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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle

Good morning. EC PPV predictions!

WWE Championship Match:
The Rock (c) vs CM Punk - Rock gets DQed by outside interference attacking Punk, and McMahon restarts the match... again.

World Heavyweight Championship Match:
Alberto Del Rio (c) vs Big Show - I don't see a cash in by Ziggler just yet, even though he's not on the card. I think Bertie holds it until Wrestlemania.

United States Championship Match:
Antonio Cesaro (c) vs. The Miz - Miz has been taking some wicked bumps lately... anyway Antonio Cesaro is currently the Best Thing Going™ right now and I don't see why he would lose to Miz.

The Shield vs John Cena, Ryback and Sheamus - Oh God I want to be wrong so badly but I can't see how they don't let Cena win the show before WM. It's like the Shield was put on this earth to be built up to this moment, and then be turned into Nexus 2.0 shortly thereafter. God I hope I'm wrong.

#1 Contender's Elimination Chamber Match:
Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan vs Kane vs Chris Jericho vs Mark Henry vs Jack Swagger - I honestly have no idea who is going to win this match. I can see Orton, Jericho (assuming a Ziggler cash in before WM), or even Swagger winning it but Mark Henry has just been a monster since he came back. He is going to dominate this thing. Because THAT'S WHAT HE DOES.

WWE Diva's Championship Match:
Kaitlyn (c) vs Tamina vs. Bathroom/Sandwich Break - Yeah.

YouTube Exclusive Pre-Show Match:
Brodus Clay & Tensai vs. Team Rhodes Scholars - There's no other reason to get Rhodes Scholars back together for one night only, except to job to these guys. Why? I have no idea. RS should have never broken up in the first place.


Looking forward to the elimation chamber match. I actually have no idea who will win it. Kane is the only one I would think that has no chance of winning, and Bryan is unlikely but only because he's probably facing Kane at WM, he still has a shot. The rest all seem equally likely to win.

I'll put my money on Jericho, though, so he can face Ziggler for the title at WM.
Looking forward to the elimation chamber match. I actually have no idea who will win it. Kane is the only one I would think that has no chance of winning, and Bryan is unlikely but only because he's probably facing Kane at WM, he still has a shot. The rest all seem equally likely to win.

I'll put my money on Jericho, though, so he can face Ziggler for the title at WM.

I would have said that too except Jericho is only in the EC because Mysterio got hurt. So I dunno.


Guys, I need some good wrestling to boost my spirits. My 360 disc drive has finally decided it wasn't going to job anymore, so it looks like I'm going to have to buy a new one. It's done me well. It's an Arcade that I got the weekend those were released. That was like 4 and a half years ago? No red rings or anything. In the past few months I've had the open disc tray thing, but it would usually clear up after 2-3 retries. Then it became 10 tries. Then it became 20-30 tries and now it doesn't read any games. A hand full of DVDs work, but it won't read games anymore. It worked just last night, but I've spent over 2 hours trying to get any game to play and it just won't do it.

Bums me out I'll have to buy a new one. Metal Gear Rising is supposed to show up in my mail Monday or Tuesday. That means I'll have to leave my house and interact with people if I want to play it right away. WCW isn't going to cheer me up.


No One Remembers
WWE Championship Match:
The Rock (c) vs CM Punk
No Brainer, Rocky wins.

World Heavyweight Championship Match:
Alberto Del Rio (c) vs Big Show
I don't think Del Rio will drop the title just yet.

United States Championship Match:
Antonio Cesaro (c) vs. The Miz
Really hope the Miz doesn't win it. Though, if Miz did win it it could mean better things for Cesaro.

The Shield vs John Cena, Ryback and Sheamus

#1 Contender's Elimination Chamber Match:
Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan vs Kane vs Chris Jericho vs Mark Henry vs Jack Swagger
Kind of split on this one. Jericho or Henry are potential candidates to win. I'd lean towards Jericho and set up Jericho vs. Ziggler if/when Ziggler cashes in finally.
I think that Bryan will have his WM match setup with Kane here.

WWE Diva's Championship Match:
Kaitlyn (c) vs Tamina
WWE is too afraid to try anything in the Diva's division.

YouTube Exclusive Pre-Show Match:
Brodus Clay & Tensai vs. Team Rhodes Scholars
They're the established team. Though I'm sure WWE will pull some shit like "Well they broke up a week ago for no reason whatsoever now they're not that good!"


