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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle

Is there any one guy who has been involved with so many great and hilariously terrible moments in wrestling history as The Undertaker?

Probably not, but Inoki's got to be a close second - from his awesome matches against the likes of Strong Kobayashi, Karl Gotch, Seiji Sakaguchi, Lou Thesz, Billy Robinson, etc, and his famous feuds with Tiger Jeet Singh, Vader, Bruiser Brody, etc to the Inoki vs Muhammed Ali nonsense, that ridiculous 75 minute death match against Masa Saito on an abandoned island, the way he tried to single-handedly drive New Japan into the ground TWICE with his hard-on for MMA/shootfighting, most of everything in IGF, etc...


Party Pooper
The Breadman
The American Fat Ass

there are probably more obvious ones I am missing

edit: The Lord of Dark Chocolate
The Demon of Donut Valley
Big Eater
The Breadman
The American Fat Ass

there are probably more obvious ones I am missing

edit: The Lord of Dark Chocolate
I think this covers most of the best ones all I can come up with now is The Phenom-nom-nom and that kinda sucks.
The Breadman is the best.


This picture is pretty funny
Its funny because punk has basically become cena 2.0. Gotta sell the shitty wristbands, bright colored shirts and other items the punk marks will buy. Wwe figured out a way to still make money off cena, by having the anti cena do the same thing.


Its funny because punk has basically become cena 2.0. Gotta sell the shitty wristbands, bright colored shirts and other items the punk marks will buy. Wwe figured out a way to still make money off cena, by having the anti cena do the same thing.

You know that goes for any star of WWE. Daniel Bryan has his shirts, goat mask and wristbands as well. They all make money off us buying their products. Daniel Bryan is probably making tons extra off his shirt sells to the bryan marks.


I don't think Kane has been involved in nearly as many awesome moments as Taker. Not even close. Probably not even half as many awesome moments and most of them involved Taker.


I don't think Kane has been involved in nearly as many awesome moments as Taker. Not even close. Probably not even half as many awesome moments and most of them involved Taker.

Kane is more known for being in tons of famous bad angles and still able to be taken seriously when alot of those angles could killed any normal wrestler career.


Pumped for Raw tomorrow! Gonna have great seats (on the floor). Debating making a sign but there's a real good chance it will be on TV.

I will PayPal you $10 or make a donation to a charity of your choice for the same amount if you have a sign that says "BELIEVE IN SHARK JOHNSON" and it makes TV just one time.


WCW Thunder 12/20/2000

Here it is, guys, the last show of 2000. Nitro and Thunder would be off the air for the next 2 weeks due to Christmas and New Years falling on a Monday. I think best ofs were shown, but they already did best ofs right before the reboot that I'm sure were better.

Ric Flair is in his limo clearly reading off cue cards running down the show. Since this was taped after Nitro, Sid, Nash, and DDP were not available for the show. Kronik/Shane Douglas vs MIA, tag battle royal, Steiner will defend his title.

Jamie Knoble vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Chavo cuts a TERRIBLE promo on Shane Helms before the match. How can Eddie, Hector, Mondo, and Chavo Classic be so good at shit talking, but Chavo be so bad? Eddie's daughter in NXT was a better promo. Chavo is saying if he loses, Shane won't get his title shot. This was pretty decent. Shane made sure Chavo won. It's amazing that he's been doing a frog splash for 13 years now and it is just as bad now as it was then. Chavo won with the brainbuster.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Crowbar and Daffney. He's going to kill Bam Bam tonight and Funk at Sin. Sin has yet to be renamed Syn, but that's coming. Cat and Ms. Jones arrive on an ATV. Cat demands that Flair give him a match against Steiner. Flair leaves to go to a big meeting. This was to plug a TBS sweepstakes where you could win an ATV. Gross. Gene is now with Bam Bam.


Jim Duggan comes to the ring. He apologizes for his actions over the past few months. Hacksaw can grow some bodaciously manly facial hair with ease. He joined Team Canada to continue his wrestling career, but he regrets it and will never forget the fans, even if they forget him.


Jim is leaving when Mike Awesome begs him to stay and offers him a ride home later. Gene is with the NBT. Nothing will get between the Thrillers tonight. Hugh confronts Jim Duggan. He forgives Jim.

