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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


Bruno's vision certainly is, ah, selective.

But it's going to be a great hall of fame class with Backlund and Sammartino.
Best ever. I mean, how do you top that? I'm not sure it's even possible.
(Well, okay... Cena retiring from the ring and being inducted right away would probably top it. Because that would mean he'd actually be leaving.)


Best ever. I mean, how do you top that? I'm not sure it's even possible.
(Well, okay... Cena retiring from the ring and being inducted right away would probably top it. Because that would mean he'd actually be leaving.)

Being inducted into the HoF means you're leaving? No sir it doesn't!

Rock, Lawler, etc.


sucks that Mick Foley has to be pushed aside when he was the one headlining.

I'll never forget the day Taker threw him off the cell. I was 8 and I honestly thought I just watched a man die on TV. I was lucky enough to not have to see the Owen Hart tragedy because I decided to use the bathroom.

I don't think Mick ever got enough credit. I didn't really appreciate him that much but looking back I definitely do.

MC Safety

Best ever. I mean, how do you top that? I'm not sure it's even possible.
(Well, okay... Cena retiring from the ring and being inducted right away would probably top it. Because that would mean he'd actually be leaving.)

I don't know that you can top that. But, as a caveat, you have to remember that both those guys were stars when the WWF or WWWF (whatever it was called) was only a regional venture.

I think the inductions of Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair are comparable because those guys were national icons. (I attended the Hall of Fame where Flair was inducted, by the way. He wouldn't shut up!)



WCW Thunder 9/20/2000

Well, Vince Russo is the number one contender and will get his title shot on Nitro in Long Island. That's about all suckas needs ta know.

Where the fuck is Kanyon? He hasn't been on a show in over a month. Actually, Buff hasn't been on the shows either. They have a PPV match and both are off TV for a month right after? After Buff was off for a month on suspension over the summer? Weird. And where is SID? He came back just for that one night to SWERVE DDP, but that was months ago.


Vince Russo comes to the ring with security. It's an emotional night for him. He's 5 days away from becoming the WCW Champion in his home town. A life long dream. He gives Booker the night off. Russo will have a tune up match, though. Stevie is upset and Russo shit talks him, only to tell him to get on the apron, then tell him he'd fire him if Stevie touched Vince. Stevie is sent to the back.

Steiner and Jeff arrive during this promo, looking pissed.

Russo says he's going to punk Booker's ass out, which brings out Jeff and Steiner. Steiner hits all of the security guards in the FACE with his pipe. Russo tried to pepper spray Scott, who completely no sold it since he had sun glasses on. That's not how pepper spray works. It was still all over his face and in his mouth. Russo explains that Booker wasn't a part of the match on Nitro and had Steiner won, it wouldn't have mattered. Russo had planned to go out and lay down for Steiner. Jeff/Steiner vs Sting is booked for tonight. But then he gets the last word and runs out, only to run right into Booker T! Sting appears and he and Book brawl with Jeff and Scott.

Show run down. JB has replaced Stevie for the night. He's wearing a NY jersey and claims he grew up in NY. He looks like Jim Norton. Tenay will have an interview with Stacy. They have the shittiest run downs where they don't actually run anything down.


Jung Dragons vs NBT


Leia Meow has been whipping them into shape for a month or so. Doesn't really seem like a fair fight here. Sanders and Kaz start out. He does one move and gets on color instead. Where do you get pleather pants like that? O'Haire never came close to hitting the Seanton Bomb. It looked nifty when he was in the air, but he barely grazed his opponents. Jamie does the Johnny Cage ball shot. Sanders gets back in the match. Jamie is a little dude. Jacked, but little. Mike catches the double hip toss from the floor into a power slam. Awesome. Jindrak and O'Haire get on color. Leia kicks Jamie and gets in the match. She jumps off the top and pins Mike Sanders. Wat. She wasn't even in the match. Why do WCW refs count falls for anyone who jumps in the ring? And why does Sanders keep jobbing to women?


TO THE BACK. Disqo wants a rematch with The Cat. "The only ones you don't have heat with is the fans." lol. Russo pays off a dude to sell like crazy for him tonight. Disqo tells the Animals he got them a Cruiserweight Championship match. By having Rey and Juvi wrestle.

He brings out the YAKS of WCW. Nitro will have a Miss WCW contest on Nitro. This breaks out into a YAK FIGHT! A couple Nitro Girls that I've never seen come out. They'll also be in the contest. The girls find out Mike Awesome won't be a judge, so they trash his set. 3 weeks in a row his set has been trashed.