I'm looking forward to tonight. Most matches should be ok to good.

The card looks absolutely horrible.

Even worse that the WWE Title match is even more predictable than it was at Royal Rumble. EC is a nice PPV but at the wrong time of the year. Would love this if it wasn't right before WrestleMania. :(



Hiroshi Tanahashi (c) vs Karl Anderson - (NJPW 02/10/13)

I know that feel. I'm on my 4th 360, 2nd PS3. Shit sucks, as previously the only console I've ever had die on me is the Dreamcast. My Megadrive/Mega-CD/32x behemoth still works perfectly.

The only consoles I've ever had die on me were a fat PS2 that dropped a lot of times before it stopped working and a slim PS2 that I was using Swap Magic on to play puro games and eventually dicked around with it too much. My NES is older than me and still works fine. Never had an issue with any Sega console. And up until this, really didn't have any problems with my 360. Never had a red ring or anything. For all that I've seen about people having trouble with their 360s, I feel like I got a pretty good deal on having no problems for 4 1/2 years when many people are on their 4th or 5th console.

Since it is way out of warranty, I tried to open it up to see if there was something I could do, but I couldn't get it open. Does a hard drive for an old version work on the slim models?
In memory of Aiii i'm returning to the land of prediction time.

Pre Show: Lards of the Dance vs Rhodes Scholars
The blubbery duo have this one in the bag, Sandow and Rhodes broke up only to be thrown right back together for this one match because presumably they had nothing to do and someone has to take the fall for the dancing fools, should be a short and goofy match.

Cesaro vs Miz for the US title

Boy is our Ice Cold Reality Man Mike the Miz Mizanin on a roll, he has a talk show complete with awful promos from himself, he gets his arse kicked every time he hosts the damn thing and he almost injured Punk at that one house show recently. But despite this collection of recent hits WWE don't want to make themselves look more foolish by dropping this face turn cold turkey after they brought in Flair of all people to give Miz his blessings.
So he's still here but can he actually beat the chiselled Adonis that is Cesaro, I should bloody well hope not, look at Cesaro, then look at Miz, you know from this that Miz's destruction is the correct way forward, Flair related leg locks be damned.
Cesaro wins when Miz trips over trying to lock in the figure four and falls into a Cesaro uppercut or something equally as Mizerable.

Kaitlyn vs Tamina Snuka in a beat the clock to the toilet/kitchen match

Yes it's that joke again and hell worldrunover already beat me to it but it's a time honoured monthly tradition and now more than ever it rings true because I forgot that this feud was even a thing that was happening, I forgot Kaitlyn was a belt holding champion, I almost forgot the divas were even still here.
It's a shame that those lovely lasses on NXT have no idea how much worse it's going to get for them when they "ascend" to the main roster and lose the ability to actually have matches, seeing Paige more often is the only good thing that will come out of such events.

The Shield vs The Superfaces
As much as Ryback tried to hype the match up further with the chambers inclusion WWE don't look to be following the same train of thought so just a standard tag match which already means it wont be topping the great TLC six man tag, but regardless this match should be enjoyable.
Question is do I believe in the Shield when faced with the smirking sword of Cena that cleaves entire factions in two? no less an enchanted smirking sword on the road to WM's main event?! that shield can't take a beating. It's going to be great to finally see the shield wrestle again though, i'm just trying to think of ways for Cena to top his Nexus burial, kicking out of a triple powerbomb on concrete and then Attitude Adjusting all 3 Shield members at the same time would be Cenariffic.
There's also Brogue Boy and Gluttony Guy backing up Smirking Sod, those guys exist to give us the hope of eating a pinfall if WWE decide that keeping the shield strong going into WM is actually a good idea, here's hoping.

Elimination chamber for WHC No.1 contender spot
Who'd have thought that Swags would come back from Mars and slot himself into a better position than he's been in years? not to be outdone The Hall of Pain reopened as well leading me to wonder why these two couldn't have just come back during the Rumble but I guess that would be too exciting.
In my fantasy land Kane wins this chamber, uses his title shot next week on Raw and we somehow get Kane and Bryan main eventing WM for the WHC and tears of joy seep from my eyes as Triple G puts over Bryan at last in a WM classic.
In reality i'm still not sure what happens but Kane sure as hell isn't the guy who wins, Swagger/Del Rio makes some sense for WM but lacks any big punch, Ziggler cashing in later and Jericho winning here also works but I have no desire to see it.
Really i'm not sure what to go with here so i'll just say anyone but Orton.

