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Fall 2013 Anime |OT2| The Rise and Fall of Kyoto

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Well technically Hisoka is a member, but he's only a member until he gets what he wants, you'll find that out later.

I figured that much. But what the narrator said in that episode
pretty much confirms he's gonna stab them in the back sooner or later. I was referring to him not being some underwhelming admin of an organization. Double agents are always fun to watch :)

Is it just me or did you also think that kid's nen teacher was some weird pedo or someone with evil intentions? He seemed super shady.

The title I made
was referring to the fact that the kid's Nen was pretty much only half of what Gon and Killua could do. I actually thought that guy was pretty cool.
Haven't watched any anime in about a week. I decided that needed to change.

Samurai Flamenco - 11

I love how it keeps getting more and more ridiculous, yet still manages to be good. It would easily be on The List if its writing weren't up to snuff, but it is, and it's awesome.

Although I'd like some explanation for what all happened in the next couple episodes. There was a lot thrown at the viewer in this one, and if it's not explained at least a bit, there could be some enormous plot holes.

I'm totally okay with this Super Sentai direction, even though I don't know how long it'll actually last. I've given up on trying to predict where this show will go.

Kyoukai no Kanata - 11/12 (END)

It was alright.


Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou (2002 OVA's)
(Quiet Country Cafe)


Kimochi...Such a relaxing show.

Like most others who have watched these OVA's I really enjoyed them. The artwork leads to so many nice shots that I could have just filled a post with tons of pictures. Just like the first two OVA's it has just so many quite moments of looking at the art and scenery accentuated by the music.

It was nice to see Kokonoe again these episodes. This shot here I thought the object was in the clouds and some type of glider plane. You can see here that it's actually in low orbit. It was a nice scene transition but either the scaling is off or that thing is huge! Even the ISS looks like a bright star and it's in low orbit.

During the storm and the quick little flashes of the cafe I figured things were going to turn out the way they did. That and Alpha said it looked a little run down right at the beginning of the OVA. It was enough to make me feel sad for Alpha...
It wasn't all bad though as it's shown in the second OVA that it was more just the cafe part and the house actually looked pretty much fine,haha. Kokonoe seemed to be getting to like Alpha as well as shown by some of those scenes,haha.

As much as I liked the cafe I also really liked that we got to explore a little bit of this world and its destroyed beauty with Alpha. The different places she goes and the different people she meets. There was one part which seemed weirdly fan-service though. firehawk mentioned the "data exchange" scene in the first OVA but here you have (possibly NSFW) a completely naked girl randomly showing up. She's watching a couple of the kid characters and they mention they haven't seen Misago for awhile. "Is she a robot person too?", "Don't know". "Why is she always naked?", "Don't know". They then carry on talking about other things. I'm assuming she's in the manga but did the staff know there wasn't going to be any more and it was just a favor to manga fans or was there originally going to be more and that was more just a tease of her character?

I like how there's not only an attention to detail in the art but also with events that happen. During the opening part of the first OVA you see the first shot there as part of a series showing the world and there's that plane that flies by. One might think it a neat little detail but not pay it too much attention. Later on in the second OVA during Alpha's journey around the countryside, she comes across a small airstrip in a field and encounters the same plane that you see earlier!

Even though there's maybe not any really standout sakuga type animation, I do like the detailing there as well. When Alpha's moving around in bed getting up the sheets twist and move around her realistically and when she's sleeping in the shot above, Kokonoe gently brushes a bit of her hair and her hand twitches slightly in response.

Again, just a nice relaxing show that looks at a post apocalyptic world in a different light and doesn't have the modern fan-service type material that many might not like. A show I'd be comfortable recommending to anyone to take a look at because I'm sure glad I did. Now I just have to see if I can take a look at the manga.

This looks sufficiently watchable. I shall add it to the end of a monstrous list. At least its short.

