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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Denki-gai no Honya-san 1


yuu kobayashi playing second best character キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

Yeah this was a pretty nice opener and the scenes with Umio and Master bode really well for when they start getting to the real meat of the series. They also did a real good job of carrying over Mizu Asato's art into animation, especially with all the tears.

sucks that sugita isnt voicing sommelier anymore tho :(
G-reco ep 1/ep 2

tomino still can tomino after all these years. i should have never doubted the man. eye-catches were 80s as fuck. its like the outline of this show was written in 1987 and burred because it was too dangerous and the tech to make it did not exist at the time.

the spirit of the bright slap lives on post UC. really digging the 80s vibe with modern color design of the G-reco world. the first two eps sure are tomino with the disconjointed plot episode. i have a feeling things will be made clearer later, but at least it isnt as confusing as the beginning of victory where ep4 was moved to being ep1 just because they needed some gundam action.. the mech designs look really good in motion, especially the G-self. cant wait to see what Lord-tomino has in for us in upcoming episodes. will watch, now bring on Build fightan sunrise!!
fourth season of korra just started with a very solid first episode. So yeah, here's me promoting it again because season 3 was good and season 4 seems to be heading in a similar goodness route.


Denki-gai no Honya-san ep 1

I'm ain't surprised if somebody in Japan came up with such a plot in a LN, Manga or Hentai.

Yu motherfucking Kobayashi!!! And Sugita is not voicing in it?! Blasphemy!! You can't have comedy without Sugita.
G-Reco 01-02

This definitely feels like a throwback series. Everything seems more 'upbeat' rather than dreary and serious. This is a show meant for children through and through. Of course, this show still delves into the more heavy stuff the Gundam series addresses, mainly the casualties of war. In lieu of going over the details of the world and how it operates meticulously, Tomino opts to have the Robot action front and center. I already watched some UC era Gundam so I already know about Minovsky particles and the like, but a new comers just gonna feel lost that this show drops all this techno babble without much care. There are some hints at how the Earth government operates (it looks vaguely theocratic, or at least religious officials are treated like authority). The battles look nice and moved smoothly and I really like the unique designs of the mechs. Some CG is used for some of the superstructures like the Orbital Elevator, but it wasn't super glaring (unlike another show this season). As for the characters, I don't really get to spend a whole lot of time getting to know them before they are thrown into conflict, so I can't really make heads or tails out of them. The one big thing that immediately jumps out to me, what with the 'out there' environments and mechs, the atypical cast, the future space religions, and the mysterious waif connected to the main mecha, is that I'm getting some heavy Eureka Seven vibes. That's fine by me since I love that show. All in all, a pretty good start to a new Gundam iteration. I hope Tomino goes further into detail with the world building since I'm still left with a few questions about everything.


G-Reco 1-2

Absolutely loved the show. I'm the viewer who the show is targeting, so I can't say I'm not biased, but it gave me almost everything I had hoped for. Real Turn A vibes going on here. Hoping it continues to be as I expect. Problematic in ways Tomino shows are, but also shows the stuff I love about his work.

I have full thoughts in the G-Reco OT if anyone wants to read them. Don't feel the need to copy that huge screed into the anime OT and take up a ton of screen space.


Gundam G-Reco

Got around to watching it while Smash downloaded.

I love GARNiDELiA but something felt off about the intro.

Not sure about the Gundam designs, but im enjoying the characters.

How many episodes is this going to run for?


Gundam G-Reco

Got around to watching it while Smash downloaded.

I love GARNiDELiA but something felt off about the intro.

Not sure about the Gundam designs, but im enjoying the characters.

How many episodes is this going to run for?

All the info I've found says 24-25, which is surprising given Gundam shows sit around 50. Hopes that means it'll have a faster pace once it gets in gear.
Nozaki-kun 1

There's some great animation here. Pretty good in motion.

