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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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Mom face works wonders in most situations.

And in bed, gross. I feel like we had this discussion about daddy being repulsive before, but that might have been in GirlGAF.

no that was definitely here. a few times even

might have also happened in GirlGAF but i don't remember it


Mom face works wonders in most situations.

And in bed, gross. I feel like we had this discussion about daddy being repulsive before, but that might have been in GirlGAF.

Do you ever talk about "dadbod"? Apparently some women hvae a kink for it. What it actually means as far as I can tell is "sorta out of shape but not too out of shape" guys
Because your position is infantile. You don't understand what we do at the most basic level. Protecting waterways, protecting air traffic, counterpiracy, humanitarian missions, you have no fucking idea and to even try to equate us to something like ISIS is so ignorant I don't have words. You have NO idea what we do. I personally have helped for Sri Lankan tsunami relief, helped deliver food and tents to pakistani earthquake victims, protected villages, helped run electricity to remote iraqi villages, and that is just the shit I have done, at my few commands. You don't know what a military does-it isn't all kicking in doors and dropping bombs, that is a small part of providing defense to our allies.

ANYWAYS. Back to uniforms for a bit, our aquaflage camo is to help hide grease and paint stains from working. It is in tones that hide that so you don't have to buy a new uniform after accidentally running into a fresh painted bulkhead or cleaning a .50 cal.

And yes, as far as unis go I have coveralls, 3 types of camo(aquaflage, desert, woodland), NSUs, dress whites and dress blues. It's ridiculous. On top of that I have to buy the new female dress blues and cover this year and if I make chief(E-7), I have to an entire new set of uniforms-_-

I'm not gonna respond to Trans because this pretty sufficiently covers it all.

When I make rank the only thing I have to change are my arm stripes on my uniforms. Super easy; just take them to the shop off base and they'll sew them.

I'm the leading petty officer for combat systems gunnery division, I yell a lot. I have a lot of young dumb kids under my command. They mean well, but they fuck up a lot.

Pls don't yell at me ;_;

Thank god your not a marine.

Or I just throw some pancakes in front of you for distraction...

Or we simply share her ;)

Yo joking aside if ADC made me pancakes I'd honestly spontaneously combust

No sharing tho, sorry. I saw her first.

Xiao Hu

^ I visited German GAF and look what followed me home

He's so kinky

I like you too, Jobbs, I like you a lot. <3

Mom face works wonders in most situations.

And in bed, gross. I feel like we had this discussion about daddy being repulsive before, but that might have been in GirlGAF.

We can always start a new one if you're disgusted enough. I actually like HD remakes.

Yo joking aside if ADC made me pancakes I'd honestly spontaneously combust

No sharing tho, sorry. I saw her first.



I'm the leading petty officer for combat systems gunnery division, I yell a lot. I have a lot of young dumb kids under my command. They mean well, but they fuck up a lot.


#12 in the world by budget. A pretty serious navy for our population.

how often will I get corrected on my definition of a knife is I get occupied by ya'll

Dad bods can be hot.

/unsolicited gay male opinion

what quantifies a dadbod exactly? is it just a "know it when you see it" thing?


I disappear for a weekend and miss a gun fight? WTF I miss all the good stuff.

I did go to the Pirates game this weekend though and that was the bee's knees. Made so much Vitamin D via sun exposure and didn't even get a sunburn.

Club level seating is the only way to fly at PNC Park.

Do you ever talk about "dadbod"? Apparently some women hvae a kink for it. What it actually means as far as I can tell is "sorta out of shape but not too out of shape" guys

As far as I can tell "dadbod" is an in shape person that hasn't cut their body fat % to unreasonably low levels. I dunno though because the examples range from what I would consider unhealthy to what I would consider my ideal shape.


Do you ever talk about "dadbod"? Apparently some women hvae a kink for it. What it actually means as far as I can tell is "sorta out of shape but not too out of shape" guys

its never been mentioned once in GirlGAF.

I tend to like thinish guys that are fit but not muscular.
what quantifies a dadbod exactly? is it just a "know it when you see it" thing?
this is basically what i always assumed it is: (or maybe a bit more fat tbh)


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Do you ever talk about "dadbod"? Apparently some women hvae a kink for it. What it actually means as far as I can tell is "sorta out of shape but not too out of shape" guys

Eh, different people like different things. I tend not to get hung up on being in shape too much. There are factors that matter more for me. My base requirement is able to do physical outdoorsy stuff with me. I don''t care if a guy has a gut, or is ripped. There are limits though-I don't personally like really vascular super muscley guys or fat dudes. I think a lot of girls are attracted to dad bod because it shows a guy takes a little care of himself but doesn't go overboard. But I dunno.

When I make rank the only thing I have to change are my arm stripes on my uniforms. Super easy; just take them to the shop off base and they'll sew them.
Yeah it was like that for me for E-1 to E-6(3 technically, I was never an E-1 or E-2), but Chiefs and Officers wear different uniforms than us.

