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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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That's fine .and continue to consider that opinion shallow for someone that hasn't even read what they're making fun of.

This has little to do with Nasu and FSN in general, and more that it comes off as ignorant.

See the trouble with these fans is that they're extremely defensive. The first reaction to anyone saying something bad is "OMG HAVE YOU READ THE ORIGINAL?" and assuming that the only alternative is that someone "read a wiki". As if there are no other options inbetween. Did someone watch the original anime? Or the movie? Maybe someone played part of the game or the prologue. If they felt that the writing was abysmal, why would they continue?

I'm not "dodging the question", I simply didn't care to humor it because the defensiveness just makes me laugh. I've watched every single Kara no Kyokai movie, I even watched the latest one in the cinema. I've checked out the Fate/Stay Night VN before on PC, I didn't care to play it because the prose is really bad. I've watched the terrible UBW movie, and I'm not stupid enough to think that it's an faithful adaptation by any means. But I think that it's fair to say that a reasonable person would have enough information from all that to know how Nasu approaches characters and narratives, and what sort of themes he likes to explore. I don't care for his ideas, I think they're extremely childish, and his characterizations are immature try-hard attempts at exploring serious themes.


Even beyond the superficial similarities, it seems to be an examination of a particular subculture that crosses over with the ideas that Genshiken brought up.

I guess in a way, Honya-san is very much like the 20 minute version Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken, but based on the first episode anyway, it just didn't really do anything for me. The characters seem stock, which leads me to think that this will be a much more situational comedy than one that's going to try to look deeper into the subculture like Genshiken did.

Not that it can't work that way of course... it's just, the "anime porn" subculture just - and it feels fucking strange to say this - really played out now.

I like the idea of a manga shop comedy, but then I also liked Empire Records and High Fidelity a lot. I just felt the chatacters here were boring aside from manga inspector lady.

As for Danna...havent watched it but the premise reminded me of the manga Spotted Flower, which is also about a married couple where the guy is a geek. Though its mostly about how she is pregnant and had a much more vigorous sex drive than he has.


Saint Titanfall
See the trouble with these fans is that they're extremely defensive. The first reaction to anyone saying something bad is "OMG HAVE YOU READ THE ORIGINAL?" and assuming that the only alternative is that someone "read a wiki". As if there are no other options inbetween. Did someone watch the original anime? Or the movie? Maybe someone played part of the game or the prologue. If they felt that the writing was abysmal, why would they continue?

I'm not "dodging the question", I simply didn't care to humor it because the defensiveness just makes me laugh. I've watched every single Kara no Kyokai movie, I even watched the latest one in the cinema. I've checked out the Fate/Stay Night VN before on PC, I didn't care to play it because the prose is really bad. I've watched the terrible UBW movie, and I'm not stupid enough to think that it's an faithful adaptation by any means. But I think that it's fair to say that a reasonable person would have enough information from all that to know how Nasu approaches characters and narratives, and what sort of themes he likes to explore. I don't care for his ideas, I think they're extremely childish, and his characterizations are immature try-hard attempts at exploring serious themes.

Again, I have no issue without you not liking certain aspects, Which are perfectly reasonable to critiques, but to refer to actual story as crap implies, you've actually read the story, or at least a proper adaptation of it. Which is why I see any such critique about the story from someone that hasn't actually read it as shallow. Also the prose is bad because it's a bad translation, that has nothing to do with the quality of the story.

The UBW movie completely misses the main purpose of UBW, it's a slideshow of events, misses character developmet explanation introspection, and doesn't accurately potray the storyline, which is why making an analysis even remotely based on it as an all round terrible idea.

It's fairly easy to point out why it's such an awful adaption even ignoring all those things. Because the whole point of the story the analysis of the MC thoughts, on the events that's unfold, the reasons behind his actions that are not explored and the realizations he comes to that are not at all stated in the movie. which is the entire point of the plot of UBW. Everything is about thoughts, that's why the MC main ability is to put shape to his mind, something the movie completely skips.

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone
Ping pong ping pong ping pong ping panana phone
It's no baloney, it ain't a phony!
My cellular bananular phone!