Tag Team Battle Royal


Stevie is shitting ALL OVER Duggan trying to SWERVE the world again. He says that Duggan just did this same shit 3 months ago and everyone fell for it, so he thinks it is pretty stupid that anyone would believe him this time. WCW has shitty battle royals. Always and forever. There are always way too many people, no spots of any kind, and cameras and announcers miss 80% of eliminations. Vito attacks Reno at ringside during it and it got more attention than the match. JTB also showed up and attacked Sanders. The Mamalukes reunite! It gets down to both NBT teams. Sanders takes 15 minutes to say it could be any combination of Thrillers and he won't let anyone know until the PPV. I really think he skirted around that for longer than the actual match. Complete time killer.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Steiner. He makes sheep noises.

Konnan vs Prime Time

Stevie told a story about how his daughter beat his ass at Backstage Assault using Booker T. FUCK VIDEO GAMES SUCKAS. Fucking Konnan. The fuck, this is Konnan's longest match in 5 years probably. Konnan wins. No one gives a fuck.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Double J. Wall and Lash joke that Hugh is getting soft forgiving Duggan.

Crowbar vs Bam Bam Big Yellow

Bam Bam is still hurt from falling through an ambulance. Also, for sucking. Dude had such a dramatic deterioration in 2 years. Daffney rakes Bam Bams eyes. Meng costs Crowbar the match. Bam Bam wins with the Greetings from Asbury Park. I swear this match just happened a few weeks ago with the same result.

GLACIER HYPE VIDEO. I'm too hyped for Glacier. He needs to come back right away. I can't wait any longer!

TO THE BACK. Norman is a Glacier mark. Woody tells him he's got a make up match. Norman wasn't prepared to wrestle.

Norman Smiley vs Goldberg

Poor Norman. Spear. Jackhammer. Pin. 33-0. Totally Buff show up on the tron and challenge Goldberg and Sarge to a tag match at Sin. Goldberg accepts.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Shane and Kronik. Shane paid in full for tonight.


Tenay talked with CEO Flair. Flair won't reveal the mystery man. He's hyping it up so hard and for it to turn out to be Rick fucking Steiner is such a let down. They had to go this route to hype a mystery guy all because some asshole forgot to call Rick Steiner. Tenay brings up the SHOOT heat between Ric and Scott. He's not jealous of Scott.

Shane Douglas/Kronik vs MIA

This whole show screams "fill some time". A bunch of dudes who can't work long matches being in 10-12 minute TV matches that suck. Meltdown on Lash. Hugh and Shane are the legal men, though. A clear botch happens since we get a random shot of a sign while they do something. Hugh hits the moonsault, but Wrath breaks it up. Chair shot from Crush into a Franchiser gives Shane the win.


TO THE BACK. Trainer checks on MIA. Hugh keeps screaming that they can't keep doing this. Jobbing?

Team Canada come to the ring. Lance cuts the same promo about the 2000 election that he's been doing for 2 weeks. He says good riddance to Duggan. This brings Hacksaw out. Stevie wants him to whack that YAK. He and Elix have a 2x4/flag stand off. Mike Awesome runs to the ring for back up but SWERVES Duggan. A SWERVE! A year ending SWERVE! "What did Jim Doogan ever do to Mike Awesome?" Awesome reveals his maple leaf shirt.


TO THE BACK. Gene is with Team Canada. Awesome turned Canadian! Thunder will return January 3rd. Nitro won't return until the 8th.

The Cat vs Scott Steiner WCW Championship

I'm kind of amazed that they still had Steiner wrestle after the fight with DDP. What if he was still in a bad mood? What if he decided to attack some fans? He had a few times, but I couldn't tell if those times were real or not. I think he told Ms. Jones he was going to rape her. Cat got in some offense. YAK ATTACK! Scott was going for the Recliner when the masked man shows up on the stage and does some ridiculous gesturing to distract Scott. The Recliner is eventually locked on and Steiner retains. Scott runs to the back to end the show and the year. I wouldn't say that Scott Steiner was a good wrestler at this point in his career, but I will say that he had no problem bumping around and selling for dudes and it make them look much more legit in one match than WCW could do in 3 months.


This was the final show of this mess. I'll have a separate post on my full run down and thoughts of the whole year coming up.



