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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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irresponsible vagina leak
im good

for now

Boo I even had gifs.

Oh, motherfucker. Now I see it too. Great, now I'm going to want to give my DS4 a blowjob every time I look at it.

Stream it on twitch. XOXO


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I just invented a mixed drink
Vodka + Seltzer + Mio

Extremely low in calories (for alcohol) and still deliciously sweet, even more so than other drinks

Thank me later
Someone tell me a story I'm bored.

When I was young and they had just opened the pre-orders for PlayStation 4, I rolled over in bed and grabbed my Macbook Pro, opened it up and navigated my Chrome web browser to Best Buy dot com. The site sells a lot of things but most important to me was making sure that I would be one of the first people to ever own the latest and greatest PlayStation console ever, thus it was my sole focus.

So excited was I despite there being any games yet I wanted to play. Really, nothing until Infamous: Second Son enthused me, and yet I had so blissfully used my previous PlayStation console that I blindly attached myself to Sony's teat. Any news, any offering, I could not stoop too low.

About a month prior to the official release of the PlayStation 4, my brother and I made a trip to the nearest shopping mall. That's not actually true. Where I live there are literally dozens of shopping malls. We went to a close by shopping mall that was a lot bigger than some of the other shopping malls and had within its fine array of stores a Sony center. See, I was but a wee lurker of the new Gaming Age Forum at the time, and I had read in a thread there that demos for the PlayStation console were available at select locations.

We arrived in style. What style? Normal style. Reserved giddiness I guess. We didn't want to look the part of lunatics to other shoppers, yet lunacy was ours to contain. Finally we crossed the threshold of the Sony store and there was naught for us to see. Why? Panic raced through my heart. "WHAT THE FUCK?" it yelled inside my chest, though my tongue was stayed for fear of appearing uncouth. Yet moments later I was put to ease by the spotting of two PlayStation 4 sets in the back of the Sony store. They were not hidden away with malice, merely obfuscated by a myriad of magnificent television displays.

I greedily grabbed the luscious form of the DualShock 4. "This feels natural", I thought, like a form I had held often before and favored quite promiscuously, yet had long been away from. So clean and crisp were the graphics beset upon my eyes that I nearly wept with joy.

The next few weeks were difficult. News came only in the slightest form, dripping a dainty drop every other day or so. Yet it soon became a rumor that there might be places to purchase the accessories of the PlayStation. If these were true, then they would be mine. I would take them and treasure them and caress their sweet Sony shapes.

We searched high and low. We rigorously read reams of written account now matter how much the ensuing failure rankled us, my brother and me. Yet hope was not lost, for finally we found the place where our searching game would stop. Into the prospect we marched, eyes all beaming. "Here, please take my moneys!" I told them. "You too?" the clerk asked politely. But of course. After exchanging appropriate fiscal property, it was mine. In my hands was a new, black DualShock 4 and an even more black PlayStation Camera, as well as the software programs entitled Knack, Killzone, and Lego Marvel.

Though we participated in great gladness, the joy was only temporary. Still was yet to come the most important piece of all, the PlayStation 4 console. Oh how we longed to look at it and hold it as our own, especially me in my exasperation. The days were long as I counted them down, but soon it would come. Finally, November 15th, the day of reckoning, the day of jubilee, the day of my life.

It began like any other day. I went to work. I thought about PlayStation all day. I got off of work. The email message from Best Buy instructed me to arrive at their location after 9 PM to receive a claim ticket, and so quickly that became my plan. Both of my brothers were to join me, though my sister the heretic cared naught. Quickly but safely, we drove to the Best Buy location, and to little surprise there already was the most massive line of people awaiting PlayStation that I have ever beheld. Multiple hundreds of people sat in queue with patience and persistence. Thusly I rolled down my window as we drove by. In my biggest, boldest, bravest voice, I yelled to them "NEEEEEEEERRDDSS!!!". Imagine in your mind the GIF clip of Homer Simpson bellowing to the scientist before him and you have a meager impression of my majesty.