ADR vs Big Show for WHC
This feud has gotten so personal it can only be contained in a barbaric singles match! a match where the rules are enforced and rope breaks are not only welcomed....they're allowed!
Yeah gimmick wise this feud is going in reverse but the actual build up has been enjoyable, Big Show is seriously the best he's ever been, I currently like Big Show which is a tremendous achievement. Still while I like him more than ever I don't want him walking into WM with the belt so ADR goes giant killing and retains.
Ziggler could cash in but i'd rather he actually waits until WM to do so for both the insane reaction it could get and so that Mr Kennedy's MitB dream can finally be realised vicariously through bleached blonde hair.

Rock vs Punk for the WWE title
Sounds like a musical face off but instead it's a battle between the guy with crack head stories and the guy who looks like Popeye on crack.
I have to wonder what's happening with Punk at WM but either way I see Rock retaining .
Not much else to say here, Rock's one of my favourites of all time but I can't say his last three matches have been too exciting, at the very least this will be good enough.

Other Stuff
The month of Bo Dallas and he's not even in a match? possibly a quick one thrown on the card midway through when the Barrett Barrage tries to deliver justice that the shield would envy by murdering Bo Boy backstage, WWE's booking of Barrett fucking sucks right now.
Chances that a result in a match that matters surprises us?

I say close to 0. It would be interesting if Y2J wins the EC though...

Also, in the past weren't the EC matches for the championship?
I don't really know if I can even be bothered to watch live tonight. Other than the EC match, everything seems to have an obvious outcome that I'm not particularly enthused about.

Does a hard drive for an old version work on the slim models?

I think it's possible, but needs some messing around as you have to take the HDD out of the old version's casing to fit into the slim's expansion port. Not entirely sure though, as I never had a slim - 3 of my xbox's broke within a year of each other, lol. Now I've just got a Japanese arcade unit for playing bullet hell shmups.
The card looks absolutely horrible.

Even worse that the WWE Title match is even more predictable than it was at Royal Rumble. EC is a nice PPV but at the wrong time of the year. Would love this if it wasn't right before WrestleMania. :(

The matches should be fine. Elimination Chamber will be good, title match will be good, The Shield should be good and I always enjoy Cesaro matches.


I don't really know if I can even be bothered to watch live tonight. Other than the EC match, everything seems to have an obvious outcome that I'm not particularly enthused about.

I think it's possible, but needs some messing around as you have to take the HDD out of the old version's casing to fit into the slim's expansion port. Not entirely sure though, as I never had a slim - 3 of my xbox's broke within a year of each other, lol. Now I've just got a Japanese arcade unit for playing bullet hell shmups.

What kind of dick move is that? I have $40 in Amazon Payments and a $30 gift card left over from Christmas. I might do some more Turk work, but I want to get one now. I don't want to have to wait a week to get it while I have games and HBO GO missing from my television.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
The whole Vince calling in to Vickie when Paul and Vickie were talking about adding a stip to the title match was suspect. Who says that was really Vince? Perception is reality in the WWE.
I started watching WCW from 2000 and 2001 to see what strobogo was putting himself through. I'm on March 6th of 2000 and Lane and Idol are fucking amazing. All they do is talk about getting rats.


The matches should be fine. Elimination Chamber will be good, title match will be good, The Shield should be good and I always enjoy Cesaro matches.

Don't think so personally.

I think the Rock match will be even worse than Rumble's. Can't risk injuring him just before WRASSLEMANIA!


Yeah the WHC scene is a bit unpredictable right now, so many different scenarios could play out. If I had to guess, maybe Jericho wins the EC, Del Rio wins, but Dolph cashes in. Jericho vs Dolph at mania.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man

That looks awesome.


I can see some kind of Fatal 4 Way type match for the WHC. Too many guys are going to be left with jack shit to do for WM otherwise. Although I guess that hasn't stopped them before.
It makes sense for his new racist gimmick to go against generic Latino Hero at WM.

I want to see them do Cesaro vs Swagger, just for the potential to confuse the hell out of the crowd.

"Well, who do we cheer for? The European asshole who likes America but hates Americans, or the American asshole who loves America but hates immigrants?"

Would be marvellous if they somehow managed to turn Cesaro face, also. Like, if Swagger goes after him because "a true American should hold the US title" and he's going to send Cesaro "back where he came from", then instead of having Cesaro talk about why Europe is so superior to America, have him extol America's virtues and talk about why he choose to come and live in "the land of opportunity".


