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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle





WCW Thunder 11/1/2000

Only two more months of shows and I'm freed of this self imposed curse.

. A car with a New Jersey tag pulls up. Is it Springsteen? Fuck you, Tenay. You fucking idiot. The sound is already out of sync.


3 Count do some talking in the ring. Shane gets mouthy that Evan is doing all the talking and flexing. Uh oh, dissension in the ranks.

3 Count vs Jung Dragons

We'll just restart this feud for the 3rd time this year. No one will notice. Double Asai moonsault from the Dragons. Jamie accidentally takes out his partners with a dive. Nighmare on Helms Street! Jeff Jarret/Vampiro vs Mike Awesome/Sting is signed for tonight. Not only are Shane and Shannon icing out Evan, but Yang and Kaz are icing out Jamie. Rocker dropper from HB2K (remember when Madden started calling Shannon that? Shannon Moore, the next Shawn Michaels), X Plex, but Evan steals the pin. Shane has his belly button pierced. Who does he think he is, Batista? Shane and Shannon turn on Evan after the match. The Dragons turn on Jamie after the match. Leia unmasks Jamie to reveal a decidedly non-Asian man. Mind you, before this match, niether team had shown any communication issues whatsoever, but now both teams turned on one of their guys.


. Gene is with Coach and Chuck. Nash wanted a match between Meat and Chuck. Nash spanks Chuck. Then he spanked Gene. Gene seemed to like it. Crowbar is talking with Doug Dillinger when Bam Bam Big Yellow arrives and attacks him for no reason.

Prime Time vs Lt. Loco

You know what's weird? Elix never got his title rematch because somehow Lance took it. But he also beat Rey and Kidman back to back and didn't get a title shot. If he beats Chavo, he pretty much has defeated the entire singles cruiser division. The ref lets Gunns in the ring, but stops her from kicking Elix. Why would he let her in the ring if he wouldn't let her interfere? She stops Prime Time from using his Gray Cup ring, but he finds a way to use it anyway. Elix wins.


I don't know where they are at, but this place seriously looks like they only have 2-3 thousand people there. Nash comes to color and makes fun of how quiet it is.

Shawn Stasiak vs Chuck Palumbo

Meat is still a heel. But he's a heel that other heels don't like. Nash talks about telling Meat to get hair plugs. Chuck doesn't show up.

TO THE BACK. Chuck has been laid out in the back.

Nash leaves the table and heads to the back. Stasiak wins by forfeit?

Trainers and the Thrillers check on Chuck.


Gene is with Bam Bam. No one called him while he was out for 5 months. He's going to challenge Goldberg. Crowbar attacks.

They already have a video package prepared for Bam Bam vs goldberg? It is just the one the used from late 1998 when Bam Bam jumped to WCW. Yep. A two year old video package played in full to hype a match that isn't even official yet This might be the longest video package WCW ever did and it makes everything look terrible since the crowds are huge and hot and everything looks awesome. What a difference 2 years made in WCW.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! Thunder will have a new starting time starting next week....5 minutes earlier, at 9PM on the hour. Lol, what.

Filthy Animals vs Boogie Knights

You know, I never really appreciated Alex Wright. He's actually quite good in the ring. A lot better that what you remember, I'm sure. I think Disco re-injured one of Rey's legs by landing on Rey's legs out of a spinning head scissors. Kidman takes a disgusting bump over the top. Gross. Remember when Gangrel got eliminated in the 1999 Rumble? It was like that, but faster. Man, Alex is running shit like his name is Claudio. This is a pretty good match. Kidman pins Alex with the Kid Krusher, but Alex Wright was boss in this and I've always felt Disco was an underrated guy.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Crowbar. Crowbar is wearing a sweet ass Star Wars shirt.



I swear I thought it was AWOL for the past 2 months. Oh well. Lance apparently forced Meng into this. Meng busts a chair over Wall's head. I don't think this is a hardcore match. Chokeslam through a table for the win. Meng is an official jobber now. Remember how they built up Tank vs Meng for a solid 3-4 months only to have a 30 second match that didn't even have a finish and never brought it up again? I do. And then Meng vanished from TV for 6 months. Now he's back and has jobbed to Goldberg and Wall and Tank was taken off TV after breaking up with 3 Count, only to show back up to get a beat down from Goldberg again. Goldberg ruins careers. Lance gives Meng the weakest slap I've ever seen after the match and gets the Tongan deathgrip for it.