IS S2 12

Is this the end of the season?
They fight the bad guys, they were not able to defeat the bad guys so it's a draw?

Ranking (Chifuyu not included)


Acceptable ranking. Laura and char are on the top.

After the latest episode of Golden Time I have this to say: This is an amazing show and every bit as good as Toradora. Why aren't more people talking about it?

Yeah Golden Time is every bit as enjoyable as Toradora and perhaps better in some ways.
Yeah Golden Time is every bit as enjoyable as Toradora and perhaps better in some ways.

I-I-I don't know what show you people are watching. I like Golden Time, it's one of the better shows this season. But it doesn't come close to Toradora. With this show, I'm watching events unfold with an interest in what happens next week. When I saw Toradora, I ended up watching six or seven eps in a row (and I finished the whole series in two days) because I couldn't stop. I became emotionally invested in that shit. And that's something that has yet to happen with Golden Time.


Valvrave 23

Really glad
A-Drei is still at large and being awesome, I was worried he would die after his act of goodness last episode
. Still on Team Shouko, but it seems depressingly inevitable at this point that Haruto won't remember anything about her by the time this is all over.

And hot damn
slicing that ass Kain's throat open on live television
was such a satisfying moment.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I'm not particularly in-touch with the prevailing opinions about Twilight Princess's failings, but the ones that come to mind for me are:

  • Ganon coming out of nowhere. I have no problem with Ganon taking over the plot in principle, but it didn't feel very well earned, didn't lead to anything story-wise, and the story felt more interesting when Zant seemed like a legitimate threat. Overall I didn't feel the game's story was very strong outside of the character of Midna.
  • The overworld, while impressively expansive, felt largely pointless. Aside from the few set pieces that took place in the big field areas, there was rarely any reason for the player to actually go out and traverse them, and there were barely any interesting secrets hidden out there to reward exploration.
  • Twilight Princess was the main originator of the "my god will this introductory tutorial section ever end" trope that people like to point to as everything that's wrong with modern Zelda. Personally this never really bothered me, but I know a lot of people haaaaate it.
  • On a related note, I believe a lot of people detested the mandatory wolfy item-hunt sections that accompanied the introduction to each new area (which also never bothered me, but hey, I liked the Tadtones in Skyward Sword too and EVERYONE seems to hate those, so maybe I just have an item-collecting fetish).
  • The dungeon items were largely useless outside of their specific dungeons. This is a problem to a greater or lesser extent with a number of Zelda games, but it definitely feels most prominent in TP, particularly since TP introduced some really cool new dungeon items and the coolest ones suffered from this the most (most notably, of course, the Spinner).
Despite feeling that at least some of these are legitimate issues, I still really like Twilight Princess and think it's a very strong Zelda game in general which did more than enough things very right to make up for all this many times over. It was certainly inspired by Ocarina of Time's style and the fan love for it, but it feels very much like its own beast (er, no wolf pun intended) to the point where I don't really associate the two.

wait why are we discussing Zelda in the anime thread again?
Some of those are legitamate problems ofcourse, though some people will treat it like its much worse, and I say to those people if they have actually played a bad game before.

and eh, zelda is anime enough lol, btw wasent there suppose to be a zelda anime coming out? or was that just a rumor?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
this is not ANNcast's big end of year podcast, but when asked on the spot one of the staff member's top picks for the year highlighted: attack on titan, watamote, free!

then they proceeded to dump on wolf children.

like wow. okay. i cannot stop laughing at this. this deserves to be heard or something. their interpretation of wolf children is one of the most idiotic appraisals i have ever heard.

please enjoy this selected quote:
Mamoru Hosoda was never a little girl, so he doesn't know what that experience is like. He also doesn't know what it's like to be a single mom. Why didn't he tell it from the only perspective he actually knew...?
Galilei Donna - 11 (end)

I must say this was a nice ending , but this wasn't a satisfactory ending.
All this stupid fear of
time travel incest
were of course "unfounded". You people see incest everywhere anyway.

