Nah. My closest friends make time for me. I don't really think about it much with non-close ones because I'm less invested in them.
as soon as someone is willing to give me attention *bam*

Nah. My closest friends make time for me. I don't really think about it much with non-close ones because I'm less invested in them.
I don't have any friends in real life so I don't have to worry about it.
as soon as someone is willing to give me attention *bam*
your wife grabs the phone?
if i say yes, does that mean i get a wife?
It's hard to maintain friendships in the adult world.
At least, in real life.
Do I look like the wife police?
Do I look like the wife police?
I don't know what does the wife police do?
You should marry that nurse, she is a keeper 4 sure
I would be your friend
It's hard to maintain friendships in the adult world.
At least, in real life.
Speaking of friends
My friends are drunk in town, I'm tired and watching Star Wars and want to play Dark Souls
What do I do?
Speaking of friends
My friends are drunk in town, I'm tired and watching Star Wars and want to play Dark Souls
What do I do?
Speaking of friends
My friends are drunk in town, I'm tired and watching Star Wars and want to play Dark Souls
What do I do?
how about cunt (british version) off you bloody cunt (british version still) and just play dark souls like the cunt you are
HmJoin them and get drunk
I don't even like being drunk I'll have one or two drinks maybe then just have water or somethingAlways choose the alcohol, you cunt.
Lose the booze
anyone else get weirdly jealous and possessive of friends? its like when you find out about their other friends and things they do, you aren't really important at all and you need to wiggle your way in to not fall behind
(ofc i don't act on these feelings cause i realize how useless they are)
can't argue with rhymes
Then you'd have the other case where a friend would get an SO and suddenly disappear from my life.
Sometimes this involves blocking/unfollowing the person on social media and essentially isolating myself from them until I've dealt with my issues and I'm ready to behave like an adult. It probably just looks like I'm throwing a temper tantrum from their point of view but I convince myself that they won't notice so I don't have to explain why I blocked/unfollowed them.
That rhymes, right
That's just gross and not a friend. It's even worse when they almost inevitably break up and then come crawling back to you. I accept that people may re-prioritize when they get into a romantic relationship and be less available but I have zero tolerance for the ones who can't be bothered to maintain the friendship whatsoever. You're out of my life.
but at the same time its also really bad when they do make time for you but spend all their time texting that person and going into another room to skype. whats the point?
That's also gross. I wouldn't tolerate that shit. It's sending a clear message that the person would rather be doing anything else than spending time with me.
That's just gross and not a friend. It's even worse when they almost inevitably break up and then come crawling back to you. I accept that people may re-prioritize when they get into a romantic relationship and be less available but I have zero tolerance for the ones who can't be bothered to maintain the friendship whatsoever. You're out of my life.
They probably notice, dude and it's not a good look. I would just stay off Facebook altogether or remove them from your feed without blocking or unfollowing them.
but at the same time its also really bad when they do make time for you but spend all their time texting that person and going into another room to skype. whats the point?
Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Enjoy the sun. Make new friends. Get some strange. Win awards. Do whatever it is you do man. Get off my back will ya.
1.5 hours left at this soul crushing office
I'm not shit posting when I say, I can not ever take seriously anyone who says the MercurySteam Castlevanias are "good".
Stealth sections in a Castlevania game is a legit unforgivable sin.
That fact ensures I never remotely care about MercurySteam game and that I never play any of their Castlevania games.
the first lords of shadow was good
n.. no. dude, no. just no.
to even say this is to.. defy.. my... brain words... words. brain... I can't even
n.. no. dude, no. just no.
to even say this is to.. defy.. my... brain words... words. brain... I can't even
on a different forum, i had a person i barely know make a (joke) thread asking me out. has no idea what i look like or anything. oh yeah and then the mods refused to delete it and people kept posting in it to make me mad.
doesn't take much at all to attract that kind of attention for no reason -_-
of every property that needed to be turned into a mediocre character action game, castlevania was probably near the bottom of the list.
castlevania is most famous for its exploration/rpg stuff... it has a genre named for it! metroidvania! it's right in the word!
it needs to be an adventure full of mystery and exploration and intrigue
of every property that needed to be turned into a mediocre character action game, castlevania was probably near the bottom of the list.
castlevania is most famous for its exploration/rpg stuff... it has a genre named for it! metroidvania! it's right in the word!
it needs to be an adventure full of mystery and exploration and intrigue
You're not the dragons I'm looking for.I'M A DRAGON NOW.