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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Watamote 9


I regret everything.



The Tatami Galaxy Series Impressions Proper

EP 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11


This is why I watch anime.

The Tatami Galaxy is not the conventional anime that many are accustomed to. It is a story of a young man searching for that rose-coloured college life that many strive for. However, that life is not easily achieved. If you were given a thousand opportunity to find that perfect life, would you be able to?

The nameless protagonist is a lonely college student, who speaks his thoughts in rapid succession, is tied by the bonds of fate to the cruelest person imaginable. Together with his only true friend and his worst nightmare they attempt to make the most of their drab life. The way the narrative is told is unlike anything I have seen before. The best way to describe it is the contemplations of a madman.

His actions demonstrate the many faults we have as human beings. The strive to better ourselves does not always lead to success and lethargy gets you nowhere. The fools looking for only the best are taken advantage of and those content with the ordinary may live the better life. Sometimes the simplest solution is the best course of action. Best to make your choice before you're trapped in an endless maze of possibilities.

This has to be said. The visuals in this anime are amazing. You'll never see anything like this in any other entertainment medium. Each scene had a specific colour palette to set the mood and tone. The warped imaginings of the sexually deprived were hilarious. The mix of real world cinematography with animation was well done and they managed to capture the essence of a real character in the real world without looking silly or out of place.

This anime was brilliant and will probably be a favorite of mine for a good long while. Would recommend.

So you did like it after all! It brings a smile to my face when I see that someone else has enjoyed this series. It's my personal favorite of Yuasa's work.

Great write-up, by the way!


Steins;Gate 16

Somewhere along the line I 'caught feels' and this was the first episode that hit me. The letter left to Mr. Braun from
the original Suzuha that commited suicide.


Suzuha for Mayuri,
it seems the only way to move to the beta time line is to destroy the current.

I think thats enough for the night.

PK Gaming

The Tatami Galaxy Series Impressions Proper

EP 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11


This is why I watch anime.

The Tatami Galaxy is not the conventional anime that many are accustomed to. It is a story of a young man searching for that rose-coloured college life that many strive for. However, that life is not easily achieved. If you were given a thousand opportunity to find that perfect life, would you be able to?

The nameless protagonist is a lonely college student, who speaks his thoughts in rapid succession, is tied by the bonds of fate to the cruelest person imaginable. Together with his only true friend and his worst nightmare they attempt to make the most of their drab life. The way the narrative is told is unlike anything I have seen before. The best way to describe it is the contemplations of a madman.

His actions demonstrate the many faults we have as human beings. The strive to better ourselves does not always lead to success and lethargy gets you nowhere. The fools looking for only the best are taken advantage of and those content with the ordinary may live the better life. Sometimes the simplest solution is the best course of action. Best to make your choice before you're trapped in an endless maze of possibilities.

This has to be said. The visuals in this anime are amazing. You'll never see anything like this in any other entertainment medium. Each scene had a specific colour palette to set the mood and tone. The warped imaginings of the sexually deprived were hilarious. The mix of real world cinematography with animation was well done and they managed to capture the essence of an animated character in the real world without looking silly or out of place.

This anime was brilliant and will probably be a favorite of mine for a good long while. Would recommend.

Yup, the Tatami Galaxy is quite good. I watched it during a period of time where it was especially resonant for me, so I have fond memories of it.

Nice review btw, you nailed it.


fairy tail current ep
ah... even with a new company fairy tail continues to have some of the worst written filler out there. I will likely have to drop the show until the filler ends other wise it might drive me away from the show completely.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis episode 1
I like the opening episode... but sadly everything about it just felt low budget. I wanted to like the opening, but the background vocals aren't mixed very well and they just mesh with the main vocals into something that isn't all the fun to listen to. I want to enjoy the action but the animation for the action wasn't great. I want to go awe what a cute dragon failing but the animation for that was some of the worst I have seen in a long time using what must be it's future walking animation and just sliding it up the screen to pretend it's flying. Overall I will continue to watch it as I didn't mind the characters and setting, it just feels like a shame that it at this time feels cheaply made, but perhaps they are saving budget for future main plot battles or something.

