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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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I just saw the promo for the next episode of The Americans.

The AI was useless against hail mary plays back in the day.

Was it? I've never played against the AI. It's only worth playing against people in the room with me. I don't have a big enough love for football (or any sport) otherwise.

You should join MaddenGAF when we have a spot open :p

That's very kind but I don't play games online. Never needed to because I had several siblings growing up and friends in college, then never wanted to because people online are rude to girls. Now I'm sure it's good fun with the right people, but I get anxiety when I'm not either being productive or fostering relationships with my friends and family.


So much PlayStation 4 dickriding in here tonight.

As much as I love Souls games not even the allure of Bloodborne is enough to entice me.

All my video game needs are completely satisfied on my meager computer.


Was it? I've never played against the AI. It's only worth playing against people in the room with me. I don't have a big enough love for football (or any sport) otherwise.

That's very kind but I don't play games online. Never needed to because I had several siblings growing up and friends in college, then never wanted to because people online are rude to girls. Now I'm sure it's good fun with the right people, but I get anxiety when I'm not either being productive or fostering relationships with my friends and family.

God damn shitlords. As for your anxiety, you've got to learn how to chill and do sweet fuck all with your time without worrying about achievements or social obligations. It's dope.

Meanwhile, swiggity swooty, all up in that booty:



Someone tell me a story I'm bored.

So I went to college in Las Cruces. It's a smallish city near the Mexican border, a college town. The biggest hobby of college students at that time was to go across the border to Ciudad Juarez with a few bucks, get blind ass drunk, and stumble back across the border in a drunken haze sometime Sunday afternoon to prepare for classes on Monday. Bonus for those under 21 because the drinking age in Mexico is only 18.

I grew up in New Mexico but had never been to Mexico proper, being so close I vowed to change that. So sometime in my first semester I convince a group of friends that we should all go across the border to Stampede, the popular college club in Juarez. None of us had been to this place before, but in talking to others who had we thought we knew everything we needed to know about the drinking journey to this huge Mexican city.

Friday night we prepare, I make sure each of us as 100 dollars on us. Three 20s, one 10, two 5s, and twenty 1s. Most of this, I thought, would be used to bribe corrupt officials as I had been told. If you were lucky you'd have enough left over from bribing and drinking to buy a lapdance or two. My friend volunteers to drive us to El Paso but refuses to drive across the border. This is 100% normal, most people walked across and left their cars in parking lots near the border, public parking lots that anyone could park in for free...

Each of these parking lots had someone sitting in a lawn chair that would approach you after parking and offer "I'll watch your car for you, 5 dollars, nothing will happen to your car promise."

We didn't have an extra 5 dollars. We'd meticulously planned how the money would be spent and there was no extra 5 dollars anywhere. This wasn't an official parking lot run by some company, this was public parking, every other car in the lot seemed perfectly fine. This asshole was trying to fleece us. We laughed at him and said "maybe next time esse".

So we walk across the border.

This was before they required you to have a passport to cross into Mexico. There wasn't even a checkpoint. Just a small kiosk with a tired looking Mexican manning it who would wave people through and seemingly stop random people for a chat. We didn't get stopped and were waved through into a bustling marketplace full of young white college students and predatory salesmen.

One approached us and showed us a bottle.

"Viagra, real cheap, keep dick hard for long fucking" he said.

None of us said anything. It's not like we hadn't bought drugs before, it's just it'd never been this overt before.

"No? Ecstasy then, Mexican blend, super potent" he continued with brief pause.

I politely told him we were just here to drink and nothing else and he moved on to the next group of impressionable youths. It's been dark for awhile and we're moving through the streets packed with college students looking for The Stampede. I'm leading a group of 4 other pasty white boys who don't speak a lick of Spanish. I've told them, no worries, I speak fluent spanish it won't be a problem.

The problem is I speak New Mexican spanish. These denizens of Juarez speak a more pure version of the language and I can hardly keep up. I'm asking for directions and getting little feedback. Eventually we're pointed toward what I'm sure is The Stampede and make our way in that direction only to find a rickety bar patroned only by what looks like locals.

It's late. We all still have 100 dollars (500 total) and we want to get fucked up so we all agree to say "Fuck it" and drink it up at this out of the way bar.

