You do realize I PT a whole fucking lot right
I remember reading a study that says women prioritize sweet things and men prioritize savory things
So far fakegaf is bearing this out
would you rather give up sweet or salty snacks for the rest of the life?
this is something I really would rather die before deciding.
would you rather give up sweet or salty snacks for the rest of the life?
this is something I really would rather die before deciding.
I remember reading a study that says women prioritize sweet things and men prioritize savory things
So far fakegaf is bearing this out
I think I like sweet better, but salty snacks won't rot away my teeth, so there. My parents spent way too much money on those braces.
Pft like ratings even mean anything to me.
Pure action movies of this era are rated very poorly and the "action star" of the 80s and 90s has been somewhat diminished. Tentpole blockbusters are all crazy setpiece movies based on toy and comic franchises.
Riddick was a great action flick, The F&F movies are awesome, The Last Witch Hunter was idiotic fun. I'm down with Vin being top five (at least) current action stars.
I never had braces. Thankfully my teeth aren't crooked at all.
Nah fuck that.
Emily Blunt
Tom Hardy
Iko Uwais
Ethan Hawke
Jon Favreau
My teeth are crooked as fuck, but my parents were too poor to get me braces and now my insurance doesn't cover it so I'M too poor to get me braces because they're like multiple thousands of dollars.
FML it makes me feel really insecure about my smile too.
My teeth are crooked as fuck, but my parents were too poor to get me braces and now my insurance doesn't cover it so I'M too poor to get me braces because they're like multiple thousands of dollars.
FML it makes me feel really insecure about my smile too.
My bottom row of teeth are getting progressively more snaggle-toothed as fuck.
Since my top row are fine I just ignore it, but it's something I actively try to hide when I'm smiling.
Ethan Hawke and Favreau? In what movies?
Favreau is the fat chef from that movie right?
Daisy Ridley =)
Emily Blunt, too
I prefer women heroes to men heroes in most my media. I feel absolutely no need or desire for the protagonist to "be like me", or to "be me". I'd rather just LIKE the protagonist, and it's generally easier to like women than men
(that's not to say I DISLIKE men - for example I love Jake Gyllnehaulauaul in just about anything)
I prefer women action heroes too. Because I think women kicking ass are fucking hot.
do you ever respond to a thread then regret responding because you know you're going to have to keep responding to people?
I'm most self conscious about the bottom row as well. The two middle teeth on the bottom bend in a bit, because my brother threw a telephone book and it hit me in the mouth when I was a teenager
Yeah my teeth are fucked too , remembering forgetting to brush every other day last year so yeah I fucked up
I need a good mouth wash too, mine are garbage
:: commiserates ::
The only thing off about my smile is one of my top front teeth is pushed a bit back compared to the others and that's because the permanent tooth started coming before I'd yanked the baby tooth.
I objetify Emily Blunt, tbh.
Maybe one of these days I'll get to watch the damn film.
do you also make your player character in rpgs female Jobbs?
just curious, because I have a friend that does this.
I have some kind of mental wall that prevents me because I like to be able to relate to the character I'm playing as in some kind of way. I'm not sure what this says about me psychologically.
My teeth are almost perfect. But when I was a child I jumped on the metal frame of a trampoline so the lover jaw is a little bit 'uneven'.
do you also make your player character in rpgs female Jobbs?
just curious, because I have a friend that does this.
I have some kind of mental wall that prevents me because I like to be able to relate to the character I'm playing as in some kind of way. I'm not sure what this says about me psychologically.
I just took a picture of mine because I was gonna show them, and they're so fucked up that I got angry and deleted it.
do you also make your player character in rpgs female Jobbs?
just curious, because I have a friend that does this.
I have some kind of mental wall that prevents me because I like to be able to relate to the character I'm playing as in some kind of way. I'm not sure what this says about me psychologically.
Silicon Valley is back. Make sure to make time for the best comedy on TV.
Misha, you don't post in a Gaming side thread. That's like rule #1 of avoiding headaches on here.
I've done it plenty.
Mainly did it in Mass Effect due to the complete lack of gay male romance options (apart from the third game.) Same deal with Dragon Age Origins but because I didn't like the gay male romance options. Also, have a female Blood Elf mage in WoW that would always get hit on by neckbeards, and then I'd make their dicks recoil in horror when I told them I'm a guy.
group and organizational behavior final exam grade came in
I get sexual satisfaction from this
group and organizational behavior final exam grade came in
I get sexual satisfaction from this
Women also tend to be more interesting in games. As Misha seemed to be saying -- Male leads are either smart alecs or gruff mctoughguy or brooding mcdouche or some mix of those three things. Imagine a triangle with one of those on each point and then just place the marker in the triangle somewhere.
Female Shepherd's voice acting was so much better than male shep it made the entire experience more depthful
They're all mostly forgettable tbh, FemShep stands out simply because of her voice acting but it's not like her character was any better than ManShep.
If character creation is available I usually toy around a bit but never get in depth and I always just make a generic white dude.
If it's character selection I'll eventually try them all.
this is nice and all, but, like.. it says you missed one. what's that about?
Now have a wank
but those idiots need to know how dumb they are.Misha, you don't post in a Gaming side thread. That's like rule #1 of avoiding headaches on here.
They're all mostly forgettable tbh, FemShep stands out simply because of her voice acting but it's not like her character was any better than ManShep.
I absolutely adored playing as Ellie, she seemed like a human being and I cared what happened to her
CARING what happens to a character in a video game? It's so fucking rare
I identify as Maya in BL2 as my sexual identity.
Yeahp, same.
Love playing as her.