First off, as much of a mess most of this year was, WCW 1999 was much worse. 1999 had much higher peaks, but the lows were lower and much longer. There were only a handful of shows in 2000 that were truly bad and hard to sit through. Pretty much everything in 1999 after May was painfully bad. WCW 2000 is actually better than WCW 1999. It's not a big improvement, but WCW 1999 was just awful. Even before Russo came in. In fact, the 2-3 months right before Russo came in was probably the single worst 3 month stretch in WCW history.

To start off the year, the shows were actually pretty good. They were kind of in flux between Russo and Sullivan/Taylor booking, but it started off at least entertaining for the most part. Then the Radicalz left and Russo was out of power and things got pretty rough for a while. Losing four of the best workers on the same night completely destroyed the midcard. The decision to put the title on Benoit when they knew he was leaving the next night was pretty bizarre, but he and Sid had one of the best matches of the year.

At the start of the year, WCW were really building up Kidman and Vampiro as the next big stars. Their pushes were probably the best things about the first 4 months of the year. Well done and the fans were into it. Then the reboot came and everything went to shit.

The reboot was just...weird. It was something to watch, though. The main problem was that those first two shows were full of kayfabe breaking and nonsensical turns based on insider bullshit that even hardcore fans probably didn't know or care about. Then they tried to have normal shows after that and it never worked out. Turning all the young guys heel and turn all the old guys face, while making the story be that the old guys were holding the young guys back didn't make sense. Turning Kidman and Vampiro heel after 4 months of building them up as the next big faces was stupid. Vamp was teaming with Sting and Hogan in the weeks before the reboot. Then his feud with Sting was just awful and he got dominated at every turn. Having Bischoff and Russo do the same shit Vince had been doing for 3 years was stupid. Especially when they didn't have someone like Austin to play off of. Within 2 weeks the New Blood angle turned into another NWO angle with a massive heel stable that went on way too long.

In terms of heel/face turns, I really think there were only 3-6 people that didn't turn all year. The only ones I can think of that didn't turn at all are Jeff Jarrett, Hulk Hogan, Sting, and Norman Smiley, but there had to be more than that. Not many, but if they didn't turn at least once, they were undercard jobber types that didn't really have a character anyway.

Kevin Nash turned 3 times. Cat turned 3 times. Steiner turned twice. Kidman turned 3 times. The Filthy Animals started as faces, turned heel, turned face on the heels, turned heel again, then ended the year as faces.

The biggest mistake of the year was probably Goldberg's heel turn. The biggest star they have when they needed him the most, and they made him Russo's heavy. He was a good heel, but fuck. Terrible idea. And then they turned him face, literally restarted the angle they had with him vs the NWO at the end of last year, then restarted his streak.

Another large issue they had all year were guys coming out and saying WCW sucks. It happened regularly. Steiner, Hall, Nash, DDP, Madden, Goldberg, Bret, Hogan, Flair, Russo all more than once talked about how shitty WCW was on screen. Sometimes as part of the story (which is stupid), but usually just as them saying stuff to vent. And it did suck. Power struggles all year that you could see on screen, chaos in the back, random turns that didn't even make sense most of the time, SWERVES all around, SHOOTS, start and stop pushes. It was a mess.

But it wasn't terrible. It was just mediocre most of the time. There were only a handful of good matches that anyone should see, but there were rarely shows and matches that were so awful that you can't even watch to laugh at. It was minimum effort put forth most of the year. 1999 felt like there was maximum effort to make fans stop watching.

The best matches:

Sid vs Benoit.
Jarrett vs Steiner for the WCW Championship sometime over summer that was shockingly good.
Kidman vs Vampiro matches.
3 way ladder match at Starrcade.
Goldberg vs Steiner.
Bret Hart vs Kevin Nash in what I think was Bret's actual last TV match in WCW

Favorite angles:

Positively Kanyon by far was my favorite thing of the year. It was so good.
Tank and 3 Count was so stupid it was fun.
Canadian Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Also so stupid it was fun.

Those are really it. Most things were just boring and not very interesting, or frustrating when you'd have Awesome vs Lance and it'd be a gimmicky comedy match instead of what they could really do. Steiner vs Goldberg wasn't anything special in the build up, but Steiner as the crazy unstoppable mother fucker who will kill you was pretty great. Booker's initial championship run was good, but then they killed his momentum by having him lose the title twice within 3 weeks. Vince Russo and David Arquette as champion was whatever. I didn't hate it, really. I hated that Booker's run was stopped for Russo.

