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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Not quite a series, but didn't they do that for that movie about the witch sisters? Haven't seen that one yet.

Yoyo and Nene was pretty strange business-wise. What they did was that they licensed (?) this really obscure children's story book featuring these two witch sisters in a fantasy world. And they made a completely original film with those two characters, with a story about how the storybook world is connected to the real world somehow. It was pretty much a totally original story, so I don't know why they even bothered basing two characters on something from a book, especially when the book is so obscure there is no brand value at all.


tomino new show sucks. :(

I loved Tales of Hearts. Then I played Graces f. The story was so bad I couldn't keep playing even for the combat. >_<
yeah Graces f is really awful storywise, and I'd say that besides the bs there is no reason to play it.
I can understand if you stopped playing them after that game, lol. ToX is ok, in the second one especially they've done a pretty good job with characters and story. (not as good as importers made me believe but it probably has one of the best cast and plot in the series) still the game has a lot of other problems so it's far from being great.


There's also Futakoi Alternative by the studio which is an original story loosely based off of a VN/anime adaptation.


I thought the show was funny, but I dunno what genshiken is

genshiken is a show about anime otaku club set in college.

u just dont understand the depth of rapey penis worms

My mom saw that part and asked for an explanation.

Only in that cast members create some manga and go to some con and sell it. So I guess its like Genshiken and Comic Party superficially.

Gotcha. I like that sorta stuff so it should be enjoyable.


Well... Engaged to the Unidentified was somewhat popular here wasn't it? ;P

very much so!

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone
Ping pong ping pong ping pong ping panana phone
It's no baloney, it ain't a phony!
My cellular bananular phone!

If I remember to vote, it'll be for Kotori because DAL and I do actually like her.

I dont see Kurumi thus I declare this contest invalid.

I thought duckroll was a massive fan of TYPE-MOON shit. My illusion is shattered.

Ducky only likes Fate Zero.


I agree, chuunishit is the only thing that interests me these days.

Aw yiss, for all the shit that people saying I'm seeing 2-3 title for HighBrowbros can enjoy every season.. meanwhile most battle/chuuni animu trapped in Toei/pierrot low quality ghetto..

I would cry when Ufotable stop making dem chooney :(


Aw yiss, for all the shit that people saying I'm seeing 2-3 title for HighBrowbros can enjoy every season.. meanwhile most battle/chuuni animu trapped in Toei/pierrot low quality ghetto..

I would cry when Ufotable stop making dem chooney :(

Ufotable's gotta move on to adapting Masada games like Dies Irae, much more intense Chuuni to be found there.


Just learned about an anime based on a Gerry Anderson concept: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firestorm_(anime)

That's blowing my mind. Skimming footage of it though and it looks pretty gash lol.


Gundam SEED 35

All hope seems lost, but then Kira saves the day.

now it's obvious that you're enjoying it .. see it wasn't that bad.
Yeah I've honestly enjoyed it aside from some illogical moments. It's just that the evolution of Flay drove me in a downward spiral. And now seeing her in a downward spiral is just karma at its finest.
Gundam: Reconguista in G 1:
Anime status = SAVED
World status = NOT SQUARE
Tomino name status = RARAIYAH MONDAY

I really just had a stupid grin on my face most of the time I was watching that. I can see how this is going to be a divisive show, and as an introduction it was really only barely passable in some regards, but I still enjoyed it so much. There are a few bits of exposition, but they thankfully avoided having anything too ridiculous mixed in there. Probably the bigger problem was that there was just too much going on at once for a first episode. We don't really learn a whole lot about anyone's motivations here, but there's enough going on to intrigue me, and just the right kind of ridiculousness.

We've got corrective slaps, beam sabers and rifles, Haros, kids on spaceships, some nice nods to past Gundam series, etc. This is really looking to be a Tomino as fuck series. The character designs are solid looking, and the first episode overall looked fairly competent, even if it wasn't necessarily a visual masterpiece. The real question for me is just where Tomino is going to go from here. I'm hoping we can get something really unique.


Chevalier D'Eon 17


Mr Perfect with his first mistake. Apparently, ompeting against clerics in prayer recital duels is asking for trouble. Though I imagine he will get out of that pinch soon. The duel itself was a nice moment but one that was needlessly interrupted by cutting to D'Eon and crew who have been completely inconsequential to the climax of the episode.
Nozaki-kun 1

There's some great animation here. Pretty good in motion.

Other than that I am totally lost. The show kind of just jumped into it's story with zero context. It was a little jarring. Despite that, I am still interested.

While romance is a big part of this show, it is first and foremost a comedy. The characters don't really progress much and are pretty much static for the sake of jokes.

Nonetheless, from what I watched, it's a really funny and enjoyable show.

You would be correct. The show is settling into its prime.

Oh boy...

Man, I cannot marathon this show. If I do, I'll probably have so many crazy plot-twists thrown at me from all directions at one time and my mind will probably explode.

I'm sorry, I'm a very bitter person. :(

I loved Tales of Hearts. Then I played Graces f. The story was so bad I couldn't keep playing even for the combat. >_<

Awwww...The combat in Graces F is the best combat in the entire franchise! :(

The story really is atrocious though, especially what happened in the ending.


Oh boy. Duckroll is one of THOSE? Hm Hm....have you atleast seen KnK Ducky?

?!?!?!? One of what? I love Ufotable. I've watched all of KnK! I watched the latest one in the theater! KnK5 is an amazing film. The stories are all fairly awful though. KnK2, 4, 7 are pretty wretched. Total waste of Ufotable talent. KnK3 had a pretty cool fight.