[This story is too long, I'll continue it in another post]


That's very kind but I don't play games online. Never needed to because I had several siblings growing up and friends in college, then never wanted to because people online are rude to girls. Now I'm sure it's good fun with the right people, but I get anxiety when I'm not either being productive or fostering relationships with my friends and family.

I can understand that! :)


God damn shitlords. As for your anxiety, you've got to learn how to chill and do sweet fuck all with your time without worrying about achievements or social obligations. It's dope.

Meanwhile, swiggity swooty, all up in that booty:

People are rude to girls everywhere. Years and years ago I managed GameStops before I got out of retail. My assistant manager was a female and three of my part timers were female. The amount of times I had to step in was stupid :(

Actually got 3 guys banned from the premise because they were essentially stalking my assistant.
So much PlayStation 4 dickriding in here tonight.

As much as I love Souls games not even the allure of Bloodborne is enough to entice me.

All my video game needs are completely satisfied on my meager computer.

Believe me, had I known PlayStation was mostly going to be games I could play more readily and comfortably on my PC, I wouldn't have been so eager at the time.

A lot of that is a lifestyle change on my behalf and also finally buying a PC worth a damn (which I got literally two weeks after the PS4!).

God damn shitlords. As for your anxiety, you've got to learn how to chill and do sweet fuck all with your time without worrying about achievements or social obligations. It's dope.

Meanwhile, swiggity swooty, all up in that booty:

Thanks, I'm working on it. :)


when I was 8 my brothers and I found a rifle bullet in the dresser. we ultimately decided to drop a rock on it outside. I hid behind a tree. I remember hearing a pop. No one died.


Believe me, had I known PlayStation was mostly going to be games I could play more readily and comfortably on my PC, I wouldn't have been so eager at the time.

A lot of that is a lifestyle change on my behalf and also finally buying a PC worth a damn (which I got literally two weeks after the PS4!).

Well at least you have seen the light.

We should be steam friends. You do know my real name after all ;)
when I was 8 my brothers and I found a rifle bullet in the dresser. we ultimately decided to drop a rock on it outside. I hid behind a tree. I remember hearing a pop. No one died.

One time when I was like 13 my brother who was 8 at the time ended up hitting me in the balls and I wanted to die.


spent today fixing up some old stuff and updating old dialog

and putting in my high tech scripting which adds a distance effect to vocals


trying to get some more stuff ready for a
fame shmimformer
preview :p

oh and I realize there's a typo :p

Yo I'm getting hardcore lautrec vibes from this npc

Really feeling the ambiguous dark souls dialogue you have going on. It's written and acted very well
Lilith and Dragonz are good at Volleyball.

I though of you Dragonz when picking up the sunglasses XOXO

Don't kill me

Not particularly good, but I enjoy playing a lot. My friends and I used to go down to the beach and play all the time during college, but never bikini-clad!

Dug up some videos of an old (and very frustrating) show that I did. Music directing is hard work, guys, especially when not all of your singers can read music. The look on my face in the first five seconds pretty much says it all. :p


Aw, I love it! Very nicely done :)


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
God damn shitlords. As for your anxiety, you've got to learn how to chill and do sweet fuck all with your time without worrying about achievements or social obligations. It's dope.

Meanwhile, swiggity swooty, all up in that booty:

I've embraced this 100% the last couple of months.


Dug up some videos of an old (and very frustrating) show that I did. Music directing is hard work, guys, especially when not all of your singers can read music. The look on my face in the first five seconds pretty much says it all. :p


What the hell am I seeing. Why are they saying meow? This better have been a paying gig and you needed money. BTW I didn't really think very many singers could read music. I can't even read music.

nicely done though you're the best person there :p

Yo I'm getting hardcore lautrec vibes from this npc

Really feeling the ambiguous dark souls dialogue you have going on. It's written and acted very well

Thank you =) Honestly not all characters speak in riddles, I'm keeping a certain dimension of the game a bit under wraps still but there's definitely very relatable normal people in it.

One time when I was like 13 my brother who was 8 at the time ended up hitting me in the balls and I wanted to die.

I haven't taken a good nut shot in years. Now I worry that I'm due somehow.

God damn shitlords. As for your anxiety, you've got to learn how to chill and do sweet fuck all with your time without worrying about achievements or social obligations. It's dope.