Bottom line is that 1999 had destroyed that tracks so much that nothing really mattered anymore. There was no way to get WCW back on track. Everyone shits on 2000, but 1999 was worse and really killed the company more than 2000. The only guys that were in a better spot at the end of the year were Steiner, Booker T, and Hugh Morris. Jeff started the year at the top of the cards and ended it below US Championship level. Kidman started out as the next big star, turned heel, had a terrible feud with Hogan, turned into the douchiest face ever, and ended in the same mid card stable he started out in. Vamp was probably the second or third most over guy before the reboot, had an awful feud with Sting, and ended his career jobbing with ICP and getting multiple concussions.

Worst pushes:

TAFKAPI. I don't know why they pushed him so hard. He was terrible and of all the cruiserweights, he's the one you push super hard?
Chris Candido. I like Skip, but he was too jacked up and too fucked up during this time to be good at anything.
Terry Funk. He could barely move, yet was all over the first 4 months in brutal matches.
Jeff Jarrett. He never, ever should have been pushed as a Ric Flair type heel in control of the top of the cards. He was much more tolerable as a mid/upper mid card heel, which WCW didn't figure out until around September.

Guys I hated the most:

Bam Bam Big Yellow. He was dangerous and bad.
Jeff Jarrett. There were literally 3 matches all year that I enjoyed from him.
TAFKAPI. He sucked.
The Harris Brothers. Two of my least favorite guys of all time.

Stay tuned for WCW 2001!


I'd like to see some 1994 WWF. That's a pretty bad spot...maybe even 95.

1994 was pretty decent. 1995 was pretty bad. The thing about 90s WWF was that until 1996/1997, a lot of the best matches were on Colosseum Home Video releases and those are a lot harder to find than a year of Raw or Superstars.
slightconfuse said:
ECW just ran out of money the shows where not bad from what have seen.

The shows generally aren't bad, but there's a lot that really hasn't aged well - some of the stuff I loved back in the day just doesn't hold up, especially the hardcore stuff and anything with The Sandman. I also find it really hard to sit through a Rob Van Dam match now. And anything with Shane Douglas is automatically shit.

Not bad enough. Really, only XPW was that bad that consistently as WCW was then.

MLW was pretty bad (as you'd expect anything with Shane Douglas' name attached to be) while it lasted, but I fear nothing will live up to shit-era WCW when it comes to recaps.


I find that little of ECW post-1996 holds up. I was really surprised at how good 1994 was even with a lot of bad wrestling. But the stuff after it went "mainstream" doesn't hold up a lot of times. Not because of some hipster stuff, but it becomes apparent that Paul E. was losing a lot of steam around 1997 and the shows felt like they were trying to hard to be IN YO FACE. I also hated the absurdly loud ring mics. Plus, I think so much of that stuff has been over exposed for the past 5-7 years through WWE that it just isn't fun anymore.
I find that little of ECW post-1996 holds up. I was really surprised at how good 1994 was even with a lot of bad wrestling. But the stuff after it went "mainstream" doesn't hold up a lot of times. Not because of some hipster stuff, but it becomes apparent that Paul E. was losing a lot of steam around 1997 and the shows felt like they were trying to hard to be IN YO FACE.

I really like old ECW, despite it's obvious flaws - I'm grabbing hardcore TV from '93 at the moment so I'm looking forward to revisiting it. Compared to other promotions from the time like Smoky Mountain, I definitely prefer early ECW. And yeah, when ECW got big it seemed like Paul E. was throwing everything at the wall to see what would stick and there was just a general lack of restraint in the booking of the shows and the matches themselves. I loved it at the time though, the sleaziness of it all, the bat-shit insane crowds and that crazy, anything can happen atmosphere.
need a rematch

I would be down for that, but it doesn't look like they're going to use Sara as an on-screen character and Natalya's super busy being Khali's dancing girl.

Personally, I would like to see them debut Sara at the GM of the Divas division. Have her do a re-boot of the division, introduce a new bunch of Divas from NXT, hold a tournament for the title, etc, and eventually get drawn into a feud with a heel Diva...preferably Paige.


