I still can't and I'm old
Yeah but we're dudes. We never will. She has a chance.
I still can't and I'm old
People going gaga pre-walk n talk phase makes me get that Christian bale confused face
Follow your dreams!
Baby bday parties are cute. My daughters 6yo party was a goddamned nightmare
All I want to do is yell "DICKS!" as many times as I can and as loud as possible on the top of my house.
Maybe even wave a flag that says "FUCK YOU!" that is made out of rainbows and old flannel.
What's stopping you?
Fear of heights
All I want to do is yell "DICKS!" as many times as I can and as loud as possible on the top of my house.
Maybe even wave a flag that says "FUCK YOU!" that is made out of rainbows and old flannel.
it's not all bad.
one of my vivid, tactile memories of my nieces when they were babies was holding them and their little warm forehead against my chin. And their tiny hands grabbing at my face and stuff.
Yeah but we're dudes. We never will. She has a chance.
Yeah but we're dudes. We never will. She has a chance.
Yeah but we're dudes. We never will. She has a chance.
My friends in highschool used to play the penis game all the time.
Dark Souls is kicking my ass and I'm not having fun. I think I need to take a break. The good news is I scheduled a Fellowship of the Ring viewing for my LotR-naive friend next weekend, so that should be fun.
women aren't intrinsically better at picking up signs. Some of my girlfriends have been extremely naive to boys trying to flirt with them, and I've been told the same for me.
The only real difference is with the patriarchy and expecting men to make the first move.
Will it be the extended version?Dark Souls is kicking my ass and I'm not having fun. I think I need to take a break. The good news is I scheduled a Fellowship of the Ring viewing for my LotR-naive friend next weekend, so that should be fun.
Will it be the extended version?
I'm stuck on Vordt of the Boreal Valley.
I know this shouldn't affect me as much as it does, but it pisses me off when translators and people in charge of naming things use names with easily traceable lineage to something that doesn't make any sense in context.
The word boreal is a seldom-used synonym for freezing or arctic (hey, there's another one!). It comes from the name of the Greek god of north winds, Borealis. That's why we call the famous radioactive northern lights the Aurora Borealis, because it's the light of the north winds. So why is there a valley in Lothric named after a Grecian deity? It's as if some lazy translator went to thesaurus.com and searched up synonyms for frozen and called it a day without checking what the word actually means.
At least with arctic the word is common enough parlance to ignore that arktos is the Greek word for bear and it's a reference to our constellations (ursa minor and major).
I'm stuck on Vordt of the Boreal Valley.
I know this shouldn't affect me as much as it does, but it pisses me off when translators and people in charge of naming things use names with easily traceable lineage to something that doesn't make any sense in context.
The word boreal is a seldom-used synonym for freezing or arctic (hey, there's another one!). It comes from the name of the Greek god of north winds, Borealis. That's why we call the famous radioactive northern lights the Aurora Borealis, because it's the light of the north winds. So why is there a valley in Lothric named after a Grecian deity? It's as if some lazy translator went to thesaurus.com and searched up synonyms for frozen and called it a day without checking what the word actually means.
At least with arctic the word is common enough parlance to ignore that arktos is the Greek word for bear and it's a reference to our constellations (ursa minor and major).
hell yes. I haven't touched the theatrical cut in over a decade
I should probably swallow my pride and summon someone. It feels like cheating, but then again so much of the game is kiting enemies and taking advantage of stage geometry that the AI is bad at navigating.
There probably won't be a full-blown meltdown. Probably.
From my experience, guys are easier to read cause they get drunk and tell you "you're cute" a million timeswomen aren't intrinsically better at picking up signs. Some of my girlfriends have been extremely naive to boys trying to flirt with them, and I've been told the same for me.
The only real difference is with the patriarchy and expecting men to make the first move.
From my experience, guys are easier to read cause they get drunk and tell you "you're cute" a million times
you don't think women don't do this?
I did say "from my experience" but that was a joke.
Man.. The sass. I was actually impressed by the AI. It seems more reactive than any of the games to date.
There's incredible enemy/location variety and for the most part it's very artistically strong, with some areas later on particularly standing out in their gorgeousness.
As far as summoning.. PLease don't feel any shame in that, there are some bosses later which were so insanely hard I don't understand what human could do it without a summon, and indeed I had to
From my experience, guys are easier to read cause they get drunk and tell you "you're cute" a million times
sass is my middle name you god amongst gamers you
What if I like hitting the signals with a baseball bat?We are all just a bunch of nitwits when it comes to getting the signals right.
Good. I don't want your mate to question what happens to Saruman once you reach Return of the King.hell yes. I haven't touched the theatrical cut in over a decade
Good. I don't want your mate to question what happens to Saruman once you reach Return of the King.
Good. I don't want your mate to question what happens to Saruman once you reach Return of the King.
that's exactly the kind of person you don't want attention from though![]()
They weren't aggressive so much as kinda pathetic. I pretty thoroughly friendzoned them forever and that's pretty much what they were expecting so it wasn't really a big deal
I swear to God American showers are the most random thing in the universe. But specially the older kind seen at places such as hotels. This is some of the shit I've stumbled upon during my travels:
What if I like hitting the signals with a baseball bat?
I only tell women they're cute when they get angry
just kidding
That's actually not something i say to women unless already really comfortable with them. It too easily can sound unintentionally condescending
I swear to God American showers are the most random thing in the universe. But specially the older kind. This is some of the shit I've stumbled upon during my travels:
The worst part is that in pure hotel fashion, water only has two real settings: balls freezing cold and boil to your death. Fidgeting the controls to get the temperature right is borderline suicide. And by the time you finally learn them, you've returned home or go to a different place with an even weirder tap. Even simpler models like this one...
... are absurdly hard to operate.
Meanwhile in the civilized world (read: Papa's Abode)
Right knob gradually and safely regulates temperature. Left knob gradually and safely regulates water pressure. The end.
Increased chances of success? Restraining order? Time to roll that d20.
The "absurdly hard to operate" one is actually really easy. Pull toward you to increase pressure and twist to change temperature.
The straightforward knob ones and two knob ones are definitely awful though
I actually prefer cute but yeah its definitely context sensitive
Food poisoning is not fun.
Food poisoning is not fun.