If I remember to vote, it'll be for Kotori because DAL and I do actually like her.


but to refer to actual story as crap implies

Lol. All I said was "Well, at least the story will probably be better than Fate/Stay Night anyway. Low bar, I know." with regards to a show which hasn't even aired. You haven't watched it either, so your knee jerk reaction to that is no different from me taking a pot shot at F/SN for fun.

Also the prose is bad because it's a bad translation, that has nothing to do with the quality of the story.

Remember what I said earlier about assumptions? Lol. This is why it's so fun to make fun of defensive fans. Seeing you people jump on stuff trying to preemptively justify things is really hilarious. If he thinks the prose is bad he must have read a bad translation! There is no other explanation! Nasu-sama forever~ Lololol.


Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone
Ping pong ping pong ping pong ping panana phone
It's no baloney, it ain't a phony!
My cellular bananular phone!

If I remember to vote, it'll be for Kotori because DAL and I do actually like her.

Jeez. Characters I liked least on their respective shows. Can they just kill each other?


Hidamari Sketch X365 episode 1

Well now that I'm done with all of the things on my backlog (well at least the ones I can remember) I can finally continue HidaSketch! This is season 2 right? I hope it is. =/
Holy crap they
showed her parents!
Did this happen in the first season? And it starts off in an unfamiliar setting! WHAT'S GOING ON?! Actually, I don't care anymore. Yuno is just too cute... The only complaint I have is that it took way too long for Miyako to appear. Great episode to start off the season. They even got in a bath scene and a
Hiro is fat joke.
Good shit. I'll continue my marathon when I wake up tomorrow.
Hidamari Sketch X365 episode 1

Well now that I'm done with all of the things on my backlog (well at least the ones I can remember) I can finally continue HidaSketch! This is season 2 right? I hope it is. =/

And it starts off in an unfamiliar setting! WHAT'S GOING ON?!

Yes it is. And some episodes are still in non-linear order and overlap with the first season.


Saint Titanfall
Lol. All I said was "Well, at least the story will probably be better than Fate/Stay Night anyway. Low bar, I know." with regards to a show which hasn't even aired. You haven't watched it either, so your knee jerk reaction to that is no different from me taking a pot shot at F/SN for fun.

Remember what I said earlier about assumptions? Lol. This is why it's so fun to make fun of defensive fans. Seeing you people jump on stuff trying to preemptively justify things is really hilarious. If he thinks the prose is bad he must have read a bad translation! There is no other explanation! Nasu-sama forever~ Lololol.

Well I know the story of FSN, the original source material, They may alter it (but looking at what they've done and what they've said that's highly doubtful).

Shingeki has no known story to compare to so your basically backtracking here, anyway no point in continuing this.

Man, I think the only person coming off here super biased is you. For someone that's keeps wailing on fans for how illogical, and biased they are your a hypocrite quite simply. We're taking about prose her and a translation from a person in highschool learning English.

Just how blatantly biased are you. It's quite ridiculous. The incessant dismals, the hyper aggression. You should really look in a mirror.


anyway no point in continuing this.

But couldn't help it, HAD to edit more in:
Man, I think the only person coming off here super biased is you. For someone that's keeps wailing on fans for how illogical, and biased they are your a hypocrite quite simply. We're taking about prose her and a translation from a person in highschool learning English.

Just how blatantly biased are you. It's quite ridiculous. The incessant dismals, the hyper aggression. You should really look in a mirror.

<3 Nasu fanboys. <3
Again, I have no issue without you not liking certain aspects, Which are perfectly reasonable to critiques, but to refer to actual story as crap implies, you've actually read the story, or at least a proper adaptation of it. Which is why I see any such critique about the story from someone that hasn't actually read it as shallow. Also the prose is bad because it's a bad translation, that has nothing to do with the quality of the story.

Duckroll understands Japanese, just so you know.