Russo heads to the ring. Gene is with Steiner and Midajah. He's so frustrated that he has to fuck Midajah right now.

Vince Russo vs Intercontinental SHOOT Champion, 28 time Olympic Gold Medalist, The Masked Heel


There will be a tag team battle royal to determine the new tag champions. JB is all over Russo's balls. Vince does the Flair Strut and Hogan ear cupping. Big Boot! Vince rips his shirt off and does the worst leg drop of all time. He raises the roof! The Masked Heel starts no selling. He tries to spear The Masked Heel and falls over. It's STEVIE RAY! SWERVE! Slapjack to the gut!

TO THE BACK. Russo tells Kronik to destroy Stevie Ray or they are fired. The Animals talk about Disqo.

Torrie Wilson vs Paisley

Kwee Wee and Shane are on color. Paisley wins with the O'Connor Roll. Shane Franchises that ass. Tygress runs out to save her, but Shane gives her one, too. I guess TBS has relaxed their male on female violence rules. Konnan saves Tygress. Fuck, Shane Douglas vs Konnan feud? I'd rather watch Kronik and the Harris Brothers.


Team Canada come to the ring. Hacksaw is going to burn the American flag. The MIA hobble out before it can happen. They're all beat up. Hugh grabs the flag and shields it with his body and won't let go no matter what happens to him. Who knew that Hugh Morris was such a true blue patriot? Duggan looks like a 40s cartoon.


Mike Sanders drives off in a fork lift. He parked it in front of Booker's locker room. Gene is with Jarrett. "Hey Jarret, blow it out your ass and answer my damn question!"

Stevie Ray vs Kronik

Stevie brings the fight. Bro kick! Stevie gives Kronik more trouble than most tag teams. They were going to give him High Times on an open chair, but decided against it last second.

TO THE BACK. Booker can't get out of his locker room. Russo flips out on Kronik for not lynching Stevie.

Rey Mysterio Jr vs Juventud Guerrera

This could be good. Konnan giving some lucha history instead of being fucking annoying and putting himself over. This was the Juvi/Rey formula match, but slower and without masks. Juvi wins after a roll up series. Disqo came out to celebrate and get a beat down.

Gene is with Sting. I think it might be showtime, folks.

3 Count vs The Harris Brothers

One of them is growing his hair out, which seems weird for a twin magic spot when one clearly looks different. A total squash before Kronik came out to brawl. Jindrak and O'Haire also came out. Then Rey and Juvi. Then the Dragons. Then the MIA. All the teams involved in the battle royal for the titles.


Surely Tenay will be a total twat to Stacy. Stacy asks for forgiveness, which leads to Tenay more or less calling her a whore. "You know, if it weren't for the fact that I'm a married man and I have some morals, I probably would have taken a shot!" Lol, Tenay thinks he could land someone like Stacy. Holy shit, he actually asks her how many dudes she's fucked and if they can be counted on one hand. It definitely wasn't Ric Flair. "You'll probably be the most popular person in your lamaze class, even if you're there all alone." God. Mike Tenay is the biggest douchebag. He makes her storm off in tears. "And save those tears for someone who gives a damn. Boy, she's gonna make a terrific mother." What a raging, bird faced cunt.


TO THE BACK. Jeff, Steiner, and Sting all head to the ring. A crew member moves the fork lift that he's been looking for all day.

Russo joins the announce team for the main event. JB is the rookie commentator of the year according to him.

Scott Steiner vs Jeff Jarrett vs Sting

I thought it was a handicap match, but it is a triple threat. Steiner says that Booker doesn't know who his mama is. Lol. That doesn't even make sense. Russo announces that his title match with Booker will be in Caged Heat! Russo's signature match. He's like the Undertaker and HHH combined. What the hell. Booker T comes out dressed like Sting. Somehow the ref can't tell the difference between black Sting and white Sting. White Sting puts Russo in the deathlock. Jeff hit him with a guitar. Why is Black Sting not a DQ, but a guitar is?





I miss the old WWE intro.

How. Now. Why? Forever? is pretty lame.

EDIT: Love the narrator though. Best thing about the show in years.
Haha. Getting Punk to yell at you on national television would be awesome.

Also, I missed the first 5 minutes and just tuned in. What happened? Where's Heyman? What is Punk speaking about?
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