well, every night I have to do something called peritoneal dialysis for the kidney failure which is a real drag. it messes with my sleep pretty bad so I'm not as rested as I usually I am. it's also somewhat uncomfortable having a tube coming out of my abdomen.
also, the kidneys help regulate blood pressure so I'm on a ton of blood pressure meds that have a tendency to be TOO good at times and will knock my blood pressure way down. This makes me feel dizzy or like I'm going to pass out from time to time.
other than that I'm good.
the eye surgery was effective. I'm now able to see out of that eye again so that was huge.
now it's just a matter of waiting on the transplant.
to keep myself busy I'm working and going to school full time. this keeps me from thinking about my health issues too much. many people with kidney failure suffer from depression and I'm fortunate to not be one of those. though there are some dark times.