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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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No, it just seems to reveal in other people's misery and sometimes your own.

Kinda concerning fyi but that's just my uneducated opinion.

You need eat some pancakes, tho.

I mean like...I hate my job, I have no way out of it, I'm a struggling baby bisexual who's still coming to terms with what that means and how it will change my life going forward, literally no one knows about it amongst my friends, my mom refuses to acknowledge the possibility, I'm tired and bitter all the time and angry about how much I suck. Also I'm alone like all the time and dating is pretty much not a possibility because I'm asleep during the fucking day, so.

Does that about cover it

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
No, it just seems to reveal in other people's misery and sometimes your own.

Kinda concerning fyi but that's just my uneducated opinion.

You need eat some pancakes, tho.
Self-pity wars are never good. Trying to justify oneself for being in a terrible situation is shit. Let's not turn this into the Stephen Fry thread of one upping another.

I'm pretty sure I can also get info details of my personal experience with heavy depression.

Let's be better than that.

Salacious Crumb

Junior Member
So the story goes like this... I'm a completely stereotypical 24 year old, overweight, pale, self hating, neck beard living at home with mum. One day I decide to start moving more, eat less, and do something about my depression... Fast forward to December 2014 and I'm looking good, feeling great, and moving into a place in the city with a close friend. Bring on 2015

January 2015 was a hell of a month for me. I'd had a little attention from girls before, two girls even made out with me a few months prior (My first kiss!) But it was always while I was blind drunk, and I'd always disappear from the club and head homebcause I had no self confidence. But January last year it all changed. Maybe my confidence hit a tipping point, maybe the gym was finally paying off... But girls looked at me differently now.

The first weekend out in January I end up hooking up with a very friendly 22 year old by doing nothing more than sitting at their table thinking it was empty while her and her friends were getting drinks.

I was finally a man.

This girl did the world of good for me and my sexual confidence... For 2 weeks we were at it non stop.

Suddenly, a girl I had a crush on for ages starts showing me attention, we hook up, it was awesome. 14 months later we share a house, a savings account, and the future looks good.

The future also looks like I'll have 2 sexual partners for the rest of my life, while my partner has ~20. Should love conquer the strange feeling that I'm missing out on something? Cause sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I struggle with it. The most stupid things can trigger that feeling, and the feeling is strong.

I love this girl, at least I think I do... It's my first relationship of any kind. We get along great mostly. Our sex life is awesome. I feel like she can energize me, when normally I have to be alone to recharge, we're excited about travelling, my family loves her...

But still the feeling lingers.

Jealousy... regret... How the fuck do I move forward?
Self-pity wars are never good. Trying to justify oneself for being in a terrible situation is shit. Let's not turn this into the Stephen Fry thread of one upping another.

I'm pretty sure I can also get info details of my personal experience with heavy depression.

Let's be better than that.

When was this ever about a self pity war

He referred to me and I addressed it, literally no one else was involved


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I mean like...I hate my job, I have no way out of it, I'm a struggling baby bisexual who's still coming to terms with what that means and how it will change my life going forward, literally no one knows about it amongst my friends, my mom refuses to acknowledge the possibility, I'm tired and bitter all the time and angry about how much I suck. Also I'm alone like all the time and dating is pretty much not a possibility because I'm asleep during the fucking day, so.

Does that about cover it

You need all the hugs. Do you hate your specific AFSC or is it just your schedule and the people you are around? Sexuality is a huge hurdle for everyone. Isolating yourself is just gonna exacerbate that, but I get with your schedule there aren't a lot of options. Have you considered speaking with a chaplain or mental health?


I mean like...I hate my job, I have no way out of it, I'm a struggling baby bisexual who's still coming to terms with what that means and how it will change my life going forward, literally no one knows about it amongst my friends, my mom refuses to acknowledge the possibility, I'm tired and bitter all the time and angry about how much I suck. Also I'm alone like all the time and dating is pretty much not a possibility because I'm asleep during the fucking day, so.

Does that about cover it

I reckon you're going to sort it out.


Salacious - stop giving a fuck about it.


I mean like...I hate my job, I have no way out of it, I'm a struggling baby bisexual who's still coming to terms with what that means and how it will change my life going forward, literally no one knows about it amongst my friends, my mom refuses to acknowledge the possibility, I'm tired and bitter all the time and angry about how much I suck. Also I'm alone like all the time and dating is pretty much not a possibility because I'm asleep during the fucking day, so.

Does that about cover it
I thought you talked to your mom and she was okay with it


The future also looks like I'll have 2 sexual partners for the rest of my life, while my partner has ~20. Should love conquer the strange feeling that I'm missing out on something? Cause sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I struggle with it. The most stupid things can trigger that feeling, and the feeling is strong.

