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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Hyouka 8-11 (rewatch):
Hey Shinbo, take notes.
Look! Quick cuts that actually do something. WOW.

The movie mystery is definitely one of the highlights of Hyouka if not the strongest arc. It touches on the development of all the main characters and introduces a new one, Irisu, who was a fan favorite. It was also the first time we saw that Oreki wasn't infallible and that there are even greater minds than his at Kamiyama High School and outside of it.

After the movie screening, each of the main characters, aside from Oreki tell him their misgivings on his conclusion. Mayaka played it straight, and simply told Oreki he forgot a detail. Satoshi went digging into Sherlock esoterica to come up with an inconsistency. At Chitanda took the humanistic side. She revealed that she was never curious about the movie itself, but the feelings of the script writer. This perspective would prove crucial for Oreki's deduction of Irisu's manipulation.

What's important to note here is that every one of their contributions to his new theory is perfectly in line with their characters, there was no overlap or blending of character traits. Oreki is still the genius of the group, but he's not omniscient. He also has areas in which he's deficient, which were compensated for by his friends. The tarot discussion in 10 hammered this point home, and provided a new perspective on how Oreki's life. He's been oblivious to the role of women in his life, not realizing that he has a kind of submissive streak when it comes to forceful women.

We also see more glimpses of Satoshi's inferiority complex, Mayaka's own capacity for detail and logic (which explains her outbursts whenever Oreki outdoes her in detective work), and Chitanda's sympathetic personality. Irisu, for a new character, was also exceptionally strong. I think her arc is very plausible. We have all, at some point had a friend or colleague who turned out a lackluster product in their academic or professional careers, but elected not to criticize for fear of causing friction. But also as a woman of action, she took the most roundabout way to reject and amend Hongou's script. Her actions remind us that in our fervor to be a "good person", we might be taking the morally low road and wind up hurting more people in our endeavors than if we were simply honest and forthright. This is echoed in her story about the prodigal athlete who attributes their success to "luck", and the impact this false humility has on those around them. And it is no doubt a false humility, how else to explain Oreki's indignation at being used for once, rather than being in the dominant position?

While all this was going on, the author, Yonezawa, and by extension KyoAni, were having a meta-discussion on the mystery genre, educating the audience about Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie, and explaining the progression of the genre from the 19th century to the 20th. Not only was it informative, but I realized that this arc deftly combines elements from both Doyle's Holmes and Christie's stories. The mystery, as presented, is solvable to an extent, as a proper post-Christie mystery is supposed to be. We have all the clues, most of the data, and the story is set up to be solveable without inhuman intellect. We also have Oreki, the Sherlock analogue, someone who's thought processes are far beyond the other characters, but not everyone. Oreki has his Mycroft (older sister) and his Irene (Irisu, I wonder if the names are intentional), and Watson (the rest of Hyouka), although Moriarty is missing for now. In the end, not only was Yonezawa calling out fans of those stories on their experience with mystery, but showing how the two eras of mystery writing can be combined in a single story.

Finally, we get another teaser for Oreki's sister, who has assumed the role of puppeteer by the end of the first season. If this was a shounen anime, Oreki's sister would be like the final boss, done up all in chiaroscuro while the heroes run around innocently, unaware that they're merely playing pieces in a larger game. You could say that the main cast of Hyouka are like the Fantastic Four, while Oreki's sister plays the role of Dr. Doom.
I nominate this thread be about the Hyouka's of the world and not the Black Rock Shooters!

Except, of course, there aren't that many Hyouka's...


Garo - Episode 1



This was pretty cool. Obviously the show itself doesn't look anything like the amazing OP, but that isn't entirely a bad thing. The show itself has a really distinctive look, with pretty stylized angular character designs (I think the Shaman King artist did the base designs, they look a lot like the characters in that and in Ultimo) which are also somewhat colorful. The distinct look also takes a bit of the edge off the dark bleak tone of the show.

I dunno if I would really describe this as a pure tokusatsu style show. It definitely feels designed for an anime format, while retaining some of the tokusatsu sense in the transformations, the 3DCG armor and action direction, etc. In terms of story it's a somewhat typical dark fantasy story about a father and son demon hunting duo who face persecution in a kingdom where the king is being manipulated to wipe out all elements of "magic", unknowingly playing into the hands of evil since the magic knights and witches are the ones who were supposed to defend the land against demons.

It was a fun first episode, the direction seems pretty good, there's quite a bit of nice animation effects, characters move in an attractive way, and the CG is high quality. Definitely on par with the CG on Gatchaman Crowds for example. They seem to use full CG for the fight scenes when they're in armor too, it doesn't really feel out of place for the most part. The show does take the "fire" motif a bit too seriously though. Lol. Flames everywhere!

Those interested in dark hero stories and medieval settings would probably want to check out at least the first episode.


One hilarious thing I noticed is that Garo ep1 had a scene where a main character is riding a horse on rooftops. On Monday, Rage of Bahamut ep1 will also have a scene where the main characters are riding horses on rooftops. Both are dark fantasy medieval shows, and both are by MAPPA. Quite a coincidence! :p


The franchise has been around since 2005, and the anime is taking the place of the most recent toku series (Flower of Makai) that just finished airing in that time slot. I know most people are viewing it as a standalone and are interested in it because of the staff, but I say this as much for myself as I do for everyone else. Give the rest of the franchise a chance.