Yeah at least being low budget doesn't make the adaptation itself bad. I wish mahouka had been low budget faithful adaptation rather than the high budget mess it turned out to be.

I really envy the F/S Night fans who are getting both.
So you did like it after all! It brings a smile to my face when I see that someone else has enjoyed this series. It's my personal favorite of Yuasa's work.

Great write-up, by the way!

Yup, the Tatami Galaxy is quite good. I watched it during a period of time where it was especially resonant for me, so I have fond memories of it.

Nice review btw, you nailed it.

Thank you both.

Tatami is certainly an experience that will stick with me. The bizarreness of the narrative and the visuals is so endearing. The actual plot isn't anything special but the way it's presented is fantastic.


Steins;Gate 16

Somewhere along the line I 'caught feels' and this was the first episode that hit me. The letter left to Mr. Braun from
the original Suzuha that commited suicide.


Suzuha for Mayuri,
it seems the only way to move to the beta time line is to destroy the current.

I think thats enough for the night.

I failed


Heavy object got an anime?yeeeeeeeeeeeah!
I expected it when Jcstaff went through the trouble to find VA to voice the characters for the index anniversary project.


I can feel the gut punch of no Index S3 announced lol. Could be worst, it could have been To aru kagaku no accelerator anime instead.

PK Gaming

On the upside, more episodes means they'll cover more content.

DRR gets preeeeeeeeeeetty crazy later on, and there's some stuff I've always wanted to see in animated form.


F/SN Ep. 00

Yeah that was alright.

Pretty boring up until the Lancer confrontation but nowhere near as boring as I remember the prologue being in the VN where it just dragged on and on and I just wanted to get that section over with. Production values are very impressive as expected and Fukusawa seems to be doing very solid work on the musical side of things (loved the OST for Aku no Hana).

But yeah I'm just gonna be hoping the show manages to salvage the source material as much as it can. At the very least some fights later on should be really great to watch.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Steins;Gate 15

So im going with a 90% chance that
Okabe is future-part-time warrior's father

Although im probably wrong now seeing how the street vendor claims to have seen him.

This episode was a definite change of pace from the last few.

Why not just send
Mayuri back in time too?

Time travel isn't something to tuturu with.
Terraformars 2

This censorship is beyond obtrusive. Why even make the show if it's going to be a black screen for entire episodes once we get to Mars? Even if the production values are sub-par, I could have enjoyed this as a fan of the source material, but goddamn is this censorship making it difficult.

Such a disappointment :(
Steins;Gate - 13







Steins;Gate 12

Pretty much confirms that
part-time warrior is from the future

also a big fuck you to
shining finger

It pleases me that you guys have gotten to the amazing part of the show. This is where Hoooooooooooin really shines as a protagonist as before he was just a weirdo who lead a group of smart people.


They're still making references to the superior work on the monitor at the beginning. Why is this three cours?

They're going to finish adapting all the remaining novels. I think about 10 books left? 3 cours doesn't seem that much for that amount of material.


The names for Heavy Object's characters are some of the funniest shit I've read all week.

Alicia Sloppyjoes
Sladder Honeysuckle
Charlotte Zoom
Stacy Palmetto
Waydine Uptown
Salassa Grimshifter
Roybertz Oldnick


I like Heavy Object.
Not sure I've ever thought of Alice's voice being that high, though.

The names for Heavy Object's characters are some of the funniest shit I've read all week.
Yeah, I think its been said there's some kind of naming convention that they're all named after alcoholic drinks of various types.

I wonder about Durarara being 3 cours, too.
The first series was 2 cours and covered 3 volumes.
This is definitely covering the next 3, but I wonder how much more they can fit in with an extra cour?
They're going to finish adapting all the remaining novels. I think about 10 books left? 3 cours doesn't seem that much for that amount of material.
I wonder about Durarara being 3 cours, too.
The first series was 2 cours and covered 3 volumes.
This is definitely covering the next 3, but I wonder how much more they can fit in with an extra cour?