The Legend of Korra Book 4, Episode 1:

So, at last, a short last we have arrived at this final season of Korra and this first episode is keeping the goodwill from Season 3 alive. Oh yes, it is good, damned good.
I like that the changes over the past two books have been retained. I still wonder what has become of the Equalists. I mean, yea, Amon was a fraud, but the underlying problems never really seemed to be resolved. Ah well, with the world being what it is, they would not have a lot credence in their voice these days.At any rate, we have hit quite the time skip, Team Avatar are now full fledged adults and the younger kids are older and we see what three years of time can do to the world. I have to say I like that not only has Team Avatar been doing their own thing but some of the more peripheral characters of seasons past have their stories ongoing. Also, surprise, surprise, the random mook who got a name and was voiced by a celebrity turned out to be the main villain for Season 4. Of course, right now they are playing with the ends justify the means as Kuvira has become a dictator of steel. The interesting question being presented here is does the Earth Kingdom need the strong hand of the fire and forge to reunite the Earth Kingdom or will the more foppish attitudes of linage previal? Oh yea, also, Ryuko Motoi has become a third-rate UFC fighter because she lost her way or something.
Never thought I would say this after season 2, but I will miss Korra after this is all over.


Saint Titanfall

But couldn't help it, HAD to edit more in:

<3 Nasu fanboys. <3

Hahahahahhaha, anyone that seriously uses the term fanboy is juvenile quite simply. I thought you'd be above that but you clearly aren't.

The story of this argument.

For the record I don't actually like most of Nas's work that I've read, that includes HF, fate, Kara and tsukihime (manga), but Christ your acting like those hyper bias fans, that your supposedly mocking.


Hidamari Sketch X365 episode 1

Well now that I'm done with all of the things on my backlog (well at least the ones I can remember) I can finally continue HidaSketch! This is season 2 right? I hope it is. =/
Holy crap they
showed her parents!
Did this happen in the first season? And it starts off in an unfamiliar setting! WHAT'S GOING ON?! Actually, I don't care anymore. Yuno is just too cute... The only complaint I have is that it took way too long for Miyako to appear. Great episode to start off the season. They even got in a bath scene and a
Hiro is fat joke.
Good shit. I'll continue my marathon when I wake up tomorrow.

its a little bit late now, but you should watch this 2 minute short which was shown at a fan event in 2007 to announce the second season.


Subete no aware
I like the idea of a manga shop comedy, but then I also liked Empire Records and High Fidelity a lot. I just felt the chatacters here were boring aside from manga inspector lady.

As for Danna...havent watched it but the premise reminded me of the manga Spotted Flower, which is also about a married couple where the guy is a geek. Though its mostly about how she is pregnant and had a much more vigorous sex drive than he has.
I think the porn stuff makes it much more insider, and well, much more like Genshiken. And there's just been a lot of those types of comedies recently, or even comedies that just reference the subculture.


G Gundam 1-2

Now THAT is more like it! Rockin' 90s music, sick hair and outfits, bad english, a clearly fetish-inducing suit transformation and extremely manly action! Pretty much everything I could ask for from an anime. After the first two episodes of G-Reco I couldn't see myself watching for the whole season so I wanted to check out some other shows from the series and it seems like a lot of people think this is THE show to watch and I can't disagree with them so far. There's so much personality and pure excitement, this is something I would have gone crazy for when I was young. They manage to keep it entertaining and ridiculous outside of the fights too, I had a grin on my face for most of the second episode. I have a feeling the Shining Finger will be pretty overdone as the series goes on though and Domon was able to tear through the Maxter (for people who love their sports AND their giant robots) without any effort. But unlike some of the unsatisfying finishes in GBF, I don't think it will matter when the rest of the show is so entertaining. That's not to say GBF wasn't great most of the time but HE HID HIS GUNDAM INSIDE THE STATUE OF LIBERTY!!!

I'm still not sure if I'll continue to watch this throughout the season though, it might be a good idea to save the best stuff for later. I'm down for suggestions for other shows to start with as long as it's not boring nonsense like G-Reco. I'm kinda interested in checking out Wing too but that released after and I'm hesitant to check out any of the older Tomino-involved shows now but if something is great or really entertainingly bad I'll give it a shot.


Hahahahahhaha, anyone that seriously uses the term fanboy is juvenile quite simply. I thought you'd be above that but you clearly aren't.

The story of this argument.

For the record I don't actually like most of Nas's work that I've read, that includes HF, fate, Kara and tsukihime (manga), but Christ your acting like those hyper bias fans, that your supposedly mocking.

