Goddammit where are all the people who watched more than like two episodes of NouCome to back me up that it was a legitimately entertaining show.
Best comedy this season, what up?
Goddammit where are all the people who watched more than like two episodes of NouCome to back me up that it was a legitimately entertaining show.
I may or may not have seen some comical animal deaths in my life.
I'd give it at least best OP this season.Best comedy this season, what up?
Yuusibu is a second-rate Hataraku anyway. The demon girls are nice, though. NouCome has the better set of characters overall.
I'd give it at least best OP this season.
Valvrave 21
I mean this episode had those garish CG space suits
I think you mean 22? (Episode 21 was awesome for different reasons =p)
Is free any good?
Is it just a shounen sports series?
Goddammit where are all the people who watched more than like two episodes of NouCome to back me up that it was a legitimately entertaining show.
Is it bad that I got bored of this anime in the first two episodes or something? I feel bad now.
Rei (Free!) has some of the best fans.
Rei (Free!) has some of the best fans.
Rei (Free!) has some of the best fans.
With the latter...I did wonder if Shinichi would just spill the beans, request asylum and defend his new homeland.
Rei (Free!) has some of the best fans.
But Shin'ichi is better than that. Like a true otaku, he picked up on the episode's foreshadowing! =p
Saint Seiya CG movie...
Looks like something from Dynasty Warriors
Saint Seiya CG movie...
Rei (Free!) has some of the best fans.
Decided to check TBA , and God, I can't believe this exists
Shaft magic = head tilts and weird fetishes.
...I don't think that's what layered humor means. I think the phrase this guy is looking for is "Something happens which causes another thing to happen". Doesn't layered humor mean something that's funny on multiple levels?
Kotakuanime is still redeemed by that one article praising Steins;Gate though.
Rei (Free!) has some of the best fans.
Is this your shrine?
Personally, It is the best anime to ever air, excellent action in both the water and out of it. The music is also excellent and there is actually deep character interaction. It also has the best OP song (Rage On) this year and ED (Splash Free, and all remixes).
He already blew his load of shock value when kujou gotStrike the blood - 11
Again with the fake cliffangers ?
How many times must i see kojou stabbed and down before waking up as if nothing happenned the next episode ?
The author of strike the blood should REALLY try something else.
One of us! One of us! Uka should have been the primary protagonist of the story.So uh. I started to do some reading and...
New favorite pairing. Shame they're only secondary protagonists and not the focus.
there can never be a moreTL show than Free!
Goddammit where are all the people who watched more than like two episodes of NouCome to back me up that it was a legitimately entertaining show.
True, but it wasn't about constant pantyshots and contrived nudity scenes and stuff... YuuShibu was.
I do agree that Yuushibu hasn't been all that funny.
It's still been consistently enjoyable regardless. Fino's too damn cute and honestly, I feel it's been handling the work SoL aspects better than SxS or Maou-sama did. Plus I'm not allergic to fanservice.
Can't happen with these 2 running around imo:
I need a new anime. I want something relatively short, and strong on the story and art. I think DedThruLight last recommended me Tsuritama which I absolutely adored.
So uh. I started to do some reading and...
New favorite pairing. Shame they're only secondary protagonists and not the focus.
I need a new anime. I want something relatively short, and strong on the story and art. I think DedThruLight last recommended me Tsuritama which I absolutely adored.
One of us! One of us! Uka should have been the primary protagonist of the story.
Yeah. I'm pretty bummed about that. Needs her own spinoff.
Heavy on the story, short and art? If that's your only criteria, what about Ano Natsu De Matteru
If you specifically want a friendship anime with good art, Nichijou, though that one's 20+ episodes. I guess another option, though I haven't seen it but it's similar in its trippy art, would be Mawaru Penguindrum (also relatively short). There's also Kids on the Slope.
Have you watched Uchouten Kazoku?