Shortly after finding parking and walking toward the front of the store, we discovered that there were in fact two lines, and the latter was significantly shorter than the former. It was in this line that I was to collect my claim ticket, after which I was instructed to wait until they were permitted to procure our PlayStations for us. Patience was not in my heart, so with a smirk and a shrug we turned around. Not like the suckers in line would we wait. Upon the other side of the parking lot resides an Edwards Theater, inside which a showing for Thor 2 was about to begin. Claim ticket in hand, we raced to the theater to not be bored lame-o's sitting in the cold. It was a perilous deed, for only until 1 AM would Best Buy remain open, a matter made significant by the overly long run time of Thor 2 and the smattering of advertisements this theater would put upon us. Yet it was a danger I rather faced than boredom.

My eagerness and excitement left me as the humdrum action of a man and his hammer beset my eyes. Nearly I was put into a stupor and forgot the PlayStation in its entirety. Yet that did not happen. In the heat of the final battle, a sharp jolt ran through me and the remembrance of my coveted console returned to me. I leaned carefully over to the ear of my brother and informed him of the circumstance, allowing him of course full leave to remain in the movie for its final five minutes of duration should he so please.

With heart pumping strong I ran rapturously right back to the Best Buy store. Six men inside were jovial but curious as to the solitary console which had not been claimed. Who could have left it and why? The who was me, the why being a small fondness for boredom. Now I had it. Now it was in my hands. The PlayStation 4.

Yet this story has not reached its conclusion. In the following days two more DualShock 4 controllers were purchased, another black and a blue one. This brought our total to four and facilitated the full play four-person games, an admirable feat for a house where brothers are routinely smashed in super fashion. Still, this became quickly apparent to be one too few at the least. Why, I had selfishly taken one of my controllers and tucked it away into the crevices of my room to be used for the playing and developing of games on my personal computer. Yet that deprived my housemates and their friends of the opportunity for four-play, and a party without four-play is a pitiful party indeed. So a fifth DualShock 4 controller was purchased, this time in the pure and distinct color of white. This was to be my holy grail, my non-gunked-up, non-softened-triggers controller.

For over a year we were at peace, until this past Christmastime when a common complaint came from a specific member of my household. His hands longed for the feel of a fresh controller and I would not surrender mine unto him. Thusly I made plans to purchase for him the red DualShock 4 for his Christmas gift, and thereby I accomplished a total of six controllers.

Suck it Matt. I have two more than you.
I have a game story too.

My ps4 arrived from amazon on launch day at 10 am and I sold it on craigs list for $700 that same day

xbox one arrived a week later and game of the launch dead rising 3 made me love xbox one
oh snap killer instinct too D:

I bought a PS4 again when outlast released and was SHOOK, bought killzone shadow fall for $15 and still see that piece of shit on my games list since it was a digital title, I own it forever :/
then I bought the 20th anniversary PS4 , then I bought the metal gear PS4 cause it was red and sexy, so at one point I had 3 PS4's in my home

NX is a tricky read, I love Nintendo but I got burned on wii u so hard but that controller is weird as fuck if true, I dunno man, I might just buy it just to buy it, I am an idiot with money B^)


I once won a Japanese PS2 from some random website contest that I completely forgot I had entered until I got the email. I sold it.

I was still living at home when the PS1 came out so I remember begging my mom to try me to Toys R' Us to buy one (and FFVII). Halfway there, it started dumping rain and my mom said we were turning around so I had to wait a day to get my hands on the console (and game). It was devastating. :p


That looks like they looked at the Wii U gamepad and thought "how can we make this even less ergonomic and even more ugly? I hope to Baphomet that it's a fake.

it certainly doesn't look photoshopped to me

:: is about to continue and is overcome by a coughing fit ::



Amazing story, loved reading all of it two times!

Amazing detail story-telling and vivid description. Though some of your comma placement is a bit questionable and your style seems at times awkward because of it. Some grammatical errors here and there, some distracting, and others make it hard to follow along. Tense agreement could be improved. Some redundancy here and there. However, strong use of varied vocabulary that makes this a refreshing. Great use of transitions!