Tony Oliver, one the producers/writers (and voice of Saba) from the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers has been trying to get a version of it to come to America for a while, so there must be something to it.


The franchise has been around since 2005, and the anime is taking the place of the most recent toku series (Flower of Makai) that just finished airing in that time slot. I know most people are viewing it as a standalone and are interested in it because of the staff, but I say this as much for myself as I do for everyone else. Give the rest of the franchise a chance.

Tony Oliver, one the producers/writers (and voice of Saba) from the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers has been trying to get a version of it to come to America for a while, so there must be something to it.

I watched the first few episodes of the original series and had a lot of fun with how hilariously grim-dark it was. Dug the suit and monster designs as well. The few bits of nudity were kind of strange and not something you'd typically see in a toku show, but definitely set it apart. I should really check out the rest.


I watched the first few episodes of the original series and had a lot of fun with how hilariously grim-dark it was. Dug the suit and monster designs as well. The few bits of nudity were kind of strange and not something you'd typically see in a toku show, but definitely set it apart. I should really check out the rest.

Oh, sounds like the anime is pretty faithful in tone then. It's definitely grim-dark in a hilarious way, where it feels like they're trying hard to get a reaction out of the audience, there's also nudity and sex, but it felt pretty coherent with the overall direction. It felt the sort of story and setting which we've all seen before in fantasy books especially, but executed in a kinda unique Japanese dark hero way.


Though when it comes to anime spin-offs from toku, what I want more than anything is my Z-Cune Aoi anime. Or even an OVA.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Gundam G no Reconguista - 01

Hello AnimeGAF,
I know I've been a terrible person to you and for that I'm sorry but I really need your help.

You see, I just watched this episode and I'm really confused. I feel like I'm watching a relic but then some things in this relic are not of its time and the whole thing has left me terribly confused.

Can AnimeGAF help me make sense of this?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Gundam G no Reconguista - 01

Hello AnimeGAF,
I know I've been a terrible person to you and for that I'm sorry but I really need your help.

You see, I just watched this episode and I'm really confused. I feel like I'm watching a relic but then some things in this relic are not of its time and the whole thing has left me terribly confused.

Can AnimeGAF help me make sense of this?

Gundam G no Reconguista - 01

Hello AnimeGAF,
I know I've been a terrible person to you and for that I'm sorry but I really need your help.

You see, I just watched this episode and I'm really confused. I feel like I'm watching a relic but then some things in this relic are not of its time and the whole thing has left me terribly confused.

Can AnimeGAF help me make sense of this?

Funimation announces their shows.

Vanadis, the two visual novel-based anime, Twintail, and Garo are the ones I'm going to be watching.

Now, here's the deal, Funi. You get Seal of Flames, I get that. But please look into getting the rest of the franchise. I know several people in the toku fandom who would appreciate it.

Garo and Donten for me (tomorrow).

crunchyroll finally announced a show I am interested in.

they will stream world trigger tomorrow at 6:30 EDT

Now if Viz can get the anime too so I can buy it. Saturday evenings will be amazing.


So the Blue Blazes drama ended a few days ago. It was a lot of fun, but it really shows why you should never adapt a manga and its over the top humour as it is and not change it. It just ends up looking silly when your live action drama has a ridiculous scene like this An anime would have been a much better option.

Oh yeah, I wished Anno was available for a cameo role. Both the real Hiroyuki Yamaga and Takami Akai managed to show up. Even the manga creator Kazuhiko Shimamoto ended up appearing in the last episode,. Maybe he is saved for the BD only episodes.
Terraformars 2

The Marcos and Akari scenes and Alex too were funny. And on Marcos and Alex, the OP with them happy and jumping, good. Im glad the anime is keeping them all fun loving and such, helps to balance out all the dramatic screaming and motion sickness inducing moments with blood and gore (xray moment zooming in on the Russians spine, was intense). Not a bad episode at all.
G-Reco Episodes 1 + 2


Will we be seeing the tears of time?

I don't really understand how Tomino could say that's for a new audience considering most of the terminology used is from UC. It doesn't really matter though as all that terminology would go right over a kid's head anyway! There was some pretty hilarious dialogue like "The world isn't square!" but on the other hand, lots of physical violence which I would've thought Tomino would've stopped doing by now (I should've known better...). It really felt like I was watching Zeta Gundam but with a lot more chirpier main protagonist.

Just going to say that the ED is the catchiest I've heard in a while but my goodness does it spoil a lot about what's going to happen later on in the series. They really couldn't be less subtle!


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(

I had to back-track a dozen pages to understand that this thing was deliberately made. It really gives a whole new meaning of taking the good with the bad :( What a huge missed opportunity. Voice acting, animation techniques and production has advanced since the last quarter century.

I mean, using an unanimated image of mech and just zooming in on it to make it look like it was flying closer is the answer to CG mechs that no one asked for. It's not nostalgic... its just terrible.