Now it's disapointing that the show remained focused on hozuki , The focus wa on teh 3 sisters , yet the star of the show was only one of them.
A lot of the side character didn't nearly have enough time to shine or even enough screen time to be intresting enough.

The main bad guy was a total letdown ... he was obstinate for a reason that is barely "ok" , As for anna , her role was painfully obvious since her first appearance.

This episode had nice moments , but in the end it was barely passable. The conclusion was to fast and some of the twists either predictable or "ok" Episode 9 was a nice twist but in the end the promised treasure wasn't there.

i'd certainly watch more because it's obvious that they can tell more and that the real problem
( lack of fuel + cold age incoming )
haven't been solved But i don't think i should get my hopes up for a sequel.

White Album 2 9

Damn, you can just see the regret from their faces.

Both can share the blame when one isn't thinking with his head and the other locked away her feelings for so long.

And Setsuna may be a sweet girl, but that phone call did not help matters when it easily tells she's more interested in keeping the three together instead of her relationship with Haruki.
I-I-I don't know what show you people are watching. I like Golden Time, it's one of the better shows this season. But it doesn't come close to Toradora. With this show, I'm watching events unfold with an interest in what happens next week. When I saw Toradora, I ended up watching six or seven eps in a row (and I finished the whole series in two days) because I couldn't stop. I became emotionally invested in that shit. And that's something that has yet to happen with Golden Time.

Toradora did nothing for me , it was enjoyable ( and the way the author broke the stupid premise step by step was awesome ) but seriously golden time is better because
-The heroine ( kaga koto rules , because she is full of faults but know them and tries to solves them )
-The university setting ( screw high school , give me more young adults trying to find their way in life)
-Ghost banri ( i hate him , but damn if his appearance and his addition to the mix hasn't broken several conventions from dramas already )

Toradora struggled during a big part of his first part by doing basicly the same thing over and over in different places, the pacing of golden time alone allow for more diverse situations ( already more and we're only at ep 12 ) , more events while still pouring a diverse cast of characters with their own roles

Don't get me wrong , toradora was a damn fine anime. But for me golden time is just vastly superior.


I haven't played any of the Strike Witches games since it'd be either a pain in the butt to import and/or some of the games like visual novel for the DS (which is actually in my avatar!) would be incomprehensible to someone like myself who knows nothing about reading Japanese. I think this browser (or was it Android?) game came out recently too. They seemed decent enough though I'm probably not going to have a chance at playing them.

I'm not sure what warrants an explanation.

Your avy is adorable. i squee at it daily.

Anyone have good ideas about how to sell off this giant box of anime DVDs and blurays I have that I don't want anymore? (I really need the storage space)

I ebayed one or two but the process is pretty annoying. I was thinking of basically advertising on my former anime club's facebok wall but I'm pretty sure they just pirate all their anime anyway...

Make a list. Id Like to see what youre selling.

twilight princess came about like this: "wtf is this? cartoon kiddie zelda, we hate this, bring us a zelda like ocarina of time, thats what it should be lke, man OoT was the last great zelda, we really wanted something like that again, not this celda crap" after TP comes out:"why is this like ocarina of time? this game sucks, it should have been more original, like windwaker! Oh btw we love that game now but this feels too familiar(even though if you actually play it, it doesnt have that many similarities to OoT and has its own story thats nothing like it) I'm also like that with zelda games, I like them all and when having to choose favorites its like choosing a 9.7 to a 9.9 and stuff.

Zelda has gone so many directions and styles the next one could look like almost anything. Im excited to see how it turns out. I suspect it will be in the more realistic style this time around.


this is not ANNcast's big end of year podcast, but when asked on the spot one of the staff member's top picks for the year highlighted: attack on titan, watamote, free!

then they proceeded to dump on wolf children.

like wow. okay. i cannot stop laughing at this. this deserves to be heard or something. their interpretation of wolf children is one of the most idiotic appraisals i have ever heard.