Other than that I am totally lost. The show kind of just jumped into it's story with zero context. It was a little jarring. Despite that, I am still interested.

fourth season of korra just started with a very solid first episode. So yeah, here's me promoting it again because season 3 was good and season 4 seems to be heading in a similar goodness route.

This sounds promising. Season 1 was great, Season 2 was meh, Season 3 was really fun to watch. Sounds like Season 4 is starting off well enough so I am excited to check it out.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Denki gai no Honya san 1

Yes, this is pleasant. The direction is not as good as Gekkan Shojo, but this'll do. Let see if they can nail the drama/romance part right


Based Tomino, even his fanservice idea is fucking wonky.. back mid-riff? catapult shot to ass? wowzer.. Grandpa had it hard back then.
G-Reco - 1

This feels like the product from a bizarre alternate history where the 80s never ended. I'm not sure how to react to this other than to laugh.


Blade Dance is among the worst things in recent memory that I've ever seen. I mean it starts off with a poorly animated "Baka! Echii! Kono Hentai! Shinei!" scene and only gets worse and worse, where you even see girls getting unjustifiably enraged by the MC looking up their pantsu because they knocked the door in his face and are about to murder him in the populated school's hallway with their samurai swords.

Terrible, terrible series. It's interesting in how it managed to sell a single BD!

that bad? I can deal with terrible shows if theyre fun.

Steins;Gate - 10

Awww...what a touching moment between Okarin and Kurisu!
Too bad it probably got retconned with that D-Mail. -_-

Interesting questions have been raised. Did
part-time-warrior girl actually find her father before the D-mail was sent? If so, what was up with that cryptic goodbye message she sent? Could it have something to do with this apparent grudge she has against Kurisu, from the way she acts every time she's mentioned? Does it involve SERN in any way?

Speaking of SERN, it looks like they're catching on to what the lab's doing, if the "I'm watching you" message along with the picture of Gelatin had anything to imply.

I get the feeling things will be heating up in this show very soon.

You would be correct. The show is settling into its prime.

Started watching Ping Pong because of all the people putting it on that vote thing, and I'm really liking it, got up to episode 5. Any other shows with similar style?

It has a weird abstract style tbat reminds me of Cat soup, tekkonkincreet, and Mindgame


Subete no aware
Denki-gai no Honya-san 1


yuu kobayashi playing second best character キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

Yeah this was a pretty nice opener and the scenes with Umio and Master bode really well for when they start getting to the real meat of the series. They also did a real good job of carrying over Mizu Asato's art into animation, especially with all the tears.

sucks that sugita isnt voicing sommelier anymore tho :(

I bet she's just some minor character though. RIP Kobayashi.

As for the show itself, it comes off as boring version of Genshiken. It's not particularly insightful or funny at the moment.


Saint Titanfall
Gundam Reconguista in G- [1-2]

Well so far he seems right on the money. If I ever have kids, I'll try to get their opinion as well.

There are definitely heavy elements from the 1980s such as the camerawork, blatant sexism, physical abuse, artificial grain usage to simulate cel work, and the soundtrack. In some ways the show so far reminds me of a shitty version of Turn-A. And I didn't even like Turn-A that much.

So going in, I had a fairly good idea that the writing was going to be abysmal and I was correct. What is shocking for me though, is that there is one category worse than the writing, the editing. There are scenes that just jump with no reason or flow and so just create this mishmash of things happening without any sort of proper buildup. This is especially the case in the 2nd episode where there are numerous examples of 'jumps'. One scene near the end was supposed to be dramatic but due to the editing just comes off as stupid and confusing. There is just no direction at all in any of this.

So going back to the writing, why should I give a fuck about any of these characters? There's been little to no characterization on anybody's part. One of the girls seemingly has brain damage. The main character hates piracy I think. Don't ask me why. He hates pirates so much that he tries to
rescue the pirate prisoner
. If the Capital is supposed to be this dictatorial force, why is their military so incompetent? They don't have an elite response team or even semi-decent guards? How can some random space pirates just come in and
ruin a VIP party
? There's some stuff in the first episode that made me go huh, like the cheerleaders being on that 'train'.