Strobogo doesn't like Bam Bam Big Yellow. We have a potential feud.

I didn't hate him before this, but he was really bad during this run. He was just super out of shape and didn't even try to be safe anymore. Plus, he was given a lot of promo time and he was always a really terrible promo guy. Then when he came back after the fire, he was in even worse shape and even more dangerous, yet had a much more prominent role.

I always liked him before. I liked him in both WWF runs and his ECW and first year or so of WCW.


I didn't hate him before this, but he was really bad during this run. He was just super out of shape and didn't even try to be safe anymore. Plus, he was given a lot of promo time and he was always a really terrible promo guy. Then when he came back after the fire, he was in even worse shape and even more dangerous, yet had a much more prominent role.

I always liked him before. I liked him in both WWF runs and his ECW and first year or so of WCW.

The fire? What do you mean by this?


He saved some kids in a fire and had pretty severe burns over a lot of his body, and he came back in maybe the worst shape of his career and was completely reckless and dangerous in the ring.
Just wanted to share a quick plug for Corazon Fair trade for masks.

I ordered the silver strong mask - http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/corazon-fair-trade_2248_187627776
and it arrived in an unsatifactory shape. The right eye was off center and some stitching was off. I sent them a polite emailabout 20 minutes ago with two photos and asked for a replacement (their site says all sales final no refunds etc). I already got a response saying no problem and they would personally double check the replacement for defects. 9:30 pm on a Sunday knocking out customer service. I am very pleased with their response.


Just wanted to share a quick plug for Corazon Fair trade for masks.

I ordered the silver strong mask - http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/corazon-fair-trade_2248_187627776
and it arrived in an unsatifactory shape. The right eye was off center and some stitching was off. I sent them a polite emailabout 20 minutes ago with two photos and asked for a replacement (their site says all sales final no refunds etc). I already got a response saying no problem and they would personally double check the replacement for defects. 9:30 pm on a Sunday knocking out customer service. I am very pleased with their response.

Good to hear they handle their customer service well.

I was actually going to buy that Obama mask but I see they don't have it anymore. Sucks.


TAFKAPI. I don't know why they pushed him so hard. He was terrible and of all the cruiserweights, he's the one you push super hard?

I stopped watching WCW around '99, so I have really appreciated your retrospective, it was awesome. One thing that blows my mind is that Prince Iaukea was pushed in any way shape or form. What the fuck.


I was fucking around on Tumblr and noticed that CZW liked a post I made about how I don't really like CZW outside of "the most illegal move in wrestling." I'm sure its just automated but that shit is weird.

Keep an eye on the site. Stuff comes and goes on there. I've seen capes go in and out of stock etc.

I'll do that, thanks.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Kane vs Bryan will be the uneventful at mania unless it becomes a comedy match with Shelby trying to intervene and eating a chokeslam.

I disagree. If they decide to return Kane to being a monster and Bryan the technical and submission master,they could have a great fight just dedicated to those two ideas if allowed to go all out and make it special.

So yeah, it'll just be a pure comedy match that won't matter a month later.

Am I being blasphemous when I say I just don't give a fuck about the Undertaker?

I can't even fill out a list of my Top 5 Undertaker moments.
- Ministry was cool for a hot minute
- That time when he was "buried alive" in a mid-90s PPV only to appear on a video and scare the shit out of someone (Yokozuna? Kamala?)
- First feud with Kane
- ...
- erm...

I've said it before, but I honestly never liked Undertaker save for his Biker days when it was all about him demanding "RESPECT" and steamrolling through everyone on the roster or just screwing with them in and out of the ring because he terrified them. It's a shame that couldn't have lasted and so many demanded the long drawn out entrances (which like Randy Orton get more cheer than anything done in the ring).


I stopped watching WCW around '99, so I have really appreciated your retrospective, it was awesome. One thing that blows my mind is that Prince Iaukea was pushed in any way shape or form. What the fuck.

And he was pushed hard, too. He had significant ring time and stupid vignettes, but he wasn't very good, certainly not good enough to justify the push he got. It's so weird. I think it was because Rey and Juvi were both hurt, they dropped most of the lucha guys, so the cruiserweight division was just devastated. He still wasn't the best guy left, though.

Prince vs Lash was about as dark as Oklahoma vs Madusa for that division.
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