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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


I have read on other boards people saying the lack of English commentary is something that prevents them from enjoying Japanese wrestling. It's something I never had a problem with. In fact the more I watched wrestling from non-English speaking countries, the more the foreign language helped enhance the experience. Didn't matter to me if I didn't know what they are talking about, but it just wouldn't be the same without hearing "Rrrrariatooooooo!" or "LUCHAAAAAAAAAAAA!" coming from the television.

I agree with this. I am native Spanish speaker and the moment that I was able to watch WWE with the original commentary I liked it (minus the Michael "heel" Cole).
As a matter of fact, I went to watch Royal Rumble with my friends in a pub and usually they broadcast the PPV's by satellite with the Spanish commentary, but this time they have some problems with DirecTV, and they bought the PPV in WWE.com. I can assure you, that mostly of people who were there (about 100 persons) loved the idea of watch Royal Rumble in English.


So are we really stuck with Rocky/Cena 2 and HHH/Lesnar? Or will WWE do something unpredictable for fun? I'd like to think Lesnar will open things up a bit, particularly if the most awesome faction of all time, in Heyman/Punk/Lesnar/Shield, were to happen. The Heyman Guys would be amazing.


Cool that Bruno is going into the HOF. Pretty much the most important wrestler in the company's history. He is also a really awesome person, his audio interviews on the Wrestling Observer site are fantastic.


formerly cjelly
So are we really stuck with Rocky/Cena 2 and HHH/Lesnar? Or will WWE do something unpredictable for fun? I'd like to think Lesnar will open things up a bit, particularly if the most awesome faction of all time, in Heyman/Punk/Lesnar/Shield, were to happen. The Heyman Guys would be amazing.

Now that Taker is out Punk may well be relegated to YT pre-show.


So are we really stuck with Rocky/Cena 2 and HHH/Lesnar? Or will WWE do something unpredictable for fun? I'd like to think Lesnar will open things up a bit, particularly if the most awesome faction of all time, in Heyman/Punk/Lesnar/Shield, were to happen. The Heyman Guys would be amazing.

Nah. Vince knows those two matches are money. Punk/anyone else is irrelevant.
Little Jimmies. The answer is always little Jimmies.


Clearly, Vince knew about this right from the get-go, and when I said I wanted to reach out to Bruno, Vince was probably thinking, ‘Well, good luck with that,’” Levesque said. “So Bruno and I established this relationship, and as we came to an understanding on all of this, Vince asked me, ‘Hey, do you think I should call Bruno? I’d like to talk to him.’ At the same time, Bruno said, ‘Do you think I should have a conversation with Vince?’ And I said no to both of them. I didn’t think it was right to do over the phone. They had bad blood for a long time, and we’ve all kind of buried the hatchet here, and it’s a new beginning and a fresh start and everybody is in a great place with this. But going back to what Bruno said about being old-school, I think we should all get in the same room together and the two of them should look each other in the eyes and shake hands. This should be in person. I don’t think it’s right to do over the phone. They both agreed to do that, and while it hasn’t happened yet, Hall of Fame is probably where we’ll make that happen. Vince and Bruno will see each other for the first time in years and officially, in person, look each other in the eyes and bury that hatchet.



If we're lucky, they'll rush Trips/Brock for the Chamber PPV (which could use the help) and set up Punk/Brock for Mania.
The most devious man in pro wrestling UltraMantis Black is injured and will be out of action for awhile :( here is a message from the man explaining the situation. This is a sad day for pro wrestling.

I have been queried by more than a modicum of devotees about the puzzling absence of the Great & Devious UltraMantis Black from the events of the forthcoming CHIKARA season premiere. I feel that I should properly address the issue in order to preemptively quash any nefarious whispering campaign or scandalous scuttlebutt.

In the year 2 Aught 12, I found myself engaged in a variety of combative exercises with a plethora of scoundrels, scamps, and all-around bad eggs within the squared circle. At some point, a select aura of my earthly shell fell victim to traumatic distress. I forged on, unwilling to allow loathsome figures like Delirious, Ophidian, and Ravage to carry-on unchecked. Alas, this physical peccadillo has caught up with me and I have been forced to undergo several aesculapian procedures via the scalpel's blade. With the aid of ethereal curative tonics collected from the natural springs of the Sea of Capricorn, I patiently convalesce.

The Spectral Envoy, however, remains steadfast and strong. More potent and robust than ever before! I will continue to use my cunning and masculine wiles to lead The Envoy to our grandest and more splendid era of all times. This is, indeed, the Re-Awakening!

Come and see for yourselves!



The most devious man in pro wrestling UltraMantis Black is injured and will be out of action for awhile :( here is a message from the man explaining the situation. This is a sad day for pro wrestling.

Best injury announcement ever......

and is it wrong that I read it in Damien Sandow's voice?


So not worth it
Triple H has to stop being such a competent executive. He's upsetting the balance of the universe and I for one am not ready to deal with the consequences of that right now.
Now that Taker is out Punk may well be relegated to YT pre-show.

We can still have Taker/Punk but they make it the token 30 second long match.
Bell rings, Punk goes to use a big kick but the greatest pure striker in WWE history is so knowledgeable when it comes to strikes he counters the kick into a tombstone, Taker wins and knackers his kneecaps and hobbles up the ramp victorious. Punk weeps.

