Professor Beef
Duck tales Remastered is actual perfection. I love it more than Sonic 3k. I will hear NO slander of it.
I don't have the remake of Ducktales. But I do have the remake for Castle of Illusion. I've yet to play it.
Ducktales! A woo hoo!
I've become one of you weird late night fakers.
When am i gonna get me current gen gargoyles game with keith david?
Emulate Demon's Crest instead.
I never heard the "A" part and am still wondering why people include that. Or an "h" for that matter. Just Woo-oo
I'm drunk ask me anything
It's just "whoo-oo".
Ya I just listened to it there's no A!
I'm drunk ask me anything
Why are you drunk?
Agreed but people keep saying it for some reason. BerenstainIt's just "whoo-oo".
Ya I just listened to it there's no A!
I'm drunk ask me anything
Agreed but people keep saying it for some reason. Berenstain
Accept my drunken canon without question!
Am I pretty?
Demon's Crest is a tragically underrated and under-known-about game. AWESOME stuff!
Please don't make me think about my life
Yes of course
Love you
Duck Tales NES was pretty good. I remember liking it as a kid.
This video does a pretty good job of explaining why Sonic is and always was a piece of flaming garbage shit-crap.
Demon's Crest is a tragically underrated and under-known-about game. AWESOME stuff!
Agreed but people keep saying it for some reason. Berenstain
Okay. Tell me about Lexa
Do you hate Windam as much as I do?
I men he's a problem child but that's nothing a spanking won't cure
I mean he's a problem child but that's nothing a spanking won't cure
I'm drunk ask me anything
Honest? Solid 9, ur cute
EDIT: Jobbs!!!
Off topic and I don't know how out of context I'm reading that post, but comments like that really fuck me off (I remember in the vaati thread someone called him out out of nowhere and I wanted to reach through my monitor and strangle that person) and are out of complete ignorance.
I can only speak to personal experience that making games is fucking hard, especially when you're only one person and not an entire studio.
Even lately I've changed my tune from "i'd like to show something at the end of ______" to "when it's good and goddamned ready" because of those people.
On topic, you are a handsome man, sir.
how big of a hug would i be able to give you if we meet
Awwww and how do you rate yourself queen?
Basically I got annoyed by the post. It's annoying for them to be going like that when you cant be rushing people to release something when its not done. Also in the words of Miyamoto "A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever". People need to stop rushing things or being passive aggressive with people.
and thanks you are handsome too![]()
The worst he can do is haunt that person for the rest of their lives <mwahahahaha>
Why not both? A full reviewA fucking huge one
Personality or looks wise
Pretty much all of this.
For an enthusiast gaming forum, people tend to forget that very famous quote far too often.
And Jobbs is a good dude. People should just ask him if they're so thirsty.
The worst he can do is haunt that person for the rest of their lives <mwahahahaha>
Also, ayyy
You could try swallowing.Vazra must be stopped.
At least the hotel is better than the last one with mom. It was me, mom, my blind dog, and the couple in the next room having ridonkulous sex. He was really giving it to her and she was having the time of her life.
This same guy has a history of being a dick to me for some reason
God, I would have died from mortification.
Why not both? A full review
Vazra must be stopped.
Why not both? A full review
The thing is that they are okay with some AAA games who have dozens of hundreds of man power to make sure the game meet the deadline get delayed but an indie game with a small group they can be petty. Jobbs has been a good guy about it and he has expressed to be bothered by the delays but you cant really rush something if you want to do it good.
I'm gonna try my hand at being more sure about stufff whatever that means
Personality wise...I think I have a big heart. Like i would honestly step in traffic for someone I loved. But...I'm guarded. Big time. It takes a while for me to warm up to you, but I will give you my all once I do. I'm all or nothing. I play my cards close to my chest.
I'm very prideful. I have a hard time admitting that I'm wrong. I want to do my best and when I fail I take it hard. I don't have a lot of patience, for myself or for others. I snap sometimes and have anger issues. Im angry at a lot of things. Unresolved things that I don't know ill ever truly be over.
Personality: 6
I guess I have nice eyes?
Looks: 7
Personality wise...I think I have a big heart. Like i would honestly step in traffic for someone I loved. But...I'm guarded. Big time. It takes a while for me to warm up to you, but I will give you my all once I do. I'm all or nothing. I play my cards close to my chest.
I'm very prideful. I have a hard time admitting that I'm wrong. I want to do my best and when I fail I take it hard. I don't have a lot of patience, for myself or for others. I snap sometimes and have anger issues. Im angry at a lot of things. Unresolved things that I don't know ill ever truly be over.
Personality: 6
I guess I have nice eyes?
Looks: 7