It's a strong B+ bordering A- for me. :)

Needs some cleaning up but other than that, it's a great short story. ^_^
Amazing story, loved reading all of it two times!

Amazing detail story-telling and vivid description. Though some of your comma placement is a bit questionable and your style seems at times awkward because of it. Some grammatical errors here and there, some distracting, and others make it hard to follow along. Tense agreement could be improved. Some redundancy here and there. However, strong use of varied vocabulary that makes this a refreshing. Great use of transitions!

It's a strong B+ bordering A- for me. :)

Needs some cleaning up but other than that, it's a great short story. ^_^

I agree with all of this. There was no editing done along the way and I only reread the last couple paragraphs when I went back to edit it because the length was so daunting.

Thank you! :)
another gaming story

N64 launch errrr a week or two after, shit was sold out everywhere
amazon? best buy? target? online shipping? you in 1996 , there isn't' any internet delivery services , if its not in store you have to go drive all over Boston and look for it

mall after mall, store after store, "we don't have the GOAT N64 in stock but we have jaguar, want it?" My dad almost bought it but my bro and I said no cause its not Nintendo

No system that day, but did young friskykillface get his N64?

to be continued :p


I know.

It's a curse. It's always been a curse.

Your beauty beguiles me.

I agree with all of this. There was no editing done along the way and I only reread the last couple paragraphs when I went back to edit it because the length was so daunting.

Thank you! :)

Then that's some great free style writing right there!

If you would proof read and make some edits here and there it would be an amazing short story.

Are you a writer?


Yo, RNH, I saw you posted the Smith Street Band yesterday, I think these girls might be right up your alley, can't find any links to their actual tracks atm, just this live set.

Camp Cope.


irresponsible vagina leak
I went to a Walmart to get a Wii on the first months of launch which was a hell to get and everyone was lining up to run to the electronic department but this fat bitch did a run for it against the skinny and average people. I ran and dodge clothes and many other things along the way including employees and got my first spot in the line. This sweet victory was quickly greeted with despair with the employee saying there were no Wii systems in stores and that they would be doing rain checks for the clients and call them when the systems arrive.

There is me standing frozen and broken inside as my excitement disappears after hearing such heartbreaking news. I walk deeply depressed back to the car with my parents and we go back home. I lock myself in my room and sleep to not deal with the reality that I fail on my goal of getting a Wii. Many hours later my parents woke me up and I say that I didn't wanted anything and that all I wanted was sleep for the rest of the day and they told me to open up the door cause they wanted to talk with me. Sad and angry I get up and open the door to be greeted with a Wii and 2 games. You can see the quick change of mood on my face as I see the Wii and I quickly reached Twilight Princess from my closet and start playing it after a few hours of Wii Bowling with my family. That is the story of my emotional rollercoaster to get a Wii.

10 years later. The Wii has been forgotten, collecting dust and being trashed online by me.
Then that's some great free style writing right there!

If you would proof read and make some edits here and there it would be an amazing short story.

Are you a writer?

I have a huge appreciation for literature and have studied it extensively, but I don't write often anymore. I still read a lot (mostly audiobooks while I'm at work), but in personal craft I'm more of a graphic artist and programmer.

Also I'm really flattered because I wrote that as a joke, not a serious piece of work! xD


I tend to avoid large bodies of text on Neogaf. I saw my name at the end, though, and I have to wonder why anyone really needs four controllers on PS4 particularly around launch. How many games even support that?

I have four - not for four way play, but because I like colorful things and freshness.

I use analog grips on my DS4s. Improves griptitude and safeguards against tears.
I have to wonder why anyone really needs four controllers on PS4 particularly around launch. How many games even support that?

It's the same on the XBone. When we have friends over for couch gaming we use the 360 with four controllers— because there are actually games for four people to play. Fucking nextgen.

On the Xbone I guess we could play FIFA16.


It's the same on the XBone. When we have friends over for couch gaming we use the 360 with four controllers— because there are actually games for four people to play. Fucking nextgen.

On the Xbone I guess we could play FIFA16.

I'll be using 4 Xbone controllers tonight......to play Crawl on the PC.
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