TO THE BACK. Gene is with Vamp and Jarrett. What an odd team.


Tenay talked with Shawn Stasiak. Meat never felt like he fit with the Thriller since he came from the WWF and didn't train at the Power Plant. They didn't accept him and he didn't accept them. Shawn apparently had planned Chuck's attack well ahead of time.


Lance comes out but can't call for the anthem due to his injured throat.


Lance Storm vs Norman Smiley

Oh shit. Goodie, the sound is off again. Cat said that Norman couldn't give up the Hardcore Championship for like 2 months, but Norman just stopped coming to shows until he was stripped of it and that was fine. "Power Rangers" chant at Lance. Cartwheel from Norman. This is a wrasslin match. 2-3 thousand in attendance might be pushing it. There might be barely over 1K. You can actually hear individual people in the crowd. So weird. ROH gets bigger crowds. TNA gets bigger crowds than this. However, this is a good match. It's a really technical match that has been given surprising amount of time and is very competitive. Norman didn't get much of a chance to actually wrestle, but when he did, he was boss. Mark says "lascivious" at least 20 times during this match. "They're trying to do that Flair/Steamboat 89 spot, but they're pretty tired." Lance wins with the Maple Leaf. Good match. Meng cases Lance off after the match.

Bam Bam Big Yellow vs Crowbar

Crowbar is dropping the 70s gimmick I guess. He's wearing training pants and a sleeveless shirt. Tony says he didn't bring his gear, but why would a wrestler go to a show and not bring his gear? Bam Bam missed the past 6 months after saving kids in a fire and getting pretty severe burns in the process. A. What a pussy. Sting only missed a month to recover from 3rd degree burns over 90% of his body. B. WCW of course brings back a guy who for real is a hero that literally threw himself into a fire to save the lives of children he didn't even know with zero hype and turns him heel. He was a face when he left anyway. DDT on the floor from Crowbar. Bam Bam eventually wins with Greets from Asbury Park. I still can't tell if that move is suppose to be a piledriver, a shoulder breaker, or a gut buster.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Booker. He wants a final match with Steiner at Mayhem.

Jeff Jarrett/Vampiro vs Sting/Mike Awesome

I never want to see Sting against Vampiro or Jarrett again. Good thing this is Vamp's last WCW match. Awesome was bill at 6'6, right? Why is he the same height as Sting, then? Sting does top rope splashes and topes from time to time. Why don't people freak out that he can jump and stuff? Is this the Impact Zone? Sting blocks a guitar shot with a bat, Awesome pins Vamp with the Awesome bomb. Vamp received another concussion from this and would not make it back to the ring before the buy out.



Sting has been billed at 6'2 his whole career. Since he's been billed at that forever, I'd say he probably really is that tall, because it makes no sense to under bill his height. 6'2 isn't THAT tall by pro wrestling standards.
Watched the Kayfabe Commentaries & Botchamania shoot 'Wrestling's Most...Botched!' - pretty poor effort this time around, didn't much like the format. Guests are Waltman, Nash, Meanie, New Jack, Sandman, Stevie Richards, Finlay, Russo, Apter & Tammy. Here's the botches they talk about;

#5 -
How much does this guy weigh
#4 -
Vince tears his quad
#3 -
Jeff Hardy wrestling Sting while high
#2 -
Hogan, we comin' for you nigga
#1 -
The Shockmaster

Sandman is a really sad sight to look at, half incoherent and covered in what look like meth scars. New Jack is the only one bringing the funny on this shoot, fucking love listening to Jack talk about anything. Waltman proper despises Dixie and gets mad as hell about the Jeff Hardy thing. DDP is such a nice dude, doesn't have a bad word to say about anyone.


Billed height is always a weird thing.

It's also hard to tell how tall wrestlers are since they're all fairly close to each other and the way they set up the ropes makes them seem shorter than they actually are. (if they're set high, the sense of scale will make them seem smaller. If they were to set up the ropes lower, it'd make the wrestlers seem taller). TV then does the rest of the work of making them see shorter.

