.

I definitely don't suggest anyone drop out, however I don't think college is something that is an absolute necessity if you're up for working your ass off elsewhere.

Funny, though, that I'm still guiding my son to do college when he has to make that decision.

It's not worth burdening others with my shit.

You pay them to burden them. It's literally the most worth thing in their day jobs.


I definitely don't suggest anyone drop out, however I don't think college is something that is an absolute necessity if you're up for working your ass off elsewhere.

Funny, though, that I'm still guiding my son to do college when he has to make that decision.

I don't plan on it. College hasn't been ideal for me but there's that small glimmer of a stubborn refusal to die and I don't know how well an alternate plan would work out so I'm going to finish college no matter what. Things can get problematic when my parents talk to me about college. Dad understands things a little bit better because he did go to college, but my mom didn't so it's stressful to explain things to her, like not being able to get a class because it was full.

I've considered joining the military after I'm done but I don't know. I'm only ever truly productive when I'm curious or pissed off.


I'm probably more scared of Aliens, but I think fighting terminators would be more difficult.

I think you could be safe-ish from Aliens and Zombies based on your location and supplies.

Robots are smart and if they know generally where you are, i think you are fucked.


Symphonia that's their job. To listen to your problems and help you. It's not like you're inconveniencing them or anything. It helps to talk to professionals. They give you good advice on how to combat these things yourself.
That's what therapist are for tho. Don't let those feelings of not wanting to burden people when there are professionals out there to help with that.
You pay them to burden them. It's literally the most worth thing in their day jobs.
All they'll do is tell me something is clearly wrong, and prescribe me a bunch of pills that neither work or are not wanted. I've been on meds before. They didn't work then, they won't work now.


What if they were alien robots who turned people into zombies?

That's why I mention XCOM. In that game they have regular aliens, aliens who looks like people, flying robot frisbees, and aliens who turn you into zombies and then the zombies turn into more aliens. I fuckin' hate those things.

All they'll do is tell me something is clearly wrong, and prescribe me a bunch of pills that neither work or are not wanted. I've been on meds before. They didn't work then, they won't work now.

Have you tried the behavioral route where they try to change your line of thinking instead of immediately pushing you onto some medication?


All they'll do is tell me something is clearly wrong, and prescribe me a bunch of pills that neither work or are not wanted. I've been on meds before. They didn't work then, they won't work now.

1) You don't know better than the professionals. You may have tried some drugs before but you probably haven't tried all the drugs available or all the combinations available. If a drug doesn't work then you need to work with your doctor to find one that does.

2) Sometimes just talking with someone is helpful. It's not all about managing mental-illness with drugs.

3) Go to a doctor. Do it.


This 4 page long essay on the history of governments spying on their own people is turning into an entire essay on Germany. I haven't even gotten to the red scare yet. How they hell am I going to make to the NSA within the page limit?


This 4 page long essay on the history of governments spying on their own people is turning into an entire essay on Germany. I haven't even gotten to the red scare yet. How they hell am I going to make to the NSA within the page limit?

Choose a few big examples that best support your point and briefly mention the others?


Choose a few big examples that best support your point and briefly mention the others?

There's no point here. I'm not really making an argument this time around. Unless "people like to spy on other people" counts but that's a little broad not really something most people would argue against. I guess I can narrow it down a little by giving a reason why (fear of losing power) and then using that.

But first things first: I'm hungry. Del Taco sounds good.
I didn't drop out of school, but I stopped after my undergrad despite pressure from my profs and parents to continue. Happy about it. I think it'd be interesting to go back now that I have developed professional interests.

Unrelated, but a co-worker just got Carly Rae Jepson to autograph a Microsoft Arcade floppy disk.


I didn't drop out of school, but I stopped after my undergrad despite pressure from my profs and parents to continue. Happy about it. I think it'd be interesting to go back now that I have developed professional interests.

Unrelated, but a co-worker just got Carly Rae Jepson to autograph a Microsoft Arcade floppy disk.

That is amazing. I'm jrqloud


I didn't drop out of school, but I stopped after my undergrad despite pressure from my profs and parents to continue. Happy about it. I think it'd be interesting to go back now that I have developed professional interests.

Unrelated, but a co-worker just got Carly Rae Jepson to autograph a Microsoft Arcade floppy disk.

I've done specific training through my work, but it's so targeted. I'd rather learn on my own terms and get targeted training than do college anyday.


Redmond's Baby
well, I finished college and now I can wipe my ass with diploma. It would be much better to go straight to work after high school, when economy was not so fucked as it is now and jobs were available everywhere.

But nope, I have listened to my parents back then.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I have a Master's degree in a field I've decided I hate.


dark souls 3 talk:

for my solo character I think I'm going to roll herald since I've never really done a proper faith build

my co-op character is going to be start as a thief. I've never really gone full ninja in a souls game either.

of course I'll probably end up respeccing like a madman as certain situations pop-up but this is my intial plan
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