Claudio's gimmick must be so confusing to people who aren't weekly viewers or go to Raw without having seen a show for a while. The US Champion who wears American flag tights and carries the American flag to the ring, but he faces other faces and is a heel, but no one knows why if he doesn't get promo time or you are live/watching at a bar with no commentary.
I want to see them do Cesaro vs Swagger, just for the potential to confuse the hell out of the crowd.

"Well, who do we cheer for? The European asshole who likes America but hates Americans, or the American asshole who loves America but hates immigrants?"

Would be marvellous if they somehow managed to turn Cesaro face, also. Like, if Swagger goes after him because "a true American should hold the US title" and he's going to send Cesaro "back where he came from", then instead of having Cesaro talk about why Europe is so superior to America, have him extol America's virtues and talk about why he choose to come and live in "the land of opportunity".

That would be fantastic.

Enjoy your generic Del Rio/Swagger feud :(
If anyone is interested in the betting favorite for the EC it is
Jack swagger
as a hefty favorite.
is next closest at +300.
Watching some CZW...Hey, AR Fox, can you stop doing stupid shit that's going to get yourself killed one day, please?


This was pretty cool though;


Pity the dude's got a seriously god-awful wrestling name.
Lucky tHURTeen

Enjoy your generic Del Rio/Swagger feud :(

Don't forget a new US title reign for the Miz :(

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
For what it's worth, here's my EC picks.

Rock vs Punk
Del Rio vs WrassleGAF's own Big Show - namely because we're guaranteed a Del Rio/Swagger feud and I DON'T think it'll be for the title. Look for them to do something different with Show.
CHRIS JERICHO vs. MARK HENRY vs. JACK SWAGGER vs. DANIEL BRYAN vs. KANE vs. RANDY ORTON - As much as I want Mark Henry to win, I think they need to give it to Jericho to beef up the Mania picture.
Cena Sheamus Ryback vs The Shield - no brainer to me, Shield wins so they can get proper fucked at Mania.
Kaitlyn vs Tamina - not picking a winner because I honestly have no idea what they're doing with the womens' division.
Rhodes Scholars vs TenClay - I miss Giant Bernard.


The whole Vince calling in to Vickie when Paul and Vickie were talking about adding a stip to the title match was suspect. Who says that was really Vince? Perception is reality in the WWE.

And there was a dial tone when Vince hung up. There aren't dial tones on smart phones. Something smells is fishy.


Fucking ouch @ the first gif, christ.

And I just want a ziggs cash-in. =(

I think they should wait till Wrestlemania to do the cash in because it has the biggest amount of people watching and its in New York where he would get a huge pop when he wins the title.


I think they should wait till Wrestlemania to do the cash in because it has the biggest amount of people watching and its in New York where he would get a huge pop when he wins the title.

Hell, I wouldn't mind that since I'll be there in person! But I'd be just as happy with him somehow getting that title tonight and being in an actual title match in WM.

Buuuuuuuut, we're not getting either, are we?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I forgot about Eric Bischoff's return as a face commentator in 1999. He was even worse than he was in 1995. WCW was actually worse in 1999 than in 2000. From about May on, 1999 was just brutal. Summer of 1999 was probably the worst time ever to be a WCW fan.

Absolutely true. Their awful decisions and booking during this year is what lead to WCW 2000. 2000 at least has that train wreck appeal to it akin to having front row seats to the fall of the Roman Empire.


The whole Vince calling in to Vickie when Paul and Vickie were talking about adding a stip to the title match was suspect. Who says that was really Vince? Perception is reality in the WWE.

And there was a dial tone when Vince hung up. There aren't dial tones on smart phones. Something smells is fishy.

1) Rock Versus Punk
2) Lights Out
3) SHIELD Punks Punk Through Table
4) Pyrrhic DQ Victory for Punk, Painful Celebrations All Around
5) OR IS IT SWERVE "Your winner by disqualification, CM Punk! However, the title does not change hands on a disqualification, so your reigning champion, The Rock!"
6) No Chance in Hell
7) OscarWorthyHeyman: "What about the stipulation?!"
8) Vince Trollface: "That wasn't me on the phone, Heyman!"
9) MadOx comes out, Vince impersonation
10) Schiavone OUTTA NOWHERE: What a swerve!!!!!!
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