There's so much garbage in both episodes that don't serve a function in either the narrative or characters. A perfect example is the MC running into that wall in the building. What the fuck? He finds her in less than a minute afterwards. Why does that scene exist? Was it supposed to be funny?

The storyboarding of the action sequences are weird in that there are definitely some good cuts in there but the camera is just too damn close to the mechs at times, which makes it hard to tell what is happening. Much of it though, there just isn't that much animation. The whole show just doesn't have much animation going on and so many scenes just feel really stilted.

The show is a mess.
Pretty much my thoughts aside from fact there's a space pirate and a mobile suit that only 2 people can operate, you bring the pirate to the mobile suit while her comrades are attacking and you don't restrain her at all...

Who makes such a colossal fuck up, the incompetence of this military knows no bounds.


Saint Titanfall

Shingeki no Bahamut Genesis - Episode 1: Encounters in Wytearp

Script: Keiichi Hasegawa
Storyboard: Keiichi Sato, Hiroshi Kobayashi
Episode Directors: Shinichi Matsumi, Kenji Muto
Animation Director: Yuji Hosogoe


Ahh yes the other anime I'm looking forward to outside of G and UBW. My expectations are low so some nice animation and good battles are enough for me.


I bet she's just some minor character though. RIP Kobayashi.

As for the show itself, it comes off as boring version of Genshiken. It's not particularly insightful or funny at the moment.

I thought the show was funny, but I dunno what genshiken is


Saint Titanfall
The only CG seems to Bahamut himself. He was sealed away and if he is revived, the world will come to an end. It's #deep.

Like I said, low expectations story wise still hyped, from heard from the preview screening the eye candy was good. Long as the battles are good, then I can suffer through it.if it's really good.

Plus I like the character designs.


G-Reco 01

Yeah this is not my cup of tea at all. Not sure if it was Vimeo's fault but the animation was noticeably choppy. Not really feeling any characters or their designs. Writing was bad and it really just felt like something from a long bygone era. Dropped.

Naruto Shippuden 380

New ED is bad but the OP is decent. Generic in its first half but has some great cuts in the second one. It's also spoilery as always and finally exceeded my manga reach so no more openings for me.

Episode was meh. I loved ep 249 but they're milking it ad nauseam now.


Saint Titanfall
Because I like making fun of Nasu fans? It's like when I make fun of Key fans. I have a low opinion of anyone who likes this crap. :)

That's fine and I'll continue to consider that opinion shallow for someone that hasn't even read what they're making fun of.

This has little to do with Nasu and FSN in general, and more that it comes off as ignorant.


Subete no aware
Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken 01

This reminds me of Kantoku Fuyuki Todoki, which was the anime about what it is like to be married to Anno, but this seems more immediately funny because it is basically replicating cliches in a much more immediate manner.

The three short jokes in this 3 minute anime are all basically pulled from the otaku-stereotype playbook, and precisely because of its running time, it works fairly well. A 20 minute show about this would be god damn insufferable, but short jokes about how otaku are screwed up in their own ways? Yeah, it works well. This was a nice surprise.


Subete no aware
Its like Genshiken? Looking forward to it even more now.
I thought the show was funny, but I dunno what genshiken is
Only in that cast members create some manga and go to some con and sell it. So I guess its like Genshiken and Comic Party superficially.
Even beyond the superficial similarities, it seems to be an examination of a particular subculture that crosses over with the ideas that Genshiken brought up.

I guess in a way, Honya-san is very much like the 20 minute version Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken, but based on the first episode anyway, it just didn't really do anything for me. The characters seem stock, which leads me to think that this will be a much more situational comedy than one that's going to try to look deeper into the subculture like Genshiken did.

Not that it can't work that way of course... it's just, the "anime porn" subculture just - and it feels fucking strange to say this - really played out now.
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