I love this girl, at least I think I do... It's my first relationship of any kind. We get along great mostly. Our sex life is awesome. I feel like she can energize me, when normally I have to be alone to recharge, we're excited about travelling, my family loves her...

But still the feeling lingers.

Jealousy... regret... How the fuck do I move forward?

You have to separate the idea of getting your dick wet and being in a loving relationship. Yes, they're intertwined but the pangs of regret for a life unlived or a woman unfucked aren't just going to magically go away as you get older.

What you need to do is seriously sit down and figure out if you want to spend the rest of your life with this woman. Is having sex with lots of people some life goal for you? Are you going to die at 88 thinking "oh shit I only fucked 2 chicks I'm a failure"? Or is having a long lasting stable relationship a goal?

If you decide that you're in for the long haul with her, just fucking ignore that other shit and keep on kindling that romance and lust that made you crush on her in the first place. You have to cultivate that shit and don't let it shrivel and die on the vine. If you decide you'd rather fuck some strange at some point then tell her before she dedicates too much of her life to some future that will never happen.

Either way, you're super young so don't fucking think that you can't make a mistake or two.

Also, I never understood why people compare sexual partner numbers like a fucking pokedex or something. "Oh, I only caught 2 before I decided on a sexual life partner of a pokemon fuck time to venture into the long grass and get me a Caterpie"


In totally unrelated news, is Val Kilmer the worst but most well loved actor? His only good acting was Tombstone.


Good morning weirdos.

Its got kind of a damp vibe in here right? We need to turn off all the lights, turn on the Barry Manilow, and get rockin'.

Who's with me.



But still the feeling lingers.

Jealousy... regret... How the fuck do I move forward?

at what point would you be satisfied though? is it just the differences in experiences between you and your gf? if so, your relationships would most likely always be unequal

sounds like you have a good thing going and you'd have to lose it to try to deal with that situation. if its really bad I'd see a therapist but for the most part I'd think you'd have to just accept the circumstance and realize that you really like where you're at and its worth it to miss out on other experiences just to have her


So the story goes like this... I'm a completely stereotypical 24 year old, overweight, pale, self hating, neck beard living at home with mum. One day I decide to start moving more, eat less, and do something about my depression... Fast forward to December 2014 and I'm looking good, feeling great, and moving into a place in the city with a close friend. Bring on 2015

January 2015 was a hell of a month for me. I'd had a little attention from girls before, two girls even made out with me a few months prior (My first kiss!) But it was always while I was blind drunk, and I'd always disappear from the club and head homebcause I had no self confidence. But January last year it all changed. Maybe my confidence hit a tipping point, maybe the gym was finally paying off... But girls looked at me differently now.

The first weekend out in January I end up hooking up with a very friendly 22 year old by doing nothing more than sitting at their table thinking it was empty while her and her friends were getting drinks.

I was finally a man.

This girl did the world of good for me and my sexual confidence... For 2 weeks we were at it non stop.

Suddenly, a girl I had a crush on for ages starts showing me attention, we hook up, it was awesome. 14 months later we share a house, a savings account, and the future looks good.

The future also looks like I'll have 2 sexual partners for the rest of my life, while my partner has ~20. Should love conquer the strange feeling that I'm missing out on something? Cause sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I struggle with it. The most stupid things can trigger that feeling, and the feeling is strong.

I love this girl, at least I think I do... It's my first relationship of any kind. We get along great mostly. Our sex life is awesome. I feel like she can energize me, when normally I have to be alone to recharge, we're excited about travelling, my family loves her...

But still the feeling lingers.

Jealousy... regret... How the fuck do I move forward?
I'll never understand people who have relationship-related jealousy and regret while in a good relationship


I'll never understand people who have relationship-related jealousy and regret while in a good relationship

Hey, this relationship is good... but what if I could be with Sophie Turner? Do I really want to tie myself down?

I think the answer is no, of course.

Xiao Hu

Listening to some Jazz right now and I'm reminded how more enjoyable it would be with someone in my arms right now.... I'll better go feed some cats and have a smoke
I thought you talked to your mom and she was okay with it

She was but now she refuses to acknowledge it and I feel like she's kinda ignoring it, I don't feel comfortable talking to her about it and I don't know why

You need all the hugs. Do you hate your specific AFSC or is it just your schedule and the people you are around? Sexuality is a huge hurdle for everyone. Isolating yourself is just gonna exacerbate that, but I get with your schedule there aren't a lot of options. Have you considered speaking with a chaplain or mental health?