I'm not going to list grievances but man this hurt my mind.


G-Reco 2

This episode seemed way more coherent, relatively speaking, than the last episode. Now we get to see more of the environments I realise that I really like how everything looks in this.


Amagi has a small window to be picked up in, what with the volleyball. All of TBS' shows have been streamed for a while now, so there's no worry.


Generic delinquents in anime look so hilarious. They always have that stupid smirk and expression on their faces. And soulless eyes.

One guy always lunges forward with his hands in his pockets. Some dude in the back smiles and licks his knife.

In a way, generic anime mobs and delinquents are the dependable male counterpart to the generic anime hotsprings feelup scene.

Except only one is really exploitative.


Korra S4-1

Really solid episode and very good premise for the season. I'm fucking blown back by how much better the show is now compared to the first two seasons. This is the biggest jump in quality upwards I have ever seen in any medium.

Why the fuck did the first two seasons have to exist? :(
Korra S4-1

Really solid episode and very good premise for the season. I'm fucking blown back by how much better the show is now compared to the first two seasons. This is the biggest jump in quality upwards I have ever seen in any medium.

Why the fuck did the first two seasons have to exist? :(

more people here need to join the S3/S4 korra train.



Yes. But replace that with anyone (like say, Houki for Narag), and it'd be just as reflective of reality.

I thought Houki was Mr. Jeff's girl? ;p
I personally don't mind her but some of that could be Yoko Hikasa bias.

No wonder i missed this, I just combine both yours and fertygo's posts in my head anymore. One of you needs to cave and get an avatar!

AnimeGaf Confessionals: When first reading the anime OT's at the end of Winter 2011 into Spring of 2011, I would often get firehawk, mAcOdIn and Hellsing's posts mixed up. Even at the time it didn't really make sense,haha.

I would just remember different posts but would forget which of the three posted it. Of course there were some things like the whole mAcOdIn and A Black Falcon huge paragraph response discussions that you knew it was those two,haha.

The franchise has been around since 2005, and the anime is taking the place of the most recent toku series (Flower of Makai) that just finished airing in that time slot. I know most people are viewing it as a standalone and are interested in it because of the staff, but I say this as much for myself as I do for everyone else. Give the rest of the franchise a chance.

Tony Oliver, one the producers/writers (and voice of Saba) from the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers has been trying to get a version of it to come to America for a while, so there must be something to it.

I started taking a look at toku stuff with Kamen Rider Wizard and Jyuuden Sentai Kyuryuger, well technically Akibaranger, but anyway, one of the shows I also took a look at was Garo. I think the subtitle was something like "one who shines in the darkness". I only watched the first six or seven episodes but it seemed interesting and like a Sentai or Kamen Rider but aimed more at adults because of the violence/language/nudity that was present.


Gundam SEED 43
Archangel vs Archangel it truly depends on who is the better captain here. But, it looks like we have a 3rd force to enter the dog fight.


but it seemed interesting and like a Sentai or Kamen Rider but aimed more at adults because of the violence/language/nudity that was present.
There's a certain group of fans in the toku fanbase who are really into the "dark and edgy" part of it, but another friend/fellow GAFer has told me that it's really a regular action show underneath all the lore.

Though the lore is the primary reason I'm watching the anime, since I've never seen the toku series myself, but I plan to once the show's done.
Future Card Buddyfight Episode 39 [engDub]

Davide for third best of the dark core group. His lines whenever he was talking to Kiri to convince him to stay on his path were great. Felt bad for Gao but well having a friend as a rival is something the show has needed for quite some time. Fenrir is ferocious enough to be a great rival card. However, it seems having a powerful card is not enough to be a winner, which Kirie past is filled with.

Davide needs a bit more screen time and his voice actor too, please say Chilax more too. His accent is mesmerizing.
Terra Formars 1-2

At this point I really don't care about censors especially for series that is filled with gore, it sucks but oh well. Anyways just seeing these Cockroaches in motion is so fuckin amazing. It just makes me crack up so hard. And the fact these bastards are intelligent as fuck and carry smug faces makes it funny. Though it really does suck for the humans as some get their spine pulled out. Also RIP most of the females.


type monies and keystans should be rounded up and shipped off to their own internetless leper colony

hell, may as well chuck bleach and tales fans into the mix too
Screw FSN
just kidding I can't wait for it.
When's my Parasyte getting licensed. That's probably the last biggest show that hasn't been licensed yet. Though I wonder who would be better Funimation or Crunchyroll?
type monies and keystans should be rounded up and shipped off to their own internetless leper colony

hell, may as well chuck bleach and tales fans into the mix too

At this rate eventually I'll land into one of those colonies

Screw FSN
just kidding I can't wait for it.
When's my Parasyte getting licensed. That's probably the last biggest show that hasn't been licensed yet. I already know that it can't be Crunchyroll since they are done licensing some of the fall season shows.



Parasyte not getting licensed would be pretty amusing. Reminds me of Yamato 2199 where it wasn't licensed in the west for streaming and yet still won Anime of the Year.
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