I don't think you get it. I tried to explain to you over an hour ago that I was being super childish because I like making fun of Type-Moon and Key fans. At no point was this a serious argument, it's just what I do whenever the topic comes up! I continued it because you continued it. I'm bored. I never pretended that I was above anything, it was just mudslinging for the sake of mudslinging. You only have yourself to blame! Lol.


Saint Titanfall
I don't think you get it. I tried to explain to you over an hour ago that I was being super childish because I like making fun of Type-Moon and Key fans. At no point was this a serious argument, it's just what I do whenever the topic comes up! I continued it because you continued it. I'm bored. I never pretended that I was above anything, it was just mudslinging for the sake of mudslinging. You only have yourself to blame! Lol.

Again, why? For someone that dislikes, people being super biased and ridiculously, acting super biased and ridiculous does nothing.

Here I was trying to have a serious argument with you and this is what I get.


I think the safest way to approach any new season is to let everyone watch stuff in the first 2 weeks or so, and then check out the ones which aren't clear duds after that. But safety is for wise people who value their time, it's better to go all in and suffer the consequences instead! :D


Its hard to argue against "lol fate eroge garbage" argument because it is what is, even nasu himself said similar thing. But as anime adaptation its not competing with ghibli. Its should've compared with battle/chuuni title with such like FMA, Hunter x Hunter or Code Geass and Gurren Laggan.. I believe the material is up par for that peer.
It's pretty bad. I pretty much hate the Tales series now too, and they're stuck on it. I don't care for God Eater, and they're getting more deeply involved. Oh well.


Tales of games are cool

The solution is obviously to make production IG do "Tales of" cinematics like in the old days.



Tales of games are cool

The solution is obviously to make production IG do "Tales of" cinematics like in the old days.

I'm sorry, I'm a very bitter person. :(

I loved Tales of Hearts. Then I played Graces f. The story was so bad I couldn't keep playing even for the combat. >_<


Space Dandy 10: Dayummm this ep was rather heavy at first but lightened up fairly well, not sure if I liked this or ep. 5 more but things are lookin' pretty Dandy right about now!

Gundam G Reco 02: Looks like I don't have to wait 'till Aldnoah S2 for my terribly scripted mecha fix, I was considering rewatching Valvrave S1 with friends but this looks like it can fill in for that role quite well!

I'm sorry, I'm a very bitter person. :(

I loved Tales of Hearts. Then I played Graces f. The story was so bad I couldn't keep playing even for the combat. >_<

At least Zestiria looks rather promising.
I'm sorry, I'm a very bitter person. :(

I loved Tales of Hearts. Then I played Graces f. The story was so bad I couldn't keep playing even for the combat. >_<

Damn as much as a tales of fan that i am .. i have to agree.
I'll remember this conversation ..one day when another studio will do "tales of" cinematics , you have to try again !


Space Dandy 10: Dayummm this ep was rather heavy at first but lightened up fairly well, not sure if I liked this or ep. 5 more but things are lookin' pretty Dandy right about now!

Gundam G Reco 02: Looks like I don't have to wait 'till Aldnoah S2 for my terribly scripted mecha fix, I was considering rewatching Valvrave S1 with friends but this looks like it can fill in for that role quite well!

Lololol. Poor Tomino. Getting compared to Valvrave and Aldnoah! He badness is unique! ;_;

In Space Dandy S1, I think ep5, 10, and 13 are the best character episodes, so you'll probably enjoy the final episode if you liked these two. I definitely prefer the series when it's not trying too hard to be funny, because the comedy isn't that great.

At least Zestiria looks rather promising.

Yeah it's actually the first Tales to remotely interest me in a while in terms of setting. I dunno. One day I'll get back into the series I'm sure.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
;____; One more day folks.

After this shit is all done, TM will have no excuse not to be working on the Tsukihime remake.

Hell, they don't even have an excuse to start with now


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Ufo doesn't work on original series. They make their money off of brand name shit. THey aren't gonna be leaving TM alone now considering they have a treasure trove of scenarios to work with, and the popularity is there to start.
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