When someone attacks my favorite Zelda game I retaliate in the most honest way I know how. ♥
I don't have tiny hands, so I'd grab hold and sink my teeth into it.
I had no idea it was your favorite.
Twilight Princess is the best Zelda game hands down. Never mind it being a retread. It's the culmination of everything good about previous Zelda games.
Twilight Princess was the only (mainline) game that didn't take huge risks
That's probably why it's been the best game so far.
Sexual orientation: This burger.
if I told you I have tiny hands would that explain anything?
if I told you I have tiny hands would that explain anything?
means you have a small dick
:: rolls back over ::
means you have a small dick
:: rolls back over ::
I ate a pickle tonight in your honor and told Rob off for saying he hates you. The least you could do is compliment my dick size, mmkay?
Yeah, it's about to be splattered all over you if you don't use utensils.
Or what? Going to say nasty things about that beta he gave you?
Can't you just buy a bigger one if you feel inferior Lili?
Dick at least as big as your pickle, and the balls the size of your avacados!
No that looks pretty much as cooked as it should be![]()
it's not even cooked, damnit.
Finally watched Orphan Black's premiere from last week.
I was not expecting an entire flashback episode, but it felt so right.
My favourite episode since S1. I was about to post RN at the OT. Everything felt so right, even if there was not a lot of comedy.
My favourite episode since S1. I was about to post RN at the OT. Everything felt so right, even if there was not a lot of comedy.
Edit: Have my babies, Tatiana.
Em pls.
Let's keep it PG.
McDonalds? Ew
Wes Streeting, the Labour MP for Ilford North, told the Sun on Sunday: Im exasperated that we should throw away £30,000 worth of sponsorship like this. It smacks of a snobby attitude towards fast-food restaurants and people who work or eat at them.
McDonalds may not be the trendy falafel bar that some people in politics like to hang out at but its enjoyed by families across the country.
Ian Austin, the former minister, tweeted: Why has UKLabour turned down 30k from McDonalds? My first job was in their branch of Dudley High Street.
McDonalds? Ew
What the fuck
I have to piss so bad that I have an erection. I don't want to get out of bed and wake anybody up yet.
Do I jerk off or piss into the clothes hamper from across the room. Decisions decisions.
Im 30 pages behind and I just realised.
Captain phasma becomes a good guy in ep 8. The evidence exists, in he movie. I await for you to become unblind.
I believe I have discovered it
How pricey is McDonald's in Spain?
I mean here in America its reputation is pretty much permanently entrenched as cheap and trash tier. Even for their "gourmet" offerings.