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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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there definitely is something to be said for polishing existing concepts. (though I don't share that opinion :p)

It makes me really curious how they plan to change the game up so much and yet keep a Zelda identity. If the new game feels like generic fantasy RPG with a Zelda skin then I don't really want that.

I'm not completely heartless. I felt a pang of sympathy when you got run over by a car, honestly. A brief pang.

Well presumably we're a degree or two closer than you are to assorted celebrities? I don't think you're heartless, just that you empathize in different ways than I do. There are almost certainly many ways I would appear callous to others.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
WHy are GAF avatars fucking up so much


I'd be curious to hear how steelers fans treat pats fans. I've heard generally good things in hockey but steelers fans often aren't the brightest

I went to a game in Pittsburgh in like 06? or something and me and my buddy wore our Brady jerseys. A few things happened:

The group of shirtless guys to our right screamed at us the whole game.
A guy a few rows behind kept calling us faggots and that we should go back to boston. We lived in Erie.
A drunk girl hit me in the face with a terrible towel as she walked past.
Another drunk guy walked by and made one of those fake throwing a punch moves.

The people to our immediate left and right were nice. They were both season ticket holders and basically said "you paid you have the right to watch and you seem polite"

The Pats won(of course) and we had to ride in a ferry back across the river with drunk angry steeler fans. I thought we were going to get thrown off or at least stabbed in the parking lot. We lived though. Or did we.
It's not the lifestyle so much as I just hate my job. Like...it's really stressful and it makes me so bitter that I'm literally making student loan payments on a degree that I'm not using. Like I just pissed four years of my life away for nothing.

But then there are perks too, like I'll get to travel a lot. And I get to meet cool people.

I'm sure there are other ways to travel and meet new people. but it's your decision. just seemed like there were a lot of "I hate work" posts lately. especially the food thing and such...unbelieveable standards imo.
As a western Pennsylvanian, I am obliged to assume you're a backwards loser
(You're pretty cool probably)

Just probably?



It makes me really curious how they plan to change the game up so much and yet keep a Zelda identity. If the new game feels like generic fantasy RPG with a Zelda skin then I don't really want that.

well so long as they have:
dungeons w/ puzzle rooms and basic minions and ending in a boss
items with both combat and puzzle uses
sword and shield as primary weapon
same economies (arrows, rupees, hearts etc)

thats all thats really consistent gameplay wise i think.
some basic things have already been broken like for example there was no connected overworld in skyward sword and majoras mask only had 4 main dungeons

The Pats won(of course) and we had to ride in a ferry back across the river with drunk angry steeler fans. I thought we were going to get thrown off or at least stabbed in the parking lot. We lived though. Or did we.
sounds better than philly at least
Just probably?
you're right. taht sounds too certain. lets go with maybe


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I have come to the conclusion that I would hate to be a beautiful woman, which must be the hardest job in the world.
  • People expect you to look good after seeing you look good a couple of times
  • Sometimes they can be really fucking mean if you stop looking good
  • People like your social media posts just because you're pleasing to their eye and not because they actually like you
  • You can never tell if people are being genuine when talking to you
  • Creepy people are drawn to you
  • People sexualize you when you just want to have normal time and not sexy time
Thank you extra chromosome for an easier life. I'm sure it's fine if you're like, a celebrity and can afford all sorts of quality of life improvements and maintain an impossible standard of beauty, but that's a special case


I didn't like it either. Actually one of the few zelda's I never finished.

For me:

1. Ocarina of Time
2. Wind Waker
3. Link to the Past
4. Twilight Princess
5. Majora's Mask


1. Link to the Past
2. Oracle Games
3. Wind Waker
4. Link Between Worlds
5. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

Funky Papa

Most of those also apply to average looking womynfolk.

The pros of being beautiful automatically make for most of the cons that come with not being beautiful. This is true for both genders.

I'm just glad that I'm a male GAF mod with a 20 cm dong (when flaccid), Apollonian good looks and a PhD in astrophysics. Oh, did I mention my massive penis, per chance?


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.

1. Link to the Past
2. Oracle Games
3. Wind Waker
4. Link Between Worlds
5. Zelda II: Link's Adventure
1. Yes
2. Hell yes
3. ...ok
4. ...alright, I can see this
5. What the FUCK, dude

Replace that last piece of trash with Minish Cap and put MC in third place and we got a solid list

Most of those also apply to average looking womynfolk.

The pros of being beautiful automatically make for most of the cons that come with not being beautiful. This is true for both genders.
I can mostly agree with this, actually, but what I said still rings true


My first Zelda was Zelda II and I only ever beat it after I got older and abused the XP farming.

As a young lad I tried to do it but could never really get past the mountain, and certainly couldn't get through the water maze swamp palace thing.

Funky Papa

Mine was the original Zelda for the GameBoy and I'm not sure it has been surpassed since then.

All around classic.

Edit: HEAR MY SHAME, FAKE-GAF! I still have to play Link to the Past. I intend to correct this as soon as I find the time.


My first Zelda was Zelda II and I only ever beat it after I got older and abused the XP farming.

As a young lad I tried to do it but could never really get past the mountain, and certainly couldn't get through the water maze swamp palace thing.

It was my second Zelda and I was enraptured by it. It was hard but I beat my head up against it until I beat it. Getting that key to the last dungeon is still one of the most satisfying feelings I've had playing a video game.

