Have three phone calls to make today and it just ruins my day. Why do I hate making phonealls so much
Full moon is on Wednesday and it already have some influence on people
Some people get very jumpy or grumpy on the days when full moon is shining above our headswhat influence is it supposed to have?
Some people get very jumpy or grumpy on the days when full moon is shining above our heads
Hello Darkness my old friend
Full moon is on Wednesday and it already have some influence on people
Saying vague stuff like that next to a red name is especially ominousDeeds were done. Things happened as a result.
Deeds were done. Things happened as a result.
Enjoyed my nudes that much huh?
I love full moons. Thry light up the night nicelySome people get very jumpy or grumpy on the days when full moon is shining above our heads
I love full moons. Thry light up the night nicely
They give the world a tint of dark blue instead of black. My area has a lot of rolling hills that look great in moonlight. It's something I look forward to every month.Full moons causing any kind of behavioral changes in people is a myth anyway, so might as well enjoy the moonlit night without paranoia.
My favorite is when there's snow on the ground during a full moon. That shit shines like the world's made of silver.
Dudes. I'm playing with google translate app on my phone. This is going to make playing Dark Souls 3 JP easy. You just take a photo of the screen, highlight text with your finger, and it instantly translates. Already testing it on the Japanese menu options in PSN. It's flawless.
What a time to be alive.
Dudes. I'm playing with google translate app on my phone. This is going to make playing Dark Souls 3 JP easy. You just take a photo of the screen, highlight text with your finger, and it instantly translates. Already testing it on the Japanese menu options in PSN. It's flawless.
What a time to be alive.
Dudes. I'm playing with google translate app on my phone. This is going to make playing Dark Souls 3 JP easy. You just take a photo of the screen, highlight text with your finger, and it instantly translates. Already testing it on the Japanese menu options in PSN. It's flawless.
What a time to be alive.
...those aren't exceptions just because they focus heavily on lesbians or gays. A dead gay's still a dead gay. It doesn't excuse the show for playing into the trope.
Isn't this gonna make things difficult in the future when we all get the game and you're barred from conversation for several weeks due to fear of spoilers?
I don't know how it is with Japanese, but Google Translate is awful for French and Spanish translation. It will get individual words every time, but it never translates sentences with the correct syntax and tense.
Seems like Dark Souls already muddy narrative would be made unintelligible by running it through Google.
Good luck.
I don't know what this means
I only need it for menu options and maybe give it a go on the item descriptions. The voiceover from NPCs is in english!
I only need it for menu options and maybe give it a go on the item descriptions. The voiceover from NPCs is in english!
If you fimish it now you'll only have the other japanese players to speak with
Oh really? Should be GtG then, just don't expect too much from the item descriptions.
and the billions of other non Japanese people on neogaf and other socials who also bought the JP version
I intend to stream the game, see if an audience forms, which seems liable to happen given the Souls thirst out there
The overall main utility I'll need it for will probably be determining what spells and items do... Like if I'm shopping for miracles, it'll be nice to try and figure out what I'm buying
I played OoT first out of the zelda's and at one point a friend of mine was describing ALttP. He explained that it was 2d and the guards would actually attack you. I assumed it would be like the area around the castle where you're young link and the guards try to catch you except looking like doom with 2d spirtes but still in a 3d world. I was way off.
Link's Awakening will forever be my favourite.
Dark Souls 3 1s and 0s are now physically entering my house
who wants to touch me
eat shit dudes.jk don't
Dark Souls 3 1s and 0s are now physically entering my house
who wants to touch me
eat shit dudes.jk don't
good thing you're getting the soundtrack first
btw @Jobbs the thing you're doing with unity in the fall, will that be 2d or 3d?
Full moons causing any kind of behavioral changes in people is a myth anyway, so might as well enjoy the moonlit night without paranoia.
Everybody who works in retail will deny your claim![]()
I worked in retail during a few of my teen years and I don't deny my claim.
I worked in retail during a few of my teen years and I don't deny my claim.
Times are different now![]()
To be fair, believing you're undergoing a behavioral change is all you need to undergo a behavioral change.
Sure, but numerous studies show that there is no behavioral difference during full moons.
Not sure if I want to go out to get food or try to last the day
Go out and get food but punish yourself for doing so by getting Arby's
What are the odds of me clearing the rest of Dark Souls 1 in a week? I'm deep into New Londo Ruins and looking for the ring so I can jump down this death hole. Nito's dead.
Ah damn it I forgot to kill Sif. I'm sorry, buddy.