It's not the never is ;(((
So tight tho ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You Know Nothing is extremely loose tho so he can't say that.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It's not the never is ;(((
Daenerys has cute handmaidens who get her off, why can't I
So tight tho ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You Know Nothing is extremely loose tho so he can't say that.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Natalie Dormer is the kind of girl you bang because she's gorgeous and would probably be killer in bed
This woman's smirk is the most arrogant, rage inducing display of pomposity.Even Harry's younger. I think the only person who maintains roughly the same age in both series is Dr. Connors.
Look at the smirk, though!
This woman's smirk is the most arrogant, rage inducing display of pomposity.
So you've finally seen the light and joined the Dormer clan. Welcome
That accent, that smirk, GOD DAMN!
This woman's smirk is the most arrogant, rage inducing display of pomposity.
D'aww that puts a chink in the glacier where my heart should was good. Not great. I'm mostly just bored right now. Wednesday night can't get here soon enough.
So tight tho ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You Know Nothing is extremely loose tho so he can't say that.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I need prove of the later one.
Good to know my Thirst rating is extremely low, comparatively at least.
17 hours on twilight princess so far, I made it to the snow mansion dungeon
At this rate I'll reach 50 hours for the total playtime 0_o
Twilight Princess needed to be a lot less boring
Are you trying to find all of the bugs and poes and stuff or just getting lost and stuck a lot? It took me about 30 hours to complete twilight princess on my first run and I wasn't looking for any of the side stuff.
I fucking loved that snow mansion.
Alternatively, you needed to be a lot less bored by it. Plenty of people find the game highly enjoyable and even enthralling at times.
It's hard to feel enthralled by a game when it feels like a chore from start to finish.
This is dinner but it's also midnight so I'm calling it #MidnightSnack
don't hate me but the girl I'm currently sorta seeing actually asked me out, basically, I didn't really do anything but exist and be nice
and no this doesn't happen often or really ever up until now, so I'm not really bragging
You're both garbage and I hate youWell...basically
^ this.
Don't expect it to happen either, just roll with things and you do you*
*Disclaimer : fengshuifever is terrible at talking to women and all advice given by fengshuifever should be analyzed as 'wrong'. Consult your doctor or physician.
This is pretty close to how I would sum up A Link to the Past.
What's the green stuff? Avacado?
You're both garbage and I hate you
I only really appreciate that game for giving me Link Between Worlds. I try to not give it any attention otherwise.
I CAN HATE WHOEVER I WANT YOU AIN'T GONNA STOP ME NONE OF YOU ARE MY REAL DADHe said you mustn't hate him. Jobbs is a very nice man with a very nice nurse to take care of him.
On the left, yeah. On the right under the fries is a dill pickle.
Fuck I need to rewatch FLCL
On the left, yeah. On the right under the fries is a dill pickle.
He said you mustn't hate him. Jobbs is a very nice man with a very nice nurse to take care of him.
Oh, that I will happily concede.
You crazy Californians and your nasty avocados.This is dinner but it's also midnight so I'm calling it #MidnightSnack
Did you mash it all together or did you slice your strange burger with a knife? akin to your avocado.
Lilith, your eating habits are obscure.
I'm not familiar with the Windam shitposting I hear about all the time in this topic, but it must have felt like this to readThis is pretty close to how I would sum up A Link to the Past.
If I ever resort to using utensils to eat a goddamned burger, then I want one of you to shoot me in the dick.
any updates on Symph btw? I just got to see a little of the situation before I went to sleep last night.
Huge ones are always eaten with fork and knife, specially since I have a beard and any other option would be nasty.
any updates on Symph btw? I just got to see a little of the situation before I went to sleep last night.
he says never-having-eaten-a-good-burger
you're all such snobs. sitting at home in your fancy houses eating your fucking cereal with fork & knife.
I'm not familiar with the Windam shitposting I hear about all the time in this topic, but it must have felt like this to read
If I ever resort to using utensils to eat a goddamned burger, then I want one of you to shoot me in the dick.