I read the review posted a few days back by Hope and almost raged. The whole thing was basically "the mom is an unrealistic person because Hosada was never a mother" and "she's an unrealistic supermom with no personality" and I'm sitting there reading the review going "but... this story is told from the kid's point of view, isn't the entire point that their mom is going to be idolized in their perspective?" I think there were a few fair critiques in the review, but it was really way too tryhard. I have a lot of posts on the ANN forums, but I just smh and walked away from that one, didn't even want to try...

Read at your own risk
Different reviewer's take on original release last year
Don't get me wrong , toradora was a damn fine anime. But for me golden time is just vastly superior.

I like both shows, I just found Toradora to have a more gripping story than what I've gotten out of GT so far. I find the
ghost Banri
aspect of Golden Time's story a little silly. But overall, my favoritism of Toradora is simply personal preference.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Your avy is adorable. i squee at it daily.

Make a list. Id Like to see what youre selling.

Zelda has gone so many directions and styles the next one could look like almost anything. Im excited to see how it turns out. I suspect it will be in the more realistic style this time around.

Same, cant wait to see how it looks like


Samurai Flamenco 11

Hmm, well that was better than the King Torture arc. The main thing that was bothering me through that was the disturbing torture and violence, really felt out of place and uncomfortable. I still would have preferred that the show stayed in its original form but a sentai parody show isn't something I'm disinterested in.

I wonder if the show was always going to turn out like this. Or did someone have a problem with how the show was and demanded they add monsters and action?


I wonder if the show was always going to turn out like this. Or did someone have a problem with how the show was and demanded they add monsters and action?
One of the earliest pieces of promo art (and the one that got me watching the show) had all these bright, toku-like heroes, so I think it was always intended to be this way.
Super Seisyun Brothers 14


This would be DTL's most favorite show ever.

So, I guess this is actually the ending, even though last week's felt more like an ending and this was just another random episode. Same thoughts still apply.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I have a lot of posts on the ANN forums, but I just smh and walked away from that one, didn't even want to try...
I don't know what the ANN forums are like but it seems like the kind of place where you would get banned for dissenting opinion.


I don't know what the ANN forums are like but it seems like the kind of place where you would get banned for dissenting opinion.

Nah, it's not, as long as you don't turn it into excessive personal attacks or trolling. Their mods are pretty reasonable.
this is not ANNcast's big end of year podcast, but when asked on the spot one of the staff member's top picks for the year highlighted: attack on titan, watamote, free!

then they proceeded to dump on wolf children.

like wow. okay. i cannot stop laughing at this. this deserves to be heard or something. their interpretation of wolf children is one of the most idiotic appraisals i have ever heard.

please enjoy this selected quote:

I have not watched Wolf Children, for I'm leaving that for possibly Christmas, but



I don't know what the ANN forums are like but it seems like the kind of place where you would get banned for dissenting opinion.
"No, but if the work is semi-autobiographical and it turned out like Wolf Children did, maybe he should've written the story from his own perspective as a child."

- zac 2013​
Strike the blood - 12


What can you call this fool but a gigantic moron ?!
This guy above should buy the book " how to be a parent and raise your daughter for dummies" , he really needs it.

Our little princess seems very intresting , i'm pretty sure that was some subtle trolling here , but it'll be great later to see what she really means.
Her true identity was kinda cool , i welcome her trump card

So each arc will give us a new famillair , this one activation seem really broken, but well considering this one powers, it seems really really legitimate , kojou seems more and more like a broken character each new arc

SO , well the harem grows ... congratulations kojou , you now only need a special skill to not be dense around girls. Don't worry you're nowhere near Ichika on that level.
Strike the Blood 12

So they finally went full Campione on us and used the vampire thing as an excuse to let the harem protag
make out with a bunch of girls.
Pretty amusing though.