I'm probably too far on the fume side of this rather than the lili side, and I probably would benefit from being more on the lili side, because maybte the game could be done by now if I didn't waste time


volleyball was hard for me in school. played rugby at my hs team tho. that was easy. pick up the ball and run. get hit and get up lol

yeah for being lazy and doing weird stuff with your old 3d sculpts because your too lazy to make new ones!



Aw, I love it! Very nicely done :)

Thanks. :) Here's another one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kue86fa7DkE

What the hell am I seeing. Why are they saying meow? This better have been a paying gig and you needed money. BTW I didn't really think very many singers could read music. I can't even read music.

I did a LOT of "take the money and run" gigs in the later years of my career. I'd post some of those videos but they have my full name in them and I don't particularly want to advertise that. ;) In the case of this gig, the Italian composer Rossini actually wrote a cat duet which is what we're performing here.

I can't speak for singers in more popular genres but when you're doing a production with opera and musical theater, I prefer my singers to be able to read notation. :p I had to put up with it because I wasn't in charge of actually picking the singers.


Someone tell me a story I'm bored.

The drinks are cheap and plentiful and the bartender is friendly and speaks english.

He tells us that not many college students come to his bar and he's glad to have us here. I assume that's because we're going to spend a lot of money on getting fucked up. Kevin, one of the 5 of us, disappears throughout the night but when asking around the Bartender says he thought he saw Kevin go in the back with one of his girls.

Kevin is going to catch something, we all laugh.

To make a long story short, the night winds down and it's 3 AM, Kevin has shown back up after a few hours looking none the worse for ware. Unlike The Stampede this bar doesn't close but the Bartender is nice enough to tell us that we should probably start making our way out of Juarez if we want to get across the border before the asshole guards show up.

Thanking him and giving him a huge tip (20 dollars) we stumble our way drunkenly out of the bar toward the border. Kevin is quieter than normal but this is the first time we've gotten blasted with him so none of us take any mind to it. Between the 5 of us we've only spent about 100 dollars leaving us 400 for WHATEVER.

As the border bridge comes into sight Kevin stops and all but shouts for us to all come over to him into some shadowy corner.

"I... I'm carrying a bunch of fucking drugs" Kevin says, sweating.

We all kind of just stand there, dumbfounded.

"You mean, you brought drugs into Mexico Kev?" I ask stupidly.

"No, I mean I agreed to smuggle 10 pounds of coke into America" he says with a nervous laugh.

Again, we stand there, speechless. Kevin sheepishly spins his backpack around and pulls out a clear plastic bag stuffed with five brick shaped blocks of white stuff.

"I'm supposed to meet someone in Las Cruces with these and we'll all get 1000 dollars!" he declared.

We all tried to convince him to leave the backpack there but he insisted that he had to take it across. He motioned behind us and we all looked, or at least I did. Across the street was a couple of Mexicans beneath sodium lights in wife-beaters and cargo pants. each carrying some kind of automatic rifle.

We had to take these drugs across.

None of us had ever crossed from Mexico into America before. There was a HUGE white building on the American side that everyone was filing into a few at a time after talking with a border guard. This building probably contained dogs, and dudes with tasers, and helicopters, fuck I didn't know. It was huge.

The border guard asks for our IDs and we hand them over, he lazily motions us to continue in the line and we walk into the building. It was refreshingly air conditioned and the walls were covered with American paraphernalia. Flags and eagles and maps. There are four lines. Kevin gets shuffled into one, everyone else goes separate ways, I then go right behind Kevin.

It's our turn, Kevin looks VERY VISIBLY NERVOUS and the guard can tell. He looks at Kevin wearing his NMSU sweatshirt and me wearing my NMSU sweatshirt and says conversationally,

"You guys together?"

"No!" I say.

"Yes!" Kevin says.


"Are you an American Citizen?" He asks casually.

Kevin seems ready to throw up.

"Yes!" I offer helpfully from behind Kevin.

"Hel-" Kevin starts but is interrupted by a commotion in another line. The guard looks at us disparagingly and motions us through.

We're free. American citizens on American soil with 10 pounds of cocaine. Kevin throws up.

After he recovers he and I walk rapidly through the building and wait about 200 yards from the exit. 4 of us made it.

1 of us is unaccounted for.

The one is Damir, a russian student. We waited 30 minutes there in the darkness for Damir.

Fuck it, we're close to our car with who knows how much in illicit drugs. I make the decision to leave Damir and get to our car. We'll wait there.