WWE market it as the fastest streak victory in WWE history like it actually means something.


Best injury announcement ever......

and is it wrong that I read it in Damien Sandow's voice?

Mantis' voice is even better.

I have read on other boards people saying the lack of English commentary is something that prevents them from enjoying Japanese wrestling. It's something I never had a problem with. In fact the more I watched wrestling from non-English speaking countries, the more the foreign language helped enhance the experience. Didn't matter to me if I didn't know what they are talking about, but it just wouldn't be the same without hearing "Rrrrariatooooooo!" or "LUCHAAAAAAAAAAAA!" coming from the television.

I was recently reading people talking about this. Someone mentioned they got a Japanese fan to tell him what they were saying in the commentary, his friend said they don't really say much, it's pretty much just stuff like "this is crazy!" so people aren't missing much. I'm by no means an expert in Japanese wrestling (but after the last NJPW showI will be trying to watch the rest of their shows when they happen) but I think it being in Japanese, not English, adds to the experience for me. I like the crazed shouting, it doesn't matter what they are saying.
Japanese commentary sounds more exciting. i amy not know what they are saying but they seem to be invested and sell the match really well. plus they get HYPE when a big spot goes off


I was just reading over the Wikipedia entry for Bruno and never knew about this:

He was invited to stay for the Raw show that night, but declined because he did not want to be seen endorsing the product. He was told the main event was Chris Benoit vs. Triple H. He reportedly told them he would've stayed if Benoit was wrestling Kurt Angle; one of the people he said this to was Triple H, who he didn't know. This was also the same night of an incident with Ric Flair (see below). Contract talks stalled.

So if this coupled with HHH being the guy to get the wheels going for Bruno's induction are true, then props to him.


Also saw this latest edit on his Wikipedia page:

In addition, Sammartino had rejected numerous invitations by the WWE to be inducted into its Hall of Fame, he finally accepted the offer in 2013 at the urging of WWE Executive Vice President of Talent, Paul Levesque and suddenly said wrestling was good again.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I've never had an issue or a barrier when it comes to japanese wrestling and not understanding the commentary. The only thing I miss out on are the nuances of the storylines. It's all good! Emotion is in the voice tone, not the words.
Sanmartino is in the HOF
Holy shit.

“But as Paul explained to me, WWE made a lot of other changes. There’s no more profanity, there’s no vulgarity in the current product, and that stuff had bothered me as well. When Paul first spoke to me and told me all the changes, I started watching it again, and I was very convinced that they are doing amazing things. I see the wrestlers and all the changes they made. There’s no profanity, there’s no vulgarity, and it’s a family-friendly program. That’s what it used to be, and that’s a huge role in the whole factor.”

So THAT'S why they've clung to the 'Be A STAR' campaign for so long. They were playing the long con for Sammartino all this time! Clever sneaks.

The most devious man in pro wrestling UltraMantis Black is injured and will be out of action for awhile :( here is a message from the man explaining the situation. This is a sad day for pro wrestling.

UltraMantis Black sure has a way with words. I hope he recovers soon.
Bad News.

So I got an ultrasound on my testicles and I have a tumor. Might or might not be Cancer. I feel like my life is over even though I feel fine technically.

If you believe in God pray for me.
I need HHH cancer burying power.

so much for trying to be healthy

All the best buddy fingers crossed for you!


god damn dood. I hope for the best. Let you HHH all over your balls and cancer.


what happened?

I won't say much out of respect for privacy, but a member created a thread about his co-worker's and his book and stalker-gaf somehow tracked the book down. There was a contest (endorsed by mods) as to who could mock it the most/funniest.

It was a disgrace. It's why I don't visit OT often. Thread no longer exists so no point in even looking for it.

I know it's not the same thing, but there's some really sickening assholes on this site and I wouldn't be surprised if someone tried to pull something on jmdajr


more money than God

You'll pull through jmdajr. Just stick to the process. You'll make it.
I won't say much out of respect for privacy, but a member created a thread about his co-worker's and his book and stalker-gaf somehow tracked the book down. There was a contest (endorsed by mods) as to who could mock it the most/funniest.

It was a disgrace. It's why I don't visit OT often. Thread no longer exists so no point in even looking for it.

I know it's not the same thing, but there's some really sickening assholes on this site and I wouldn't be surprised if someone tried to pull something on jmdajr

That didn't happen and the people who were being assholes about it were being basically universally denounced.

I'd take Austin, Rock, Jericho, Triple H, Undertaker, Kane, Shawn Michaels etc etc over the current roster.

Yes, sort of, yes, no, no, no, sort of, + list is missing Dude Love.

It was certainly more fun. You were certainly less likely to predict main events and results months in advance. Even if it did mean we had to deal with McMahon winning the Rumble.

I dunno, I hate so much about the product then and I hate so much about it now that it all kind of becomes a wash to me.


That didn't happen and the people who were being assholes about it were being basically universally denounced.

I'm almost positive I saw EviLore quote someone and say "winner, code will be PMed"

and no they weren't. There's a reason the thread went on as long as it did to the point where it had to be completely wiped from existence.
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