Ohio has a lot of things going for it.

1) We aren't Indiana

2) We aren't Kentucky

3) We aren't West Virginia

4) We aren't Mississippi

5) You aren't Oklahoma

That's pretty important to me.



1. Link to the Past
2. Oracle Games
3. Wind Waker
4. Link Between Worlds
5. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

1. Majora's Mask
2. Link to the Past
3. Ocarina of Time
4. Link's Awakening
5. Oracle games

Ah, that's what you guys meant my giant enemy crabs...


@liliththepale what do you mean when you say mentor anyway? idk if its a cultural thing or w/e but i get the feeling its sorta like a lifecoach/therapist deal but more casual like? or is it professional or just something personal?

I have come to the conclusion that I would hate to be a beautiful woman, which must be the hardest job in the world.
  • People expect you to look good after seeing you look good a couple of times
  • Sometimes they can be really fucking mean if you stop looking good
  • People like your social media posts just because you're pleasing to their eye and not because they actually like you
  • You can never tell if people are being genuine when talking to you
  • Creepy people are drawn to you
  • People sexualize you when you just want to have normal time and not sexy time
Thank you extra chromosome for an easier life. I'm sure it's fine if you're like, a celebrity and can afford all sorts of quality of life improvements and maintain an impossible standard of beauty, but that's a special case

on a different forum, i had a person i barely know make a (joke) thread asking me out. has no idea what i look like or anything. oh yeah and then the mods refused to delete it and people kept posting in it to make me mad.
doesn't take much at all to attract that kind of attention for no reason -_-



1. Link to the Past
2. Oracle Games
3. Wind Waker
4. Link Between Worlds
5. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

Is Link between Worlds that good? I have it and played it a bit (until you can switch worlds) but then I got distracted with other shit and never played it again. Should I pick it up again?


You guys if we executed everyone for having wrong opinions I'd be the only person left alive in this thread.

Is Link between Worlds that good? I have it and played it a bit (until you can switch worlds) but then I got distracted with other shit and never played it again. Should I pick it up again?

I think it's awesome but it may be my massive nostalgia boner for Link to the Past that does it for me.

It's certainly the best handheld games since Minish Cap and is, imo, much better.
1. Majoras Mask
2. Ocarina of time
3. link to the past
4. wind waker
5. skyward sword - I liked it

playing through twilight princess so it might replace skyward or bump wind waker to 5


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Ocarina of Time is my Zelda. In my head it looks like this:
This game is on another level entirely. I don't even count it when ranking Zeldas because it's in a league of its own. No other game has captured the feel of OoT.

LttP is equally good but has various successors in the handheld games. Even Twilight Princess didn't really "feel" anything like OoT, despite sharing so many similarities. The Christmas morning I got that game was probably the best Christmas ever.


1: Link's Awakening
2: A Link to the Past
3: Oracle games
4: A Link Between Worlds
5: Ocarina of Time

I'm not a gigantic 3D Zelda fan. The recent ones especially have gotten overly bloated.

(I've played them all except Majora)


anyone else get weirdly jealous and possessive of friends? its like when you find out about their other friends and things they do, you aren't really important at all and you need to wiggle your way in to not fall behind

(ofc i don't act on these feelings cause i realize how useless they are)


I was being somewhat facetious in posting that but ultimately I think it's the player's prerogative whether his or her player character makes complete sense within the context of the game.

Well, that's just it. Here we have a character who doesn't speak, barely reacts, and has no personality -- And is able to have a name assigned. None of the NPCs in my Zelda games call me "Link". They call me "Rad".

..And yet there are a lot of people who feel quite passionate about Link only being a boy. It's bizarre.

Well presumably we're a degree or two closer than you are to assorted celebrities? I don't think you're heartless, just that you empathize in different ways than I do. There are almost certainly many ways I would appear callous to others.

:: nods then looks to the east ::

Ohio has a lot of things going for it.

1) We aren't Indiana

2) We aren't Kentucky

3) We aren't West Virginia

4) We aren't Mississippi

We also aren't Alabama!


irresponsible vagina leak
I just had the best invasion lols of the day.I went behind a rock and curl up and saw the dude running around the area a few times and when he started to disappear I made a roll and used the wave gesture while he was leaving. Should have recorded it.


I just had the best invasion lols of the day.I went behind a rock and curl up and saw the dude running around the area a few times and when he started to disappear I made a roll and used the wave gesture while he was leaving. Should have recorded it.

If I didn't know you were talking about DS I would be thoroughly confused by this interaction.


Redmond's Baby
damn, i am drunk af and I must be at work at 5:50 am... in like 7 hours or so :D

blasting 80s rock ballads as I post this


anyone else get weirdly jealous and possessive of friends? its like when you find out about their other friends and things they do, you aren't really important at all and you need to wiggle your way in to not fall behind

(ofc i don't act on these feelings cause i realize how useless they are)

Nah. My closest friends make time for me. I don't really think about it much with non-close ones because I'm less invested in them.


anyone else get weirdly jealous and possessive of friends? its like when you find out about their other friends and things they do, you aren't really important at all and you need to wiggle your way in to not fall behind

(ofc i don't act on these feelings cause i realize how useless they are)

I don't have any friends in real life so I don't have to worry about it.
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