We show up at the parking lot and the first thing we notice is that there are dozens of untouched cars and one car that is on cinder blocks.

Our car is on cinder blocks.

We didn't pay for protection and the car was stripped clean. Cinder blocks replaced the wheels and there was nothing left of the interior. It was a frame of a car. Even the engine was removed.

We were stuck half a mile from the border.

Super long story short, we used the 400 remaining dollars to rent a motel room and slept on the 10 lbs of cocaine. None of us knew the fate of Damir but we didn't much think about it. We bought a bus ticket back to Las Cruces and rode back in silence. Missing sleep and feeling the weight of betrayal.

We made it to Tuesday classes.

Damir was fine. When asked "Are you an American Citizen" he proudly proclaimed "NO! CAPITALIST PIG!" in his deepest Russian accent, distracting the guards and allowing us to escape without further scrutiny. The border guard held him for questioning but didn't deem him a threat and even gave him a ride back to school.

The 10lbs of cocaine was not ever given to the contact in Las Cruces. We used in on campus to throw parties.

Kevin faced 0 repercussions for stealing from what I assume was a cartel.

He did get addicted to cocaine though.


the Italian composer Rossini actually wrote a cat duet which is what we're performing here.

JB why you gotta call me out and make it clear I'm uncultured

I used to play in the worship band at my church and no one but one person knew how to read music. I played in a ska band and no one knew. I played in a rock band later and no one knew

As for yer name, oh come on, who cares. But I bet it's... Josh Bensen


good stuff man. wish I could play music.

I remember I bought a keyboard during gr.12 in HS because I got really depressed. shat out 2 pieces and that was it. I still have it but never really used it again.

Whip it out!

JB why you gotta call me out and make it clear I'm uncultured

I used to play in the worship band at my church and no one but one person knew how to read music. I played in a ska band and no one knew. I played in a rock band later and no one knew

As for yer name, oh come on, who cares. But I bet it's... Josh Bensen

It's not. :p

Classical musicians are trained to be as accurate to the written music as possible. It's just a different tradition from more recent genres, which tend to incorporate improvisational elements and either don't have a written score or they're the bare minimum needed (like chord symbols for guitarists). And when your singers can't read the music, it creates a great deal of problems for me because I have to stay with them when they're messing up notes and rhythms. I got very good at doing that but it's still very frustrating because I wanted the performance to be as good as possible.


Highly trained piano players are always perfectionists to the point that they kinda hate playing for people (I've seen tbis a dcouoe times, anyway )


Highly trained piano players are always perfectionists to the point that they kinda hate playing for people (I've seen tbis a dcouoe times, anyway )

Hahaha! It's not untrue. That said, I'm an attention whore so I always loved performing, even when I made mistakes. ;)
People are rude to girls everywhere. Years and years ago I managed GameStops before I got out of retail. My assistant manager was a female and three of my part timers were female. The amount of times I had to step in was stupid :(

Actually got 3 guys banned from the premise because they were essentially stalking my assistant.

Haha at least you stepped in. My SM was a fucking dick and didn't do shit.

I made SGA and he was so fucking useless that I just straight up couldn't do it anymore.
Well, I'd stream the new Gwen Stefani album. But it seems she's opted not to put it up for streaming. I guess the two days it will hold that number one spot on iTunes is more important.

This'll probably be the second day in a row with no sales. Grrrrr.

A lot to recap, but I'll basically be Final Day of GDC>San Diego for taxes>WonderCon until April.

Here are some pics of me pounding the meat for Trab:

I look chubbier than I am in both those. Hmmm. My neck is fat.

Wow, shiny tongue makes me look like I have a fang.


I learned how to take photographs from Lindsey Lohan

Also if I had any glimpse of that first expression I'd have made a much more exciting face.

I don't have the time to read through the thread this week and it's making me sad.


Redmond's Baby
Were you looking much forward to getting contacts?

I do a lot of mountain hiking and it is hard on eyes with glasses on in sunny weather, plus glasses are very unhandy on steeper climbs / when you are on rope. Now my only hope are sunglasses, but with my bad sight we are talking about 800 €+ expense - that is more than I earn each month.

Evening GAF. Super exhausting week, lots of lifting and moving ammo

Curious - are you doing all lifting and ammo moving by hand or you have some mech tools for easier lifting/moving?
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