It's like when someone remarked on Reddit a while back, where they went to a Conan O Brien taping. They thought Andy was fairly short and Conan was a bit tall, then they get there and Andy is a giant and Conan just towers over people in person.
Watched the Kayfabe Commentaries & Botchamania shoot 'Wrestling's Most...Botched!' - pretty poor effort this time around, didn't much like the format. Guests are Waltman, Nash, Meanie, New Jack, Sandman, Stevie Richards, Finlay, Russo, Apter & Tammy. Here's the botches they talk about;

#5 -
How much does this guy weigh
#4 -
Vince tears his quad
#3 -
Jeff Hardy wrestling Sting while high
#2 -
Hogan, we comin' for you nigga
#1 -
The Shockmaster

Sandman is a really sad sight to look at, half incoherent and covered in what look like meth scars. New Jack is the only one bringing the funny on this shoot, fucking love listening to Jack talk about anything. Waltman proper despises Dixie and gets mad as hell about the Jeff Hardy thing. DDP is such a nice dude, doesn't have a bad word to say about anyone.

He may be a nice dude, but......RKO is better than the Diamond Cutter. Yep I said it and I won't take it back.
Watched the Kayfabe Commentaries & Botchamania shoot 'Wrestling's Most...Botched!' - pretty poor effort this time around, didn't much like the format. Guests are Waltman, Nash, Meanie, New Jack, Sandman, Stevie Richards, Finlay, Russo, Apter & Tammy. Here's the botches they talk about;

#5 -
How much does this guy weigh
#4 -
Vince tears his quad
#3 -
Jeff Hardy wrestling Sting while high
#2 -
Hogan, we comin' for you nigga
#1 -
The Shockmaster

Sandman is a really sad sight to look at, half incoherent and covered in what look like meth scars. New Jack is the only one bringing the funny on this shoot, fucking love listening to Jack talk about anything. Waltman proper despises Dixie and gets mad as hell about the Jeff Hardy thing. DDP is such a nice dude, doesn't have a bad word to say about anyone.

Where do you even pick these up? You buy them from the site?

He may be a nice dude, but......RKO is better than the Diamond Cutter. Yep I said it and I won't take it back.

I disagree. DDP did a much better job of setting up "outta nowhere" Diamond Cutters than Orton does.


Guys, I'm working on a complete Kanyon Cutter montage. Should I leave the original audio or put music behind it? And if music, should it be DDP's, Kanyon's, or something unrelated?
Sup wrassle Gaf, just here to deliver the message. Aiii will be back in two weeks.

He's been hit by with a wellness policy violation?


oh man, well 2 weeks isn't bad.

And here's some boring Smackdown spoilers.

* Big Show opens SmackDown and is pissed off. He gets interrupted by Chris Jericho and they have words. Jericho challenges Show to a match. Out next are Booker T and Mark Henry.

* Mark Henry beat Randy Orton by DQ after Orton grabbed a steel chair and hit Henry in the back with it. Orton wailed on Henry with the chair until Henry turned it around and left Orton with a World's Strongest Slam.

* Tamina Snuka defeated Layla.

* Tensai and Brodus Clay beat 3MB. The Shield come out after the match and beat Tensai and Clay down to big time heel heat. Dean Ambrose cut a promo on Elimination Chamber and said it will be just like tonight for John Cena, Sheamus and Ryback.

* The Miz beat Cody Rhodes with a Figure Four.

* Jack Swagger beat Zack Ryder by submission with The Patriot Act.

* WWE Champion The Rock is out next to a big pop. Rock cuts a promo on CM Punk stealing the WWE Title belt and wants it back. Rock promises an ass whooping for Punk. Punk and Paul Heyman appear on the big screen. Punk says Rock stole the title from him at Royal Rumble. They have words and Rock ends it with some of his signature catchphrases.

Damien Sandow comes out and disses Little Rock and The Rock. Rock puts over the fans and ends up giving Sandow a Rock Bottom and The People's Elbow.

* Big Show beat Chris Jericho in the main event. Good back and forth match. Show blocked Walls of Jericho and hit the knockout punch for the win.


I wonder if Shield were able to powerbomb either of the Hip Hop Lord Hippos.

Also, leaving the audio in for the Kanyon Cutters is the right call.
:lol @ how the Big Show avatars had people feeling all warm and fuzzy a few pages back.

