with a hoodie or t shirt? my wardrobe is super lacking rn
Well I think the answer is to go on a shopping spree and update your wardrobe!
with a hoodie or t shirt? my wardrobe is super lacking rn
Well I think the answer is to go on a shopping spree and update your wardrobe!
I just want them to wear them ironically.
Most men's clothes are so boring overall compared to women's.
Time to start cross-dressing.
Most men's clothes are so boring overall compared to women's.
Time to start cross-dressing.
Most men's clothes are so boring overall compared to women's.
Time to start cross-dressing.
Not as much in cold weather.
Not as much in cold weather.
I gonna spank the crap out of you if I ever see you wearing this shit on the street.
This is California though. Cold weather means hoodie.youve got the casual light hoodie, the chance of rain hoodie, and the arctic tundra hoodie.
I'd actually argue that cold weather is where it shines the most. so many different things to layer. its not like you have to wear tights and dresses and other cold things all the time
though i suppose you more mean that mens clothing has mroe variation in the winter than women having less. still a huge discrepency though
speaking of cold: i'm really cold rn
Most men's clothes are so boring overall compared to women's.
Time to start cross-dressing.
I made myself cry the other day just to see if I could.
the way i experience memory is definitely different from other people i know. occasionally i'll remember a short snapshot erhe i can sort of place vague information but details are awful but for the most part i only recall feelings(both emotions and sensory but not visual or as much auditory). like a certain humidity and temperature immediately relates to the time i was playing civilization 2 while my sister was watching cartoons. and not the actual scene of that situation, how it felt to be in that situationAlso, holy shit I might have deficient autobiographical memory, this article describes a lot of how I view my past.
Whenever I need to cry I think about the ending of Children on Menwhile stabbing myself in the hand with a ball point pen.
things that made me cry that I can think of off hand:
- Room
- Bioshock 2 good ending
- The Last of Us
- These Final Hours
- Something in Lord of the Rings when I saw it in the theater but I forget what, probably more than once
I know there's more
for some reason this didn't really hit me the way it hits most people. I just hate pixar characters and don't find them relatable or interesting.
for some reason i decided to actually watch that rn. only got 2 minutes in before the tears
heck the music is almost enough ot do it at this point
The stereotypical gamer thread on gaming side is gold.
the way i experience memory is definitely different from other people i know. occasionally i'll remember a short snapshot erhe i can sort of place vague information but details are awful but for the most part i only recall feelings(both emotions and sensory but not visual or as much auditory). like a certain humidity and temperature immediately relates to the time i was playing civilization 2 while my sister was watching cartoons. and not the actual scene of that situation, how it felt to be in that situation
and i can't trigger them on their own, i need to recreate the conditions around that time
I definitely don't have that though going by how its described in the article
Whenever I need to cry I think about the ending of Children on Menwhile stabbing myself in the hand with a ball point pen.
things that made me cry that I can think of off hand:
- Room
- Bioshock 2 good ending
- The Last of Us
- These Final Hours
- Something in Lord of the Rings when I saw it in the theater but I forget what, probably more than once
- Only Yesterday
- Whisper Of The Heart
- Grave of the Fireflies
I know there's more
The scientist in me wants an empirical evidence for this claim.
for some reason this didn't really hit me the way it hits most people. I just hate pixar characters and don't find them relatable or interesting.
things that made me cry that I can think of off hand:
- Room
- Bioshock 2 good ending
- The Last of Us
- These Final Hours
- Something in Lord of the Rings when I saw it in the theater but I forget what, probably more than once
- Only Yesterday
- Whisper Of The Heart
- Grave of the Fireflies
I know there's more
has a musical performance ever made you cry?
I weeped this past weekend when I watched Has Zimmer perform music from Interstellar.
has a musical performance ever made you cry?
I weeped this past weekend when I watched Has Zimmer perform music from Interstellar.
Jesus, Mr Zimmer really must have hit your 'special spot'![]()
coming of age movies don't do anything for me most of the time because i really couldn't relate to most people at that agecoming of age stuff fucks with me, things with kids fuck with me, redemption/sacrifice can fuck with me... many general sad things can fuck with me if presented artfully.
Grave of the Fireflies is a movie aboutand that's it. That's the movie.a brother and little sister trying to survive in WW2 Japan, and everything goes wrong and everyone's awful to them and one dies then the other dies
That's odd, when I recall past events I can almost never associate those events with feelings, they're just snapshots, but I rarely even remember specific events and it seems like everyone else remembers things with stunning clarity.
Like, I specifically remember being sad when my ex and I broke up last year, but I don't feel that feeling when I think of it, I just remember that I was sad at the time. I don't remember specifics or anything either.
My autobiographical memory isn't as bad as the one from the article, but I'm thinking it's definitely worse than what seems like most people.
Hell, I didn't feel regret as an emotion until just this last year. Never knew what it felt like, even though I objectively knew I had plenty of opportunity to feel it.
Damn y'all cry a lot.
the whole thing was prefaced by a lecture on gravity waves by Kip Thorne and so the weight of that content plus the transcedent beauty of the music broke my defenses.
I'm not ashamed
Ya, definitely don't be ashamed, stuff hits people emotionally in sometimes completely unexpected ways.
That said, I have made a schema connection in my head between "interstellar" and "rolling my eyes" so I don't think even the most powerful performance of the, pun intended, out of this world score by Hans Zimmer would elicit anything out of me but a slightly less exaggerated eyeroll.
why didn't you like Interstellar?
the thing that i find funny with people that seem to visually remember stuff is they often get them wrong. i might recall the events in a check list of sorts and when we compare and then fact check, it often turns out they embellished and i was right.
a lot of the time my memories do lack associated specific named emotions but thats cause I usually don't feel much excitement or anything else for events. vacations for example, i don't get. they're just a thing to do. i can't relate to my family who are so set on "making memories"
but i do feel a breeze and go "yes, this reminds me of the mountains" or something. sometimes i don't even know what the feeling i'm recalling is related to. It just seems like other people i talk to don't get it
tbh i cry at pretty much any movie with violin music. doesn't take much. though for hardcore tears streaming down my cheeks, it takes up for les miserables or something like that.
The ending scene of Titanic really does make me crie evry tiem.
I feel the same about the phrase "making memories" though I will say that vacations are dope if only because you can go have fun with specific people in new situations.
Sounds like your autobiographical memory is similar to mine, though I don't have any specific feeling associative memories from smells or other physical sensations except petrichor, which reminds me of New Mexico as a whole.
*sad violin music*
has a musical performance ever made you cry?