Strike the blood - 12

kojou seems more and more like a broken character each new arc
I think they said he has nine familiars? Yeah, he'll be broken. Though that will require a lot more harem members to unlock.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Strike the blood - 12

This guy above should buy the book " how to be a parent and raise your daughter for dummies" , he really needs it.

Our little princess seems very intresting , i'm pretty sure that was some subtle trolling here , but it'll be great later to see what she really means.
Her true identity was kinda cool , i welcome her trump card

So each arc will give us a new famillair , this one activation seem really broken, but well considering this one powers, it seems really really legitimate , kojou seems more and more like a broken character each new arc

SO , well the harem grows ... congratulations kojou , you now only need a special skill to not be dense around girls. Don't worry you're nowhere near Ichika on that level.
He was already built up from like episode one to be broken, they say he has the power of an entire army lol
Strike the Blood 12

So they finally went full Campione on us and used the vampire thing as an excuse to let the harem protag
make out with a bunch of girls.
Pretty amusing though.
I really think campione handle this better ( at least in the books ) The campione anime was trully a gigantic disapointment ( 2 eps by book + filler ending what a rush job )
I think they said he has nine familiars? Yeah, he'll be broken. Though that will require a lot more harem members to unlock.
Well , considering this one needed the blood of 1 previous girl + a new girl, i'm thinking that if the cast might be enough ... considering that his sister is hiding something too , i can bet that we'll have plenty of familliars coming every 4 episodes .
And they like never said that he can't steal or borrow familliars from other progenitors he really has room to grow.
He was already built up from like episode one to be broken, they say he has the power of an entire army lol

More than a army considering what he has already in his harem
- 2 sword shamans
- Genius hacker that can do all the sh*t she wants like reprogram an ancient weapon of mass destruction
- 1 girl that was an angel
- 1 princess that
can become a spirit
- 1 doll

Damn that's a lot. And we're at ep 12 only
Well , considering this one needed the blood of 1 previous girl + a new girl, i'm thinking that if he the cast might be enough ... considering that his sister is hiding something too , i can bet that we'll have plenty of familliars coming every 4 episodes .
And they like never said that he can't steal or borrow familliars from other progenitors he really has room to grow.
I suppose he could drink the blood of the same girls again, but seeing as the next episode preview is already showing a new female character, I'm thinking that won't necessarily be how it turns out.
More than a army considering what he has already in his harem
- 2 sword shamans
- Genius hacker that can do all the sh*t she wants like reprogram an ancient weapon of mass destruction
- 1 girl that was an angel
- 1 princess that
can become a spirit
- 1 doll

Damn that's a lot. And we're at ep 12 only
You could also add Natsuki to this.
I suppose he could drink the blood of the same girls again, but seeing as the next episode preview is already showing a new female character, I'm thinking that won't necessarily be how it turns out.
Would be fun if we had various conbinaisons of girls for each familliar
You could also add Natsuki to this.

I really think that natsuki will be the last, she is very powerfull by herself so well she could be a magnificent "war asset" but she isn't ( from what i'm seeing (12 eps ) in the harem yet.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Samurai Flamenco 11

Fuck, this show sucks. What a total pile of garbage it's become.

Hahaha, wow. Completely the opposite reaction I have to every episode of Samurai Flamenco.


nice read

This is a translation of the “Directors’ Dialogue” stage event held at CTFK 2013 in Kyoto, Japan. The attendees on this panel were Director Tatsuya Ishihara, (AIR, Kanon, Clannad, Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai!), Director Yasuhiro Takemoto (Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu, Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid, Lucky Star (episodes 5-24), Hyouka, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya), and Director Naoko Yamada (K-On! K-On! The Movie!, Tamako Market). The MC for this panel was Maiko Nishioka (Literature production and scriptwriter for Kyoto Animation).