WrassleGAF gone soft. Not a fan of the P
G era.



You're just made because our guys' chair is cooler than Clint's.


You know he should have made that part of his gimmick. He could have a different Big Show sized object every time. Big Show kendo stick. Big Show table. Big Show garbage can. The possibilities are endless.


How do you all watch WWE PPV's? I'm going to be away this weekend due to a three day weekend. I want to be able to watch Elimination Chamber though. The place I'm going to doesn't have any cable boxes rather just cable through the wire... I don't think it has any PPV channels.
I rewatched the El Generico vs. Nick Jackson vs. Jigsaw vs. Kota Ibushi four-way from Chikara's King of Trios 2009 on Chikara-Podcast-A-Go-Go last night. Has Chikara released any other full matches on Chikara-Podcast-A-Go-Go?


How do you all watch WWE PPV's? I'm going to be away this weekend due to a three day weekend. I want to be able to watch Elimination Chamber though. The place I'm going to doesn't have any cable boxes rather just cable through the wire... I don't think it has any PPV channels.

Will you have access to the internet? You could always order the PPV on WWE.com. Also, while checking the website, I noticed Cesaro vs. Miz for the US Title has been officially announced. It actually gets to be on the PPV and not just on the pre-show this time too.


:lol @ how the Big Show avatars had people feeling all warm and fuzzy a few pages back.

WrassleGAF gone soft. Not a fan of the P
G era.


On the rare occasion Matthew Gallant posts a crudely drawn anime fanfic of Alberto Del Rio taking Ricardo Rodriguez to a malt shop, you can hear the faint chant echoing in the rafters of WrassleGAF...



Will you have access to the internet? You could always order the PPV on WWE.com. Also, while checking the website, I noticed Cesaro vs. Miz for the US Title has been officially announced. It actually gets to be on the PPV and not just on the pre-show this time too.

Oh I did not know I was able to watch it on the computer. I'll probably do that then.


He's been hit by with a wellness policy violation?

And here's some boring Smackdown spoilers.

* Big Show opens SmackDown and is pissed off. He gets interrupted by Chris Jericho and they have words. Jericho challenges Show to a match. Out next are Booker T and Mark Henry.

* Mark Henry beat Randy Orton by DQ after Orton grabbed a steel chair and hit Henry in the back with it. Orton wailed on Henry with the chair until Henry turned it around and left Orton with a World's Strongest Slam.

* Tamina Snuka defeated Layla.

* Tensai and Brodus Clay beat 3MB. The Shield come out after the match and beat Tensai and Clay down to big time heel heat. Dean Ambrose cut a promo on Elimination Chamber and said it will be just like tonight for John Cena, Sheamus and Ryback.

* The Miz beat Cody Rhodes with a Figure Four.

* Jack Swagger beat Zack Ryder by submission with The Patriot Act.

* WWE Champion The Rock is out next to a big pop. Rock cuts a promo on CM Punk stealing the WWE Title belt and wants it back. Rock promises an ass whooping for Punk. Punk and Paul Heyman appear on the big screen. Punk says Rock stole the title from him at Royal Rumble. They have words and Rock ends it with some of his signature catchphrases.

Damien Sandow comes out and disses Little Rock and The Rock. Rock puts over the fans and ends up giving Sandow a Rock Bottom and The People's Elbow.

* Big Show beat Chris Jericho in the main event. Good back and forth match. Show blocked Walls of Jericho and hit the knockout punch for the win.

lol no
on the show? Is he booked to do anything at EC?


Good news guys, I have every Kanyon Cutter clipped out. I will edit them together later today and post the full library of Kanyon Cutters. BANG!


Stro, how did you manage to get every episode for that entire year anyways? As bad as I feel for you sitting through that, I feel worse for the guy who actually recorded it every week and paid for the PPVs.


Stro, how did you manage to get every episode for that entire year anyways? As bad as I feel for you sitting through that, I feel worse for the guy who actually recorded it every week and paid for the PPVs.

Didn't you know? Everything is archived on the internets.



I... actually.... liked... RAW

It was the first since this fall that I didn't fast forward through almost everything.
It's so awesome that Jericho is back, he'll always remain my favourite of all time.
Nice that they put Sheamus/Ryback/Cena together, so it's easy to skip them :)
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