Wait, the first season covered 3 volumes in 24 episodes and now they're going to cram the remaining 10 volumes in 36 episodes? That sounds troublesome.


Yeah at least being low budget doesn't make the adaptation itself bad. I wish mahouka had been low budget faithful adaptation rather than the high budget mess it turned out to be.

I really envy the F/S Night fans who are getting both.

indeed. as long as it's a decent adaption it will still be fun to watch. Animation isn't really a big deal for me, as long as it isn't super terrible I can deal, I will just make fun of some of the noticeably bad stuff but it won't ruin a show for me.

as for mahouka, I enjoyed it, but I don't know the source material.
The names for Heavy Object's characters are some of the funniest shit I've read all week.

Alicia Sloppyjoes
Sladder Honeysuckle
Charlotte Zoom
Stacy Palmetto
Waydine Uptown
Salassa Grimshifter
Roybertz Oldnick

Encroaching on Tomino's territory, eh
Although Alicia Sloppyjoes is some next level shit


The names for Heavy Object's characters are some of the funniest shit I've read all week.

Alicia Sloppyjoes
Sladder Honeysuckle
Charlotte Zoom
Stacy Palmetto
Waydine Uptown
Salassa Grimshifter
Roybertz Oldnick

I can't stop laughing.
"S-senpai we can't hold them off"

"There's too many of them. We have to retreat!"

"Senpai. You go on ahead. I'll stay back and provide cover fire"

"Don't be ridiculous. You won't make it out alive"

"I know. But for you. I'll do it for you."

"Your heroic sacrifice shall echo through history. The legend shall inspire every new recruit. Alicia Sloppyjoes you will not be forgotten."


Yeah why doesn't Baccano get this much love. It still hasn't gotten a second season, but Durrarara gets 3 split cours. What is this blasphemy.

Yeah I know I'm a bit salty.

The best part is once it's done Durrzzzarara will have had 4 cours worth of anime while Baccano! only has 1. Screw this.
Sadly, it's a phase. Plot happens and it's impractical for them to keep going.
(About From the New World)

It isn't exactly
a "phase" in the lore of the setting, it seems in this world homosexual relationships are as common as the heterosexual relationships. It just happens that given some plot advancement and plot twists, none of the relationships can last.
The Tatami Galaxy Series Impressions Proper

EP 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11


This is why I watch anime.

The Tatami Galaxy is not the conventional anime that many are accustomed to. It is a story of a young man searching for that rose-coloured college life that many strive for. However, that life is not easily achieved. If you were given a thousand opportunity to find that perfect life, would you be able to?

The nameless protagonist is a lonely college student, who speaks his thoughts in rapid succession, is tied by the bonds of fate to the cruelest person imaginable. Together with his only true friend and his worst nightmare they attempt to make the most of their drab life. The way the narrative is told is unlike anything I have seen before. The best way to describe it is the contemplations of a madman.

His actions demonstrate the many faults we have as human beings. The strive to better ourselves does not always lead to success and lethargy gets you nowhere. The fools looking for only the best are taken advantage of and those content with the ordinary may live the better life. Sometimes the simplest solution is the best course of action. Best to make your choice before you're trapped in an endless maze of possibilities.

This has to be said. The visuals in this anime are amazing. You'll never see anything like this in any other entertainment medium. Each scene had a specific colour palette to set the mood and tone. The warped imaginings of the sexually deprived were hilarious. The mix of real world cinematography with animation was well done and they managed to capture the essence of an animated character in the real world without looking silly or out of place.

This anime was brilliant and will probably be a favorite of mine for a good long while. Would recommend.

great series. is there anything else college themed unlike golden time? ghost banri killed the series for me.


Ace of Diamond - 51

Looking forward Furuya DOMINATE in next episode, goddamn Sawamura ain't never gonna sniffing that ace number aren't he?
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