What are your thoughts on Director Yamada?
Ishihara: She’s just as she appears. (laughs)
Takemoto: She attracts a lot of people around her.
Ishihara: There’s always a lot of people around her desk.
Yamada: Are there really that many people? (laughs)
Takemoto: The other day you got a lot of presents on your birthday. I was so jealous…. (laughs) When I say it’s my birthday, people just say “no it’s not” and we go back to work. In Yamada’s case, they say “It is?!” and their eyes light up. I’m really jealous.
forever alone


I-I-I don't know what show you people are watching. I like Golden Time, it's one of the better shows this season. But it doesn't come close to Toradora. With this show, I'm watching events unfold with an interest in what happens next week. When I saw Toradora, I ended up watching six or seven eps in a row (and I finished the whole series in two days) because I couldn't stop. I became emotionally invested in that shit. And that's something that has yet to happen with Golden Time.

To be fair, it's not like we have a choice given we're watching Golden Time as it airs. Frankly, I wish I could marathon through it as the wait every week kills me.

As for Toradora, I watched it all in two sittings covering maybe 2/3rds of a day? I know I slept inbetween episodes at one point and that I couldn't stop watching otherwise.

And then a few days later I watched it again. Then I soon found and read all the LNs

I regret nothing.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
DTL is that you ? get out of his body !


That guy is certainly not a "war asset" ( too unpredictable ) nor he is a harem member ( he is not chasing after kujou , he wants to hunt him )

Suggestion REJECTED
He's basically hisoka, he wants it.


The Light of El Cantare


HAS ARAKI EVER BEEN EATEN BY A GIA-wait Mikasa makes me squee so that's immune from criticism. Trust me, I work for the internet's most trusted anime news source!


Space Battleship Yamato 2199 14

Wow, this episode was straight-up psychological horror used doubly as the conflict-of-the-week to fight out of and as a way to deepen our understanding of the backstories and characters of Kodai and Mori. And it was completely successful on both levels. A tour-de-force executed brilliantly by both Izubuchi's clever storyboard and Murai's surrealist script. One of those cases where things aren't stated explicitly but left to us to put the pieces together. I love episodes like this, and this is easily among the best I've seen this year.

Still confused on what's up with Misaki. I'm sure the show will explain more of that as it goes on.

It really is a shame that the release method of this show eliminated the possibility of week-by-week discussion that would otherwise have occurred here.

Honestly I didn't really pay attention to staff when first watching this but probably next time. I really liked this episode though and it's probably one of my favorites in the show. Like you mention with the more surreal imagery and getting more insight into Yuki and Kodai was just great. I think it was NeoSoma(?) who mentioned that this episode was kind of SHAFT-like, not in a derogatory sense, but more in the abstractness maybe of some of the visuals or storyboarding. Maybe it was the head tilts,haha. I felt bad for the younger psychic sister though...

Misaki will be explained and I agree about the release and its affect on discussion as some wanted to wait until now to watch it.

I also agree with your AOTY comment on the last episode. I really like Wolf Children and seeing this families struggles and triumphs in their situation but I came to really like Yamato 2199 pretty quickly as well and maybe even more so than Wolf Children.

[...]Perhaps this is just another way of saying I should go back and watch Monogatari instead. lol

Should of maybe picked up White Album 2 instead I guess,haha.

Monogatari has been having character development though and random personality shifts too. "Yay! Peace! Peace!"


I thought you would have said Aria first. (or Gravity) haha.

Talking about the 2002 Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou OVA's and did you watch them yet?

I feel like making a detailed post about why I enjoy Samurai Flamenco so much, mostly because I've noticed two things week after week. There are those watching who dislike the show for various reasons, there are those watching who enjoy the show quite a bit, and there are those watching because its "so stupid its awesome" or whatever, but there isn't a lot of reflection on what the people who enjoy it like specifically. So I think I'll do some reflection[...]