?!?!?!? One of what? I love Ufotable. I've watched all of KnK! I watched the latest one in the theater! KnK5 is an amazing film. The stories are all fairly awful though. KnK2, 4, 7 are pretty wretched. Total waste of Ufotable talent. KnK3 had a pretty cool fight.

Mirai Fukuin are close second for me :)


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
?!?!?!? One of what? I love Ufotable. I've watched all of KnK! I watched the latest one in the theater! KnK5 is an amazing film. The stories are all fairly awful though. KnK2, 4, 7 are pretty wretched. Total waste of Ufotable talent. KnK3 had a pretty cool fight.

Whaaat!? The only one i thought was subpar was 6, and that was only cause i don't like expy's of Akiha, she's annoying enough as it is.

And by "those" i'm glad i was proven wrong, there are those who just hate everything type moon except FZ without even going through it all because "lol so edgy, gen urobutchi is the greatest thing since sliced bread". Its usually those who's first or only experience with Fate or TM is FZ, and they hear 10 years old played out meme's about the DEEN adaption of FSN and get annoying.


Whaaat!? The only one i thought was subpar was 6, and that was only cause i don't like expy's of Akiha, she's annoying enough as it is.

And by "those" i'm glad i was proven wrong, there are those who just hate everything type moon except FZ without even going through it all because "lol so edgy, gen urobutchi is the greatest thing since sliced bread". Its usually those who's first or only experience with Fate or TM is FZ, and they hear meme's about the DEEN adaption and get annoying.

KnK2, 4, and 7 are awful because the core relationship between Cocktoe and Shitty is the most unbelievable, frustrating, stupid, and moronic serious relationship ever. Garbage couple! :D

I don't care for Urobuchi much either. A lot of his stuff is kinda meh. You need more than just one person or a basic story to make a good anime. The direction, attention to detail, and production values matter a lot.


Ufo doesn't work on original series. They make their money off of brand name shit. THey aren't gonna be leaving TM alone now considering they have a treasure trove of scenarios to work with, and the popularity is there to start.

Yeah I know this, and it's just wishful thinking on my part. It's really the smarter decision since they have existing material to work with, and the fans who will eat that shit up. Myself included somewhat only to see the cool fight scenes they will show. Story wise ehh I'm not of fan of type moons stories.

Also duckroll you so childish.
Rail Wars 10

Train obsessed royalty.

And he doesn't have anybody from his own country protecting him? Weird. Well, it's all up to the K4 gang to protect because for some reason Haruka already knows him. There's also bad guys coming and a not very shocking twist.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
KnK2, 4, and 7 are awful because the core relationship between Cocktoe and Shitty is the most unbelievable, frustrating, stupid, and moronic serious relationship ever. Garbage couple! :D

I don't care for Urobuchi much either. A lot of his stuff is kinda meh. You need more than just one person or a basic story to make a good anime. The direction, attention to detail, and production values matter a lot.

But...but Kokutou and Shiki's relationship as it grows is so beautiful ;_; Although you'll have to excuse me, i'm the type of guy who shipped Heero and Relena extremely hard in his pubescent years. Even today really...

And yes, I think Gen is very overrated. I didn't like Blassreiter at all when it first premiered and i still don't, Psycho pass is okay, but its definitely not the greatest ever, and Gargantia......well...fan-service of teenage girls dancing is not really what i expect out of hard hitting writing.


While romance is a big part of this show, it is first and foremost a comedy. The characters don't really progress much and are pretty much static for the sake of jokes.

Nonetheless, from what I watched, it's a really funny and enjoyable show.

Oh boy...

Man, I cannot marathon this show. If I do, I'll probably have so many crazy plot-twists thrown at me from all directions at one time and my mind will probably explode.

Awwww...The combat in Graces F is the best combat in the entire franchise! :(

The story really is atrocious though, especially what happened in the ending.

I marathoned Steins;Gate with no problem following along. However, there is so much detail that you'll want to rewatch it to see thinvs you almost certainly will miss at first.


Gundam SEED 36
Athrun understands Lacus's motives and defends her. All the while he himself gets a new Gundam. Wait a minute, he's had a cast on this entire time, how are they expecting him to fight?


I see that duckroll is try to have holy crusade against VN fan!

I dont like VN fan in general. seem like they are the most nitpicking fan ever
Gundam: Reconguista in G 2:
Oh god, such a great bit of nostalgia when those statues were on screen, even if just for a brief moment.

Suddenly, we have a space pope. And riding on a ridiculous vehicle, too. And Bellri doesn't have an immediately hostile relationship with his parents, which is pretty different compared to most Tomino protagonists.

Noredo's slingshot bit was so silly. And that bit of Bellri running into the wall was so hilariously out of place with everything else that was going on in the scene.

Still not sure exactly where this show is going to go, but the first two episodes have been enjoyable so far, and kind of ridiculous in some good ways. I'm enjoying the soundtrack, and I like how much Tomino has crammed into the episodes so far.


Maturity, bitches.
Just beat Xenoblade today. So that marks
the third storyline about someone taking over as god
this year.


Sorry. Every time I hear the word KEY when talking about anime I can't help but think of Kingdom Hearts. I've been waiting a while to make that joke, lol.

Just beat Xenoblade today. So that marks
the third storyline about someone taking over as god
this year.

I loved the ending to that game. Not only do we get
a nice, genuine, not-bullshit happily ever after ending, but we also get quite the subtle disturbing fact that all these characters are essentially living in a virtual world unbeknownst to them.

I mean, Alvis DID say he was a computer.


Saint Titanfall
CTRL V "Shokugeki no Soma" 0 found. Fuck this season.

Seriously though, the whole fall anime looks like rubbish.

Why do you event want an early adaptation, they rarely turn out good. At least when the manga has a significant amount of material you don't have to worry about filler anytime soon.
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