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Fear the Walking Dead - Season Two, Part One - Sundays on AMC


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
look at the flowers chris

There is no flowers. But there is Chris and Travis leaving.

Now if we could get rid of Madison the cast would improve 20 fold.

Stealth edit:

Chris And Travis gone: YASSSSSSSSSSSS.

Madison still not gone: NOOOOOOOOOOO.

Druggie Depp gone: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Daniel gone: NOOOOOOOO.

Strand still alive: YASSSSSSSSS.

So why did Daniel suddenly go nuts?

He was back with the cartel. That button he found on her son told him of the people he worked for previously and guilt over all the dead he did under them. He knew they were bad people and bad things were gonna happen.
So is Celia dead? I mean, they didn't specifically show the walkers killing her and they weren't even paying attention to her. Then when Daniel when in the cage I didn't see her among them.


He's been looking for shoes all season.

He has? Lmao, apparently I missed that plot thread.

So is Celia dead? I mean, they didn't specifically show the walkers killing her and they weren't even paying attention to her. Then when Daniel when in the cage I didn't see her among them.

She's in the Talking Dead In Memoriam so I assume so.

And sounds like Daniel isn't dead so 🤗

Also, Nick gone full-Voldemort. Nothing can kill him and his horcruxes now.
Great episode sucks we got to wait awhile for another but you all will never know how happy I am about Daniel tho glad he apparently isn't gone.
LOL I'm a barber not a magician :D

Love that guy.

Great episode sucks we got to wait awhile for another but you all will never know how happy I am about Daniel tho glad he apparently isn't gone.

Yeah, glad they've left him as a question, not putting him in the list. He's too awesome.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Madison stays cold blooded as always, love it.

That was a pretty good midseason finale. I especially liked how they're strengthening the relationship between Strand and Madison. That conversation about how Nick is susceptible to someone who can give him direction was needed. I don't like him going in that direction, so I hope he snaps out of it soon.

I wonder where Travis and Chris' storyline can go. Going to be hard to find the help that Chris needs out there. But at least he did the smart thing and removed Chris from people he could hurt.
Why not many episodes

To for whatever reason split the season into two parts and give a break not like one is needed but for now I think Preacher is going to take it's place and if the Fear finale is the week before TWD Season 7 premier if the rumored October 9th date is correct we will see Fear come back most likely on August 14th.


Hunky Nostradamus
I like how the OP sequences are done.

Me too. In the first season it seemed like they were going for a sudden FEAR THE WALKING TITLE CARD!!!!! sort of jump scare thing, which didn't always work, but I love how they've gotten more tranquil with it this year by letting the music from the opening scene linger through the title sequence before it slowly dissolves. It's really well done.


"Reuben, if Daniel is a barber, why did he never fix Nick's hair?"
"Daniel is a barber, not a magician".



Why do I hate Madison so much?

This mid season finale was pretty good but Chris is beyond annoying now so I hope they kill him off. Dude just turned psycho out of nowhere, literally all he does every other episode is run away.

Nick, Daniel, and Strand are the only people I care about on the show. Ofelia has potential but they haven't developed her character much. Alicia is alright too when she isn't talking to random strangers on the radio.
So, with Nick gone I have 50% less reason to watch the show. Great job, writers!

This group is not exactly the cohesive or mentally stable unit of TWD. They had a better spread than TWD group ever did and the screwed it up within a day. Way to go, Madison and Daniel!

Why should he?

Because...he's a teacher at a school in LA? I mean I'd wager most everyone in LA knows at least a few words of Spanish, let alone a teacher. Enough to at least say thank you to a stranger for a glass of water. Maybe not enough to say "my feet were bitten by zombie tuna in the ocean."
Nick abandoned his family so he can be with zombies instead? The guy's completely lost it. Is there a single character on this show that acts rationally besides Strand and Madison? The zombie apocalypse sure did a number on all these characters.

Even Daniel wasn't able to hold it together in the end. :(


Nick abandoned his family so he can be with zombies instead? The guy's completely lost it. Is there a single character on this show that acts rationally besides Strand and Madison? The zombie apocalypse sure did a number on all these characters.

Even Daniel wasn't able to hold it together in the end. :(

I've been asking myself that for a while now.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Nick isn't going anywhere. I would be shocked if we went more than an episode without seeing him.


I don't think I remember a show where the divide between the interesting characters and boring or obnoxious characters was this great.

Too bad they killed one of the best characters in Daniel.

I can't wait to see solo Nick for a bit though.


lol this show is kinda bad. Some really strange decisions from the characters. It's a far cry from the original WD imo. And I don't like the cuts. They are way too fast. At first story progresses slowly and in the next scene they have made three steps forward. Too bad cuz I liked the beginning of the season with the boat. Should've concentrate more on that


Nick is staying behind because he is looking for excuses to cover himself with blood and organs...

I don't understand the hate for Madison, she and Strand are two strongest characters, she is not going anywhere. She is this show's Rick.
(Maybe I'm biased, I was always attracted to her, in Deadwood and in Sons of Anarchy)

Altogether, I'm very happy with this half season, and am really glad that the group split up. It will give us a chance for a more varied narrative going forward.
I just need more of tbe Chinese lady...


