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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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irresponsible vagina leak
real hard at this.

I can work fine with hard.


Like I said man, i dont wanna take anything away from the progress you've made at all! Youve done well.

the problem comes from the fact that, the body has a regulated level, what it considers normal. As they say the gut controls the body.

that means basically if your body is used to being a certain weight and you try to gain or lose weight, by adjusting your caloric intake, then your body will fight to go back to that weight. Normally by making you hungry or full. For me, my body would reject food when I was trying to gain weight.

If you ate the same food and exercised the same you will shift to a new maintenance weight, and eventually your body will accept that as the new "normal" weight. Then you have to adjust again, exercise only gets you so far. The majority of it comes down to diet. This is why weighing yourself is so useful. It's hard getting over the mental block that your weight will change slowly, and i think thats what your friend was getting at.

But you should be aiming to change weight, up or down, slowly anyway. Which is why you can truly fine tune your diet to maximise results. I would argue the longer you go on for in your journey, the more this principle becomes even more important.

I'm not disagreeing with you in anyway shape or form, the one thing I've learned early on is everyone has different thoughts and how to do weight loss/muscle growth/weight gain.

What you said makes perfect sense and I can't argue against it, but the thing I've learned early on is its different for everyone.


Essentially, our lifestyles are incompatible

I'm done trying to date musicians.

I'm probably done with romantic relationships in general

It's for the best


Essentially, our lifestyles are incompatible

I'm done trying to date musicians.

I'm probably done with romantic relationships in general

It's for the best

Aw. :( But yeah, the traveling lifestyle is really tough for musicians (and I suppose the people who love them). It's one of the reasons why I decided to not go down the concert pianist career path (aside from it being much harder to make it in compared to the accompanist career path).


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Damn that body.

I really should have snuck a workout in beforehand to get ma pump on.

No Netflix and chill, she had to pick up a friends rocking chair, the perils of owning a ute.

Happy for you bro! Always funny reading the Aussie word for pickup truck too.

Essentially, our lifestyles are incompatible

I'm done trying to date musicians.

I'm probably done with romantic relationships in general

It's for the best

Keep your head up bro. There's always more women out there to meet. You just have to keep an open mind and keep searching.
Essentially, our lifestyles are incompatible

I'm done trying to date musicians.

I'm probably done with romantic relationships in general

It's for the best

I know how you feel man, but if you turn a blind eye to all girls(+guys i dunnou) youre only doing yourself a disservice.

Nothing wrong with taking some time out for self discovery, but someone will come along who is compatible for you and this moment in your life wont be as significant as it is now.


Just because it didn't work out with her doesn't mean there isn't someone else out there.

Hang in there, stay positive.

Man that sucks. Don't be done with romantic relationships but take a break from that for a bit I suppose.

Happy for you bro! Always funny reading the Aussie word for pickup truck too.

Keep your head up bro. There's always more women out there to meet. You just have to keep an open mind and keep searching.

I know how you feel man, but if you turn a blind eye to all girls(+guys i dunnou) youre only doing yourself a disservice.

Nothing wrong with taking some time out for self discovery, but someone will come along who is compatible for you and this moment in your life wont be as significant as it is now.

Basically all of this advice above, keep your head up, don't give up.
Seth don't even worry about it. You've been romanticizing this in your head for ten years—it was never going to live up to your expectations. Now you know. Now you can stop fretting and anguishing about it because there's nothing more to lose.

Take some time off like you said. Not forever of course, but until you're over it and comfortable with things again. It just takes time to collect your thoughts and have the emotional wounds be healed, but it will happen eventually.

I wish I could say it was easy. There was a guy four years ago who chose another girl over me (and is now married to her), and I still get butterflies in my stomach every time I see him. But I'm content with who I am and I've fallen in love with other people since then, so the same can definitely happen to you.
Got back from my neice's choir recital. Yes, with my uncle. That uncle.

It was fantastic, but the entire thing was done under this huge effigy of Jesus on the Crucifix surrounded by crying angels. Like, this thing was huge. I kept waiting for it to fall over and kill a few people.

I fucking love Peter. He's basically the older roommate that you never see because he has no time for the younger roommates shit.
FloatOn, there's nothing that I can say that hasn't already been said.

Take a beat, reassess and keep your chin up :)

And if things get too shitty I'm sure you've got some great people around you.

If not, there's always us misfits :p

Gonna try this roll20 business with some friends both here and overseas.
Debating whether to stream or not.


Float on floaton. It happens. I feel like that sometimes too but don't give up hope.

Also do any of you feel like aliens that were just left on earth and forgot their way back home?


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
FloatOn, there's nothing that I can say that hasn't already been said.

Take a beat, reassess and keep your chin up :)

And if things get too shitty I'm sure you've got some great people around you.

If not, there's always us misfits :p

Gonna try this roll20 business with some friends both here and overseas.
Debating whether to stream or not.

I've wanted to try this for the longest time, but non of my friends are super into tabletop RPG's. My best friend and my sister got into a short campaign, but it fell to the side because of how much time each session would take.

You should stream if possible.
Essentially, our lifestyles are incompatible

I'm done trying to date musicians.

I'm probably done with romantic relationships in general

It's for the best

Float - Seth? - Obviously I don't know all of it or even some of it as well as others here. But keep chugging on. Don't let "oh, I'm incompatible" with this type get you down.

The very best friendships that I have with women are with those that I used to be in love with, and for what it's worth, they knew. We worked it out. Fuck, I went to one's wedding and I'm backpacking across Ireland with another in the future.

You should not look at romance like "okay, today I am going to work on getting a girlfriend/boyfriend". That ends in misery. A relationship is not a fetch quest. It's not a goal. It's something that happens.

Also, and again I'm not trying to shit you down, but saying you're done with romance is naive. It's like saying you're done with breathing. Love is an emotion. Having a crush is an emotion. A lower form of love, but still an emotion. We just don't have a word for it because that's what our society does to shit like love.

Just focus on you. You'll get through this. I promise.

You're fucking worth it.

I don't know you but you are.


I very much appreciate everything that has been said.

I want all of you to know that I'm perfectly fine. Having this silly crush not work out is the least of my worries. My priority is my education right now, romance will work itself out later.

It's frustrating though because I feel like in many ways I have everything in my life figured out but that.... I own a house, I have a good job etc

But it's fine, I have good friends and family and all of you so I'm thankful for that
I very much appreciate everything that has been said.

I want all of you to know that I'm perfectly fine. Having this silly crush not work out is the least of my worries. My priority is my education right now, romance will work itself out later.

It's frustrating though because I feel like in many ways I have everything in my life figured out but that.... I own a house, I have a good job etc

But it's fine, I have good friends and family and all of you so I'm thankful for that

Once you realize that "figured out" is just a blueprint and nothing real, that's the key.


Redmond's Baby
Been browsing job applications for the last half hour

and now I need to steam a bit

I will go to the bathroom and clean it to calm down
um.. I think I just blew it with Yennefer. Am I going to miss a lot of the game in Witcher 3?

Yes. You need to win her back or you won't be able to save Ciri, and without Ciri you'll miss the inverted castle. I *think* Triss can get you there from what I've heard but I have no idea how to do it myself.

I'm putting together a ragtag group for roll20 later on this month/next month if you want to join?

Also, this entire stream is us trying to figure out what the fuck we're doing.
Glad this is happening now and not in the campaign I'll be running
Man, Roll20 takes some getting used to.

It's a weird feeling having a lot of things automated but not everything.

A lot of it relies on macros but I think I can get the hang of this


I wish I was part of the weekend fake Gaf antics.

I miss you all and want to talk about licking buttholes. #cry
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