Also I was doing my taxes and at the end they're throwing this thing that looks like an advertisement "DO YOU HAVE UNCLAIMED CASH". I clicked on it for some reason and it took me to the website. I looked up my name and apparently I had a check sent to me from PSU in like 2001 that I never cashed. So I'm getting a check for $500 sent to me in the mail.
I'm not yet positive if it is a scam, but it was legitimately the treasury website. /shrug
Bread doesn't specifically make you fat. Eating it nonstop does.
Also I was doing my taxes and at the end they're throwing this thing that looks like an advertisement "DO YOU HAVE UNCLAIMED CASH". I clicked on it for some reason and it took me to the website. I looked up my name and apparently I had a check sent to me from PSU in like 2001 that I never cashed. So I'm getting a check for $500 sent to me in the mail.
I'm not yet positive if it is a scam, but it was legitimately the treasury website. /shrug There is no governmentwide, centralized information service or database on how unclaimed government assets may be obtained. Each individual federal agency maintains its own records.
sounds somewhat questionable but you definitely could have done some of the individual ones
I don't know what a waifu is and I refuse to google it. I get the jist but I don't know why or when it originated.
some internet culture thing. it's animu related somehow.
I use it ironically but also to piss Jobbs off
it was the pa treasury website.
I don't know what a waifu is and I refuse to google it. I get the jist but I don't know why or when it originated.
is animu some sort of slang for anime
remember the fuck couch on amazon? I put it into caption bot and it thought it was adult content and wouldn't show it
finally so poeple can stop talking about it: Circumcision does not reduce penis sensitivity
It's a way for people to say what girls they like that is abnoying
Just say what girl you like. I like Allison Brie. She's possibly the most attractive person on earth.
yes I believe it's meant to be derogatory
at least that was my intent because everyone knows anime is trash
It's a way for people to say what girls they like that is abnoying
Just say what girl you like. I like Allison Brie. She's possibly the most attractive person on earth.
It's a way for people to say what girls they like that is abnoying
Just say what girl you like. I like Allison Brie. She's possibly the most attractive person on earth.
It's waifu day??
I have one of those in our game room. They're pretty fun but a huge waste of space too.
She married basically the cutest guy in Hollywood too. I'm so stupid happy for them.
She married basically the cutest guy in Hollywood too. I'm so stupid happy for them.
I don't understand being truly happy for people unless they're close to me. I don't give a shit if dave franco is happy or not (or allison brie, for that matter)
Brie Larson is the superior person with Brie in their nameIt's a way for people to say what girls they like that is abnoying
Just say what girl you like. I like Allison Brie. She's possibly the most attractive person on earth.
Really? What about if something bad were to happen? Could you feel sad for someone else?
I guess on a selfish level I like their acting and I imagine a happy life helps contribute to further acting of theirs that I'll enjoy, but also it's just fun to fantasize about the life they must be sharing.
Brie Larson is the superior person with Brie in their name
The only celebrity couple I care about. I'm not being ironic.
I have a lot of trouble feeling actually invested in the happiness or despair of people I don't know in any way. I know in polite society that we pretend to, but... I don't really.
E.g. if the news reports something bad that happened, I'll think/say "that's a shame" but I honestly won't feel moved in most cases. The exception would be something particularly heinous, like the sandy hook massacre, which I felt moved by -- but in most cases I just go on with my day, as I suspect most people do.
Hollywood actors may as well be aliens. I'm not in the business of wishing harm on anyone at any time, but I, like... don't actually give a shit about them beyond passing curiosity
Nah I just think she's cuterIn acting ability, probably, though I haven't seen Allison Brie's acting chops tested
I've had huge arguments with friends over the nude leaks because they couldn't understand why those celebrities deserved sympathy and respect. Thats really the point where I realized that most people don't experience empathy(is that the right word?) to the extent that I do. Not nearly as much for the good things but for bad things, I get furious for the sake of people I'll never know. Not any sort of conscious decision, its my natural reaction and I assumed everyone else just ignored it rather than just didn't have it
interesting subject either way and i'd be curious to know what makes the difference
Nah I just think she's cuter
the thing that set me off for that particularly wasn't so much that they didn't care. thats fine. they went out of their way to try to benefit from it and didn't understand why that was awful to the victims cause "the deed was already done". I've thought considerably less of that group of people since then (and they've proven me right for it multiple times since)I'm trying to thread a needle here. I don't wish ill on people, and I think everyone deserves a baseline measure of respect (other than killers/rapists/etc, obviously) whether they're a celebrity or not.
I think the celebrity nude leak thing was... I don't know. I just don't feel anything, I guess. The victims of it are entitled to their feelings, and I didn't wish that harm on them, but as a matter of me actually feeling invested in their feelings, no. I just went on with my day.
For me to really care about bad news happening to someone it has to be made real to me. Someone I've never met or talked to just doesn't feel real to me. If I saw a documentary showing a victim of the nude leak talking about how much it hurt or whatever then maybe I'd care.
The only celebrity couple I care about. I'm not being ironic.
That looks awesome. And oh, look, it's Quinn from dexter looking emaciated for some reason.
I loved Drive. I... had more complex feelings for Only God Forgives. I admired certain aspects over it but I'm not sure I can say I liked it.
did you see valhalla rising?
that film was also a trip
You know damn well I'm still never gonna get myself snipped."the sample size is too small" says someone who's frustrated his sample size of one is insufficient and probably inaccurate.