It's a combination of everything. The people are okay but it's all guys and sometimes I wish I had a girl friend I could talk to. I mean a minor complaint all things considered but it just gets old when you've got dudes talking about banging their wives in various positions for hours on end. Schedule fucking blows and the job itself is incredibly stressful. I feel like a fish out of water. I don't belong here; this is not my field of study. I have zero interest in this shit.

I don't want to talk to a chaplain and get preached to. I don't really trust mental health cause it'll go on my record so


She was but now she refuses to acknowledge it and I feel like she's kinda ignoring it, I don't feel comfortable talking to her about it and I don't know why

It's a combination of everything. The people are okay but it's all guys and sometimes I wish I had a girl friend I could talk to. I mean a minor complaint all things considered but it just gets old when you've got dudes talking about banging their wives in various positions for hours on end. Schedule fucking blows and the job itself is incredibly stressful. I feel like a fish out of water. I don't belong here; this is not my field of study. I have zero interest in this shit.

I don't want to talk to a chaplain and get preached to. I don't really trust mental health cause it'll go on my record so

Can't avatar quote you on that one and can't do anything for you except read your posts and tell you that I think you can find way to be happy.


She was but now she refuses to acknowledge it and I feel like she's kinda ignoring it, I don't feel comfortable talking to her about it and I don't know why
might just be trying too hard to let you do things on your own pace/give you space.

theres definitely a lot of possible reasons that aren't purposefully negative. couldn't give you a good suggestion on how to deal with it though

It's a combination of everything. The people are okay but it's all guys and sometimes I wish I had a girl friend I could talk to. I mean a minor complaint all things considered but it just gets old when you've got dudes talking about banging their wives in various positions for hours on end. Schedule fucking blows and the job itself is incredibly stressful. I feel like a fish out of water. I don't belong here; this is not my field of study. I have zero interest in this shit.

I don't want to talk to a chaplain and get preached to. I don't really trust mental health cause it'll go on my record so

I don't blame you about being frustrated to listening to guys. Being in programming and manufacturing I've had to deal with this for years now and every chance to talk to women (especially my age) is a breath of fresh air
You have a girl you love which you have a good relationship and nice sex with. That seems like it ought to be enough. Who gives a shit that she has had more partners than you.

And think of it this way

You're better than all of them

I don't know if this will help but it seems like it might?
She was but now she refuses to acknowledge it and I feel like she's kinda ignoring it, I don't feel comfortable talking to her about it and I don't know why

Maybe because directly talking about it makes it more real?

I don't know, sis. Sexuality is a really personal thing and talking about it with your parents, siblings, et al. can be really fucking hard no matter how accepting they are. I pretty much just told my dad I was gay around four-ish years ago, and it was easily one of the hardest things I've ever done. And we didn't even get into a big conversation about it. But I felt like I was forcing the words out the entire time.


Hey, this relationship is good... but what if I could be with Sophie Turner? Do I really want to tie myself down?

I think the answer is no, of course.

Stop thinking about what you could have and focus on what you do have or you won't have either.
She was but now she refuses to acknowledge it and I feel like she's kinda ignoring it, I don't feel comfortable talking to her about it and I don't know why

It's a combination of everything. The people are okay but it's all guys and sometimes I wish I had a girl friend I could talk to. I mean a minor complaint all things considered but it just gets old when you've got dudes talking about banging their wives in various positions for hours on end. Schedule fucking blows and the job itself is incredibly stressful. I feel like a fish out of water. I don't belong here; this is not my field of study. I have zero interest in this shit.

I don't want to talk to a chaplain and get preached to. I don't really trust mental health cause it'll go on my record so
What about your roommate?
Maybe because directly talking about it makes it more real?

I don't know, sis. Sexuality is a really personal thing and talking about it with your parents, siblings, et al. can be really fucking hard no matter how accepting they are. I pretty much just told my dad I was gay around four-ish years ago, and it was easily one of the hardest things I've ever done. And we didn't even get into a big conversation about it. But I felt like I was forcing the words out the entire time.

...honestly this makes so much sense

My dad doesn't even know. No one else knows.

I feel trapped but also like I don't have any other options


Then go get something

The paradox of my existence, in which I can't be asked to participate in any new social activities enough, don't want to do online dating, but am now starting to feel the need to go out and find a partner, while at the same time loving my free and alone time too much to actually give too much of a shit.

Also I generally hate everyone.

11 hours of sleep though means 1-2 hours of personal time.

Just once I mean, one good bout of sleep.

So man what IS sex like?

It's alright. :-|


We don't live together. We share a bathroom. That's it. I have yet to actually meet her and have had no interaction with her face to face.

start leaving written notes in the bathroom for her to find and respond to. its the kind of thing that would happen in a firewatchy kind of game where they don't feel like rendering other people
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