I don't think I remember a show where the divide between the interesting characters and boring or obnoxious characters was this great.

Too bad they killed one of the best characters in Daniel.

I can't wait to see solo Nick for a bit though.

Oh, come on. He's not dead. Unless you see a character physically breathe his last breath, he's not dead in this universe.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Daniel is so not dead. Story wise, I think Chris was getting a lot closer to death that anyone on the show. Holding a kid hostage is pretty despicable, almost to the point of making him beyond redemption...almost.


I actually thought for a minute that Nick was going to get swarmed and eaten after he sprinted off to be with his zombiebros. He must have slowed down to the appropriate zombie walking speed just before reentering the pack.

I like how almost every character on the show is going through their own "Heart of Darkness" journey. They're still very early into the ZA.

How is the daughter still finding/using make up and product for her hair? I was actually admiring how nice her hair looked this episode with her highlights lol. They need to make her a look a little more like she's in days 30-60 of the ZA.


Even though this show is still pretty bumpy story wise (the Chris forced drama is pretty ridiculous, and one could definitely argue that it's a retread of TWD S2), I am thoroughly impressed with how much they've accomplished in the last two episodes.

It's been worth it for the cinematography alone, which has been stellar. So much has happened recently and it feels like there's a lot being accomplished both from a storytelling and character development perspective.

Impressive recovery after a lot of lackluster bullshit on the boat.


He measures in centimeters
Haven't read too much of this thread but it seems somewhat obvious that Celia was putting something in their food that was driving them mad. There was a reason that goon came in to give Daniel more pozole...whatever she gave them multiplied/heightened whatever doubts/fears/guilt there already experiencing. The question is whether the characters will 'detox' and regain their sanity the second half of the season.


Hunky Nostradamus
Nick isn't going anywhere. I would be shocked if we went more than an episode without seeing him.

I could see them maybe focusing just on Strand, Madison, Ofelia, and Alicia in the first episode back, sort of playing up the "what happened to everyone else?" angle, but I would be surprised if we didn't see Nick, Travis, and Chris the following week.

Spoiler about the "burn victim"

From my perspective, in terms of the arc of the show, this is not the last we see of Daniel Salazar. He will be done for the season. We won’t be seeing Daniel in the back half, but my hope is we will see the return of Daniel in season 3.

More here: http://www.ew.com/article/2016/05/2...dseason-finale-shiva-showrunner-dave-erickson

I read something similar in the Deadline article with Gale Anne Hurd -
They're writing Salazar off the show temporarily to accommodate Rubén Blades' busy schedule.

I am thoroughly impressed with how much they've accomplished in the last two episodes.

So much has happened recently and it feels like there's a lot being accomplished both from a storytelling and character development perspective.

I agree. There's been a lot of forward momentum, character wise, in these last few episodes. They still haven't done anything interesting with Ofelia or Alicia yet, but hopefully that will come in the back half of the season.

So how is Season 2? Haven't got the urge to watch it yet.

Quite a bit better than season one.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Chris is the worst character in history, jesus. I cant remember the last time I've not care this much about a character.

the kid is nothing but non-sense

Nick Madison and Daniel are the best characters by far in the show


About the only thing I liked about the episode was how it split everyone up; should make for an interesting second half.

The rest was really sloppy:
- Madison being willing to murder Celia was ridiculous. And just leaving her locked up thinking she had no way out?
- The vague Celia scene in general was bad; where is she in the later scene? EIther she dissapears magically/dies or she's alive and for some reason decides to run and hide rather than do something about the woman who just tried to murder her.
- The entire Daniel narrative was just... so random and all over the place. Why would him setting fire to the zombies suddenly make his wife rest peacefully? His dialog with his ghost wife was al over the place as well; he outright says she knows the entire story.. so why is he going over it in his head confessing it to her? I liked the "he was the victim" aspect but if his wife knew all of that, this wouldn't be a new revelation to Daniel, only to the viewer
- The building being set fire was also just over the top in it's execution.
- Travis and Chris and then Nick... how fucking far did these people run away from the ranch? It's dark out when Chris runs off... late in the day by the time Travis finally catches up... how does he even manage to find where Chris ran of to? How does Nick then find them, still during the day, but it takes until late at night for Nick to get back? At least 12 hours pass during all of this since it's dark, then dark again... but they are all finding each other easily? Couldn't they have run off in any number of directions into the middle of nowhere? Are they all expert trackers?
- Nice deciding to run away from his family over some weird psychic guess that his Mom did something with Celia... wut?

Sloppy as hell IMO; much like the rest of the season..


- The vague Celia scene in general was bad; where is she in the later scene? EIther she dissapears magically/dies or she's alive and for some reason decides to run and hide rather than do something about the woman who just tried to murder her.

The zombies were chomping on (pieces of) her as Daniel was walking up to him.


The zombies were chomping on (pieces of) her as Daniel was walking up to him.

The zombies were eating something before Celia was even locked in the cage; I didn't see any evidence they were specifically eating Celia.

Also luis isn't there.
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