Pls don't yell at me ;_;

Don't throw your furniture out of your barracks window, or joust with brooms or wear the wrong color undershirt or get green streaks colored into your hair or try to hide a nose ring in uniform or hide civilian girls in your room or any of the other insanity I have to deal with, lol. You'll know once you become an NCO and have to explain to your shirt why your airmen are acting like monkeys fucking a football, lol.
what quantifies a dadbod exactly? is it just a "know it when you see it" thing?

I qualify it as a guy having a bit of a paunch and some noticeable fat on his chest and arms.

A guy who isn't grossly out of shape, but one who doesn't make working out a priority. A body that sort of says I drink beer when I want and eat pizza when I want but go to the gym a few times a week.
Don't throw your furniture out of your barracks window, or joust with brooms or wear the wrong color undershirt or get green streaks colored into your hair or try to hide a nose ring in uniform or hide civilian girls in your room or any of the other insanity I have to deal with, lol. You'll know once you become an NCO and have to explain to your shirt why your airmen are acting like monkeys fucking a football, lol.

I can't stop laughing please tell me they don't actually do this

I don't really hang out with those kinds of airmen, I'm an old fart compared to them and I have no interest in their shenanigans

Funky Papa

Here in mainland EU, guns are regulated to the max, only sport shooters or hunters can have them. Stored in either police station safe or at the shooting range.
Most European countries allow for gun safes at home. That's how I store mine.

#12 in the world by budget. A pretty serious navy for our population.
How are you liking those Navantia ships? :p

jesus christ

is riddick pregnant??

Vin seems to be one of those men whose weight and pudge levels can fluctuate pretty wildly if they don't take care of themselves 24/7. I feel for him*.

*because filthy rich dudes are people, too.

Xiao Hu

Excuse you I've been stanning her since last year when she first claimed my gay ass in season 2 episode 6 of The 100. I just wasn't around on GAF for it.

Let's be real you didn't even know she existed until me.

I concede defeat. That is some serious fangirl dedication over here.

Can I have her while you're at work? Pretty please. I'll even make some nice Russian pancakes with homemade jam for you :3


Unconfirmed Member
Enough about the military industrial complex, lets body shame actors.


I believe that pic is old. I remember he got back into shape after those pics.

If an old dude like Riddick can get into shape then there is hope for us all!

Honestly though, I'm pretty much happy with where I'm at right now. I do cardio and weight training (all at home) to keep my muscle mass up, keep the carbs to a minimum, and then do whatever else I want.

I'm not going to min/max my muscle definition cause that's just too much shit for me to deal with. I got other stuff to do.


Vin looks bad in that picture, but he's also probably the coolest nerd on the planet.

Like, who else has convinced Judi Dench to play D&D?


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I can't stop laughing please tell me they don't actually do this

I don't really hang out with those kinds of airmen, I'm an old fart compared to them and I have no interest in their shenanigans

These are all actual things I have had to deal with, it's awful and hilarious. It's tough counseling someone when you just want to laugh in their face and call them morons but you have to be super serious.


Redmond's Baby
These are all actual things I have had to deal with, it's awful and hilarious. It's tough counseling someone when you just want to laugh in their face and call them morons but you have to be super serious.

So you are like their mom (kinda) :p

Most European countries allow for gun safes at home. That's how I store mine.
It used to be allowed to store them at home with ammo in gun safes, but not anymore,after two people went a bit berserk and went on a shooting spree. Called my uncle, who is a hunter and he told me that you can have gun at home in a special gun safe, but no ammo is allowed - it must be stored either at police station / shooting range / hunter's lodge.
Unless you have an illegal piece at home, that is a different story :)


This on the other hand isn't hot. At all.

The cig is a huge turnoff

THat said I do feel uncomfortable about body shaming I probably shouldn't do it! I just googled "dadbod" out of curiosity and "WTFd" at that vin diesel one and shared before thinking

It's not because it's so horrible, it's just so different from my usual image of vin diesel the action star

would you rather give up sweet or salty snacks for the rest of the life?
this is something I really would rather die before deciding.

sweet. salt is life


would you rather give up sweet or salty snacks for the rest of the life?
this is something I really would rather die before deciding.

Sweet, easy peasy. Need my salty.

If someone said Vin was the greatest action star of this era I wouldn't be shocked. Dude's great.
Bring it on :|

You do realize I PT a whole fucking lot right

Octavia is a real scorcher, but I've been impressed lately with Raven's physical tone. Homegirl is deceptively ripped.

Lindsay does a ton of fitness stuff; she's been in several fitness magazines. Those abs tho, lord.

I mentioned it in The 100 OT but the more I work here the more I realize I'm like Raven IRL and it's weird.

Like in season one there's a scene where she's trying to find a pressure regulator and I watched it and lowkey screamed because part of my job is literally to fix pressurization problems.



Pft like ratings even mean anything to me.

Pure action movies of this era are rated very poorly and the "action star" of the 80s and 90s has been somewhat diminished. Tentpole blockbusters are all crazy setpiece movies based on toy and comic franchises.

Riddick was a great action flick, The F&F movies are awesome, The Last Witch Hunter was idiotic fun. I'm down with Vin being top five (at least) current action stars.
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