This is similar to my feelings on Samurai Flamenco. The scenario has become completely ridiculous but the characters are still sharply written and likable. To contrast this with shows like VVV or Code Geass which also had ridiculous plot twists and scenarios but the characters are nowhere near as likable and are more often than not completely detestable. Probably the most out there Character in the SamFlam is Red Axe but his dialog is so good he never fails to make me laugh out loud when hes on screen. I was dying every time he said "But it was a beautiful lie".

So good!

Probably oversimplified but when Red Axe said his "But it was a beautiful lie." I kind of thought it was like a self aware description of the show itself and how it kind of keeps betraying everyone's expectations. I'm actually still not sure how I feel about the show and might not until it's concluded but for now I can at least say I'm entertained enough with it.

She is indeed in the manga. Mild spoilers ahoy:
It's never entirely clear what she is (though strongly hinted that she's a robot, since she appears not to age). She typically only allows herself to be seen by children.

Seconding LayLa here - definitely definitely go read the manga. And Isaki's Cub, too. To this day I remain sad that the manga never got picked up for US distribution; it's a classic.

Ok. It's kind of neat to have a show that I hadn't even heard of before and talking about it now and you see it actually has all these fans around it. :)

Looking at it a little more I see that Isaki manga actually just finished up in January this year.

Nafe always picks the best avatars.




I haven't played any of the Strike Witches games since it'd be either a pain in the butt to import and/or some of the games like visual novel for the DS (which is actually in my avatar!) would be incomprehensible to someone like myself who knows nothing about reading Japanese. I think this browser (or was it Android?) game came out recently too. They seemed decent enough though I'm probably not going to have a chance at playing them.

I haven't played any Strike Witched games no. Maybe I should I don't know.

Ah, okay. I personally like the scrolling style shooters (mostly from CAVE) and was just wondering if you played it and what you might had thought of it and if it was worth taking a look at. Actually, I think Kagami had posted that he had picked up the PSP version a few months back...

Also Strike Witches of course!

Ah, okay,haha. I haven't seen the show myself so I guess I was paying more attention to the fact that the girls have the aeronautical leg attachment things over if they have fluffy tails or not.

twilight princess came about like this: "wtf is this? cartoon kiddie zelda, we hate this, bring us a zelda like ocarina of time, thats what it should be lke, man OoT was the last great zelda, we really wanted something like that again, not this celda crap" after TP comes out:"why is this like ocarina of time? this game sucks, it should have been more original, like windwaker! Oh btw we love that game now but this feels too familiar(even though if you actually play it, it doesnt have that many similarities to OoT and has its own story thats nothing like it) I'm also like that with zelda games, I like them all and when having to choose favorites its like choosing a 9.7 to a 9.9 and stuff.

Haha, this reminds me of Halo again and...

"Halo 2 is terrible. Remember the good days of Halo 1?"
"Halo 3 is terrible. Remember the good days of Halo 2?"
"Halo Reach is terrible. Remember the good days of Halo 3?" etc.


Poet Centuriate

All right, techie dude. Let's do it.

Mako x Ira, make it happen Triggerrrrrr.

Wow that was quick. Please don't lose the bandleader girl, she's like the worst of the Elite 4. So fucking annoying. Put her down, Ryuko.

And Mohawk dude is coming back? FUCK YES.

SaiKano 10

Shuuji and Chise continue fighting against their own impossible fights, as the clock ticks down.

Don't ask for her forgiveness, man, she's a fucking pedophile for fuck's sake.

Get there Chise.
YES. There won't be a happy end at the final bow, but it's the little victories and fights that you work for.

Golden Time 10

:lol, what the fuck was that. That's not how you use a cliff hanger.

Man I'm really loving this internal conflict. If the OP was forgotten, they've really weighed it equally between Linda and Koko. It's kinda hard to pick, as a viewer.

Infinite Stratos S2 10

seriously what the fuck am I watching

Cecilia, you're English: Bad food is in your blood, just live with it, ffs.

Fuck Tabane. Why is she even in this show.
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